24 research outputs found
Maintenance organization of helicopters Ronbinson R22 and R44
Tato bakalářská práce se zabĂ˝vá organizacĂ pro ĂşdrĹľbu vrtulnĂkĹŻ Robinson R22 a R44 vÄŤetnÄ› osvÄ›dÄŤujĂcĂho personálu. Ăšvodnà část práce je vÄ›nována vedoucĂm pracovnĂkĹŻm organizace a jejich odpovÄ›dnostem. V dalšà části práce jsou rozebrány druhy technickĂ˝ch prohlĂdek a postupy ĂşdrĹľby. NáslednÄ› je v práci rozebrána problematika systĂ©mu jakosti organizace. PĹ™edposlednĂ kapitola pojednává o zĂskánĂ praxe a vĂ˝cviku nutnĂ©ho k zĂskánĂ prĹŻkazu osvÄ›dÄŤujĂcĂho technika ĂşdrĹľby. V poslednĂ kapitole se práce zaměřuje na koupi novĂ©ho vrtulnĂku, následnou pĹ™epravu do ÄŚeskĂ© Republiky a montáž v servisnĂm stĹ™edisku. Práce nesloužà jako návod k zĂskánĂ oprávnÄ›nĂ organizace pro ĂşdrĹľbu, ale spĂše k objasnÄ›nĂ chodu celĂ© organizace pro osoby orientujĂcĂ se v letectvĂ.This bachelor thesis deals with organization for the maintenance of helicopters Robinson R22 and R44 including the certification of the staff. The introductory part is devoted to the managers of the organization and their responsibilities. The next section includes types of technical inspections and maintenance procedures. Subsequently, the work they handle and the issue of the quality system of the organization. The following chapter is about gaining experience and training which is necessary to obtain and become a certified maintenance technician. The last chapter focuses on purchasing new helicopters as well as transferring them to the Czech Republic and constructing them in the service center. This thesis does not serve as a guide to obtain an authorization from the organization for maintenance, but it serves as help for any individual interested in the field of aviation by clarifying the operation and process of the entire organization.
Evaluation of Cholinesterase Activities During in Vivo Intoxication Using an Electrochemical Sensor Strip – Correlation With Intoxication Symptoms
Cholinesterase activity in blood of laboratory rats was monitored. Rats were intoxicated with paraoxon at dosis of 0 – 65 – 125 – 170 – 250 – 500 nmol. The 250 nmol dose was found to be the LD50. An electrochemical sensor was found useful to provide information about cholinesterase activity. The decrease of cholinesterase activity was correlated to intoxication symptoms and mortality level. It was found that the symptoms of intoxication are not observed while at least 50% of cholinesterase activity in blood remains. The minimal cholinesterase activity essential to survival is around 10%, when compared with the initial state. No changes in levels of low moleculary weight antioxidants were observed
The process of modernizing electronic marketing of recruiting the new military personnel for the Army of the Czech Republic
The theoretical part of the diploma thesis is focused on t he s election of research methods, a description of the process of modernization of electronic marketing both in general in the public s ector and especially in the r ecruitment of milita ry personnel t o t he C zech Army. Specifically, it is a description of modernization and the goals of recruitment to the AÄŚR as such. The theoretical part concludes with a description of the relevant personnel aspects - the specifics and human limits of recruitment to the AÄŚR. In t he m ethodological p art of t he di ploma t hesis, pa rtial r esearch segments are ana lyzed. Quantitative analyzes of the success of advertising campaigns and recruitment websites are complemented by observation of the attitudes of relevant officials in the issue, reflecting the atmosphere and preferences i n the r elevant representatives. T he s ub-research areas are: technical a nalysis of modernization of w ebsites a nd c onstruction of ne w w ebsites f or recruitment to the AÄŚR; quantification of running results a fter m odernization a nd quantification of results after the start of running of the new website; analysis of preparations for advertising campaigns; quantitative specifics of the development and especially the results of advertising campaigns for recruitment to..
The digital divide and the spread of the fake news during the COVID-19 pandemic
This thesis focuses on two main topics: the digital divide and the spread of misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The theoretical part is dedicated to the first mentions of the digital divide and introduces some of the main people who dealt with this area. The thesis follows up with the measurement and for a better understanding there are presented the data associated with the digital divide in 2021. In the next part, basic concepts from the field of disinformation are described, which are placed not only in a historical context, but also in the current reality. An example could be fake news that appeared during the COVID-19 pandemic. The next chapter deals with defense techniques against disinformation, both domestically and internationally. The results of a global study by the World Health Organization, which investigated ways of obtaining and working with information about the COVID-19 pandemic, are presented at the end of the theoretical part. In the practical part, the findings from this study were applied to the Czech Republic, with the help of a quantitative method in the form of a questionnaire survey with more than three hundred respondents. The obtained data are then partially compared with the results from an international WHO study. The aim is to gain a basic comparison between...Tato diplomová práce se zaměřuje na problematiku digitálnĂ propasti a šĂĹ™enĂ dezinformacĂ v obdobĂ pandemie COVID-19. Teoretická část se vÄ›nuje prvnĂm zmĂnkám o digitálnĂ propasti a pĹ™edstavuje nÄ›kterĂ© z osobnostĂ, kterĂ© se touto oblastĂ zabĂ˝valy. Jsou zde vysvÄ›tleny měřĂcĂ metody a pro lepšà pochopenĂ jsou takĂ© uvedena data spojená s digitálnĂ propastĂ v roce 2021. V dalšà části jsou uvedeny základnĂ pojmy z oblasti dezinformacĂ, kterĂ© jsou zasazeny nejen do historickĂ©ho kontextu, ale i do souÄŤasnosti. PĹ™Ăkladem mohou bĂ˝t fake news, kterĂ© se objevily bÄ›hem pandemie COVID-19. Dalšà kapitola se zabĂ˝vá obrannĂ˝mi technikami proti dezinformacĂm, a to jak z tuzemskĂ©ho, tak mezinárodnĂho hlediska. V závÄ›ru teoretickĂ© části jsou pĹ™edstaveny vĂ˝sledky celosvÄ›tovĂ© studie SvÄ›tovĂ© zdravotnickĂ© organizace, která zkoumala zpĹŻsoby zĂskávánĂ a práci s informacĂ o pandemii COVID-19. V praktickĂ© části byly poznatky z tĂ©to studie zasazeny do ÄŚeskĂ© republiky, a to za pomoci kvantitativnĂ metody formou dotaznĂkovĂ©ho šetĹ™enĂ u vĂce neĹľ tĹ™i sta respondentĹŻ. ZĂskaná data jsou pak následnÄ› částeÄŤnÄ› porovnána s vĂ˝sledky z mezinárodnĂ studie WHO. CĂlem je zĂskat základnĂ porovnánĂ mezi vzorkem ÄŤeskĂ© a zahraniÄŤnĂ populace a potvrdit ÄŤi vyvrátit pĹ™edem stanovenĂ© hypotĂ©zy.Katedra mediálnĂch studiĂDepartment of Media StudiesFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálnĂch vÄ›
The role of foreign actors in the emergence of the Taliban movement between 1992 - 1996
This bachelor thesis deals with the phenomenon of the international actors' involvement in Afghanistan civil war between 1992 and 1996 and its influence on the emergence of the Taliban movement. This topic cannot be excluded from the historical context and analyzed separately. The connection with the Soviet-Afghan war era and the consecutive Najibullah régime was too high to be forgotten. The international actors' involvement did not occur at once in 1992 and did not cease exactly in 1996. It has developed a lot and that is the reason why both, Soviet-Afghan war and Najibullah era, are being analyzed as well while focusing on the international involvement. The main part of this bachelor thesis analyzes ten the most important international players which in some way got involved - Pakistan, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, China, United states of America, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia and India. Regarding the methodology, the thesis works with the analysis of the secondary sources seeking to answer the main question "Which international actors influenced the emergence of Taliban between 1992 - 1996, how and why?". Moreover, there is a subsidiary question dealing with the interpretation of Taliban from the different international points of view. Based on that, the states are being..
The digital divide and the spread of the fake news during the COVID-19 pandemic
This thesis focuses on two main topics: the digital divide and the spread of misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The theoretical part is dedicated to the first mentions of the digital divide and introduces some of the main people who dealt with this area. The thesis follows up with the measurement and for a better understanding there are presented the data associated with the digital divide in 2021. In the next part, basic concepts from the field of disinformation are described, which are placed not only in a historical context, but also in the current reality. An example could be fake news that appeared during the COVID-19 pandemic. The next chapter deals with defense techniques against disinformation, both domestically and internationally. The results of a global study by the World Health Organization, which investigated ways of obtaining and working with information about the COVID-19 pandemic, are presented at the end of the theoretical part. In the practical part, the findings from this study were applied to the Czech Republic, with the help of a quantitative method in the form of a questionnaire survey with more than three hundred respondents. The obtained data are then partially compared with the results from an international WHO study. The aim is to gain a basic comparison between..
Perkutana toksičnost i dekontaminacija somana, VX-A i paraoksonaza u štakora deterdžentima
Highly toxic organophosphorus compounds (OPs) were originally developed for warfare or as agricultural pesticides. Today, OPs represent a serious threat to military personnel and civilians. This study investigates the in vivo decontamination of male Wistar rats percutaneously exposed to paraoxon and two potent nerve agents - soman (GD) and VX. Four commercial detergents were tested as decontaminants – NeodekontTM, ArgosTM, DermogelTM, and FloraFreeTM. Decontamination performed 2 min after exposure resulted in a higher survival rate in comparison with non-decontaminated controls. The decontamination effectiveness was expressed as protective ratio (PR, median lethal dose of agent in decontaminated animals divided by the median lethal dose of agent in untreated animals). The highest decontamination effectiveness was consistently achieved with ArgosTM (PR=2.3 to 64.8), followed by DermogelTM (PR=2.4 to 46.1). NeodekontTM and FloraFreeTM provided the lowest decontamination effectiveness, equivalent to distilled water (PR=1.0 to 43.2).Visokotoksični organofosforni spojevi (krat. OP) prvotno su se proizvodili za ratovanje i uporabi u poljoprivredi kao pesticidi. Danas su nepobitno iznimna prijetnja vojnom osoblju i civilima. Ova studija istražuje in vivo dekontaminaciju muških štakora Wistar perkutano izloženih paraoksonu i dvama snažnim nervnim agensima – somanu (GD) i VX-u. Četiri komercijalna deterdženta ispitana su kao sredstva dekontaminacije - Neodekont, Argos, Dermogel i FloraFree. Dekontaminacija dvije minute nakon izlaganja rezultirala je višom stopom preživljavanja u usporedbi s nedekontaminiranom kontrolnom skupinom. Učinkovitost dekontaminacije izražena je kao zaštitni omjer (PR, medijan smrtonosne doze agenta u dekontaminiranih životinja podijeljen s medijanom smrtonosne doze agenta u nedekontaminiranih životinja). Najveća konzistentna učinkovitost postignuta je Argosom (PR=2.3 do 64.8) i Dermogelom (PR=2.4 do 46.1). Deterdženti Neodekont i FloraFree bili su najmanje učinkoviti i imali jednak učinak kao destilirana voda (PR=1.0 do 43.2)