55 research outputs found
Aplicação da massagem para lombalgia ocupacional em funcionários de Enfermagem
This is a clinical trial which aims to evaluate the efficiency of massage in the reduction of occupational low back pain, and its influence on the performance of work and life activities for the nursing team. The sample consisted of 18 employees who received seven to eight sessions after their work period. From the Numerical Pain Rating Scale, significant improvements were found between the 3rd and 1st evaluations (p=0.000) and between the 3rd and 2nd (p=0.004), using the Wilcoxon test. Regarding the Oswestry Disability Index, the paired t test showed a statistical difference (p=0.02) between the baseline, with a mean of 21.33% and the second evaluation (18.78%), which was also seen between the second and third evaluation (16.67%). The score for the Handling and Transfer Risk Evaluation Scale was 18 points (medium risk). It is concluded that massage was effective in reducing occupational low back pain, and provided improvement in activities of work and life. Clinical Trials Identifier: NCT01315197.Se trata de ensayo clínico con el objetivo de verificar la eficiencia del masaje para apocar la lumbalgia ocupacional y su influencia en el desempeño de las actividades laborales y de vida, en el equipo de Enfermería. La muestra fue compuesta por 18 empleados, que recibieron de 7 a 8 sesiones después del plantón. Por la escala numérica de dolor, hubo mejora significante estadísticamente entre la 3ª y 1ª evaluación (p=0,000) y entre la 3ª y 2ª (p=0,004), por la prueba de Wilcoxon. Sobre la evaluación funcional de Owestry, en la prueba T pareado, se observó diferencia estadística (p=0,02) entre el primer momento, con media del 21,33% y el según (18,78%), y se mantuvo entre la segunda y tercera evaluación (16,67%). Fueron encontrados 18 puntos (medio riesgo) para escala de evaluación del riesgo en el movimiento y transferencia. Se concluye que el masaje fue eficiente en la disminución de la lumbalgia ocupacional, así como trajo mejoría en las actividades de trabajo y vida. Clinical Trials Identifier: NCT01315197.Trata-se de ensaio clínico com o objetivo de verificar a eficiência da massagem para diminuir a lombalgia ocupacional e sua influência no desempenho das atividades laborais e de vida, na equipe de Enfermagem. A amostra foi composta por 18 funcionários, que receberam de 7 a 8 sessões após o plantão. Pela escala numérica de dor, houve melhora significante estatisticamente entre a 3ª e 1ª avaliação (p=0,000) e entre 3ª e 2ª (p=0,004), pelo teste de Wilcoxon. Sobre a avaliação funcional de Owestry, no teste T pareado, observou-se diferença estatística (p=0,02) entre o primeiro momento, com média de 21,33% e o segundo (18,78%), e se manteve entre a segunda e terceira avaliação (16,67%). Foram encontrados 18 pontos (médio risco) para escala de avaliação do risco na movimentação e transferência. Conclui-se que a massagem foi eficiente na diminuição da lombalgia ocupacional, assim como trouxe melhoria nas atividades de trabalho e vida. Clinical Trials Identifier: NCT01315197
Massage application for occupational low back pain in nursing staff
This is a clinical trial which aims to evaluate the efficiency of massage in the reduction of occupational low back pain, and its influence on the performance of work and life activities for the nursing team. The sample consisted of 18 employees who received seven to eight sessions after their work period. From the Numerical Pain Rating Scale, significant improvements were found between the 3rd and 1st evaluations (p=0.000) and between the 3rd and 2nd (p=0.004), using the Wilcoxon test. Regarding the Oswestry Disability Index, the paired t test showed a statistical difference (p=0.02) between the baseline, with a mean of 21.33% and the second evaluation (18.78%), which was also seen between the second and third evaluation (16.67%). The score for the Handling and Transfer Risk Evaluation Scale was 18 points (medium risk). It is concluded that massage was effective in reducing occupational low back pain, and provided improvement in activities of work and life. Clinical Trials Identifier: NCT01315197
Diagnóstico ante-mortem de raiva humana em médico veterinário infectado por manipulação de herbívoro, Minas Gerais, Brasil
The Ministry of Health's National Human Rabies Control Program advocates pre-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) for professionals involved with animals that are at risk of contracting rabies. We report an antemortem and postmortem diagnosis of rabies in a veterinarian who became infected when handling herbivores with rabies. The antemortem diagnosis was carried out with a saliva sample and a biopsy of hair follicles using molecular biology techniques, while the postmortem diagnosis used a brain sample and conventional techniques. The veterinarian had collected samples to diagnose rabies in suspect herbivores (bovines and caprines) that were subsequently confirmed to be positive in laboratory tests. After onset of classic rabies symptoms, saliva and hair follicles were collected and used for antemortem diagnostic tests and found to be positive by RT-PCR. Genetic sequencing showed that the infection was caused by variant 3 (Desmodus rotundus), a finding confirmed by tests on the brain sample. It is essential that professionals who are at risk of infection by the rabies virus undergo pre-exposure prophylaxis. This study also confirms that molecular biology techniques were used successfully for antemortem diagnosis and therefore not only allow therapeutic methods to be developed, but also enable the source of infection in human rabies cases to be identified accurately and quickly.O Programa Nacional de Controle da Raiva Humana do Ministério da Saúde preconiza o esquema profilático pré-exposição (PEP) para profissionais envolvidos com animais expostos ao risco de contraírem raiva. O presente trabalho relata o diagnóstico de raiva (ante e post-mortem) em veterinário infectado por manipulação de herbívoros raivosos. O diagnóstico laboratorial ante-mortem foi efetuado a partir da saliva e biópsia de folículo piloso, utilizando técnicas de biologia molecular e o post-mortem a partir do tecido cerebral e de técnicas convencionais. O médico veterinário coletou amostras para diagnóstico de raiva em herbívoros (bovinos e caprinos) suspeitos que, posteriormente, foram confirmados positivos em laboratório. Após a apresentação dos sintomas clássicos de raiva e realizadas as provas de diagnóstico ante-mortem com saliva e folículo piloso, ambas as amostras apresentaram resultados positivos pelo nested-RT-PCR. O sequenciamento genético revelou que a infecção se deu pela variante 3 do Desmodus rotundus, resultados estes confirmados com a amostra do cérebro. É indispensável que profissionais expostos ao risco de infecção pelo vírus da raiva realizem a profilaxia pré-exposição. Ressalta-se, também, que as técnicas de biologia molecular apresentaram bons resultados para a realização de diagnóstico ante-mortem, propiciando o desenvolvimento de métodos terapêuticos, e determinando com precisão e rapidez a fonte de infecção dos casos de raiva humana
Utilização de Ensaios in situ para Determinação da Capacidade de Suporte de Solos
O Standard Penetration Test (SPT) é utilizado mundialmente para obter informações sobre a resistência à penetração dinâmica do solo (N). Correlações permitem calcular, através deste índice, parâmetros do solo como a compacidade relativa, o ângulo de atrito, o módulo de elasticidade e a capacidade de carga das fundações. O Cone de Penetração Dinâmica (CPD) e o Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD) são equipamentos destinados a avaliar parâmetros das camadas de infraestrutura de pavimentos, como a capacidade de suporte de solos e a deformabilidade e compactação, respectivamente. O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar a viabilidade do uso do CPD e LWD para determinação da capacidade de suporte dos solos, através de correlações com os parâmetros obtidos no SPT. Observou-se que existem boas correlações entre o SPT e o CPD e entre o SPT e o LWD para solos do tipo SM. Portanto, concluiu-se que existe viabilidade técnica do uso do CPD e LWD em alternativa ao SPT para solos granulares
Perspectiva dos educadores em relação a educação sexual nas escolas
With the increasing number of infections STD/AIDS among the young population, questions arise regarding the approach to the subject made ”‹”‹Sex Education in schools. The aim of this study was to understand how sex education is worked with adolescents and young schoolchildren. This is a qualitative study in the school, through semi-structured interviews with nine teachers from state schools in the Northwest region of Goiânia and applied content analysis to establish the themes. Emerged two categories of analysis: Sexual Education - interest of students as a facilitator and Sexual Education - obstacles to overcome. Teachers show that there is interest of the students towards the subject, but different factors interfere with the right approach. Almost all the teachers realize that preparation does not have to address the issue with their students. It is evident that the training of teachers on the subject is a path to be traced for better clarification of doubts and curiosities of the pupils.Con el aumento del número de infecciones por ETS/SIDA entre la población joven, surgen preguntas sobre el abordaje del tema de educación sexual realizado en las escuelas. El objetivo de este estudio es entender cómo la educación sexual se trabaja con adolescentes y jóvenes escolares. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo en la escuela, a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas con nueve profesores de las escuelas estatales de la región noroeste de Goiânia y se aplica el análisis de contenido para establecer los temas. Surgieron dos categorías de análisis: Educación Sexual ”“ interés de los estudiantes como elemento facilitador y Educación Sexual ”“ obstáculos que superar. Los maestros revelan que hay interés de los estudiantes hacia el tema, pero diferentes factores interfieren con el enfoque correcto. Casi todos los maestros coinciden en no contar con la preparación para abordar el tema con sus alumnos. Es evidente que la formación de los profesores sobre el tema es un camino a desarrollar para una mejor aclaración de las dudas e inquietudes de los alumnos.Com o crescente número de infecções por DST/aids na população juvenil, surge questionamentos a respeito da abordagem do tema Educação Sexual feita nas escolas. O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer como a Educação Sexual é trabalhada junto aos adolescentes e jovens escolares. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo realizado no âmbito escolar, através de entrevista semi-estruturada, com nove professores da rede estadual de ensino da região Noroeste de Goiânia e aplicou-se análise de conteúdo para estabelecimento das categorias temáticas. Emergiram duas categorias de análise: Educação Sexual - interesse dos educandos como elemento facilitador e Educação Sexual - obstáculos a serem vencidos. Os docentes revelam que há interesse dos estudantes para com a temática, mas diferentes fatores interferem no enfoque adequado. A quase totalidade dos docentes percebe que não possui preparo para abordar o tema junto aos seus alunos. Evidencia-se que a capacitação dos docentes acerca do assunto é um caminho a ser traçado para o melhor esclarecimento de dúvidas e curiosidades dos alunos
Objetivo: Identificar na literatura contribuições das residências em enfermagem obstétrica para a promoção da saúde da mulher. Método: Revisão integrativa da literatura realizada nas bases de dados Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, Base de Dados em Enfermagem, Cumulative Index to Nursingand Allied Health Literature, SCOPUS e Web of Science. A avaliação do nível de evidência foi obtida por meio do método de MELNYK; FINEOUT-OVERHOLT. Os resultados incluídos envolvem 12 artigos publicados entre os anos de 2015 e 2021. Resultados: Dentre as principais contribuições da residência obstétrica para a promoção da saúde da mulher surgiram o cuidado humanizado, criação de vínculo, uso de métodos não invasivos e não farmacológicos promovidos por enfermeiros obstetras, empoderamento da mulher como protagonista e ressignificação do parto. Conclusão: A atuação da residência em enfermagem obstétrica contribui significativamente com a ampliação dos horizontes da prática do enfermeiro
Construção política das imagens e das representações: os girassóis do Tocantins (Brasil)
Considerando as projeções simbólicas forjadas pelo poder público e pelos grupos sociais dominantes, o presente artigo objetiva compreender as relações político-identitárias engendradas no movimento de construção de símbolos próprios para o Tocantins, que passam a ser assimilados e apropriados pela esfera social. Entre esses símbolos, destaca-se, de modo emblemático, o girassol, que, por meio da ação do poder político estadual, encontra-se entre os símbolos oficiais da natureza do Tocantins, transformado em tradição para o devir, sobretudo pelos esforços de projeção de memória de um passado recente.Considering the symbolic representations shaped by the public power and by prevalent social groups, the present article has the objective of understanding the political-identity relationships engendered through the construction movement of symbols of the state of Tocantins, as they are assimilated and assumed by the social sphere. Among those symbols, the sunflower is singular and distinctive; the state political influence has helped making it prominent among the official symbols of the nature of Tocantins. It has been transformed into a tradition for the future generations, especially because of the efforts of projecting memories of a recent past
Assessment of the culinary behavior of puerpera in a university hospital: Avaliação do comportamento culinário de puérperas em um hospital universitário
In the food context, mothers are often associated with the responsibility of transmitting information about food, as well as food practices, from one generation to the next. In addition, children's food preferences can be influenced by parents' food preferences and by the accessibility of food at home, making the family system a determining factor in food education. Considering the scarcity of studies that assess the interference of mothers' cooking skills in the feeding of their children, this study aims to evaluate the knowledge of mothers who were hospitalized at the Lauro Wanderley University Hospital (HULW) about cooking skills, and more specifically, to assess whether postpartum women have culinary skills, to analyze the culinary attitude and the index of culinary skills. This is a cross-sectional study with the participation of 311 postpartum women admitted to a university hospital. Culinary skills were measured in the form of scores. The puerperal women were classified into three strata. According to the scores obtained, three categories were defined, considering the values of the 25th and 75th percentiles as lower limits (low cooking skills) and upper limits (high cooking skills), respectively. The study population showed a high index of culinary skills, as well as a high culinary attitude. The present study advances in the research and deepening of the theme, enabling one of the first approximations with the Brazilian reality, especially with regard to puerperal women. It is believed that, even being a first exploratory study on the culinary skills of puerperal women treated at a university hospital in northeastern Brazil, this study presents findings that can be used as a starting point for future research directions
Assessment of knowledge and self-efficiency for the use of basic culinary techniques in puerpera in a university hospital: Avaliação do conhecimento e da autoeficácia para o uso de técnicas culinárias básicas em puérperas em um hospital universitário
The healthy and diversified food introduction represents an opportunity for the child to be exposed to the wide variety of foods that will form the basis for future healthy eating habits. In view of the scarcity of studies that correlate the introduction of complementary foods from the child's six months of life onwards with maternal cooking skills, the present study aims to verify whether there is pre-existence to the puerperium of the mother's cooking skills and, more specifically, to assess whether postpartum women have culinary skills; assess self-efficacy for using basic cooking techniques as well as the cooking skills index. This is a cross-sectional study, which had the participation of 311 postpartum women admitted to a university hospital. Cooking skills were measured in the form of scores. The puerperal women were classified into three strata, according to the scores obtained, three categories were defined, considering the values of the 25th and 75th percentiles as lower limits (low cooking skill) and upper limits (high cooking skill), respectively. The study population showed a high index of cooking skills, as well as a high effectiveness for the use of basic cooking techniques. This study advances in the exploration of the theme, enabling one of the first approaches to the Brazilian reality, especially about postpartum women. It is believed that, even though it is a first exploratory study on the culinary skills of postpartum women attended at a university hospital in northeastern Brazil, its findings can be used as a starting point for future research directions
Evaluation of speed-accuracy trade-off in a computer task to identify motor difficulties in individuals with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: A cross-sectional study
Introduction: Individuals with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) present with progressive loss of motor function which can impair both control of speed and accuracy of movement. Aim: to evaluate movement time during a task at various levels of difficulty and to verify whether the level of difficulty affects the speed and/ or accuracy during the task. Methods: the DMD group comprised of 17 individuals age matched with 17 individuals with typical development (TD group). The task evaluates the relationship between speed and accuracy, consisting of the execution of manual movements (using the mouse of the computer) aimed at a target at three different levels of difficulty (ID). Results: A MANOVA demonstrated statistically significant differences in dispersion data and intercept values between the groups with greater movement time in the DMD group. An ANOVA indicated differences between groups for ID, except for when there was a higher accuracy demand (higher ID). In the other IDs that required lower accuracy demand, individuals in the DMD group had significantly longer movement time when compared to the TD group. Conclusion: These results show that the TD and DMD did not differ in the higher ID, therefore it can be concluded that for those with DMD, motor performance is more affected by speed than accuracy of movement.
What this paper adds? It is known that individuals with DMD have considerable motor deficits, however this paper shows that when the task involves higher accuracy compared with speed, people with DMD have performance similar to typically developed peers. This insight is a novel finding and can inform the rehabilitation team, to focus on training of speed, whilst maintaining accuracy for better execution of daily life tasks
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