44 research outputs found

    Avaliação da atenuação da vegetação da Mata Atlantica a radiação gama natural emitida pela superficie

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    Orientadores: Elisabete Maria Pascholati, Gilberto AmaralDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de GeocienciasResumo: Muitos radionuclideos naturais, emissores de radiação alfa, beta e gama, são conhecidos. A maioria ocorre em minerais formadores de rochas. Potássio, urânio e tório são os principais produtores naturais de radiação gama. Esta radiação pode ser medida em laboratório, no campo e em levantamentos aéreos. Neste último caso, além da atenuação atmosférica, a vegetação pode absorver quantidades substanciais de radiação emitida pelo solo, mas contribui também com radiação do potássio contido na sua estrutura. Uma floresta é um meio anisotrópico de emissão e absorção, agindo como uma blindagem à radiação gama emitida pela superfície e também como fonte de radiação gama devida principalmente ao potássio acumulado nos troncos e folhas. Em outras palavras, há certos aspectos que estão associados às florestas e modificam o campo gama. Neste trabalho procurou-se, por meio da gamaespectrometria aérea, de campo e de laboratório, avaliar o efeito de atenuação apresentado por uma vegetação do tipo Mata Atlântica à radiação gama natural emitida pela superfie. Em medidas de laboratório foram encontrados valores para a atenuação dos troncos e folhas, sendo que estas absorvem menos radiação gama que aqueles. Comparando-se dados terrestres e aéreos da região do Quadrilátero Ferrífero, próximo á cidade de Santa Bárbara (MG), verificou-se que as duas medidas tiveram valores equivalentes quanto aos níveis dos elementos Th, U e K podendo-se fazer uma correlação entre esses dados e a geologia da região. Observou-se a influência da vegetação em alguns pontos, onde a atenuação pode chegar a altas porcentagens. Medidas de laboratório, coeficientes de atenuação de massa, e de campo, foram aplicadas a um modelo matemático que simula a situação de uma medida aérea, chegando-se a uma porcentagem de atenuação para a cobertura vegetal. Imagens LANDSAT - TM foram utilizadas para a obtenção de estimativas de biomassa, a partir dos quais foram elaborados modelos para correção dos efeitos de atenuação da radiação gamaAbstract: Several natural alpha, beta and gamma radionuclides are known. Most of them occur in rock-forming minerals Potassium, uranium and thorium are the main natural gamma radiation producers. This radiation can be measured in the laboratory, field or from aircrafts. In this case, besides atmospheric attenuation, vegetation can absorb substantial amounts of radiation emitted by soil, but can contribute with radiation from potassium contained in its structure. A forest is an anisotropic medium of emission and absortion, that acts like a shield to the gamma radiation emitted by the surface and also as source of gamma radiation due to potassium accumulated in the trunks and leaves. This means that there are some aspects associated to forests that change the gamma field. This work intends to evaluate, through aerial. terrestrial and laboratory gammaespectrometry, the effect of attenuation presented by vegetation to natural gamma radiation emitted from the surface. Laboratory data indicated attenuation of trunks and leaves, the Iater absorbing less gamma radiation than the first. Comparing terrestrial and airborne data from the Quadrilátero Ferrifero region, dose to the town of Santa Bárbara, it was verified that both groups of data have equivalent values in the levels of the elements Th, U and K. It was observed that the vegetation in some points presented attenuation in high percentages. Laboratory measurements, mass attenuation coefficients and field data, were applied to a mathematical model that simulate the situation of an airborne measurement, yielding a value for the attenuation of the vegetatian cover. LANDSA T - TM images were used to obtain biomass estimatives, and from these were elaborated correction models for the effects of the gamma radiation attenuationMestradoMetalogeneseMestre em Geociência

    Qualidade e marketing: aspectos convergentes da estratégia de negócios da indústria

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    RESUMOAs necessidades do consumidor quanto a padrões de qualidade de produtos moveleiros carecem de maior ponderação junto às empresas da área como estratégia organizacional de gestão da qualidade. Assim, cada mercado e cada segmento deste propiciam às organizações moveleiras a oportunidade de estabelecer princípios pelos quais se orientar, constituindo-se em oportunidade para o desenvolvimento do produto e da instituição.Deriva deste conveniente estado de mercado à oportunidade de evidenciar padrões de qualidade de produto que atendam aos diversos tipos de consumidores.Palavras chave: Qualidade, estratégia, produtos moveleiros. ABSTRACTCustomer’s needs in that what refers to quality patterns of furniture products require more reflection from furniture companies as an organizational strategy of quality management. However, the creation of such patterns requires an adequate view on the part of organizations concerning the acceptance of their products in the market. This way, each market and each segment of this market provide the furniture companies the opportunity to establish guiding principles, creating opportunities for the development of the product and the institution. The opportunity to highlight product quality patterns which meet the demands of different kinds of customers stem from this convenient market state.Keywords: Quality, strategy, furniture product

    Urban air pollution: a representative survey of PM2.5 mass concentrations in six Brazilian cities

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    In urban areas of Brazil, vehicle emissions are the principal source of fine particulate matter (PM2.5). The World Health Organization air quality guidelines state that the annual mean concentration of PM2.5 should be below 10 μg m−3. In a collaboration of Brazilian institutions, coordinated by the University of São Paulo School of Medicine and conducted from June 2007 to August 2008, PM2.5 mass was monitored at sites with high traffic volumes in six Brazilian state capitals. We employed gravimetry to determine PM2.5 mass concentrations, reflectance to quantify black carbon concentrations, X-ray fluorescence to characterize elemental composition, and ion chromatography to determine the composition and concentrations of anions and cations. Mean PM2.5 concentrations and proportions of black carbon (BC) in the cities of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Curitiba, Recife, and Porto Alegre were 28.1 ± 13.6 μg m−3 (38% BC), 17.2 ± 11.2 μg m−3 (20% BC), 14.7 ± 7.7 μg m−3 (31% BC), 14.4 ± 9.5 μg m−3 (30% BC), 7.3 ± 3.1 μg m−3 (26% BC), and 13.4 ± 9.9 μg m−3 (26% BC), respectively. Sulfur and minerals (Al, Si, Ca, and Fe), derived from fuel combustion and soil resuspension, respectively, were the principal elements of the PM2.5 mass. We discuss the long-term health effects for each metropolitan region in terms of excess mortality risk, which translates to greater health care expenditures. This information could prove useful to decision makers at local environmental agencies

    Análise epidemiológica do câncer de mama no Brasil: 2015 a 2020 / Epidemiological analysis of breast cancer in Brazil: 2015 to 2020

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    INTRODUÇÃO: O câncer de mama representa a neoplasia mais comum entre as mulheres no Brasil e no mundo, excetuando apenas o câncer de pele não melanoma. Dentre os fatores de risco, destacam-se: fatores biológicos, endócrinos, comportamentais/ambientais e de vida reprodutiva. OBJETIVO: investigar o perfil clínico-epidemiológico dos pacientes diagnosticados com neoplasia maligna de mama entre 2015 e 2020. METODOLOGIA: Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico transversal, descritivo e quantitativo, tendo como base os dados disponibilizados pelo Departamento de Informação e Informática do SUS (DATASUS), sobre os casos detectados de câncer de mama no período de 2015 a 2020. RESULTADOS: No período analisado foram diagnosticados 199.862 novos casos de câncer de mama. A maioria das neoplasias foram diagnosticadas em indivíduos do sexo feminino (98,7 %) e 1,3% em indivíduos do sexo masculino. Em relação a faixa etária, observa-se a predominância das notificações em indivíduos com idade entre 50 e 59 anos (27%). Observou-se ainda que a maioria dos diagnósticos ocorreram no estágio T2. CONCLUSÃO: O presente estudo evidenciou uma elevada incidência de câncer de mama no período analisado. A maioria dos diagnósticos foram detectado nas fases T2 e T3, evidenciando uma necessidade de aprimoramento das técnicas de detecção precoce visando uma redução da mortalidade associada a essa patologia

    As metodologias ativas de ensino no enfrentamento à violência escolar / Active teaching methodologies in facing school violence

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    O objetivo do presente estudo é investigar e analisar como os métodos e técnicas de metodologias ativas de ensino-aprendizagem podem ser eficazes na compreensão e no enfrentamento do fenômeno da violência escolar. Este trabalho configura-se como um estudo teórico, pesquisa do tipo bibliográfica e exploratória em quatro bases de dados pesquisadas online sobre as metodologias ativas de ensino e aprendizagem, em articulação com o enfrentamento do fenômeno da violência nas escolas. As referidas bases de dados pesquisadas foram: PERIÓDICOS CAPES; GOOGLE ACADÊMICO; ERIC; SCIELO.  Os resultados da pesquisa denotam que as metodologias ativas de ensino e aprendizagem podem ser úteis no enfrentamento dos diversos tipos de violências que ocorrem nos espaços educativos. Atividades inovadoras e dinâmicas realizadas em grupos operativos ou reflexivos com alunos e professores podem gerar respostas evolutivas e significativas para a melhoria das relações interpessoais e sociais, promovendo saúde e qualidade de vida entre os pares. O fenômeno da violência nas escolas é complexo e são necessárias alternativas diferenciadas no processo de enfrentamento dessa problemática tão danosa à saúde humana. 


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    Este trabalho teve por objetivo principal aplicar o ciclo PDCA para quantificar, avaliar, analisar e buscar causas dos problemas enfrentados pelos alunos do Curso de Ensino a Distância, modalidade Gestão Florestal da UFPR, e propor ações de melhorias da qualidade de ensino com base nos resultados obtidos. A metodologia baseou-se no desenvolvimento do ciclo PDCA que é composto de quatro fases distintas: Planejamento, Desenvolvimento, Verificação e Ação. Foram utilizadas as seguintes ferramentas da qualidade do Ciclo PDCA: brain writting, gráfico de Pareto, gráfico de Ishikawa, métodos de análise de falhas e método 5W2H para a coleta de dados, análises e propostas de ações corretivas e de melhorias. Os resultados demonstraram que 56% dos alunos entrevistados apontam o material didático como ponto negativo de maior impacto, seguido da falta de contato direto com o professor (22%), falta de integração entre os participantes do curso (12%) e autodisciplina e perseverança dos alunos (10%). Entre as principais causas levantadas para a má qualidade do material didático estão: material muito extenso para a duração do curso e falta de aplicações práticas. Um plano de ação foi concebido para corrigir as falhas apontadas no levantamento.Palavras-chave: Ensino a distância; PDCA; melhorias da qualidade. AbstractPDCA cycle application to improve remote education –study case: forest management at the UFPR. The main objective of this paper was to apply the PDCA cycle to quantify, evaluate, analyze, and find the causes of the problems appointed by the students of the Remote Education Course in Forest Management of Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) and to propose actions for improving the class quality based on the results. The methodology was based in the PDCA cycle development that is composed by four different phases: planning, development, verification, and action. The following quality tools were used in this work: brain writing, Pareto Graphic, Ishikawa Graphic, Fault Analysis Method, and 5W2H Method for the data collection, analysis and proposals of corrective actions and improvements. The results showed that 56% of the interviewed students pointed the instructional material as the main negative aspect, followed by the lack of integration among the participants of the course (12%) and the student’s self-discipline and perseverance (10%). Among the main causes of the instructional material poor quality were: material too extensive to the course duration and lack of practical applications. An action plan was conceived to correct the deficiencies pointed out by the survey.Keywords: Distance education; PDCA; improvements to the quality.The main objective of this paper was to apply the PDCA cycle to quantify, evaluate, analyze, and find the causes of the problems appointed by the students of the Remote Education Course in Forest Management of Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) and to propose actions for improving the class quality based on the results. The methodology was based in the PDCA cycle development that is composed by four different phases: planning, development, verification, and action. The following quality tools were used in this work: brain writing, Pareto Graphic, Ishikawa Graphic, Fault Analysis Method, and 5W2H Method for the data collection, analysis and proposals of corrective actions and improvements. The results showed that 56% of the interviewed students pointed the instructional material as the main negative aspect, followed by the lack of integration among the participants of the course (12%) and the student’s self-discipline and perseverance (10%). Among the main causes of the instructional material poor quality were: material too extensive to the course duration and lack of practical applications. An action plan was conceived to correct the deficiencies pointed out by the survey

    Cobertura vacinal e incidência de sarampo na Região Norte do Brasil

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    Introduction: Measles is an immunopreventable viral disease, acute exanthematous and extremely transmissible. Infection occurs directly, from person to person, through respiratory secretions. The measles vaccine is low-cost and effective, but measles still affects around 40 million people worldwide and is responsible for at least 800,000 deaths, mainly in developing countries. Objective: To analyze vaccination coverage and measles incidence in Northern Brazil. Methods: This is an ecological study. Secondary data were used regarding vaccination coverage of the viral double, viral triple and viral tetra and incidence of measles in residents in the States of the Northern Region, Brazil, from 2010 to 2018. Results: Confirmed measles cases in 2010 to 2018 in the Northern region of Brazil it registered 10,249, were reported in Amazonas (95.65%), Roraima (3.53%), Pará (0.80%) and Rondônia (0.02%). Outbreaks of measles cases in the Northern Region were reported in 2018, the highest incidence rate was in Amazonas with 237.7. Vaccination coverage in the North Region varied between the lowest rate in 2013 with 56.88% and the highest vaccination coverage achieved in 2010, with 104.02%. Conclusion: It was possible to observe a reduction in vaccination coverage during the study period, not reaching the percentage recommended by the Ministry of Health and increasing the incidence of measles in the Northern Region of Brazil and these indicators are important to determine the strategies to be carried out by the National Program for Immunization and Epidemiological Surveillance.Introdução: O sarampo é uma doença viral imunoprevenível, exantematosa aguda e extremamente transmissível. A infecção ocorre de forma direta, de pessoa a pessoa, por meio das secreções respiratórias. A vacina contra o sarampo é de baixo custo e efetiva, porém o sarampo ainda acomete cerca de 40 milhões de pessoas no mundo e é responsável por pelo menos 800 mil mortes, principalmente em países em desenvolvimento. Objetivo: Analisar a cobertura vacinal e incidência de sarampo na Região Norte do Brasil. Método: Trata-se de um estudo ecológico. Utilizou-se dados secundários referente a cobertura vacinal da dupla viral, tríplice viral e tetra viral e incidência de sarampo em residentes nos Estados da Região Norte, Brasil, no período de 2010 a 2018. Resultados: Os casos confirmados de sarampo em 2010 a 2018 na região Norte do Brasil registrou 10.249, foram notificados no Amazonas (95,65%), Roraima (3,53%), Pará (0,80%) e Rondônia (0,02%). Os surtos de casos de sarampo na Região Norte foram notificados no ano de 2018, a maior taxa de incidência foi no Amazonas com 237,7. A cobertura vacinal da Região Norte variou entre o menor índice em 2013 com 56,88% e a maior cobertura vacinal alcançada em 2010, com 104,02%. Conclusão: Foi possível observar uma redução da cobertura vacinal no período de estudo, não atingindo o percentual preconizado pelo Ministério da Saúde e aumentando a incidência de sarampo na Região Norte do Brasil e estes indicadores são importantes para determinar as estratégias a serem realizadas pelo Programa de Imunização e Vigilância Epidemiológica

    The Evolution of Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Carbon Monoxide Concentrations in the Metropolitan Area of Sao Paulo, Brazil

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    The Environmental Agency of Sao Paulo has a large dataset of carbon monoxide measurements: 20 years of records in 18 automatic stations inside the metropolitan area. However, a thorough investigation on the time evolution of CO concentration tendency and cycles also considering spatial variability is lacking. The investigation consists of a trend line analysis, a periodogram analysis, a correlation between CO concentration and meteorological variables, and spatial distribution of CO concentration. Local and federal policies helped in decreasing CO concentrations and the highest decreasing rate was 0.7% per month. This tendency is lately stabilizing, since the vehicles fleet is increasing. CO most relevant cycles are annual and diurnal and a few series indicate a weekly cycle. Diurnal cycle shows two peaks, morning and evening rush hours, 1.2 and 1.1 ppm, respectively, in 2012. However, lately there is an extended evening peak (20 h to 23 h), related to changes in emission patterns. The spatial analysis showed that CO concentration has high spatial variability and is influenced by proximity to heavy traffic and vegetated areas. The present work indicates that several processes affect CO concentration and these results form a valuable basis for other studies involving air quality modeling, mitigation, and urban planning

    Analysis of atmospheric aerosol (PM2.5) in Recife city, Brazil

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    Several studies indicate that mortality and morbidity can be well correlated to atmospheric aerosol concentrations with aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 µm (PM2.5). In this work the PM2.5 at Recife city was analyzed as part of a main research project (INAIRA) to evaluate the air pollution impact on human health in six Brazilian metropolitan areas. The average concentration, for 309 samples (24-hr), from June 2007 to July 2008, was 7.3 µg/m³, with an average of 1.1 µg/m³ of black carbon. The elemental concentrations of samples were obtained by x-ray fluorescence. The concentrations were then used for characterizing the aerosol, and also were employed for receptor modelling to identify the major local sources of PM2.5. Positive matrix factorization analysis indicated six main factors, with four being associated to soil dust, vehicles and sea spray, metallurgical activities, and biomass burning, while for a chlorine factor, and others related to S, Ca, Br, and Na, we could make no specific source association. Principal component analysis also indicated six dominant factors, with some specific characteristics. Four factors were associated to soil dust, vehicles, biomass burning, and sea spray, while for the two others, a chlorine- and copper-related factor and a nickel-related factor, it was not possible to do a specific source association. The association of the factors to the likely sources was possible thanks to meteorological analysis and sources information. Each model, although giving similar results, showed factors’ peculiarities, especially for source apportionment. The observed PM2.5 concentration levels were acceptable, notwithstanding the high urbanization of the metropolitan area, probably due to favorable conditions for air pollution dispersion. More than a valuable historical register, these results should be very important for the next analysis, which will correlate health data, PM2.5 levels, and sources contributions in the context of the six studied Brazilian metropolisesHewlett FoundationCNPqFAPES

    Cashew nut roasting: chemical characterization of particulate matter\ud and genotocixity analysis

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    Background: Particulate matter (PM) potentially harmful to health and related to genotoxic events, an increase in the number of hospitalizations and mortality from respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.\ud The present study conducted the first characterization of elemental composition and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) analysis of PM, as well as the biomonitoring of genotoxic activity associated to artesanal cashew nut roasting, an importante economic and social activity worldwide.\ud Methods: The levels of PM2.5 and black carbon were also measured by gravimetric analysis and light reflectance. The elementa lcomposition was determined using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and PAH analysis was carried out by gás chromatography–mass spectrometry. Genotoxic activity was measured by the Tradescantia pallida micronucleus bioassay (Trad-MCN).Other biomarkers of DNA damage, such as núcleoplasmic bridges and nuclear fragments, were also quantified. Results: The mean amount of PM2.5 accumulated in the filters (January 2124.2 mg/m3; May 1022.2 mg/m3;\ud September 1291.9 mg/m3), black carbon(January 363.6 mg/m3; May70 mg/m3; September 69.4 mg/m3) and concentrations of Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca ,Ti,Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Se, Br and Pb were significantly higher than the non-exposed area. Biomass burning tracers K,Cl, and S were the major inorganic compounds found. Benzo[k]fluoranthene, indene[1,2,3-c,d]pyrene, benzo[ghi]perylene, phenanthrene and benzo[b]fluor-\ud anthene were the most abundant PAHs. Mean benzo[a]pyrene-equivalent carcinogenic power values showed a significant câncer risk. The Trad-MCN bioassay revealed an increase in micronucleus frequency, 2–7 times higher than the negative control and significantly higher in all the months analyzed, possibly related to the mutagenic PAHs found.\ud Conclusions: This study demonstrated that artesanal cashew nut roasting is a serious occupational problem, with harmful effects on workers' health. Those involved in this activity are exposed to higher PM2.5 concentrations and to 12 PAHs considered potentially mutagenic and/or carcinogenic. The Trad-MCN with T. pallida was sensitive and efficient in evaluating the genotoxicity of the components and other nuclear alterations may be used as effective biomarkers of DNA damage.CNPq - 555223/2006-