88 research outputs found

    Evaluation of MoG Video Segmentation on GPU-based HPC System

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    Automated and intelligent video surveillance systems play an important role in the modern world. Since the number of various video streams that must be analyzed concurrently grows, such systems can assist humans in performing tiresome tasks. In order to be effective, video surveillance systems have to meet several requirements: they must be accurate and able to process the received video stream in real-time. A robust system should not depend on lighting conditions, illumination changes and other sources of scene variation. A common component of surveillance systems is a module that performs background estimation and foreground segmentation. The MoG (Mixture of Gaussians) algorithm is a widely used statistical technique of video segmentation. The estimation process is time-consuming, especially for complex mixture models containing many components. The work presented here focuses on the performance evaluation of MoG algorithm aiming to assess feasibility of OpenCL-based processing of high resolution video on GPU accelerated platforms

    Nature of beryllium, magnesium, and zinc bonds in carbene MX2⋯MX_2 (M = Be, Mg, Zn; X = H, Br) dimers revealed by the IQA, ETS-NOCV and LED methods

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    The nature of beryllium–, magnesium– and zinc–carbene bonds in the cyclopropenylidene⋯MX [Formula: see text] (M = Be, Mg, Zn; X = H, Br) and imidazol-2-ylidene⋯MBr [Formula: see text] dimers is investigated by the joint use of the topological QTAIM-based IQA decomposition scheme, the molecular orbital-based ETS-NOCV charge and energy decomposition method, and the LED energy decomposition approach based on the state-of-the-art DLPNO-CCSD(T) method. All these methods show that the C⋯M bond strengthens according to the following order: Zn < Mg [Formula: see text] Be. Electrostatics is proved to be the dominant bond component, whereas the orbital component is far less important. It is shown that QTAIM/IQA underestimates electrostatic contribution for zinc bonds with respect to both ETS-NOCV and LED schemes. The [Formula: see text] carbene→MX [Formula: see text] donation appears to be much more important than the MX [Formula: see text] carbene back-donation of [Formula: see text] symmetry. The substitution of hydrogen atoms by bromine (X in MX [Formula: see text]) strengthens the metal–carbene bond in all cases. The physical origin of rotational barriers has been unveiled by the ETS-NOCV approach

    Alzheimer\u27s Factors in Ischemic Brain Injury

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    External load application in gait and posture reeducation after diffuse axonal injury of the corpus callosum. A case report

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    Traumatic brain injury caused car accidents is the one of the most common causes of diffuse axonal injury typically located at the grey-white matter junction, in the corpus callosum. A 58-year-old female patient Caucasian race was admitted to the Orthopedic and Rehabilitation Unit with head injury, broken right ulnar bone, numerous broken ribs and broken right iliac crest. Neurological examination resulted in right-sided hemiparesis. There were also coordination and balance disorders while sitting and standing. The patient was unable to walk. After physiotherapy treatment included external load application (ankle weights and rucksack with weights) in gait and posture reeducation, patient has improved balance, locomotion and body posture. However, application of external loads during walk and posture reeducation needs to be further investigated with greater number of participants and control group

    Histological changes in the epiphyseal plate of growing young adult male rats after long-term hydrocortisone and salmon calcitonin administration

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    Introduction: Glucocorticosteroids decrease the longitudinal growth of bones. It has been reported that skeletally immature rats on calcitonin treatment grow longer and slimmer. The aim of this study was to assess whether concomitant treatment with calcitonin would influence longitudinal growth and histology of epiphyseal plate in hydrocortisone-treated rats. Material and methods: Fifty six growing male Wistar rats were randomly divided into two control and four experimental groups. Rats in the first two experimental groups were treated i.p. b.i.d. with hydrocortisone, while to the other experimental animals salmon calcitonin s.c. was administered concomitantly. The controls received appropriate vehicula. The rats were kept under standardised conditions. The first phase of the experiment was completed after 28 days and right femora and tibiae were harvested from groups and preserved in 4% buffered formalin. Lengths of the fresh femora were measured with an electronic caliper. After preservation, tibial bones were decalcified in 5% EDTA at room temperature. Paraffin-embedded coronal slices 10 &#956;m thick from proximal tibia were taken and stained with hematoxylin/ eosin and alcian blue for histological assessment of the epiphyseal plate. A similar procedure was repeated after 56 days in the second phase of the experiment. Results: The femora of hydrocortisone-treated rats were significantly shorter than those of controls, but after concomitant administration of salmon calcitonin the difference was insignificant. The histological assessment showed that depressed function of growth plate in hydrocortisone-treated animals after both phases of the experiment was partially reversed by salmon calcitonin treatment. Conclusions: Prolonged concomitant treatment with high-doses of salmon calcitonin partially reverses glucocorticoid-induced depression of rat growth plate. (Pol J Endocrinol 2011; 62 (1): 18-23)Wstęp: Glukokortykosteroidy hamują wzrost kości, a podawanie kalcytoniny rosnącym szczurom zwiększa ich długość. Celem pracy była ocena wpływu kalcytoniny na zahamowanie wzrastania szczurów poddanych działaniu hydrokortyzonu. Porównano długości kości udowych i obrazy histologiczne chrząstki wzrostowej bliższej przynasady piszczeli w badanych grupach. Doświadczenie przeprowadzono w dwóch fazach 28- i 56-dniowych. Materiał i metody: Rosnące szczury szczepu Wistar w sposób zrandomizowany podzielono na dwie grupy kontrolne i cztery badane. Szczurom dwóch pierwszych grup badanych podawano hydrokortyzon i.p. dwa razy dziennie. Szczury pozostałych grup badanych poza hydrokortyzonem otrzymywały kalcytoninę łososiową s.c. dwa razy dziennie. Szczury z grup kontrolnych otrzymywały placebo. Pierwszą fazę eksperymentu zakończono po 28 dniach. Po pobraniu długość kości udowych zmierzono elektroniczną suwmiarką. Po utrwaleniu kości piszczelowe odwapniono w 5% EDTA. Preparaty wybarwiono za pomocą H+E i błękitu alcjanu. Procedurę powtórzono po 56 dniach jako drugą fazę doświadczenia. Wyniki: Kości udowe zwierząt, którym podawano hydrokortyzon były istotnie statystycznie krótsze niż w grupie kontrolnej. Zależność ta nie była istotna w grupie zwierząt poddanych działaniu kalcytoniny. Ocena histologiczna preparatów chrząstki wzrostowej obu faz doświadczenia pokazała częściowe odwrócenie negatywnego wpływu hydrokortyzonu u zwierząt, którym podawano kalcytoninę. Wnioski: Wysokie dawki kalcytoniny łososiowej zmniejszają zahamowanie czynności chrząstki wzrostowej szczurów wywołane przewlekłą glukokortykoterapią. (Endokrynol Pol 2011; 62 (1): 18-23

    The factor harmful to the quality of human life : shift-work

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    The system of human activity, which is established by genetics and regulated by outer and inner factors, is associated with many characteristics which maintain the body in the best condition and ensure appropriate life quality. Objective. To evaluate of life quality among male shift-workers. Methods: Research based on a self-devised questionnaire, conducted among 700 shift-workers, followed by statistical analysis of the results. Results. Nearly a half of respondents (43.00%) reported that shift-work influences the quality of their family life. Remarkably, such an opinion was often stated by people with children (46.01%) p<0.05, the divorced (58.22%), married people (44.74%) and bachelors (25.33%), respectively. Fathers usually indicated lack of contact with their family as well as irregular consumption of meals (66.91%). Almost every third respondent noted that their shift type of work negatively influence their sexual life (31.14%). Conclusions. It was shown that shift-work negatively influences the respondents’ life quality in the form of deterioration of the quality of family life; the respondents, regardless of marital status, age and having children, most often complained about the lack of contact with the family and irregular eating with them; negative influence on sexual life, which was the case in one-third of respondents. In order to encourage healthy behaviour and increase the quality of life of people performing shift-work, training and programmes should be introduced. These would help shift- workers to adjust their work time to their family and social life

    Analysis of oncological diseases in the Subcarpathian Oncology Center in 2007 – 2011

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    Introduction: Cancers are a growing health, social and economic problem of society worldwide. They are the second cause of mortality in Poland, causing 27% of deaths among men and about 24% of deaths among women. For several decades, there has been a steady increase in morbidity and mortality due to malignant tumors. The increase in morbidity of oncological diseases is related to aging of the population and increasing exposure to carcinogens such as poor diet, alcohol consumption and smoking, stress, environmental pollution as well as genetic inheritance. Data of morbidity and mortality caused by cancers in Poland has been published by Oncology Center in Warsaw since 1979. Aim of the study: to analyze selected oncological diseases of patients of the Subcarpathian Oncology Center in Brzozów, Poland in 2007-2011 as well as to compare them with data based on national oncology statistics in Poland. Material and methods: the material were records of selected oncological diseases of 10520 patients (6053 women and 4467 men; aged 2 – 98) of the Subcarpathian Oncological Center in Brzozów, Poland in 2007-2011. Results: The highest morbidity occurred in the group aged 40 – 59, the lowest in the group aged 90 – 100. The greatest morbidity rate was noted for breast cancer and the lowest morbidity rate was noted for cervical cancer. Conclusion: The cervical cancer morbidity decreases and it may be the evidence of the raising awareness, prevention and complex medical diagnostics. Morbidity rate for skin cancer increases therefore it is necessary to implement programs related to the prevention of this cancer

    Wszczepienie stentu do bifurkacji Multi-Link Frontier u pacjenta z istotnym zwężeniem pnia lewej tętnicy wieńcowej

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    Przedstawiono przypadek 58-letniego mężczyzny, którego hospitalizowano w klinice autorów niniejszej pracy z powodu ostrego zespołu wieńcowego bez uniesienia odcinka ST. W koronarografii stwierdzono istotne zwężenie dystalnej części pnia lewej tętnicy wieńcowej, które leczono za pomocą przezskórnej angioplastyki z implantacją stentu do bifurkacji Multi-Link Frontier, z optymalnym wynikiem bezpośrednim. Po miesiącu pacjenta ponownie hospitalizowano z powodu ostrego zawału serca, który leczono pierwotną angioplastyką gałęzi okalającej. W pniu lewej tętnicy wieńcowej utrzymywał się optymalny wynik angiograficzny. (Folia Cardiol. 2004; 11: 967&#8211;971

    Wszczepienie stentu do bifurkacji Multi-Link Frontier u pacjenta z istotnym zwężeniem pnia lewej tętnicy wieńcowej

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    Przedstawiono przypadek 58-letniego mężczyzny, którego hospitalizowano w klinice autorów niniejszej pracy z powodu ostrego zespołu wieńcowego bez uniesienia odcinka ST. W koronarografii stwierdzono istotne zwężenie dystalnej części pnia lewej tętnicy wieńcowej, które leczono za pomocą przezskórnej angioplastyki z implantacją stentu do bifurkacji Multi-Link Frontier, z optymalnym wynikiem bezpośrednim. Po miesiącu pacjenta ponownie hospitalizowano z powodu ostrego zawału serca, który leczono pierwotną angioplastyką gałęzi okalającej. W pniu lewej tętnicy wieńcowej utrzymywał się optymalny wynik angiograficzny. (Folia Cardiol. 2004; 11: 967&#8211;971

    Occurrence and predictors of left ventricular systolic dysfunction at hospital discharge and in long−term follow−up after acute myocardial infarction treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention

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    Background: Post-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVSD) has been identified as an important marker of poor prognosis. Aim: To assess the prevalence and course of LVSD at hospital discharge and in long-term follow-up in STEMI patients treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention (pPCI). Methods: We enrolled 205 patients (157 male, 48 female) with a first STEMI. Echocardiography was performed before hospital discharge and 12 months after STEMI. Left ventricular systolic function (LVSF) parameters were assessed: left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), wall motion score index (WMSI), and average peak systolic mitral annular velocity (S’) by tissue Doppler echocardiography (TDE). B-type natriuretic peptide plasma concentration was measured at admission (BNPadmission) and at discharge (BNPdischarge). Results: We found moderate LVSD, both at hospital discharge and after 12 months. Significant global LVSD (LVEF £ 40%) was observed in 34% of patients at discharge, and 21% after 12 months (p < 0.001). Significant regional LVSD (WMSI ≥ 1.7) after 12 months was less frequent than at discharge (21% vs 33%; p < 0.001). More patients had significant longitudinal LVSD (S’ £ 6.0 cm/s) after 12 months compared to discharge (28% vs 23%; p < 0.001). Severe global LVSD (LVEF £ 30%) was rare. Univariate logistic regression analysis revealed the predictors of significant global LVSD at 12 months after STEMI to be: anterior location of STEMI; pre-discharge echocardiographic parameters of LVSF and left ventricle size and mass; prepPCI angiographic indices; ratio of the difference of BNPdischarge and BNPadmission to BNPadmission expressed as % (BNPdelta %); time from onset of pain to balloon, and the use of abciximab. Multivariate logistic regression analysis found independent predictors of significant global LVSD at 12 months to be: BNPdelta % and LVEF at discharge with optimal cut-off values of 728.2% for BNPdelta % and 37% for LVEF. Conclusions: Patients with a first STEMI treated with pPCI present moderate LVSD, both at hospital discharge and after 12 months. In long-term follow-up, we found an improvement in global LVSF, and, albeit a smaller, improvement in regional LVSF. No improvement in longitudinal LVSF was observed. The increase of BNP during hospitalisation, and LVEF at discharge, are independent predictors of significant global LVSD at 12 months after a first STEMI treated with pPCI. Pre-discharge peak systolic mitral annular velocity obtained by TDE may be useful in predicting LVEF in long-term follow-up in this group of patients