275 research outputs found

    Cargas de trabalho e processo de desgaste em Agentes Comunitários de Saúde

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    OBJETIVO Identificar as cargas de trabalho presentes na atividade laboral dos agentes comunitários de saúde (ACS) e os processos de desgaste decorrentes. MÉTODO Estudo descritivo-exploratório, transversal, quantitativo, realizado com 137 ACS. Os dados foram coletados por meio de questionário e entrevista norteada pelo software de vigilância à saúde SIMOSTE, seguindo os preceitos éticos da legislação vigente. RESULTADOS Identificou-se 140 cargas de trabalho envolvidas em 122 processos de desgaste representados pelas ocorrências de agravos à saúde do ACS, destacando-se as cargas mecânica (55,00%) e biológica (16,43%). Os processos de desgastes mais comuns foram as causas externas de morbidade e mortalidade (62,31%) e as doenças do sistema osteomuscular e conjuntivo (10,66%). CONCLUSÃO Evidenciou-se a partir dos desgastes identificados, que todas as cargas de trabalho estão presentes no processo de trabalho dos ACS, destacando-se a carga mecânica, representada principalmente pelas causas externas de morbidade e mortalidade, as quais se relacionam com os acidentes de trabalho.OBJETIVO Identificar las cargas de trabajo presentes en la actividad laboral de los agentes comunitarios de Salud (ACS) y los procesos de desgaste consecuentes. MÉTODO Estudio descriptivo exploratorio, transversal, cuantitativo con 137 ACS. Los datos fueron recogidos mediante cuestionario y entrevista orientada por el software de vigilancia sanitaria SIMOSTE, siguiendo los preceptos de la legislación vigente. RESULTADOS Se identificaron 140 cargas de trabajo involucradas en 122 procesos de desgaste representados por las ocurrencias de agravios a la salud del ACS, destacándose la carga mecánica (55,00%) y la biológica (16,43%). Los procesos de desgastes más comunes fueron las causas externas de morbilidad y mortalidad (62,31%) y las enfermedades del sistema osteomuscular y conjuntivo (10,66%). CONCLUSIÓN Se evidenció desde los desgastes identificados que todas las cargas de trabajo están presentes en el proceso de trabajo de los ACS, destacándose la carga mecánica, representada especialmente por las causas externas de morbilidad y mortalidad, las que se relacionan con los accidentes laborales.OBJECTIVE To identify the workloads present in the work activities of community health agents (CHAs) and the resulting strain processes. METHOD A descriptive, exploratory, cross-sectional and quantitative study conducted with 137 CHAs. Data were collected through a questionnaire and interview guided by the health surveillance software called SIMOSTE (Health Monitoring System of Nursing Workers), following the ethical codes of the current law. RESULTS In total, were identified 140 workloads involved in 122 strain processes, represented by the occurrence of health problems of the CHAs. The mechanical (55.00%) and biological (16.43%) loads stood out. The most common strain processes were the external causes of morbidity and mortality (62.31%) and diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (10.66%). CONCLUSION From the identified overloads, it became evident that all workloads are present in the work process of CHAs, highlighting the mechanical load, represented mainly by external causes of morbidity and mortality that are related to occupational accidents


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    Eeste trabalho teve como objetivo geral identificar quais os impactos da preferência pela liquidez do público (PLP) e dos bancos (PLB) na disponibilidade de crédito nos municípios do Espírito Santo. Adotou-se a técnica econométrica de dados em painel pooled (empilhado). Os resultados obtidos para o período de 2005 a 2010 confirmaram que a PLB e a PLP afetam negativamente a oferta de crédito nos municípios do Espírito Santo, com maior influência da PLB do que da PLP. Além disso, verificou-se que a disponibilidade de crédito é maior nos municípios mais dinâmicos, ou seja, mais desenvolvidos. No mais, há evidências de que a preferência pela liquidez é um importante fator na explicação da tendência a concentração regional do crédito nos municípios capixabas

    Effect of birth weight and litter size on the performance of landrace gilts until puberty

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    Background: The selection for larger litter size has resulted in reduction of average birth weight and in increase of withinlitter birth weight variation in pigs. Birth weight is one of the most important factors affecting the survival and performance of piglets until weaning. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of litter size into which gilts were born and their individual birth weight on mortality and culling rate until the time of selection, as well as on puberty onset. Materials, Methods & Results: Female Landrace piglets (n = 1525) were identifi ed and weighed within 18 h after birth. They were also weighed at weaning (n = 1379), and at the end of the nursery (n = 1198) and rearing phases (n = 940). Three classes of litter size were created: Small LS (7-11 piglets), Intermediate LS (12-13 piglets) and Large LS (14-19 piglets). Gilts were also separated in three classes according to their birth weight: Low BW (530-1200 g), Intermediate BW (1205-1600 g) and High BW (1605-2535 g). When compared to High BW gilts, the risk of death until weaning was greater (P 0.05). The risk of not being selected for breeding was greater (P 0.05). Discussion: The importance of birth weight for survival until weaning and for development until the selection time was confi rmed in this study. Since birth weight was associated with ADWG, the expectation was that puberty onset would happen earlier in gilts with greater ADWG. In other studies, gilts with greater growth rates reached puberty earlier if stimulated at an early age (~140 days of age). In the present study, however, puberty onset was not affected by birth weight, probably because gilts were exposed to boars at 165 days of age. This aspect may indicate that, after a certain age, puberty is less dependent on growth rate. The greater risk of mortality until weaning and of not being selected for reproduction, in Light BW gilts, contribute to economic losses in replacement gilt units. Segregation of gilts based on their birth weight can be performed at birth or in subsequent phases. Early selection may help to reduce costs for maintaining gilts that will probably not be selected, hence increasing the profi tability of pig production. In addition, it provides the opportunity to pay special attention to gilts with greater potential to be future breeders. The results show that birth weight is more important than litter size into which gilts were born for their survival until weaning, as well as for an adequate weight gain, which will ensure their retention in the herd until the selection time. When the gilts are stimulated close to 165 days of age, age at puberty and anoestrous rate are not affected by birth weight or litter size into which they were born

    Difusión de los valores humanos fundamentales mediante la aplicación de cartillas ilustrativas para los niños y niñas del tercer año de educación básica de la Escuela Fiscal Mixta Nocturna N°1 “Milagro”

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    El proyecto contiene el planteamiento de un problema muy común en nuestros centros educativos, al cual estamos dando una solución, basado en una fundamentación teórica, científica, legal, elaborando una serie de cartillas educativas ilustrativas sobre los valores humanos más importantes, que serán expuestos a los niños y niñas del Tercer Año Básico de la Escuela Nocturna N° 1 Milagro, para de esta manera aportar a su desarrollo personal y social. El objetivo principal es lograr un cambio positivo de actitud en los niños para que mejoren su desenvolvimiento social y por ende su desempeño y el rendimiento escolar. Las cartillas que se expondrán están directamente orientados a mejorar la conducta de los niños y niñas, a que comprendan el verdadero significado de los valores humanos y la importancia que tiene la práctica diría de cada uno de ellos. Proponemos pautas para que los beneficiarios indirectos, que en este caso son los maestros, contribuyan con sus experiencias y con su comportamiento a que los niños y niñas se beneficien y hagan que los valores morales formen parte de su diario vivir

    Innate immunity and HPV: friends or foes

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    Most human papillomavirus infections are readily cleared by the host immune response. However, in some individuals, human papillomavirus can establish a persistent infection. The persistence of high-risk human papillomavirus infection is the major risk factor for cervical cancer development. These viruses have developed mechanisms to evade the host immune system, which is an important step in persistence and, ultimately, in tumor development. Several cell types, receptors, transcription factors and inflammatory mediators involved in the antiviral immune response are viral targets and contribute to tumorigenesis. These targets include antigen-presenting cells, macrophages, natural killer cells, Toll-like receptors, nuclear factor kappa B and several cytokines and chemokines, such as interleukins, interferon and tumor necrosis factor. In the present review, we address both the main innate immune response mechanisms involved in HPV infection clearance and the viral strategies that promote viral persistence and may contribute to cancer development. Finally, we discuss the possibility of exploiting this knowledge to develop effective therapeutic strategies

    Oxidative stress: therapeutic approaches for cervical cancer treatment

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    OBJECTIVES: Oxidative stress results from an imbalance between the generation and elimination of oxidant species. This condition may result in DNA, RNA and protein damage, leading to the accumulation of genetic alterations that can favor malignant transformation. Persistent infection with high-risk human papillomavirus types is associated with inflammatory responses and reactive oxygen species production. In this context, oxidative stress, chronic inflammation and high-risk human papillomavirus can act in a synergistic manner. To counteract the harmful effects of oxidant species, protective molecules, known as antioxidant defenses, are produced by cells to maintain redox homeostasis. In recent years, the use of natural antioxidants as therapeutic strategies for cancer treatment has attracted the attention of the scientific community. This review discusses specific molecules and mechanisms that can act against or together with oxidative stress, presenting alternatives for cervical cancer prevention and treatment

    Niveles de responsabilidad que presentan los padres de familia en los procesos educativos de los estudiantes de 8vo, 9no, y 10mo. Año de Educación básica del Colegio Nacional Ibarra.

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    Muchas veces se formulan preguntas de quiénes son los educadores de los estudiantes, serán los profesores o los padres. Considerando que ambos tienen campos de actuación distintos y complementarios en la educación de los mismos. Los padres porque educan al estudiante en cuanto a su personalidad, mientras que los profesores a ser un buen estudiante y en un futuro un verdadero profesional.El presente trabajo de investigación indaga sobre los niveles de responsabilidad que presenta los padres en los procesos educativos, para ello se abordan diversos temas: Niveles de responsabilidad de padres y maestros. Ausencia parcial de los padres. Conflictos familia-escuela. Rol de los padres que trabajan. Familias desorganizadas. Deserción escolar. Afectación psicológica y Talleres. La investigación concluye que los padres de familia del centro Educativo, ignoran algunas de las responsabilidades con respecto a la educación y formación de sus hijas, para esto se aplican los talleres de formación para los padres


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    In recent years, “social responsibility” appears as an increasingly present subject in the public, private, and federal institutions. However, it becomes a polemic subject, because the term is often associated to the pure and simple idea of philanthropy, charity, or good will of business men against the ailments of social and cultural differences. In this way, the social commitment of the public universities is to fight for the ethnically vulnerable social groups, showing itself as a represented category based on the ethical principle of the university services. The study examines the production of knowledge on blacks, stored in the science memory of the Federal University of Paraiba, focusing on the Graduate Program in Information Science of that Institution. The results show that this Program has a modest knowledge production concerning the ethno-racial issue. Nevertheless, some efforts need to be taken in order to give visibility to blacks in the production of knowledge that constitutes the science memory of UFPB. For that purpose, it is suggested the development of information actions by conducting researches designed to support the knowledge production, and advance the reflections on the ethnically vulnerable social groups that historically live in unequal conditions.  Revealing the (in)visibility of the positions they still occupy in the science memory of the higher education institutions and the roles of the power relations circulating in the universities.Nesses últimos anos, a “responsabilidade social” aparece como um assunto cada vez mais presente nas instituições públicas, privadas e federais. Porém, torna-se um assunto polêmico, pois muitas vezes o termo vem associado à ideia pura e simples de filantropia, caridade ou à boa vontade dos homens de negócios frente às mazelas das diferenças sociais e culturais. Desse modo, o compromisso social de universidades públicas é o de lutar em prol dos grupos sociais etnicamente vulneráveis, mostrando-se como uma categoria representada com base no princípio ético do fazer universitário. O estudo analisa a produção de conhecimento sobre  negros,  armazenada na memória da ciência da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, com ênfase no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação dessa Instituição. Os  resultados apontam que este Programa possui uma produção de conhecimento discreta no que se refere à temática étnico-racial. Contudo, algumas iniciativas precisam ser tomadas no sentido de dar visibilidade aos negros na produção de conhecimento que constitui a memória da ciência da UFPB. Para tanto, sugere-se o desenvolvimento de ações de informação por meio de realização de pesquisas que visem favorecer a produção de conhecimento e fazer avançar as reflexões sobre os grupos sociais etnicamente vulneráveis  e que historicamente convivem em condições desiguais. Revelando a (in)visibilidade de lugares que ainda ocupam na memória da ciência das instituições de ensino superior e  a função das relações de forças que circulam nas universidades

    Percepção de enfermeiros e enfermeiras sobre o machismo na enfermagem

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    Objetivo: Conhecer a percepção dos(as) docentes de uma instituição de ensino superior, que atuam na assistência de enfermagem sobre o machismo no seu ambiente de trabalho. Diante disso a questão norteadora desta pesquisa foi: Qual a percepção dos(as) docentes sobre o machismo no seu ambiente de trabalho? Métodos: Pesquisa descritiva e exploratória, de abordagem qualitativa, realizada com profissionais da enfermagem, docentes de uma faculdade particular da capital de Alagoas. Os dados foram primários, coletados através de um formulário eletrônico, elaborado pelas pesquisadoras, para análise qualitativa das informações foi adotada a análise de conteúdo de Bardin. Pesquisa aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética com nº de parecer: 4.719.368 Resultados: Foram participantes do estudo 16 docentes do curso de enfermagem, que referiram em sua maioria já ter sofrido ou presenciado situações machistas durante a assistência. Conclusão: A partir dessa pesquisa observou-se que ainda existe machismo na assistência, por parte de profissionais e pacientes. Parte dos docentes participantes deste estudo alegaram já ter sofrido ou presenciados situações de sexismo e todos acordaram em relação a interferência na eficácia da assistência. Sendo necessárias ações de conscientização destes profissionais e do público em geral, abrangendo também os pacientes.Objective: Know the perception of professors of a higher education institution who work in nursing care about sexism in their work environment. Therefore, the guiding question of this research was: What is the perception of professors and nurses about sexism in their work environment? Methodology: Descriptive and exploratory research, with a qualitative approach, carried out with nursing professionals and professors at a private college inthe capital of Alagoas. Data were primarily collected through an electronic form developed by the researchers for qualitative analysis of the information, Bardin’s content analysis was adopted. The research was approved by the Ethics Committee with opinion number: 4,719,368 Results: The study included 16 professors from the nursing course, who mostly reported having already suffered or witnessed sexist situations during care. Conclusion: From this research, it was observed that despite the predominance of women in nursing, there is still sexism present in care on the part of professionals and patients. Part of the professors participating in this study claimed to have suffered or witnessed situations of sexism and all agreed on the interference in the effectiveness of care. Awarenessactions are needed for these professionals and the general public, including patients