894 research outputs found

    L'affaire DELL: qu'en est-il de l'erreur sur le prix ?

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    L’article traite de l’erreur sur le prix dans les contrats électroniques. Comme toile de fond l’auteure analyse la décision de la Cour Supérieure du Québec Union des consommateurs c. Dell Computer Corp., ainsi que celle de la Cour d’Appel du Québec. Comme la question de l’erreur sur le prix n’est pas traitée dans ces décisions, l’auteure étudie, dans un premier temps, les erreurs reconnues en droit québécois en tant que vices du consentement. Dans un deuxième temps, l’auteure étudie le cas spécifique de l’erreur sur le prix dans les contrats électroniques et la validité de ces derniers. Finalement, l’auteure analyse certaines décisions étrangères qui portent sur la validité d’un contrat électronique conclu sur la base d’une erreur sur le prix.The article concerns the issue of pricing errors in electronic contracts. In order to study the question, the author analyzes the decision of the Superior Court of Quebec Union des consommateurs c. Dell Computer Corp., as well as that of The Court of Appeal of Quebec. As the question of pricing error is not treated in neither of the two decisions, the author studies, initially, the errors recognized in Quebec law as defects of consent. Secondly, the author studies the specific case of pricing error in the context of electronic contracts and the validity of the latter. Finally, the author analyses certain foreign decisions which relate to the validity of an electronic contract concluded on the basis of a pricing error

    Oodles of Noodles: The Story of How One Dish Traversed Asia

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    How noodles have adapted to several Asian cuisines is a testament to their flexibility, and also serves as a way in which to gather insight on the cultures they encounter. Noodles have stood the test of time and their evolution tells more than a recipe, but the stories of nations as well. The resilience and malleability of noodles have allowed the dish to persist all throughout Asia, as well as act as a mirror of the nations they are incorporated into

    The time has come to make cervical cancer prevention an essential part of comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services for HIV-positive women in low-income countries.

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    IntroductionHIV and cervical cancer are intersecting epidemics that disproportionately affect one of the most vulnerable populations in the world: women in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Historically, the disparity in cervical cancer risk for women in LMICs has been due to the lack of organized screening and prevention programmes. In recent years, this risk has been augmented by the severity of the HIV epidemic in LMICs. HIV-positive women are at increased risk for developing cervical precancer and cancer, and while the introduction of antiretroviral therapy has dramatically improved life expectancies among HIV-positive women it has not been shown to improve cancer-related outcomes. Therefore, an increasing number of HIV-positive women are living in LMICs with limited or no access to cervical cancer screening programmes. In this commentary, we describe the gaps in cervical cancer prevention, the state of evidence for integrating cervical cancer prevention into HIV programmes and future directions for programme implementation and research.DiscussionDespite the biologic, behavioural and demographic overlap between HIV and cervical cancer, cervical cancer prevention has for the most part been left out of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services for HIV-positive women. Lower cost primary and secondary prevention strategies for cervical cancer are becoming more widely available in LMICs, with increasing evidence for their efficacy and cost-effectiveness. Going forward, cervical cancer prevention must be considered a part of the essential package of SRH services for HIV-positive women. Effective cervical cancer prevention programmes will require a coordinated response from international policymakers and funders, national governments and community leaders. Leveraging the improvements in healthcare infrastructure created by the response to the global HIV epidemic through integration of services may be an effective way to make an impact to prevent cervical cancer among HIV-positive women, but more work remains to determine optimal approaches.ConclusionsCervical cancer prevention is an essential part of comprehensive HIV care. In order to ensure maximal impact and cost-effectiveness, implementation strategies for screening programmes must be adapted and rigorously evaluated through a framework that includes equal participation with policymakers, programme planners and key stakeholders in the target communities

    “Con el agua al cuello”. Riesgo por inundación, vulnerabilidad socioambiental y gobernanza en el municipio de Cuautitlán

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    In this text, the analysis of the floods that occurred in 2011 in the Fraccionamiento Los Olivos I and II, in the municipality of Cuautitlán, located in the Metropolitan Zone of Mexico City is addressed. Our theoretical framework considers the concepts of risk, socio-environmental vulnerability and governance, in order to explain the need of a new management model of reduced risk that faces the transformations and overloads of the territory. In the same way, it is explored how floods can be a type of environmental injustice, linked directly to the adopted development forms. The methodology used in this case of study includes different research techniques such as: group interviews, key informants, as well as the looking for information in news, documents and official data.Este texto aborda el análisis de las inundaciones que se presentaron en 2011 en el fraccionamiento Los Olivos I y II, en el municipio de Cuautitlán, ubicado en la Zona Metropolitana de la Ciudad de México. Nuestro marco teórico retoma los conceptos de riesgo, vulnerabilidad socioambiental y gobernanza, con el fin de explicar la necesidad de un nuevo modelo de gestión de reducción de riesgos ante las transformaciones y sobrecargas al territorio. De igual manera, se explora de qué manera las inundaciones pueden ser una variante de injusticia ambiental, ligada de manera directa a las formas de desarrollo adoptado. La metodología usada en este caso de estudio abarca diferentes técnicas de investigación, como: entrevistas grupales, informantes clave, así como la búsqueda de información en notas periodísticas, documentos y datos oficiale

    La uam Cuajimalpa: Reflexiones en su décimo aniversario

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    AbstractViewed from a critical perspective, this paper discusses the role of higher education institutions in combating environmental degradation. It uses the case of the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Cuajimalpa, which has adopted environmental sustainability as a guiding principle in its plans and curricula. In its 10 years of existence, the Cuajimalpa campus has acquired its own personality, incorporating sustainability as a transversal principle in teaching, research, management and cultural dissemination.ResumenDesde una visión crítica, este trabajo aborda el papel de las Instituciones de Educación Superior (ies) frente al deterioro ambiental. Toma el caso de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Cuajimalpa, para mostrar cómo adoptó la sustentabilidad ambiental como eje rector de sus planes y programas de estudio y su quehacer universitario. A sus diez años de creación, la institución ha adquirido personalidad propia al impulsar, desde diversos ámbitos, la sustentabilidad como eje central en sus políticas y prácticas docentes, de investigación, gestión y difusión de la cultura

    Contrat de cyberconsommation et arbitrage : les leçons de l'arrêt Dell

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    En juillet 2007, la Cour suprême du Canada s’est prononcée pour la première fois sur un litige lié au commerce électronique et dont les faits sont nés au Québec. L’affaire est d’une grande banalité : un contrat de consommation conclu par la voie de l’internet donna lieu à un litige car le prix proposé par le commerçant était erroné. Dans ce jugement historique, la Cour suprême a renversé les décisions des cours inférieures et est allée dans la direction contraire d’une modification législative adoptée le lendemain des auditions à la Cour, qui ne s’appliquait pas au cas en l’espèce. Ce jugement a causé des débats non seulement sur ce que la Cour a dit, mais aussi quant à l’opportunité qui lui était offerte de clarifier plusieurs questions d’importance. Ce mémoire utilise l’affaire Dell comme fil conducteur de l’étude du contrat de cyberconsommation et traite aussi de certaines questions incidentes sur ce droit en constant changement. En premier lieu, nous étudions le contrat de cyberconsommation et ensuite nous examinons le fond de l’affaire, une question qui n’a d’ailleurs pas encore reçu une analyse judiciaire. Dans la dernière partie, nous faisons une analyse critique des questions juridiques traitées par la Cour suprême. Nous concluons en remarquant que la Cour a perdu une occasion unique de clarifier certaines incongruïtés du droit de la cyberconsommation.In July 2007, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled for the first time in an electronic commerce dispute in Quebec. The case is very ordinary: a consumer contract concluded by means of the Internet gave rise to a dispute because of a pricing error. In this landmark decision, the Supreme Court overturned the decisions of lower courts and went in the opposite direction of a legislative amendment adopted in the wake of the Court hearings, which did not apply in this case. This ruling has caused debate not only on what the Court said, but also the opportunities it had to clarify several important issues. This thesis uses the Dell case as a backdrop for the study of cyberconsumer contract and also covers certain incidental questions on this constantly changing law. First, we study the law applicable to consumer contracts. Secondly, we look to the merits of the case, a question which has indeed not yet received legal analysis. In the third part, we address a critical analysis of legal issues dealt with by the Supreme Court. We conclude by noting that the Court has lost a unique opportunity to clarify some inconsistencies in the law of cybercommerce