332 research outputs found

    A Low Noise Thermometer Readout for Ruthenium Oxide Resistors

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    The thermometer and thermal control system, for the Absolute Radiometer for Cosmology, Astrophysics, and Diffuse Emission (ARCADE) experiment, is described, including the design, testing, and results from the first flight of ARCADE. The noise is equivalent to about 1 Omega or 0.15 mK in a second for the RuO_2 resistive thermometers at 2.7 K. The average power dissipation in each thermometer is 1 nW. The control system can take full advantage of the thermometers to maintain stable temperatures. Systematic effects are still under investigation, but the measured precision and accuracy are sufficient to allow measurement of the cosmic background spectrum. Journal-ref: Review of Scientific Instruments Vol 73 #10 (Oct 2002)Comment: 5 pages text 7 figure

    ARCADE 2 Measurement of the Extra-Galactic Sky Temperature at 3-90 GHz

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    The ARCADE 2 instrument has measured the absolute temperature of the sky at frequencies 3, 8, 10, 30, and 90 GHz, using an open-aperture cryogenic instrument observing at balloon altitudes with no emissive windows between the beam-forming optics and the sky. An external blackbody calibrator provides an {\it in situ} reference. Systematic errors were greatly reduced by using differential radiometers and cooling all critical components to physical temperatures approximating the CMB temperature. A linear model is used to compare the output of each radiometer to a set of thermometers on the instrument. Small corrections are made for the residual emission from the flight train, balloon, atmosphere, and foreground Galactic emission. The ARCADE 2 data alone show an extragalactic rise of 50±750\pm7 mK at 3.3 GHz in addition to a CMB temperature of 2.730±.0042.730\pm .004 K. Combining the ARCADE 2 data with data from the literature shows a background power law spectrum of T=1.26±0.09T=1.26\pm 0.09 [K] (ν/ν0)2.60±0.04(\nu/\nu_0)^{-2.60\pm 0.04} from 22 MHz to 10 GHz (ν0=1\nu_0=1 GHz) in addition to a CMB temperature of 2.725±.0012.725\pm .001 K.Comment: 11 pages 5 figures Submitted to Ap

    The Temperature of the CMB at 10 GHz

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    We report the results of an effort to measure the low frequency portion of the spectrum of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB), using a balloon-borne instrument called ARCADE (Absolute Radiometer for Cosmology, Astrophysics, and Diffuse Emission). These measurements are to search for deviations from a thermal spectrum that are expected to exist in the CMB due to various processes in the early universe. The radiometric temperature was measured at 10 and 30 GHz using a cryogenic open-aperture instrument with no emissive windows. An external blackbody calibrator provides an in situ reference. A linear model is used to compare the radiometer output to a set of thermometers on the instrument. The unmodeled residuals are less than 50 mK peak-to-peak with a weighted RMS of 6 mK. Small corrections are made for the residual emission from the flight train, atmosphere, and foreground Galactic emission. The measured radiometric temperature of the CMB is 2.721 +/- 0.010 K at 10 GHz and 2.694 +/- 0.032 K at 30 GHz.Comment: 8 pages including 5 figures. Submitted to The Astrophysical Journa

    E-type asteroid (2867) Steins: flyby target for Rosetta

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    Reproduced with permission. Copyright ESO. Article published by EDP Sciences and available at http://www.aanda.org.International audienceAims. The mineralogy of the asteroid (2867) Steins was investigated in the framework of a ground-based science campaign dedicated to the future encounter with Rosetta spacecraft. Methods. Near-infrared (NIR) spectra of the asteroid in the 0.8−2.5 μm spectral range have been obtained with SpeX/IRTF in remoteobserving mode from Meudon, France, and Cambridge, MA, in December 2006 and in January and March 2007. A spectrum with a combined wavelength coverage from 0.4 to 2.5 μm was constructed using previously obtained visible data. To constrain the possible composition of the surface, we constructed a simple mixing model using a linear (areal) mix of three components obtained from the RELAB database. A space-weathering model was applied to the aubrite ALH-78113 spectrum. Results. The four new NIR spectra reveal no major absorption features. The best-fit model for the constructed visible-plus-NIR spectrum is represented by a mixture of 57% enstatite, 42% oldhamite, and 1% orthopyroxene. These results place Steins in a subdivision of the E-type class with objects like Angelina, Eger, and Nereus. This group is not sampled by the current collection of aubrite meteorites. Interestingly, the reddened aubrite spectrum also provides a good match to the Steins VNIR spectrum

    ARCADE: Absolute Radiometer for Cosmology, Astrophysics, and Diffuse Emission

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    The Absolute Radiometer for Cosmology, Astrophysics, and Diffuse Emission (ARCADE) is a balloon-borne instrument designed to measure the temperature of the cosmic microwave background at centimeter wavelengths. ARCADE searches for deviations from a blackbody spectrum resulting from energy releases in the early universe. Long-wavelength distortions in the CMB spectrum are expected in all viable cosmological models. Detecting these distortions or showing that they do not exist is an important step for understanding the early universe. We describe the ARCADE instrument design, current status, and future plans.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures. Proceedings of the Fundamental Physics With CMB workshop, UC Irvine, March 23-25, 2006, to be published in New Astronomy Review

    Near infra-red spectroscopy of the asteroid 21 Lutetia. II. Rotationally resolved spectroscopy of the surface

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    Reproduced with permission. Copyright ESO. Article published by EDP Sciences and available at http://www.aanda.orgInternational audienceAims. In the framework of the ground-based science campaign dedicated to the encounter with the Rosetta spacecraft, the mineralogy of the asteroid (21) Lutetia was investigated. Methods. Near-infrared (NIR) spectra of the asteroid in the 0.8−2.5 μm spectral range were obtained with SpeX/IRTF in remote observing mode from Meudon, France in March and April 2006. We analysed these data together with previously acquired spectra - March 2003, August 2004. I-band relative photometric data obtained on 20 January 2006 using the 105 cm telescope from Pic du Midi, France has been used to build the ephemeris for physical observations. A χ2 test using meteorite spectra from the RELAB database was performed in order to find the best fit of complete visible + infrared (VNIR) spectra of Lutetia. Results. The new spectra reveal no absorption features. We find a clear spectral variation (slope), and a good correspondence between spectral variations and rotational phase. Two of the most different spectra correspond to two opposite sides of the asteroid (sub-Earth longitude difference around 180◦). For the neutral spectra a carbonaceous chondrite spectrum yields the best fit, while for those with a slightly positive slope the enstatitic chondrite spectra are the best analog. Based on the chosen subset of the meteorite samples, our analysis suggests a primitive, chondritic nature for (21) Lutetia. Differences in spectra are interpreted in terms of the coexistence of several lithologies on the surface where the aqueous alteration played an important role

    A spectral comparison of (379) Huenna and its satellite

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    We present near-infrared spectral measurements of Themis family asteroid (379) Huenna (D~98 km) and its 6 km satellite using SpeX on the NASA IRTF. The companion was farther than 1.5" from the primary at the time of observations and was approximately 5 magnitudes dimmer. We describe a method for separating and extracting the signal of a companion asteroid when the signal is not entirely resolved from the primary. The spectrum of (379) Huenna has a broad, shallow feature near 1 {\mu}m and a low slope, characteristic of C-type asteroids. The secondary's spectrum is consistent with the taxonomic classification of C-complex or X-complex. The quality of the data was not sufficient to identify any subtle feature in the secondary's spectrum.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables - Accepted for publication in Icaru

    ARCADE 2 Observations of Galactic Radio Emission

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    We use absolutely calibrated data from the ARCADE 2 flight in 2006 July to model Galactic emission at frequencies 3, 8, and 10 GHz. The spatial structure in the data is consistent with a superposition of free–free and synchrotron emission. Emission with spatial morphology traced by the Haslam 408 MHz survey has spectral index βsynch = −2.5±0.1, with free–free emission contributing 0.10±0.01 of the total Galactic plane emission in the lowest ARCADE 2 band at 3.15 GHz. We estimate the total Galactic emission toward the polar caps using either a simple plane-parallel model with csc |b| dependence or a model of high-latitude radio emission traced by the COBE/FIRAS map of C ii emission. Both methods are consistent with a single power law over the frequency range 22 MHz to 10 GHz, with total Galactic emission toward the north polar cap TGal = 10.12 ± 0.90 K and spectral index β = −2.55 ± 0.03 at reference frequency 0.31 GHz. Emission associated with the plane-parallel structure accounts for only 30% of the observed high-latitude sky temperature, with the residual in either a Galactic halo or an isotropic extragalactic background. The well-calibrated ARCADE 2 maps provide a new test for spinning dust emission, based on the integrated intensity of emission from the Galactic plane instead of cross-correlations with the thermal dust spatial morphology. The Galactic plane intensity measured by ARCADE 2 is fainter than predicted by models without spinning dust and is consistent with spinning dust contributing 0.4 ± 0.1 of the Galactic plane emission at 23 GHz