140 research outputs found

    Stochastic delay equations with non-negativity constraints driven by fractional Brownian motion

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    In this note we prove an existence and uniqueness result for the solution of multidimensional stochastic delay differential equations with normal reflection. The equations are driven by a fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter H>1/2H>1/2. The stochastic integral with respect to the fractional Brownian motion is a pathwise Riemann--Stieltjes integral.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/10-BEJ327 the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    A reflexão no aprendizagem-serviço

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    El Aprendizaje-Servicio es una metodología cuya implantación en la educación superior exige vincular el servicio a la comunidad con el aprendizaje de contenidos académicos, competencias profesionales y valores cívicos. Uno de los mejores caminos para lograr tal conexión es implicar al alumnado en actividades de reflexión. Este tipo de actividad, además de contribuir a relacionar aprendizaje y servicio, multiplica los aprendizajes y da sentido personal y social a la experiencia de aprendizaje servicio. Para analizar el papel de la reflexión en las actividades de aprendizaje servicio se empieza presentando la idea de reflexión. A continuación se analiza una experiencia consolidada para corroborar tales ideas y profundizar en el papel de la reflexión en el aprendizaje servicio. El estudio del programa Amics i amigues de lectura de las facultades de Pedagogía y Formación del Profesorado de la Universidad de Barcelona y del Consorcio de Educación de Barcelona se aborda a través de una metodología etnográfica que nos acerca a los dinamismos de reflexión del programa: la acción tutorial, la escritura autorreflexiva y la reflexión entre iguales. Las conclusiones aportan ideas sobre cómo entender y mejorar los procesos de reflexión. Destacan aspectos como la conexión entre experiencia y reflexión, la necesidad de ofrecer múltiples dispositivos de reflexión, la conveniencia de ayudar a que sean los estudiantes quienes problematicen su experiencia y, finalmente, la incorporación de mediaciones –instrumentos y marcos conceptuales– como elemento clave de la actividad reflexiva de los participantes en las actividades de aprendizaje servicio.Service-learning is a method whose implementation in higher education requires linking community service with academic content learning, professional skills and civic values. One of the ways to achieve it is to have reflective activities. Furthermore, reflection is a means to enhance learning and to give personal and social meaning to the service learning proposals. To analyse the role of reflection in service learning activities, we will begin presenting the idea of reflection. Then, we will analyse a consolidated experience to substantiate such ideas and deepen the role of reflection in service learning. The study of the program Amics i amigues de lectura of the Faculties of Pedagogy and Teaching Learning of the University of Barcelona and Consorci d’Educació de Barcelona will be addressed through an ethnographic methodology by which we approach the dynamics of reflection of the program: the tutorial, reflective writing and reflection among equals. The findings provide insights on how to understand and improve the processes of reflection, highlight the connection between experience and reflection, the need for varied reflection devices, the convenience of helping the students to problematize their own experience and finally understand reflection as the incorporation of mediations -instruments and frameworks- in mental activity of the participants involved in service learning activities.O aprendizagem-serviço é uma metodologia cuja implantação na educação superior exige vincular o serviço à comunidade com a aprendizagem de conteúdos acadêmicos, competências profissionais e valores cívicos. Um dos melhores caminhos para lograr tal conexão é implicar o alunado em atividades de reflexão. Este tipo de atividade, ademais de contribuir para relacionar aprendizagem e serviço, multiplica as aprendizagens e dá sentido pessoal e social à experiência de aprendizagem-serviço. Para analisar o papel da reflexão nas atividades de aprendizagem-serviço se começa apresentando a ideia de reflexão. Na continuação se analisa uma experiência consolidada para corroborar tais ideias e aprofundar o papel da reflexão no aprendizagemserviço. O estudo do programa “Amics i amigues de lectura” das faculdades de Pedagogia e Formação do Professorado da Universidade de Barcelona e do Consórcio de Educação de Barcelona se aborda através de uma metodologia etnográfica que nos acerca aos dinamismos de reflexão do programa: a ação tutorial, a escritura auto-reflexiva e a reflexão entre iguais. As conclusões acrescentam ideias sobre como entender e melhorar os processos de reflexão. Destacam-se aspectos como a conexão entre experiência e reflexão, a necessidade de oferecer múltiplos dispositivos de reflexão, a conveniência de ajudar a que sejam os estudantes que problematizem sua experiência e, finalmente, a incorporação de mediações – instrumentos e marcos conceituais –, como elemento chave da atividade reflexiva dos participantes nas atividades de aprendizagemserviço

    Convergence of delay equations driven by a Hölder continuous function of order 1/3<β<1/2.

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    In this article we show that, when the delay approaches zero, the solution of multidimensional delay differential equations driven by a Hölder continuous function of order 1/3 < \beta < 1/2 converges with the supremum norm to the solution for the equation without delay. Finally we discuss the applications to stochastic differential equations


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    Treballs de l'alumnat del Grau de Comunicació Audiovisual, Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentació, Universitat de Barcelona,[Metanarratives- Grup XI]. Curs: 2016-2017, Tutor: Josep Rovira.Directora: Marina Botí; Aj. Direcció: Ana Rovira; Productora: Mireia Lacoma; Guinistes: Marina Botí, Mireia Lacoma; Directora de fotografia: Ana Rovira; Càmera: Sandra Funes; Il·luminadora: Mireia Lacoma; Muntatge: Miquel Nadal; Música: Sandra Funes; Postproducció: Miquel Nadal; Equip artístic: Víctor Luna.Reconfiguration es el título de un proyecto de videoarte que pretende hacer una crítica hacia las formas de vida a las que estamos evolucionando, la migración de la naturaleza a la tecnología, de lo real a lo ficticio, del bosque a la ciudad

    ICT and Chinese Language Education: the e·Chinese Database and its Potential for Teaching

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    Technologies are ever-present in most aspects of our daily lives, second/foreign language education being no exception. Digital tools have greatly enhanced the teaching and learning of Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) as well, and they have gone as far as replacing - in some cases - traditional teaching-learning models. In this new socio-educational context, it is not always easy to identify the most useful and appropriate resources for each CFL learner profile and learning stage; moreover, evaluating their quality and suitability can also prove challenging as neither all teachers nor students have acquired digital literacy. Faced with this situation, the TXICC Research Group at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona has created e·Chinese, an open-access, quadrilingual database (English, Spanish, Catalan and Chinese), with the aim of gathering a variety of digital resources for both teachers and learners of Chinese. Before being included, all of them have been carefully tested, described and evaluated by a team of up to four experts. The database, which is dynamic and constantly updated, at present includes more than 300 items. Firstly, through this presentation, we aim to explain the working methodology behind the database and outline the type of items it contains. Secondly, we will present some of the resources that made it to the public version of the database and pay special attention to their possible use inside and outside the classroom. We will do so by presenting four very diverse case studies which have been chosen in order to give the audience glimpses of the wide array of resources contained in e·Chinese. In choosing them, we have focused on four different aspects: the first centers on a linguistic competence (pronunciation); the second on a linguistic variety (classical Chinese); the third on resources available on a specific type of social media platform (Instagram); and the fourth on a software format (plugin). By means of these case studies, we will evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each of them in connection with the teaching and learning of certain specific features of the Chinese language. Lastly, we will reflect on the importance of digital resources in CFL education and the benefits they can bring to the teaching practice. We hope this presentation can offer food for thought on how new and disruptive ways of learning can be fruitfully integrated in the traditional Chinese language classroom

    La incorporació de referents xinesos al català

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    Del aula tradicional al microaprendizaje móvil : análisis del potencial de Instagram para aprender chino

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    En la revolución digital que se está produciendo en la enseñanza en general, cobran cada vez más importancia las redes sociales y los contenidos educativos que son capaces de ofrecer. Instagram es un ejemplo paradigmático del m-learning (aprendizaje móvil y microaprendizaje), caracterizado por pequeñas píldoras de contenido en formato imagen o vídeo, flexibles y adaptadas a las dinámicas sociales de consumo. En este contexto, nos preguntamos en qué medida Instagram puede tener un papel relevante en la enseñanza de chino actualmente. Por ello, nos hemos propuesto dos objetivos: analizar con detalle una muestra de cuentas de Instagram y apuntar sus pros y contras para aprender chino. Con este fin, hemos recopilado una base de datos de 100 cuentas de Instagram y las hemos analizado según un sistema de etiquetas pormenorizado. Los resultados muestran cierto sesgo hacia la práctica de competencias más pasivas, el uso de formatos que por defecto hacen los materiales menos accesibles y la importancia de los aspectosformales para facilitar la organización y recuperación de los contenidos. En definitiva, estamos frente a una gran diversidad de cuentas, algunas de las cuales destacan por su calidad, aunque su inclusión en el aula no está exenta de retos.In the context of the digital revolution taking place in education in general, social networks and the educational content they can offer are becoming increasingly important. Instagram is a paradigmatic example of m-learning (including mobile learning and microlearning). M-learning is characterised by short capsules in image or video, flexible and adapted to the social dynamics of consumption. In order to find out to what extent Instagram can play a relevant role in Chinese language learning and teaching today, this study has two main objectives. First, to analyse a sample of Instagram accounts for learning Chinese and, second, to assess the pros and cons of this medium from the perspective of teachers. To this end, we compiled a database of 100 Instagram accounts for learning Chinese and described them according to a detailed tagging system. The results show a bias towards contents that foster the practice of rather passive skills, the prevalence of image and video, resulting in less accessible materials, and the importance of formal aspects to easy the organization and retrieval of content. In conclusion, there is a great diversity of accounts, some of which stand out for their quality, although using them in classroom is certainly challenging