913 research outputs found

    Relationship between B-factor and average shortest path in the protein structure

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    Protein structural flexibility is important for catalysis, binding, protein design, and allostery. Some simple methods have recently been introduced to compute protein flexibility directly from the protein structure without any mechanical models. For example the atomic mean square displacement (or B-factor) is related to the number of neighboring atoms. The protein structure can be modeled as a graph where nodes represent atoms and edges can be defined by Delaunay tessellation procedure with weight equal to d2 where d is the Euclidean distance between pair of atoms. In this study, we show that the average of shortest path for each atom in this graph is related to the B-factor.

    On fundamental group of Riemannian manifolds with ommited fractal subsets

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    We show that if K is a closed and bounded subset of a Riemannian manifold M of dimension m>3, and the fractal dimension of K is less than m−3, then the fundamental groups of M and M−K are isomorphic.Показано, що якщо K — замкнена й обмежена пiдмножина рiманового многовиду M розмiрностi m>3, а фрактальна розмiрнiсть K менша за m−3, то фундаментальнi групи M i M−K є iзоморфними

    MXenes: The key to unlocking the potential metal-ion batteries -- review

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    The invention of next-generation electrochemical energy devices (EEDs) has led to concerns about range anxiety, long recharge times, and moderate energy density. The behavior of cells and packs during fast charging depends on various factors, categorized into charging strategies and new materials. MXenes have gained significant attention since their discovery in 2011 due to their unique physical, chemical, and mechanical properties. Drexel researchers explored their use in batteries, where they offer advantages in high rates and power compared to other energy storage materials. However, the commercial use of MXenes in large volumes poses a challenge. This paper focuses on the structure, synthesis, and applications of MXenes in metal-ion batteries

    Knowledge-based potentials in protein fold recognition

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    An accurate potential function is essential for protein folding problem and structure prediction. Two different types of potential energy functions are currently in use. The first type is based on the law of physics and second type is referred to as statistical potentials or knowledge based potentials.  In the latter type, the energy function is extracted from statistical analysis of experimental data of known protein structures. By increasing the amount of three dimensional protein structures, this approach is growing rapidly.There are various forms of knowledge based potentials depending on how statistics are calculated and how proteins are modeled. In this review, we explain how the knowledge based potentials are extracted by using known protein structures and briefly compare many of the potentials in theory

    Verification and Synthesis of Symmetric Uni-Rings for Leads-To Properties

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    This paper investigates the verification and synthesis of parameterized protocols that satisfy leadsto properties RQR \leadsto Q on symmetric unidirectional rings (a.k.a. uni-rings) of deterministic and constant-space processes under no fairness and interleaving semantics, where RR and QQ are global state predicates. First, we show that verifying RQR \leadsto Q for parameterized protocols on symmetric uni-rings is undecidable, even for deterministic and constant-space processes, and conjunctive state predicates. Then, we show that surprisingly synthesizing symmetric uni-ring protocols that satisfy RQR \leadsto Q is actually decidable. We identify necessary and sufficient conditions for the decidability of synthesis based on which we devise a sound and complete polynomial-time algorithm that takes the predicates RR and QQ, and automatically generates a parameterized protocol that satisfies RQR \leadsto Q for unbounded (but finite) ring sizes. Moreover, we present some decidability results for cases where leadsto is required from multiple distinct RR predicates to different QQ predicates. To demonstrate the practicality of our synthesis method, we synthesize some parameterized protocols, including agreement and parity protocols

    Integration of Life Cycle Assessment Tools in the Design Process of Low-Carbon Buildings

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    There are several methods to prepare electro-catalysts for low temperature fuel cells. Platinum is used as a common electro-catalyst for this purpose. Electrodeposition method is applied for preparing platinum on modified carbon paper as electrode directly. Many parameters effect on performance of prepared electrodes. At this work, the effect of type of electrolyte in electrodeposition solution was investigated for making electro-catalyst that is be used as anode in Glucose Alkaline Air Fuel Cell (GAAFC). Cyclic voltammetry ((1.2-0.6) V vs. Ag/AgCl sat. KCl, 100 mV/S) is used as electrodeposition method. Number of CV cycles is varied 10 to 50. Electrodeposition was performed in two precursor solution (0.5 M) containing phosphate and sulfate anions. Platinum concentration in solution was 3 mM. The prepared electro-catalysts were studied for Glucose Oxidation Reaction (GOR) by CV analysis in 0.3 M glucose solution and 0.5 M KOH. Also, Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) method was used. According our results, the type of anion in electrodeposition solution affects on properties of prepared platinum electro-catalyst for GOR. Optimized condition for number of CV cycles in phosphate and sulfate solutions is 10 and 40 respectively.&nbsp

    Kozja beznoitioza u jugozapadnom Iranu

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    Besnoitia sp. are protozoans that cause a disease affecting the skin, subcutis, blood vessels, mucus membranes, and other tissues. The Toxoplasma gondii-like organisms multiply in endothelial, histocytic and other cells, producing characteristic large, thick-walled cysts filled with bradyzoites. In this study, infected animals originated from the southwest area of Iran. A total of 50 head goats with characteristic sclero-conjunctival cysts of Besnoitia sp. were isolated for further clinical observation. No infected animals other than goats with besnoitiosis were reported in this region. Microscopic examination revealed crescent-shaped organisms with a more pointed anterior than posterior end (banana-shaped morphology) confirming that cysts belong to the genus Besnoitia. Experimental transmission of Besnoitia sp. from these patients resulted in besnoitiosis in goats but not in rabbits and mice. Therefore, B. caprae was accepted as the cause of the infection. It seems that factors such as the presence of thorn remnants in the eyelids, pneumonic coughing goats and a range of flies and ticks could facilitate transmission of the disease.Kozja beznoitioza u jugozapadnom Iranu. Vet. arhiv 77, 435-439, 2007. SAŽETAK Vrste roda Besnoitia su praživotinje koje uzrokuju promjene na koži, potkožju, krvnim žilama, sluznicama i drugim tkivima. Te praživotinje po mnogo čemu podsjećaju na mnogo učestaliju praživotinju Toxoplasma gondii. Umnožavaju se u endotelnim stanicama, histiocitima i drugim stanicama tvoreći karakteristične ciste omeđene debelom ovojnicom, ispunjene bradizoitima. U ovom istraživanju invadirane životinje potjecale su iz jugozapadnog dijela Irana. Ukupno je za daljnja istraživanja izdvojeno 50 koza s karakterističnim sklerokonjuktivalnim cistama. Ni u jedne druge vrste nisu zabilježeni znakovi ove bolesti. Mikroskopskom pretragom dokazani su vretenasti organizmi karakteristične građe što je ujedno potvrdilo da je riječ o pojavi beznoitioze. Pokusna beznoitioza izazvana je u koza, ali ne u kunića i miševa te se smatra da je vrsta B. caprae uzrokovala invaziju. Čini se da čimbenici poput ostataka trnja u vjeđama, bolesti dišnog sustava kao i prisutnost dvokrilaca i krpelja, mogu biti pogodovni za prijenos uzročnika