6 research outputs found

    The effect of density and stocking weight on growth rate and production of grey mullet (Mugil cephalus L.)

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    Around ten thousands fries of Striped grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) with average weight and length of 280 mg and 28.3 mm respectively, imported in March 2008 from Egypt. The wild fries collected from surrounding natural waters of Alexandria. They stocked in four earthen ponds (each with 2500 m2 ) located at the Gomishan shrimp educational centre at late march in 2008. At the first year of culture the densities were 5000 and 10000 individuals per hectare and each treatment with two replicates. At second year, densities changed with 2000 and 2500 individuals per hectares and each of the treatments divided fishes with average primary weights of 80 and 115 grams. They fed twice a day at 8 AM and 2 PM and the amount was 5-7 percents of the fish existent biomass in each ponds. After seven months culture period, the average weight and length of fish in treatment 5000 ind./hec. were 113.7 gr and 21.1 cm respectively and in treatment 10000 ind./hec. the average weight and length were 86.6 gr and 19.6 cm respectively. At first year the average survival rate in different treatments was 77 percent. The average FCR in treatments 5000 and 10000 ind./hec. were 3.4 and 3.9 respectively. At second years after six months culture the average weights in pond no. 9 (with primary weight 115 gr and density 2000 ind./hec) , pond no. 10 (with primary weight 80 gr and density 2000 ind./hec) , pond no. 11 (with primary weight 115 gr and density 2500 ind./hec) and pond no. 12 (with primary weight 80 gr and density 2500 ind./hec) calculated as 476.6 ,338.1, 366.5 and 440 gr respectively. The average survival rate and FCR were 93 % and 3.1 respectively

    Study of possibilities of aquaculture activities in the Gorgan Bay

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    The Gorgan golf is one of unique ecosystem in Iran which has plenty of known and unknown ecological values. Different agents threaten this ecosystem such as severe exploitation of natural resource on human behalf. This must be restricted using an accepted programs otherwise the ecological situation of the Gorgan golf will be worsen and finally to be died. In these study biological circumstances of the golf has been investigated in order to evaluate its ecological capacity to develop a sustainable aquaculture activities. This study started from Sep, 2010 and lasted to Oct, 2011. On the basis of the results from this study, and with considerations of all environmental conditions some aquatic organisms recommended for aquaculture purposes such as common carp (Cyprinus carpio), Caspian sea salmon (Salmo truta caspius), sturgeons stellate (Acipenser stellatus), Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) and the great sturgeon (Huso huso). The farming procedure recommended as pen culture. In this study, the suitable surface of each pen, required information over each cultured species, suitable density and the amount of catch for each species have been determined. The amount of Nitrogen and Phosphorous originated from feeding and also secreted from fish species as the pollution index entered into the farming sites. The authorized amount of pollution factors for production and aquaculture in the Gorgan golf has been determined. In addition the study over the structure type for farming and also the suitable site for pen culture with consider to the facilities and conditions have been done. With notice to the above, with developing the aquaculture in this ecosystem, local workers will be run and plenty of capital will be invested and finally this will tend to the great revenues by producing of favor protein. This industry is able to change the region to a most important sites to produce aquatic organisms

    Environmental assessment of the Digche region in order to the development of warm-water fish culture

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    Proposed land area within the Environmental impact assessment study boundary is designated for development of warm-water fish culture and located at "49 '55 ° 54 to" 14 '56 ° 54 east longitude, and "7 '15 37 to" 48 '19 37 north latitude, in the Gonbad Kavous county of Golestan province. Currently in Digcheh there are 47 earthen ponds with different dimensions comprising some 380 ha project's overal footprint with an estimated 324ha net area of production ponds, which involves common carp and chinese carp fish farming. Fresh water supply is provided from Gorgan-Roud to the culture ponds by pumping via some mobile pump through a common earthen channel which is shared with agriculture lands of the rural community. Environmental impact assessment studies for the project which in terms of design features, subject to article 2, paragraph (e) of Environmental impact assessment regulation is necessary in order to resolve problems related to water supply , optimization of fish farm's hydraulic systems through the construction of concrete main intake channel and optimization and renewal of pond's weir and outlet structure, intake and drainage channels of production ponds, and also renovation of water pumping systems wich will be resulting in increased farmed fish production and decreased production costs. For optimization of EIA study and achievements to update information by using Geographic Information System(GIS) software, the maps of the study area were provided with scrutiny. Thus, in first step digital map with a scale of 1:500 to1:2000 in AUTO CAD format that shows the project location, prepared with land surveying. Layers of required maps based on Iran Army Geographical Organization base maps for site with conceptual and spatial information of location were provided. General location map of the region, residential areas and villages, roads and other maps needed in studies us ing these layers were produced. Next, the paper output for Cartography maps were prepared using ARC GIS software. The spatial layers with the help of GIS spatial analysis studies by different expert teams of EIA studies (soil and water pollution , social, economic and cultural studies, biological environment, climate and hydrology) , were performed. The output of digital spatial data, spatial analysis and Cartography as various maps, tables or diagrams and graphical analysis were used in various discipline reports. Since implementing the project can be create different and various changes or effects on environment resources (physical, biological, social, economic and cultural) ,thus knowing how these impacts occur will be assist to prevent or reduce their pursuant negative effects the environment impact assessment studies carried out. In order to conduct decision-making process between action and no action alternatives for perform Digcheh Aquaculture project the Leopold matrix and comparison checklist method has been used. The results of the Leopold matrix shows that the action of Project with environmental mitigation measures (+412) is superior to no action Project (-79). Obviously, the modernization and Optimization of Digcheh warm-water fish farming development project have some adverse effects on the environment like other development projects but it seems with considering mitigation measures and performing Environmental Management Plans with regard to positive outcomes for local area, implementation of this project will be provide a lot of positive or favorable outcome for indigenous peoples and fish farmers. As well as with implemention of the Digcheh project problems such as the loss of water in earthen channels, the overall status of fish farming practices, migration from rural to urban areas , lack of employment and consequently low level of income and welfare of the people will be improved and acquire positive trend in the region Consequently in the EIA study final findings, the implementation of Dighcheh fish culture development project is recommended and emphasized

    The survey on imported F1 generation carp species in order to enhance genetic diversity of Chinese basic domesticated carp population in Iran

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    This project has done with the collaboration of Bnyad mostazafan (Ran agriculture and livestock Co.) with goal of increasing efficiency of warm water fishes (Chinese Carps) production. The fish were purchased from China (B. G.) in two parts in Jun 2014. The fish then transferred and quarantined to the ponds in Aghili’s farm In Azadshar using container trucks. The biological parameters of fish such as growth rate were measured during the experiment. The growth rate were obtained 9, 16, 16 and 14% for common carp, big head, silver carp and grass carp, respectively. The result shows that production of experimental ponds (ponds 2 and 4) were obtained 3473 kg/ha while the control ponds produced 2700kg/ha 1n 1393. In general the production were increased 31% when comparing with average of local production and raised 26% when comparing with average production of the entire country in 1393. In this study showed that by importing the F1 generation of Chinese carp, it can expected that production will be increased to 1.5 times of current carrying capacity as long as using aeration system and appropriate management

    Economical study of the grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) culture in the Golestan province

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    Striped grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) is a marine fish with high commercial value and widespread distribution. The grey mullet and some other mullets can be found in saltwater, brackish and fershwater habitats at tropical, subtropical and also temporal climates.This species is suitable for aquaculture worldwide due to living in wide ranges of water temperatures and salinities, acceptable growth rate, suitable food conversion ratio, marketability, suitable species for polyculture with shrimps, marine fish and even with freshwater carps. The grey mullet is farming in different countries such as Italy, Northern Africa countries ( Egypt), occupied Palestine, India, Pakistan, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Vietnam, Indonesia, coastal countries of southern pacific ocean and Hawaii. Ten thousands of fries of this species (average weight and length of 280 mg and 28.3 mm respectively) imported in March 2008 from Egypt. The wild fries colleted from surrounding natural waters of Alexandria. After finishing the quarantine steps, they stocked in four earthern ponds (each with 2500 m2) located at the Gomishan shrimp educational centre at late march in 2008. At the first year of culture the densities were 5000 and 10000 individuals per hectar and each treatment with two replicates. At second years densities changed with 2000 and 2500 ind./hec. and each of traetments divided fishes with average primary weights of 80 and 115 grames. The fries and fish feeding begins in April when the water temperature rise above 18 °C and it cut in fall when the temperature goes under 20°C. They fed twice a day at 8 AM and 2 PM and the amount was 5-7 percents of the fish existent biomass in each ponds. They fed with dry formulated feed made of Mahdaneh Karadj Company (Danso dry feed) both the first and second years of farming. The feed prepared for carps feeding and containded 23±2% crude protein, 10±2% crude lipid, about 7% crude fiber, 15 % ash, 40±2% carbohydrates and with energy content of 4000±200 kcal/kg. After seven months culture period the average weight and length of fish in treatment 5000 ind/hec. were 113.7gr and 21.1cm respectively and in treatment 10000 ind./hec. the average weight and length were 86.6 gr and 19.6 cm respectively. At first year the average survival rate in different treatments was 77 percent. The average FCR in treatments 5000 and 10000 ind./hec. were 3.4 and 3.9 respectively. At second years after six months culture the average weights in pond no. 9 (with primary weight 115 gr and density 2000 ind./hec), pond no. 10 (with primary weight 80 gr and density 2000 ind./hec), pond no. 11 (with primary weight 115 gr and density 2500 ind./hec) and pond no. 12 (with primary weight 80 gr and density 2500 ind./hec) calculated as 476.6, 338.1, 366.5 and 440 gr respectively. The average survival rate and FCR were 93 % and 3.1 respectively. Ponds no. 9 and 11 (fish stocked with primary weight 115 gr in densities both 2000 and 2500 ind./hec) selected as the best economic efficient treatments

    Study of penculture of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) fingerlings at the Gorgan Bay to the maturity stage (broodstock management)

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    The aim of present project is study on the possibilities of brood stock production from fingerlings in the penculture condition and the effect of density on it .this project was done during three years with two different treatment and three repetitions in the Gorgan Bay. First treatment with two fingerlings per square meter and the 2nd with four fingerlings per square meter in each pen.To carry out the project at first fingerlings were brought from breeding and recruitment centre –Sijeval (Kolmeh) and the stocked at the earthen pound with concentrated food .After that they were adaptated with brakish water between 7-10 days and transferred to Gorgan Bay for cultivation with average weight of 93.78±32.66 grams and 20.53±2.37 cm in length. It should be noted that 6 pens (which surrounded by nets in the water) were fixed using mast with 15-20 cm in diameter and 5.5 meter in length , Net mesh size was 16 mm with string number 33 of kapron.Feeding was done according to the program two times by giving concentrated food at the period of cultivation Physic -o -chemical factors were measured. biometery was done monthly at each pen and other fishes (unwanted) were observed at the same time. results indicate that in the 1st and 2nd treatments average survival rate was 52.3 and 41 percent respectively with average weight of 410±64.98 grams and 390±52.8 and 28.3±1.79 cm and 27.66±1.57in length. SPSS used to analysethe data such as average length and weight of fish in the treatments and in different months with ANOVA method (p≤ 0.05) . results show that there is no significant difference between treatments. Autopsy observation also showed that fishes (female and male) are mature and histological studies showed that most of observed eggs are entirely mature with 800-1200 micron diameter gonad ( male) were mature at the pen in the Gorgan Bay condition .The male and female hormones were evaluated. 17-B- Estradiol and 11-keto testosterone hormones for adult fish (female and male) parents respectively are similar in dense with those adult fish before injection to use at the artificial breeding. Maturation were verified by autopsy, histology and hormone studies