59 research outputs found

    Cosi, Eue: Singing the Orishas Translated Into Voice of Maria Bethania

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    The Afro-Brazilian religions suffer great prejudice in Brazil, although internalized through textbooks the miscegenation of the three races forming the Brazilian ethnic groups, the Indians, the Europeans, and black Africans. This paper aims to highlight the culture of Afro-Brazilian religions, focusing on Candoblé, taking the music as a religious element, using the repertoire of the singer, Maria Bethânia, principal artist in the national scene to value the African and Indigenous arrays, evoking the Orishas, animals and plants, contributing to the demystification and withdrawal from marginality these expressions of religiosity and faith. Keywords: Religious syncretism, Candomblé, Brazilian Popular Musi

    Pathology and histopathology of lymphosarcomas from different domestic species

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    Se analizan los antecedentes de las linfomas en diferentes especies domésticas, destacando sus características y orígenes histopatológicos. Se describen seis linfomas y linfosarcomas del perro y gato coma casos comprobados en la clínica y estudiados histopatológicamente destacando su estructura citológica para cada caso individual en animales en los que se conocía su evolución. Sobre casos bien identificados de linfomas del bovino se realizan los estudios histopatológicos correspondientes para clasificarlos por su tipo celular, destacando su arquitectura y caracteres microscópicos anátomo-patológicos. De los 18 casos estudiados se realiza la ilustración macro y microscópica adecuada para ilustrar sus procesos, con diferentes técnicas histopatológicas para elementos celulares y para la estructura reticular. Se destaca la importancia de estos procesos confundibles con otros procesos, particularmente en el vacuno y su importancia con relación a la salud pública con sus vinculaciones con el cáncer y con las zoonosis por su presumible origen virósico. Se insinúa la conveniencia de reproducir experimentalmente estos procesos para su mejor conocimiento pato-inmunológico.The origins and characteristics of lymphomas of different domestic species are studied. Six lymphomas and lymphosarcomas of cats and dogs found of the Clinic were studied microscopically, determining their cytologic structure in each case, whose evolution was known. The histopathology with suitable techniques of well identified lymphomas of cattle, was done looking for their classifications. Their architecture and macroscopic characters are reported. Macro and microphotographs were obtained from 18 cases studied; techniques for cytologic and reticular structures were used. The importance of this kind of process is emphasized because of the possibility to confuse them, particularly in cattle, with granulomatous lesions of microbial origin. The problem is also related from a zoonosis and public health point of view with neoplasms of viral origin. The convenience of reproducing the picture for a better knowledge of its pathoinmunology, is insinuated.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Pathology and histopathology of lymphosarcomas from different domestic species

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    Se analizan los antecedentes de las linfomas en diferentes especies domésticas, destacando sus características y orígenes histopatológicos. Se describen seis linfomas y linfosarcomas del perro y gato coma casos comprobados en la clínica y estudiados histopatológicamente destacando su estructura citológica para cada caso individual en animales en los que se conocía su evolución. Sobre casos bien identificados de linfomas del bovino se realizan los estudios histopatológicos correspondientes para clasificarlos por su tipo celular, destacando su arquitectura y caracteres microscópicos anátomo-patológicos. De los 18 casos estudiados se realiza la ilustración macro y microscópica adecuada para ilustrar sus procesos, con diferentes técnicas histopatológicas para elementos celulares y para la estructura reticular. Se destaca la importancia de estos procesos confundibles con otros procesos, particularmente en el vacuno y su importancia con relación a la salud pública con sus vinculaciones con el cáncer y con las zoonosis por su presumible origen virósico. Se insinúa la conveniencia de reproducir experimentalmente estos procesos para su mejor conocimiento pato-inmunológico.The origins and characteristics of lymphomas of different domestic species are studied. Six lymphomas and lymphosarcomas of cats and dogs found of the Clinic were studied microscopically, determining their cytologic structure in each case, whose evolution was known. The histopathology with suitable techniques of well identified lymphomas of cattle, was done looking for their classifications. Their architecture and macroscopic characters are reported. Macro and microphotographs were obtained from 18 cases studied; techniques for cytologic and reticular structures were used. The importance of this kind of process is emphasized because of the possibility to confuse them, particularly in cattle, with granulomatous lesions of microbial origin. The problem is also related from a zoonosis and public health point of view with neoplasms of viral origin. The convenience of reproducing the picture for a better knowledge of its pathoinmunology, is insinuated.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Validación de una escala para evaluar la adicción a Internet

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    La definición del uso prolongado de Internet como una adicción no es clara. Se han utilizado diversas estrategias en un intento de recuperar datos empíricos que permitan suponer este uso como una adicción. Destaca el diseño de instrumentos de evaluación para la adicción a Internet. Sin embargo, existen pocos instrumentos confiables y válidos que permitan su evaluación. El propósito del presente estudio fue desarrollar un instrumento que permita medir la adicción a Internet, el cual integra los parámetros de la adicción a sustancias junto con los parámetros de adicción conductual. Se utilizó una escala Likert con 29 ítems y se aplicó a 128 estudiantes universitarios que cum-plieron con los criterios establecidos. Los resultados indicaron la presencia de 6 factores que contienen un total de 26 ítems y que lograron explicar el 69.47% de la varianza total. Además, el instrumento en general obtuvo una con-sistencia interna aceptable con un alfa de Cronbach de 0.917. De las variables cuyos pesos factoriales cargaron de forma importante, se obtuvieron alfas que van desde 0.86 para el primer factor a 0.64 para el sexto factor. Se sugiere que el instrumento es una opción válida y confiable que permitirá evaluar el uso adictivo de InternetThe definition of prolonged Internet use as an addiction is unclear. Various strategies have been used to recover empirical data that allow us to consider this use as an addiction. The design of assessment instruments for Internet addiction stands out. However, there are few reliable and valid instruments that allow its evaluation. The purpose of this study was to develop an instrument to measure Internet addiction, which integrates the parameters of subs-tance addiction together with the parameters of behavioral addiction. A Likert scale with 29 items was used and it was applied to 128 university students who met the established criteria. The results indicated the presence of 6 factors that contain a total of 26 items and that managed to explain 69.47% of the total variance. In addition, the instrument in general obtained an acceptable internal consistency with a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.917. Of the variables whose factorial weights loaded significantly, alphas ranging from 0.86 for the first factor to 0.64 for the sixth factor were obtained. It is suggested that the instrument is a valid and reliable option that will allow evaluating addictive use of the Internet


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    O presente trabalho faz uma abordagem sobre a importância do lúdico no processo de ensino e aprendizagem das crianças na Educação Infantil, utilizando como metodologia a revisão bibliográfica, onde foram utilizados livros, artigos e outros materiais publicados e atualizados, tendo como base autores que apontam como o lúdico pode ser um objeto facilitador na aquisição do conhecimento da criança nos primeiros anos de vida escolar, entre eles. A abordagem busca relacionar as brincadeiras lúdicas na Educação Infantil com o desenvolvimento e aprendizagem da criança. A pesquisa faz também uma reflexão sobre a teoria e a prática pedagógica desenvolvida em sala de aula, dando ênfase ao lúdico, como ferramenta no ensino-aprendizagem, complementando-se com conceito e historicidade do lúdico, além de uma breve abordagem sobre o desenvolvimento infantil. O que se pretendeu no estudo foi compreender e refletir sobre a importância da ludicidade no processo educacional infantil das séries iniciais. Concliu-se que o lúdico, importante ferramenta na educação escolar infantil, é defendido por diversos estudiosos contemporâneos, e se constitui em instrumento indispensável como estratégia de ensino-aprendizagem, por se relacionar diretamente com o mundo das crianças


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    O presente trabalho faz uma abordagem sobre a importância do lúdico no processo de ensino e aprendizagem das crianças na Educação Infantil, utilizando como metodologia a revisão bibliográfica, onde foram utilizados livros, artigos e outros materiais publicados e atualizados, tendo como base autores que apontam como o lúdico pode ser um objeto facilitador na aquisição do conhecimento da criança nos primeiros anos de vida escolar, entre eles. A abordagem busca relacionar as brincadeiras lúdicas na Educação Infantil com o desenvolvimento e aprendizagem da criança. A pesquisa faz também uma reflexão sobre a teoria e a prática pedagógica desenvolvida em sala de aula, dando ênfase ao lúdico, como ferramenta no ensino-aprendizagem, complementando-se com conceito e historicidade do lúdico, além de uma breve abordagem sobre o desenvolvimento infantil. O que se pretendeu no estudo foi compreender e refletir sobre a importância da ludicidade no processo educacional infantil das séries iniciais. Concliu-se que o lúdico, importante ferramenta na educação escolar infantil, é defendido por diversos estudiosos contemporâneos, e se constitui em instrumento indispensável como estratégia de ensino-aprendizagem, por se relacionar diretamente com o mundo das crianças

    Does resistance training improve body image satisfaction among the elderly? A cross-sectional study

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    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to evaluate whether body image satisfaction improves with practice in resistance training in elderly women. METHODS: Forty women were selected and randomly divided into an untrained group (UN) group and a group trained in resistance exercises (RT). To evaluate body image satisfaction, the silhouette matching task was used. RESULTS: No differences were found between current (5.45±0.24) and ideal (4.7±0.12) silhouettes in the RT group. However, the UN group showed a significant difference (po0.01) between current (10.4±0.43) and ideal (5.6±0.26) silhouettes. The current silhouette was significantly different between the UN and RT groups (po0.002). However, the ideal silhouette value did not differ between them. Body satisfaction was present in 90% of the participants in the RT group, and the difference was 15% less than that in the UN group (x2 test, po0.001). CONCLUSION: Resistance training in elderly women can promote satisfaction with their body image

    Bifactorial analysis and construct validity of the Out-group Threat Perception Scale against HIV-positive immigrants in a sample of Peruvian adults

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    Indexado en ScopusEn la actualidad se evidenciado aumento de los desplazamientos provocados por conflictos, persecuciones, falta de oportunidades, seguridad, entre otras razones, inscrementando la población de migrante en países de América Latina. Se destaca los desplazados venezolanos, siendo Perú el segundo país de Latinoamérica con más de esta población de migrantes. Estudios han alertado sobre la desvalorización de los migrantes y especialmente aquellos que vivan con enfermedades infectocontagiosas como es el VIH. Los ciudadanos autóctonos del país receptor, percirbe la presencia del exogrupo como amenazas a sus derechos sociales relacionándose con actitudes negativas, que se ha ido poteciando por los medios de comunicación. Por tanto, es importante realizar estudios que estimen el discernimiento de amenazas exogrupal estrechamente hacia los migrantes. El objetivo evaluar las evidencias psicométricas del instrumento de medición EPAE en una muestra de adultos peruanos frente a los inmigrantes VIH. El análisis de los ítems y de confiabilidad demostró un adecuado funcionamiento a excepción de los ítems 4, 5, 11 y 12. Se propone utilizar el modelo 2, el cual consta de 9 agregados, confirmado por los diferentes índices estadísticos (X2/gl=3.49; WMRM=1.124; NFI=0.993; CFI=0.995; GFI=0.997; RMSEA=0.045; SRMR=0.035). Según los valores del análisis bifactor no existe suficiente evidencia para asumir un factor general, se recomienda trabajar con dimensiones independientes. Es importante la identificación de percepción de amenazas reales, debido a que investigaciones han evidenciado que el estigma asociado con el VIH constituye uno de los mayores obstáculos para la prevención de nuevas infecciones.Currently, there is evidence of an increase in displacement caused by conflicts, persecution, lack of opportunities, security, among other reasons, increasing the migrant population in Latin American countries. The displaced Venezuelans stand out, with Peru being the second country in Latin America with more than this population of migrants. Studies have warned about the devaluation of migrants and especially those who live with infectious diseases such as HIV. The autochthonous citizens of the receiving country perceive the presence of the outgroup as threats to their social rights, related to negative attitudes, which has been promoted by the media. Therefore, it is important to carry out studies that estimate the discernment of out-group threats closely towards migrants. The objective is to evaluate the psychometric evidence of the EPAE measurement instrument in a sample of Peruvian adults compared to HIV immigrants. The analysis of the items and reliability showed an adequate functioning with the exception of items 4, 5, 11 and 12. It is proposed to use model 2, which consists of 9 aggregates, confirmed by the different statistical indices (X2/df= 3.49; WMRM=1.124; NFI=0.993; CFI=0.995; GFI=0.997; RMSEA=0.045; SRMR=0.035). Given the values of the bifactor analysis, there is not enough evidence to assume a general factor, it is recommended to work with independent dimensions. It is important to identify the perception of real threats, since research has shown that the stigma associated with HIV constitutes one of the greatest obstacles to the prevention of new infections.Revisión por pare

    Effect of carnauba wax nanoemulsion coating on postharvest papaya quality.

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    ABSTRACT: Papaya is a fruit of great economic importance worldwide, but still presents a high rate of postharvest losses. Among the different reasons explaining this phenomenom, intensive labor and inappropriate storage conditions are the main ones. Carnauba wax nanoemulsion (CWN) coating may be an alternative to this problem, preserving postharvest fruit quality. Therefore, an experimental CWN was developed and a set of three trials were conducted to evaluate its performance on storage of papaya fruits solo type. On the first trial, this coating was applied to the fruits at concentrations of 4.5, 9.0, 13.5 and 18.0% compared to control group (fruits coated with water). In a second trial, the best concentrations determined in the first one was used (13.5 and 18.0% respectively). On the last trial, CWN on a high concentration 18% was compared to commercially treated and untreated fruits. Fruits were stored for 12 to 20 days at 16 to 18°C and Relative Humidity upper to 70%. Physicochemical analyzes carried were soluble solids, titratable acidity, pH, weight loss, firmness, color and ethylene production, while postharvest disease incidence and severity was only performed on the last trial. Significant difference was observed on treatments with high CWN concentration (13.5 and 18.0%) in relation to reducing weight loss, delay ripening and decreasing ethylene production compared to untreated, commercial coating and even to low CWN concentrations. For disease severity it was observed a reduction on coated fruits with high CWN concentration when compared to control and commercial coating. CWN has a potential use for extending papaya postharvest shelf life.V International Symposium on Postharvest Pathology: From Consumer to Laboratory-Sustainable Approaches to Managing Postharvest Pathogens