42 research outputs found

    Питання методології дослідження урболандшафту

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    Розгляд питання урболандшафту виявляє три основні дихотомії географічного мислення, присутні в науці з моменту її зародження. Зарубіжні географи включили у вивчення проміжну ланку, а разом з тим головну дійову особу і, звичайно, підсумкову мету будь-якої науки, у тому числі і географії, — людину. Consideration of question of urbolandscape is exposed by three basic dichotomies of geographical thought, present in science from the moment of its origin. Foreign geographers plugged an intermediate in a study, and at the same time main acting person and, certainly, final purpose of any science, including geographies, – man

    Розвиток уявлень про вплив середовища на людину

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    У наш час при вивченні взаємин людини й навколишнього середовища застосовується біхевіористський підхід, а пояснення просторових аспектів поведінки розглядається в першу чергу через аналіз когнітивних процесів, що лежать в основі поведінки. Людина й середовище оточення бачиться в стані динамічної взаємодії. Характеристики природного середовища повинні були розглядатися силами, непідвласними контролю, їх уважали константою на відміну від залежної величини — поводження людини. Але як у цьому випадку досліджувати естетичний і символічний зміст ландшафту? In our time at the study of mutual relations of man and him environment behaviorist’s approach is used, and explanation of spatial aspects of conduct is examined above all things through the analysis of cognitively processes, lying in basis of conduct. A man and environment of surroundings is seen in a state of dynamic co-operation. Descriptions of natural environment must were be examined forces, which are uncontrolled, they were considered a constant unlike a dependent size — conducts of man. But how in this case to probe aesthetic and symbolic sense of landscape

    Сакральність семантики ландшафту

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    У статті автори розкривають причини сакралізації ландшафтів, використовуючи феноменологічний підхід у географії. У статті розглядається декілька ключових символів, які дозволяють простежити зв'язок між спогляданням за природним явищем і виникненням певних символічних понять. In the article authors opens the reasons of landscapes’ sacralization. He uses the phenomenological approach in geography. The author considers some key symbols which allow retracing connection between contemplation the natural phenomenon and occurrence of certain symbolical concepts

    Современное состояние популяции степного сурка (Marmota bоbаk bоbаk Мull., 1776) в Белгородской обл.

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    To Belgorod region steppe marmot comes from two Ukrainian populations remained – Lugansk and Kharkiv ones. By the beginning of the XXI century steppe marmot inhabits 18 of the 21 districts of the region. Current state of the population of the steppe marmot on the example of colonies, located in the Kazinski state reserve of Valuisk district of Belgorod region, as well as in the whole region has been analyzed. Against the background of a slight change in the population number throughout the region over the past 5 years significant decrease in the number is observed in the areas of natural habitat of marmot. The number of steppe marmot in Kazinski state reserve in the period from 2003 to 2008 decreased by 474 individuals, representing 19,2%. The main limiting factor for marmot number growth in Belgorod region is decreasing pasture load. In the future we can predict the decrease of marmot number.В Белгородскую область степной сурок проникает из сохранившихся в Украине двух популяций – Луганской и Харьковской. К началу ХХІ ст. степной сурок обитает в 18 из 21 района области. Проведен анализ современного состояния популяции степного сурка на примере колоний, расположенных на территории Казинского государственного заказника Валуйского района Белгородской области, а также в целом по области. На фоне незначительного изменения численности по всей области за последние 5 лет весомое снижение численности наблюдается в районах естественного ареала сурка. Численность степного сурка на территории Казинского госзаказника в период с 2003 по 2008 гг. уменьшилась на 474 особи, что составляет 19,2%. Основным лимитирующим фактором роста численности сурка в Белгородской области является уменьшение пастбищной нагрузки. В дальнейшем можно прогнозировать падение численности сурка

    Развитие российского финансового рынка и устойчивость национального банковского сектора

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    Исследуется структура российского финансового рынка, обосновывается вывод о наибольшем развитии банковского сектора. Проводится критический анализ проекта Основных направлений развития финансового рынка РФ на 2022-2024 г. в контексте банковской устойчивости

    Современные методы обучения руководителей и специалистов в области экологической безопасности и охраны окружающей среды

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    Modern methods of ecological training are developed by authors and used in the course of preparation of experts in the field of ecological safety and preservation of the environmental protection.Приводятся разработанные авторами и используемые в процессе подготовки руководителей и специалистов в области экологической безопасности и охраны окружающей среды современные методы экологического обучения

    Tiled orders over discrete valuation rings, finite Markov chains and partially ordered sets. II

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    The main concept of this part of the paper is that of a reduced exponent matrix and its quiver, which is strongly connected and simply laced. We give the description of quivers of reduced Gorenstein exponent matrices whose number s of vertices is at most 7. For 2 ≤ 6 s ≤ 5 we have that all adjacency matrices of such quivers are multiples of doubly stochastic matrices. We prove that for any permutation σ on n letters without fixed elements there exists a reduced Gorenstein tiled order Λ with σ(ε) = σ. We show that for any positive integer k there exists a Gorenstein tiled order Λk with inΛk = k. The adjacency matrix of any cyclic Gorenstein order Λ is a linear combination of powers of a permutation matrix Pσ with non-negative coefficients, where σ = σ(Λ). If A is a noetherian prime semiperfect semidistributive ring of a finite global dimension, then Q(A) be a strongly connected simply laced quiver which has no loops

    Design of inorganic polymer composites for electromagnetic radiation absorption using potassium titanates

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    This paper investigated the synthesis of inorganic polymer composites for electromagnetic radiation absorption using potassium titanates. The selected polyamide 6 and potassium polytitanate materials contain TiО2, K2СО3, and KCl obtained by charge sintering. Results showed that modification of polyamide 6 with sintering products in the form of a fine powder of potassium polytitanate that contains different phases K2O × 2TiO2, K2O × 4TiO2, and K2O × 6TiO2 which increased their strength properties. With increased potassium titanates (PTT) synthesis, a gradual transition from di to potassium hexatitanates occurs K2O × 2TiO2 – K2O × 4TiO2 – K2O × 6TiO2. The optimal content of potassium polytitanate was over 20 % by mass. To fully ensure the reinforcing effect due to the filling of potassium polytitanate polyamide 6, it is necessary to use whiskers K2O × 6TiO2, which can be collected by the additional crystallization of the amorphous charge sintering product. By designing experimentalstatistical mathematical models in equal regressions, mathematical optimization of inorganic polymer composites for electromagnetic radiation absorption using PTT was carried out

    Tiled orders over discrete valuation rings, finite Markov chains and partially ordered sets. I

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    We prove that the quiver of tiled order over a discrete valuation ring is strongly connected and simply laced. With such quiver we associate a finite ergodic Markov chain. We introduce the notion of the index in A of a right noetherian semiperfect ring A as the maximal real eigen-value of its adjacency matrix. A tiled order Λ is integral if in Λ is an integer. Every cyclic Gorenstein tiled order is integral. In particular, in Λ = 1 if and only if Λ is hereditary. We give an example of a non-integral Gorenstein tiled order. We prove that a reduced (0, 1)-order is Gorenstein if and only if either inΛ = w(Λ) = 1, or inΛ = w(Λ) = 2, where w(Λ) is a width of Λ

    The remarkable outburst of the highly-evolved post period-minimum dwarf nova SSS J122221.7−311525

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    We report extensive 3-yr multiwavelength observations of the WZ Sge-type dwarf nova SSS J122221.7−311525 during its unusual double superoutburst, the following decline and in quiescence. The second segment of the superoutburst had a long duration of 33 d and a very gentle decline with a rate of 0.02 mag d−1, and it displayed an extended post-outburst decline lasting at least 500 d. Simultaneously with the start of the rapid fading from the superoutburst plateau, the system showed the appearance of a strong near-infrared excess resulting in very red colours, which reached extreme values (B − I ≃ 1.4) about 20 d later. The colours then became bluer again, but it took at least 250 d to acquire a stable level. Superhumps were clearly visible in the light curve from our very first time-resolved observations until at least 420 d after the rapid fading from the superoutburst. The spectroscopic and photometric data revealed an orbital period of 109.80 min and a fractional superhump period excess ≲0.8 per cent, indicating a very low mass ratio q ≲ 0.045. With such a small mass ratio the donor mass should be below the hydrogen-burning minimum mass limit. The observed infrared flux in quiescence is indeed much lower than is expected from a cataclysmic variable with a near-main-sequence donor star. This strongly suggests a brown-dwarf-like nature for the donor and that SSS J122221.7−311525 has already evolved away from the period minimum towards longer periods, with the donor now extremely dim