1,502 research outputs found

    Musculoskeletal symptoms among energy distribution network linemen

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    BACKGROUND: Linemen should be evaluated regarding the presence of musculoskeletal symptoms to guide the identification of risk factors for development of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD) and to allow the implementation of preventive measures. OBJECTIVE: To assess the occurrence of WMSD symptoms among linemen working at a regional branch of an electricity distribution company, to investigate whether there were differences in the proportions of symptomatic workers among the functions performed, and to perform a preliminary survey of the main risk factors present. METHODS: Thirty male linemen (mean age 38.1±5.5 years) were evaluated, divided into three teams according to their job function (Live Line Linemen, LLL; Maintenance/Emergency Linemen, MEL; Commercial Linemen, CL). Musculoskeletal symptoms were identified on a body map, qualified using the McGill questionnaire and quantified using a numerical scale. The DASH questionnaire was also applied to evaluate the impact of the shoulder symptoms on the workers' performance. RESULTS: Seventy percent of the linemen presented at least one musculoskeletal symptom in the shoulders, back or knees. All of the LLL team presented musculoskeletal symptoms and these workers had the highest scores in the DASH questionnaire (28±15). Sixty-seven percent of the MEL team presented symptoms, and their DASH score was 8±11. Fifty percent of the CL team presented symptoms, but none of them had shoulder symptoms. The proportion of workers with shoulder symptoms was related to their job function (p=0.02). CONCLUSIONS: A high proportion of the linemen presented symptoms which varied according to the occupational activity. Interventions are needed to reduce the risk of WMSD among the linemen evaluated.CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: A presença de sintomas musculoesqueléticos em eletricistas deve ser caracterizada para auxiliar na identificação de fatores de riscos para os distúrbios osteomusculares relacionados ao trabalho (DORT) e para possibilitar implementação de medidas preventivas. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a ocorrência de sintomas de DORT em eletricistas de uma regional de uma empresa de distribuição de energia elétrica, verificar se existiam diferenças entre as funções exercidas quanto à proporção de trabalhadores sintomáticos, e realizar um levantamento preliminar dos principais fatores de riscos presentes. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 30 eletricistas do sexo masculino (38,1±5,5 anos), divididos em três equipes conforme a função exercida (ELV=Eletricistas Linha Viva; EEM=Eletricistas Emergência/Manutenção; EC=Eletricistas Comerciais). Sintomas musculoesqueléticos foram identificados em mapa corporal, qualificados pelo Questionário McGill e quantificados por escala numérica. O questionário DASH também foi aplicado para avaliar impacto dos sintomas nos ombros na performance dos trabalhadores. RESULTADOS: 70% dos eletricistas apresentaram ao menos um sintoma musculoesquelético nos ombros, coluna ou joelhos. A equipe ELV apresentou sintomas musculoesqueléticos em 100% dos trabalhadores e maior pontuação no questionário DASH (28±15). A equipe EEM apresentou sintomas em 67% dos trabalhadores e pontuação DASH de 8±11, e a equipe EC apresentou sintomas em 50%, mas sem sintomas nos ombros. A proporção de trabalhadores sintomáticos nos ombros estava associada à função exercida (p=0.02). CONCLUSÕES: Eletricistas avaliados apresentaram alta proporção de trabalhadores sintomáticos, que variou conforme a atividade ocupacional. Intervenções são necessárias para reduzir os riscos de DORT dentre os eletricistas avaliados.12312

    Aqueous extraction of recombinant human proinsulin from transgenic maize endosperm

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    Different plant species have been used as systems to produce recombinant proteins. Maize is a crop considered to have a large potential to produce high levels of recombinant proteins and is the host for the recombinant proteins from plants currently available on the market. In the development of a plant system to produce a recombinant proteins it is important to consider the costs related to downstream processing. Also, the steps necessary to achieve the protein purity required will be highly influenced by the quality of the extract obtained. In this study, we analyzed aqueous extracts from the endosperm of transgenic maize expressing recombinant human proinsulin (rhProinsulin). A study of the effects of the variables pH and ionic strength on the extraction efficiency was carried out using experimental design and response surface methodology. Besides the concentration of the recombinant protein, the characteristics of the extracts were evaluated in terms of concentration of native components (proteins, carbohydrates, and phenolic compounds) and extract filterability. The highest rhProinsulin concentration (97.33 ng/mL) was found with a 200 mM NaCl pH 10.0 extraction solution. Under this experimental condition the concentrations of total soluble proteins, carbohydrates, and phenolics were 2.01 mg/mL, 2.21 mg/mL, and 0.11 mmol/L, respectively.2151466147

    Tribological behavior of 316L stainless steel reinforced with CuCoBe + diamond composites by laser sintering and hot pressing: a comparative statistical study

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    The aim of this work was to perform a statistical analysis in order to assess how the tribological properties of a laser textured 316L stainless steel reinforced with CuCoBe - diamond composites are affected by diamond particles size, type of technology (laser sintering and hot pressing) and time of tribological test. The analysis started with the description of all response variables. Then, by using IBM® SPSS software, the Friedman’s test was used to compare how the coefficient of friction varied among samples in five-time points. From this test, results showed that there was no statistically significant difference in the coefficient of friction mean values over the selected time points. Then, the two-samples Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test was used to test the effect of the diamond particles size and the type of technology on the mean of the coefficient of friction over time. The results showed that, for both sintering techniques, the size of the diamond particles significantly affected the values of the coefficient of friction, whereas no statistical differences were found between the tested sintering techniques. Also, the two-way ANOVA test was used to evaluate how these factors influence the specific wear rate, which conducted to the same conclusions drawn for the previous test. The main conclusion was that the coefficient of friction and the specific wear rate were statistically affected by the diamond particles size, but not by the sintering techniques used in this work.This work was supported by FCT national funds, under the national support to R&D units grant, through the reference projects UIDB/04436/2020 and UIDP/04436/2020. Additionally, this work was supported by FCT with the reference projects UIDB/00319/2020 and PTDC/CTM-COM/30416/2017

    Genomic Footprints of Selective Sweeps from Metabolic Resistance to Pyrethroids in African Malaria Vectors Are Driven by Scale up of Insecticide-Based Vector Control

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    Insecticide resistance in mosquito populations threatens recent successes in malaria prevention. Elucidating patterns of genetic structure in malaria vectors to predict the speed and direction of the spread of resistance is essential to get ahead of the `resistance curve' and to avert a public health catastrophe. Here, applying a combination of microsatellite analysis, whole genome sequencing and targeted sequencing of a resistance locus, we elucidated the continent-wide population structure of a major African malaria vector, Anopheles funestus. We identified a major selective sweep in a genomic region controlling cytochrome P450-based metabolic resistance conferring high resistance to pyrethroids. This selective sweep occurred since 2002, likely as a direct consequence of scaled up vector control as revealed by whole genome and fine-scale sequencing of pre- and post-intervention populations. Fine-scaled analysis of the pyrethroid resistance locus revealed that a resistanceassociated allele of the cytochrome P450 monooxygenase CYP6P9a has swept through southern Africa to near fixation, in contrast to high polymorphism levels before interventions, conferring high levels of pyrethroid resistance linked to control failure. Population structure analysis revealed a barrier to gene flow between southern Africa and other areas, which may prevent or slow the spread of the southern mechanism of pyrethroid resistance to other regions. By identifying a genetic signature of pyrethroid-based interventions, we have demonstrated the intense selective pressure that control interventions exert on mosquito populations. If this level of selection and spread of resistance continues unabated, our ability to control malaria with current interventions will be compromised

    Preclinical evaluation of FLT190, a liver-directed AAV gene therapy for Fabry disease

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    Fabry disease is an X-linked lysosomal storage disorder caused by loss of alpha-galactosidase A (α-Gal A) activity and is characterized by progressive accumulation of glycosphingolipids in multiple cells and tissues. FLT190, an investigational gene therapy, is currently being evaluated in a Phase 1/2 clinical trial in patients with Fabry disease (NCT04040049). FLT190 consists of a potent, synthetic capsid (AAVS3) containing an expression cassette with a codon-optimized human GLA cDNA under the control of a liver-specific promoter FRE1 (AAV2/S3-FRE1-GLAco). For mouse studies FLT190 genome was pseudotyped with AAV8 for efficient transduction. Preclinical studies in a murine model of Fabry disease (Gla-deficient mice), and non-human primates (NHPs) showed dose-dependent increases in plasma α-Gal A with steady-state observed 2 weeks following a single intravenous dose. In Fabry mice, AAV8-FLT190 treatment resulted in clearance of globotriaosylceramide (Gb3) and globotriaosylsphingosine (lyso-Gb3) in plasma, urine, kidney, and heart; electron microscopy analyses confirmed reductions in storage inclusion bodies in kidney and heart. In NHPs, α-Gal A expression was consistent with the levels of hGLA mRNA in liver, and no FLT190-related toxicities or adverse events were observed. Taken together, these studies demonstrate preclinical proof-of-concept of liver-directed gene therapy with FLT190 for the treatment of Fabry disease

    Testing Simulation Theory with Cross-Modal Multivariate Classification of fMRI Data

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    The discovery of mirror neurons has suggested a potential neural basis for simulation and common coding theories of action perception, theories which propose that we understand other people's actions because perceiving their actions activates some of our neurons in much the same way as when we perform the actions. We propose testing this model directly in humans with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) by means of cross-modal classification. Cross-modal classification evaluates whether a classifier that has learned to separate stimuli in the sensory domain can also separate the stimuli in the motor domain. Successful classification provides support for simulation theories because it means that the fMRI signal, and presumably brain activity, is similar when perceiving and performing actions. In this paper we demonstrate the feasibility of the technique by showing that classifiers which have learned to discriminate whether a participant heard a hand or a mouth action, based on the activity patterns in the premotor cortex, can also determine, without additional training, whether the participant executed a hand or mouth action. This provides direct evidence that, while perceiving others' actions, (1) the pattern of activity in premotor voxels with sensory properties is a significant source of information regarding the nature of these actions, and (2) that this information shares a common code with motor execution
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