302 research outputs found

    Infra-red fixed points at the boundary

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    Gauged supergravities (in four and five dimensions) with eight supercharges and with vector supermultiplets have a unique ultra-violet (UV) fixed point on a given physical domain \cal M of the space of the scalar fields. We show that in these models the infra-red (IR) fixed points are located on the boundary of \cal M, where the space-time metric becomes singular.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, 2 figure

    Supersymmetric Intersecting D6-branes and Fluxes in Massive Type IIA String Theory

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    We study N=1 supersymmetric four-dimensional solutions of massive Type IIA supergravity with intersecting D6-branes in the presence NS-NS three-form fluxes. We derive N=1 supersymmetry conditions for the D6-brane and flux configurations in an internal manifold X6X_6 and derive the intrinsic torsion (or SU(3)-structure) related to the fluxes. In the absence of fluxes, N=1 supersymmetry implies that D6-branes wrap supersymmetric three-cycles of X6X_6 that intersect at angles of SU(3) rotations and the geometry is deformed by SU(3)-structures. The presence of fluxes breaks the SU(3) structures to SU(2) and the D6-branes intersect at angles of SU(2) rotations; non-zero mass parameter corresponds to D8-branes which are orthogonal to the common cycle of all D6-branes. The anomaly inflow indicates that the gauge theory on intersecting (massive) D6-branes is not chiral.Comment: 31 pages, Latex, small changes, add ref

    General N = 1 Supersymmetric Flux Vacua of (Massive) Type IIA String Theory

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    We derive conditions for the existence of four-dimensional \N=1 supersymmetric flux vacua of massive type IIA string theory with general supergravity fluxes turned on. For an SU(3) singlet Killing spinor, we show that such flux vacua exist only when the internal geometry is nearly-K\"ahler. The geometry is not warped, all the allowed fluxes are proportional to the mass parameter and the dilaton is fixed by a ratio of (quantized) fluxes. The four-dimensional cosmological constant, while negative, becomes small in the vacuum with the weak string coupling.Comment: 4 page

    Supersymmetric Domain-Wall World from D=5 Simple Gauged Supergravity

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    We address a supersymmetric embedding of domain walls with asymptotically anti-deSitter (AdS) space-times in five-dimensional simple, N=2 U(1) gauged supergravity theory constructed by Gunaydin, Townsend and Sierra. These conformally flat solutions interpolate between supersymmetric AdS vacua, satisfy the Killing spinor (first order) differential equations, and the four-dimensional world on the domain wall is a flat world with N=1 supersymmetry. Regular solutions in this class have the energy density related to the cosmological constants of the supersymmetric AdS vacua. An analysis of such solutions is given for the example of one (real, neutral) vector supermultiplet with the most general form of the prepotential. There are at most two supersymmetric AdS vacua that are in general separated by a singularity in the potential. Nevertheless the supersymmetric domain wall solution exists with the scalar field interpolating continuously across the singular region.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, sign corrected, resulting in a different asymptotics for the exampl

    Impingement-free Hip Motion: The ‘Normal' Angle Alpha after Osteochondroplasty

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    Femoroacetabular impingement is considered a cause of hip osteoarthrosis. In cam impingement, an aspherical head-neck junction is squeezed into the joint and causes acetabular cartilage damage. The anterior offset angle α, observed on a lateral crosstable radiograph, reflects the location where the femoral head becomes aspheric. Previous studies reported a mean angle α of 42° in asymptomatic patients. Currently, it is believed an angle α of 50° to 55° is normal. The aim of this study was to identify that angle α which allows impingement-free motion. In 45 patients who underwent surgical treatment for femoroacetabular impingement, we measured the angle α preoperatively, immediately postoperatively, and 1year postoperatively. All hips underwent femoral correction and, if necessary, acetabular correction. The correction was considered sufficient when, in 90° hip flexion, an internal rotation of 20° to 25° was possible. The angle α was corrected from a preoperative mean of 66° (range, 45°-79°) to 43° (range, 34°-60°) postoperatively. Because the acetabulum is corrected to normal first, the femoral correction is tested against a normal acetabulum. We therefore concluded an angle α of 43° achieved surgically and with impingement-free motion, represents the normal angle α, an angle lower than that currently considered sufficien

    User-friendly locations of error messages in web forms: Put them on the right side of the erroneous input field

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    There are many ways of placing error messages in web forms. A study of web conventions shows that the most common approach is to display error messages embedded in the form at the top of the entire form. Six frequent locations (right, left, above and below the erroneous input field, as well as on the top and at the bottom of the form) were tested in an online study with n = 303 participants. Results of efficiency, effectiveness and satisfaction show that the locations near the erroneous input field lead to a significantly better performance than the error messages on the top and at the bottom of the form; in addition error messages on the right side of the erroneous input field were subjectively evaluated as the most satisfying and intuitive by participants. The results indicate possible improvements for online shops, where error messages are currently mostly placed on the top of the for

    Designing usable web forms: empirical evaluation of web form improvement guidelines

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    This study reports a controlled eye tracking experiment (N = 65) that shows the combined effectiveness of 20 guidelines to improve interactive online forms when applied to forms found on real company websites. Results indicate that improved web forms lead to faster completion times, fewer form submission trials, and fewer eye movements. Data from subjective questionnaires and interviews further show increased user satisfaction. Overall, our findings highlight the importance for web designers to improve their web forms using UX guidelines

    Beziehungskompetenzen und Beziehungsmuster in stabilen (Langzeit-) Ehen: ausgewĂ€hlte Ergebnisse des MĂŒnchner DFG-Projekts "Was hĂ€lt Ehen zusammen?"

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    "Der Beitrag berichtet querschnittliche Ergebnisse einer schriftlichen Befragung von stabilen Langzeitehen (2001, n = 663), einer 2 Jahre spĂ€ter durchgefĂŒhrten erneuten Fragebogenstudie an einem Teil dieser Stichprobe (2003, n = 188) und einer vertiefenden Interviewstudie (2003, n = 65). Befunde (a) zum persönlichen 'Eherezept' der Paare, (b) zu Beziehungstiefs und deren BewĂ€ltigung, (c) zur Relevanz impliziter Beziehungstheorien und deren prozessorientierten Korrelaten fĂŒr die Ehezufriedenheit, (d) zu einer Paartypologie auf der Basis von 'PositivitĂ€t' und 'Konfliktkompetenz' und deren AusprĂ€gung bezĂŒglich kognitiver, emotionaler und handlungsbezogener Aspekte der Paarbeziehung sowie (e) zur Bedeutung von GenerativitĂ€t in Langzeitehen werden dargestellt. Die Ergebnisse werden im Lichte ihrer Verwertbarkeit zur Förderung positiver Paarbeziehungen diskutiert." (Autorenreferat)"The present contribution reports on selected cross-sectional results based on a questionnaire study of stable long-term marriages (2001, n = 663), a subsequent questionnaire study on a subsample of the original sample (2003, n = 188), and an in-depth interview study (2003, n = 65). In particular, the results refer to (a) the couples' personal 'marriage recipe', (b) relationship downs and coping with them, (c) the relevance of implicit relationship theories and their process-oriented correlates with respect to marital satisfaction, (d) a couple typology based on marital 'positivity' and 'conflict competence' and its differential cognitive, emotional and behavioural relationship patterns, and (e) the importance of transgenerational generativity in long-term marriages. The results are being discussed in the light of their potential usefulness to foster positive couple relationships." (author's abstract

    Somatostatin receptors in congenital hyperinsulinism:Biology to bedside

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    Congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI), although a rare disease, is an important cause of severe hypoglycemia in early infancy and childhood, causing preventable morbidity and mortality. Prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment is necessary to prevent hypoglycaemia mediated brain damage. At present, the medical treatment of CHI is limited to diazoxide as first line and synthetic somatostatin receptor ligands (SRLs) as second line options; therefore understanding somatostatin biology and treatment perspectives is important. Under healthy conditions, somatostatin secreted from pancreatic islet ÎŽ-cells reduces insulin release through somatostatin receptor induced cAMP-mediated downregulation and paracrine inhibition of ÎČ- cells. Several SRLs with extended duration of action are now commercially available and are being used off-label in CHI patients. Efficacy remains variable with the present generation of SRLs, with treatment effect often being compromised by loss of initial response and adverse effects such as bowel ischaemia and hepatobiliary dysfunction. In this review we have addressed the biology of the somatostatin system contexualised to CHI. We have discussed the clinical use, limitations, and complications of somatostatin agonists and new and emerging therapies for CHI
