13 research outputs found

    Characterization of Factors Predicting a Favorable Opinion of Research Applications Submitted for an Ethical Review Process

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    Introduction: In Spain, biomedical research applications must receive a positive ethical opinion from Research Ethics Committees (RECs) before being executed. There is limited information on how to optimize the ethical review process to reduce delays. This study was performed to characterize variables predicting favorable opinions at the first ethical review performed by a REC. Material and Methods: The study assessed all research applications revised by a REC in 2019–2020. Data was extracted from REC’s database of La Rioja, Spain. Variables collected covered three areas: (i) principal investigator’s profile; (ii) study design; and (iii) ethical review process. A model based on multiple logistic regression analysis was created to identify variables explaining favorable opinions in first rounds of ethical review processes. Results: The sample included 125 applications (41 submitted in 2019, and 84 in 2020). At the first review, nine (7%) applications were rejected, 56 (45%) were approved, and the remaining 60 (48%) required at least two reviews prior to approval. When comparing both years, a 2-fold increase in the number of applications submitted, and a difference in the ratio of applications with a favorable vs. non-favorable opinion were observed. Furthermore, a model predicted 71% of probability of obtaining a favorable opinion in the first ethical review. Three variables appeared as being explanatory: if the principal investigator is either the group leader or the department’s head (OR = 17.39; p < 0.001), and if the informed consent (OR = 11.79; p = 0.01), and methods and procedures (OR = 34.15; p < 0.001) are well done. Conclusions: These findings confirm an increase in the number of submissions and a difference in the ratio of applications approved by year. Findings observed also confirm deficiencies in “informed consent” and in “methods and procedures” are the two main causes of delay for favorable ethical opinions. Additionally, findings highlight the need that group leaders and heads of departments should be more involved in guiding and supervising their research teams, especially when research applications are led by less experienced researchers. Based on these findings, it is suggested that an adequate mentoring and targeted training in research could derive in more robust research applications and in smoother ethical review processes.Call for Aids - Autonomous Government of La Rioja, Spain COV21-DONAC1/id.proy.1110Rioja Health Foundation FRS-CEIMLAR-202

    Comprometidos con las personas ciegas y con baja visión de América Latina: 25 años trabajando por su inclusión social

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    A través de este artículo, queremos presentar el trabajo que, desde hace ya 25 años, realiza una organización como la Fundación ONCE para la Solidaridad con Personas Ciegas de América Latina en favor de su inclusión social y como claro compromiso de la ONCE para hacer extensiva su solidaridad fuera de nuestras fronteras. Acompáñanos en este viaje, que tiene como destino final una región plural, diversa y donde, entre todos, seamos capaces de generar más y mejores oportunidades para no dejar a nadie atrás. La Fundación ONCE para la Solidaridad con las Personas Ciegas de América Latina es fruto del convencimiento del Grupo Social ONCE de que un mundo más justo e inclusivo es posible. Esa convicción lleva a la creación, en 1998, de una fundación para contribuir a la inclusión social de personas con discapacidad visual en la región latinoamericana, y extender así la labor solidaria que siempre ha caracterizado a una organización como la ONCE

    Altered liver gene expression in CCl4-cirrhotic rats is partially normalized by insulin-like growth factor-I

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    We have previously shown that the administration of low doses of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) to CCl4-cirrhotic rats improves liver function and reduces fibrosis. To better understand the mechanisms behind the hepatoprotective effects of IGF-I, and to identify those genes whose expression is affected in cirrhosis and after IGF-1 treatment, we have performed differential display of mRNA analysis by means of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in livers from control and CCl4-cirrhotic rats treated or not with IGF-I. We have identified 16 genes that were up- or down-regulated in the cirrhotic liver. IGF-I treatment partially normalized the expression of eight of these genes, including serine proteinase inhibitors such as serpin-2 and alpha-1-antichymotripsin, alpha-1-acid glycoprotein, and alpha-2u-globulin. Additionally, we show that IGF-I enhanced the regenerative activity in the cirrhotic liver, as determined by the increased expression of the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). Finally, IGF-I treatment partially restored the expression of growth hormone receptor (GHR) and the levels of global genomic DNA methylation, which are reduced in human and experimental cirrhosis. Taken together, our observations confirm the hepatoprotective effects of IGF-I, and suggest that this action can be exerted in part through the normalization of liver gene expression, growth hormone (GH) responsiveness and global genomic DNA methylation

    <i>Agaricus</i> Mushroom-Enriched Diets Modulate the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis and Reduce Brain Oxidative Stress in Mice

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    Neurodegenerative diseases pose a major problem for developed countries, and stress has been identified as one of the main risk factors in the development of these disorders. Here, we have examined the protective properties against brain oxidative stress of two diets supplemented with 5% (w/w) of Agaricus bisporus (white button mushroom) or Agaricus bisporus brunnescens (Portobello mushroom) in mice. These diets did not modify the weight gain of the animals when compared to those fed with a regular diet, even after feeding on them for 15 weeks. The long-term modification of the microbiota after 12 weeks on the diets was investigated. At the phylum level, there was a large increase of Verrucomicrobia and a reduction of Cyanobacteria associated with the mushroom diets. No changes were observed in the Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio, whose stability is a marker for a healthy diet. At the family level, three groups presented significant variations. These included Akkermansiaceae and Tannerellaceae, which significantly increased with both diets; and Prevotellaceae, which significantly decreased with both diets. These bacteria participate in the generation of microbiota-derived short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and provide a link between the microbiota and the brain. Mice subjected to restraint stress showed an upregulation of Il-6, Nox-2, and Hmox-1 expression; a reduction in the enzymatic activities of catalase and superoxide dismutase; and an increase in lipid peroxidation in their brains. All these parameters were significantly prevented by feeding for 3 weeks on the Agaricus-supplemented diets. In summary, the supplementation of a healthy diet with Agaricus mushrooms may significantly contribute to prevent neurodegenerative diseases in the general population

    Píldoras formativas en la docencia universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud: aprendizaje significativo y profesionalización

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    Las Píldoras Formativas (PF) son contenidos multimedia de corta duración/extensión en los quese sintetiza/concentra un concepto teórico/práctico. El objetivo fue utilizar este recurso para potenciar elaprendizaje y las destrezas profesionales del alumnado de Ciencias de la Salud. Se desarrollaron PF con tresobjetivos innovadores (nº asignaturas): I) resolver conceptos complejos (3), II) potenciar habilidadescomunicativas frente al paciente (1) y III) sintetizar/divulgar asignaturas completas (3). Los resultadosobtenidos muestran que el 62% del alumnado entrevistado (n=138) nunca/casi nunca habían oído hablarde PF. El 76% consideró la formación recibida útil/muy útil. Se elaboraron 67 mini-vídeos y 7 infografías.El 85% señaló su utilidad para elegir asignaturas optativas. No se observaron, sin embargo, mejoras en lashabilidades comunicativas (apreciación subjetiva). El 63%-76% del alumnado consideró que la actividadles fue muy útil para entender conceptos clave, para el aprendizaje/estudio significativo, para el trabajo enequipo y para la evaluación indirecta de contenidos. Se observó una mejora significativa en las calificacionesobtenidas. Este estudio subraya el interés que las PF han despertado en el alumnado de ciencias de la salud,facilitando la interiorización de contenidos y mejorando los resultados académicos y el aprendizajesignificativo, lo cual podría repercutir positivamente en su futuro laboral