8 research outputs found

    Patrons mesoscalars de precipitació a Catalunya

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    [cat] La Península Ibèrica està situada entre les latituds 35º i 43º Nord, fet que implica que està en transició entre el clima subtropical al temperat. Per tant, tot i que els sistemes predominants són els corresponents a la zona temperada, sovint també es donen fenòmens de naturalesa tropical i subtropical. Així doncs, les estructures sinòptiques que afectaran la Península Ibèrica, també seran les característiques de les diferents zones climàtiques i s'aniran alternant, unes vegades amb patrons sinòptics associats a la circulació zonal típica de la zona temperada i d'altres amb estructures més pròpies de les zones tropicals i subtropicals. En aquesta tesi s'han estudiat els patrons mesoscalars de precipitació a Catalunya, situada al Nord-Est de la Península Ibèrica, dins el context de la Mediterrània Occidental. Cal tenir en compte, que en aquesta zona del Mediterrani els fluxos zonals de l'Oest, provinents de l'Atlàntic, es veuen afectats per la Meseta i els diferents sistemes muntanyosos i per tant, quant arriben a la costa Mediterrània, hi arriben secs i rescalfats. Per altra banda, l'anticicló de les Açores, actua com a falca, ja que els sistemes que van associats amb la circulació zonal de l'Oest passin més al Nord de les nostres latituds. Tot plegat, fa que les precipitacions siguin molt dependents de la situació sinòptica, amb situacions en les quals la precipitació és molt escassa i situacions en la què pot ser molt abundant. Per estudiar aquests patrons de precipitació, s'ha treballat amb precipitacions diàries del conjunt Spain02, proporcionat per la Universitat de Cantàbria amb accés lliure, amb una resolució de graella d'11 quilòmetres aproximadament. A partir d'aquestes dades s'han separat els dies de precipitació segons el tipus sinòptic al qual pertanyen. D'aquesta manera, els patrons de precipitació obtinguts per cada un dels tipus, tindran el mateix origen sinòptic i per tant, les causes en les diferències entre aquests patrons caldrà buscar-les en factors mesoscalars. Així doncs, abans d'estudiar la variabilitat de la precipitació, és necessari trobar una classificació sinòptica per separar els dies de precipitació segons els tipus sinòptic. L'aportació més important i innovadora d'aquesta tesi ha estat l'obtenció d'aquesta classificació sinòptica. L'objectiu és trobar una classificació sinòptica que sigui representativa per la Mediterrània Occidental. A grans trets, el que es demana a aquesta classificació és que: 1. sigui automàtica 2. sigui capaç de classificar els casos en que apareix una DANA (Depressió Aïllada a Nivells Alts) 3. que discrimini bé la precipitació 4. que tingui pocs tipus. Després de fer un estudi exhaustiu sobre les diferents opcions, al final es s'ha optat per la creació d'una nova classificació sinòptica automàtica, inspirada i basada en la classificació de Jenkinson-Collison, que usa els nivells de pressió en superfície i geopotencial a 500 hPa. Una vegada s'ha trobat una classificació i s'han separat els dies amb precipitació segons el tipus sinòptic corresponent, s'ha estudiat la variabilitat de la precipitació diària per extreure'n els seus patrons. Aquest estudi, s'ha fet mitjançant una Anàlisi de Components Principals (PCA) amb S-mode. A partir dels "scores" obtinguts amb la PCA, s'han identificat els dies més correlacionats amb els patrons espacials de variabilitat. A partir d'aquí, s'ha calculat la mitjana (composite) de la precipitació associada a cada component principal i s'han obtingut els patrons de precipitació.[eng] The Iberian Peninsula is located between the latitudes 35º and 43º North, which means that it is in the transition between subtropical to temperate. This fact means that, although the systems are predominant corresponding to the temperate zone, often phenomena in subtropical and tropical nature occur. So synoptic structures affecting the Iberian Peninsula will have characteristics of both climates and weather associated with them will present strong variability. In this dissertation the mesoscale precipitation patterns in Catalonia were studied. Catalonia is located in the North-East of the Iberian Peninsula, in the context of the Western Mediterranean area which experiences a strong precipitation variability. To study the precipitation patterns, the precipitation gridded data base Spain02 has been used which has a resolution of 11 km. approximately. The days with precipitation were separated according to its synoptic type in order to separate the synoptic and the mesoscalar origin. Thus, one of the most important tasks of this study was to find a synoptic classification representative of the western Mediterranean which was able to describe the main meteorological features produced in this area. For this reason, there were some requirements that the synoptic classification had to accomplish and after an exhaustive study the conclusion was the need to construct a new synoptic classification. The new classification was inspired in the Jenkinson-Collison one adding the 500 hPa level. Once a classification has been found that meets our requirements, the days were separated depending in their synoptic type the precipitation patterns were studied. For each type the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in S-mode was used to find the variability patterns of precipitation. Patterns have been identified based on the scores obtained with the PCA the days with strong correlation with the spatial variability. Days were considered significantly correlated when the value given by the score was above the 90th percentile. Once selected, the rainfall average has been calculated for each component which gives the rainfall patterns

    Dionís Puig: una vida dedicada a la recerca científica

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    La meteorologia és una ciència relativament jove comparada amb altres disciplines científiques. No fou fins a principis del segle xx quan es va realitzar la primera formulació de la meteorologia com un problema de mecànica de fluids. Prèviament, molts científics havien elaborat teories que, tot i ser molt enginyoses, no foren satisfactòries i quedaren en l’oblit, com en el cas de Dionís Puig i Soler, un científic vocacional que va formular una original teoria sobre meteorologia dinàmica, l’evolució del qual no es pot entendre sense el seu pas per l’Institut d’Ensenyament Lliure de Vic

    Land Use and Topography Influence in a Complex Terrain Area: A High Resolution Mesoscale Modelling Study over the Eastern Pyrenees using the WRF Model

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    Different types of land use (LU) have different physical properties which can change local energy balance and hence vertical fluxes of moisture, heat and momentum. This in turn leads to changes in near-surface temperature and moisture fields. Simulating atmospheric flow over complex terrain requires accurate local-scale energy balance and therefore model grid spacing must be sufficient to represent both topography and land-use. In this study we use both the Corine Land Cover (CLC) and United States Geological Survey (USGS) land use databases for use with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model and evaluate the importance of both land-use classification and horizontal resolution in contributing to successful modelling of surface temperatures and humidities observed from a network of 39 sensors over a 9 day period in summer 2013. We examine case studies of the effects of thermal inertia and soil moisture availability at individual locations. The scale at which the LU classification is observed influences the success of the model in reproducing observed patterns of temperature and moisture. Statistical validation of model output demonstrates model sensitivity to both the choice of LU database used and the horizontal resolution. In general, results show that on average, by a) using CLC instead of USGS and/or b) increasing horizontal resolution, model performance is improved. We also show that the sensitivity to these changes in the model performance shows a daily cycle

    Land Use and Topography Influence in a Complex Terrain Area: A High Resolution Mesoscale Modelling Study over the Eastern Pyrenees using the WRF Model

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    Different types of land use (LU) have different physical properties which can change local energy balance and hence vertical fluxes of moisture, heat and momentum. This in turn leads to changes in near-surface temperature and moisture fields. Simulating atmospheric flow over complex terrain requires accurate local-scale energy balance and therefore model grid spacing must be sufficient to represent both topography and land-use. In this study we use both the Corine Land Cover (CLC) and United States Geological Survey (USGS) land use databases for use with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model and evaluate the importance of both land-use classification and horizontal resolution in contributing to successful modelling of surface temperatures and humidities observed from a network of 39 sensors over a 9 day period in summer 2013. We examine case studies of the effects of thermal inertia and soil moisture availability at individual locations. The scale at which the LU classification is observed influences the success of the model in reproducing observed patterns of temperature and moisture. Statistical validation of model output demonstrates model sensitivity to both the choice of LU database used and the horizontal resolution. In general, results show that on average, by a) using CLC instead of USGS and/or b) increasing horizontal resolution, model performance is improved. We also show that the sensitivity to these changes in the model performance shows a daily cycle

    Cold-air pool evolution in a wide Pyrenean valley

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    This study on cold-air pool formation in the wide Cerdanya Valley in the Pyrenees mountain range was conducted using available observational information from September 2010 to August 2014. Cold-air pools occur during almost 60% of the nights, mainly during winter. Cold pools develop even under significant synoptic pressure gradients. Additionally, drainage currents transporting air down-valley occur most of the nights. In particular one representative cold-air pool event has been analysed in detail by a high-resolution mesoscale simulation, combined with an analysis of data from both ground-based stations and satellites. Radiative processes dominate the evolution of cold-air pools, together with turbulence in the lowest layers, while drainage flows down from the high mountains mainly through the tributary valleys and from the valley sidewall slopes play a key role in bringing air to the pool. Cold pool formation begins approximately 1 hr after sunset, and it extends across most of the valley bottom, with a very strong thermal inversion close to the surface that has a depth of up to 100¿m in the lowest parts of the valley. Wind veers down-valley along the main axis 2–3 hr after sunset and the wind direction is approximately maintained until after sunrise.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Cold-air pool evolution in a wide Pyrenean valley

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    This study on cold-air pool formation in the wide Cerdanya Valley in the Pyrenees mountain range was conducted using available observational information from September 2010 to August 2014. Cold-air pools occur during almost 60% of the nights, mainly during winter. Cold pools develop even under significant synoptic pressure gradients. Additionally, drainage currents transporting air down-valley occur most of the nights. In particular one representative cold-air pool event has been analysed in detail by a high-resolution mesoscale simulation, combined with an analysis of data from both ground-based stations and satellites. Radiative processes dominate the evolution of cold-air pools, together with turbulence in the lowest layers, while drainage flows down from the high mountains mainly through the tributary valleys and from the valley sidewall slopes play a key role in bringing air to the pool. Cold pool formation begins approximately 1 hr after sunset, and it extends across most of the valley bottom, with a very strong thermal inversion close to the surface that has a depth of up to 100¿m in the lowest parts of the valley. Wind veers down-valley along the main axis 2–3 hr after sunset and the wind direction is approximately maintained until after sunrise.Peer Reviewe