74 research outputs found
In order to produce dough with a lower gluten content, more enriched with rice components and satisfactory rheological properties, the rheological properties, energetic value and cake baking properties of wheat and white or brown rice flour in shares from 3 to 30% (w/w) were investigated in this paper. The water absorption in wheat-rice flour mixtures was lower and decreased to 53.5% and 54.0% along with the increase of the white and the brown rice flour share, respectively, than in wheat flour, where it was 58.8%. In the dough made from rice flour, a gluten network had thinner filaments, about 2 and 1 Ī¼m in width for white and brown rice flour, respectively, compared to those in the dough from wheat flour only, where it was about 7 Ī¼m. The dough from rice flour had almost twice higher gelatinization maximum than the gelatinization maximum of the wheat flour only. The energetic values of the dough from rice flour were smaller than the energetic value of the wheat flour, for only 1.32%. Based on Cluster analysis, the white or brown rice flour share of 20% was pointed out
Mechanical properties of welded pipes produced by high frequency welding of the steel API J55
Izbor Äelika, dimenzija i naÄina proizvodnje zaÅ”titnih zavarenih cevi je deo procesa konstruisanja, jer je u uskoj vezi sa funkcijom cevi kao konstrukcijske celine u odreÄenim uslovima eksploatacije za predviÄeni vek trajanja. Kvalitet zavarenih spojeva u procesu proizvodnje cevi definiÅ”e se karakteristikama koje one moraju posedovati da bi zadovoljile odreÄene zahteve, Å”to se postiže izborom odgovarajuÄih postupaka i parametara zavarivanja, sprovoÄenjem programa kontrole svih tehnoloÅ”kih operacija u njihovoj izradi i mehaniÄkim i tehnoloÅ”kim ispitivanjima otpornosti i deformacije osnovnog materijala i zavarenih spojeva cevi. U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja mehaniÄkih osobina uzdužno zavarenih cevi, izraÄenih visokofrekventnim kontaktnim zavarivanjem od Äelika poveÄane ÄvrstoÄe API J55.Selection of the steel, dimensions and manufacturing methods for protective welded pipes is part of the design process, because it is closely related to the function of tube construction as a whole under certain conditions, for a calculated service life. The quality of welded joints in the process of tubes production is defined by characteristics that they must have to meet certain requirements, which are achieved by choosing appropriate procedures and welding parameters, by controlling all unit operations in their preparation and mechanical and engineering stress and strain tests and base material of welded joints. This paper presents the results of the mechanical properties of longitudinally welded pipes. Casing welded pipe intended for oil and gas wells are made by high frequency contact welding of steel API J55, with increased strength
Native Non-Saccharomyces Yeasts as a Tool to Produce Distinctive and Diverse Tamjanika Grape Wines
The enological potential of two previously characterized indigenous yeast isolates, Hanseniaspora uvarum S-2 and Candida famata WB-1, in pure and sequential inoculation with commercial yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae QA23 were analyzed in industrial-scale vinification of the grape variety Tamjanika. Their contribution to the quality and aroma profile was investigated by quantifying volatile compounds and wine sensory evaluation. Both yeast isolates were able to complete alcoholic fermentation, to reduce ethanol concentration up to 1.06% v/v (in monoculture) in comparation to S. cerevisiae QA23, and to enhance aroma and sensory profile. Based on calculated odor activity values (OAV), p-cymene, ethyl hexanoate, ethyl octanoate, and ethyl decanoate were the major aroma volatile compounds in all Tamjanika wine samples. Analyzed yeast strains significantly affected relative contribution of volatile compounds and can be considered responsible for the differences and uniqueness of the obtained wine samples. Besides confirmation of good enological and fermentative characteristics, selected isolates can be characterized as high ester-producing strains with potential to enhance the floral and fruity aromas of wine. The present study represents a further step toward the use of indigenous yeast isolates at industrial-scale fermentation in order to ensure the regional signature of Tamjanika wine
Metodologija dizajniranja simulacijskih sustava temeljenih na metodi diskretnih dogaÄaja u proizvodnom ambijentu
The paper considers Discrete Event Simulation design methodology. Primary
objective is proposal of comprehensive, scientifically established design
methodology to structure, guide, and improve manufacturing processes modeling
efforts. Proposed approach replicate structure and behavior of original system at
desired level of abstraction, incorporates specific academic knowledge in simulation
solution and results in object oriented application architecture completely
consistent with production planning and scheduling ontology. The paper begins
pointing out importance of modeling and equality between knowledge and models
from viewpoint of modern cybernetic science and referenced cybernetics theory
relocates in manufacturing systems and discrete event simulation domain. Paper
then proceeds to discuss a structure and main steps of proposed methodology
with a more detailed discussion of simulation based production planning and
scheduling. Finally, an example of successfully designed simulation solution is
given. Proposed approach gives verbal and mathematical problem description,
builds ontology of problem domain, uses Extended Petri Nets, event graphs
and activity cycle diagrams as modeling tools, in order to obtain faithful model
which easily can be replicated in object oriented class and object hierarchy.
Methodology highlights inevitability of knowledge transfer between business
processes, software development and academic research experts. Integration
and overlapping of mentioned fields of knowledge result in object oriented
application architecture fully consistent with ontology derived from conceptual
phase of design methodology. Proposed methodology enables convergence of
comprehensive but static MIS knowledge in dynamic simulation model in order to
fully utilize its prediction power for effective integration of strategic and tactical
decision making.U radu se razmatra metodologija dizajniranja raÄunalnih simulacijskih sustava
temeljenih na metodi diskretnih dogaÄaja. Primarni cilj je prijedlog sveobuhvatne,
znanstveno utemeljene metodologije dizajniranja koja formulira, usmjerava
te poboljŔava nastojanja modeliranja proizvodnih procesa. Predloženi pristup
replicira strukturu i ponaŔanje originalnih sustava na željenoj razini apstrakcije,
inkorporira specifiÄna akademska znanja u simulacijski sustav te rezultira u
objektno orijentiranoj arhitekturi aplikacije koja je u potpunosti konzistentna sa
ontologijom planiranja i terminiranja proizvodnje. Rad zapoÄinje naglaÅ”avanjem
znaÄaja modeliranja stavljajuÄi znak jednakosti izmeÄu znanja i modela iz
perspektive moderne kibernetiÄke znanosti te pomenutu kibernetiÄku teoriju
relocira u domene proizvodnih sustava i simulacije diskretnih dogaÄaja. U
radu se potom daju osnovni podaci o strukturi i glavnim koracima predložene
metodologije uz detaljnije objaŔnjenje planiranja i terminiranja proizvodnje uz
pomoÄ simulacije. Na kraju se opisuje primjer uspjeÅ”no dizajniranog simulacijskog
sustava. Predloženi pristup daje verbalni i matematiÄki opis problema, gradi
ontologiju domene problema, koristi proÅ”irene Petrijeve mreže, graf dogaÄaje i
cikluse dijagrama aktivnosti kao alate modeliranja, sa svrhom dobijanja vjernog
modela koji se lako može replicirati u objektno orijentiranu hijerarhiju klasa i
objekata. Metodologija istiÄe neizbježnost transfera znanja izmeÄu struÄnjaka
za poslovne procese, te eksperata iz oblasti razvoja softvera i akademskih
istraživanja. Integracija i preklapanje navedenih polja znanja rezultuje u objektno
orijentiranoj arhitekturi aplikacije koja je potpuno u skladu s ontologijom koja
slijedi iz konceptualne faze metodologije dizajniranja. Predložena metodologija
omoguÄava konvergenciju sveobuhvatnog ali statiÄkog znanja sadržanog u
informacijskom sustavu upravljanja u dinamiÄki simulacijski model, sa ciljem
potpunijeg iskoriÅ”Äenja moguÄnosti predviÄanja te uÄinkovito integriranje
strateÅ”kog i taktiÄkog odluÄivanja
Microbial fertilizers: A comprehensive review of current findings and future perspectives
Plant growth promoting microorganisms (PGPM) are an important group of microbial inoculants, which exist in rhizosphere and have the ability to inhabit the root of the plants and improve their development. Their positive influence is achieved through solubilization of phosphorus, nitrogen fixation, production of plant nutrients and phytohormones, protection from pathogens and recovery from stressful environmental conditions. This is the main reason for the increasing usage of many PGPMs which formulations are commonly known as microbial fertilizers. Microbial fertilizers represent an attractive replacement for chemical fertilizers that are polluting the environment. They are used to increase the crop yield in an eco-friendly way while relying on sustainable agriculture principles. The biggest problem nowadays is the very poor quality of such products, which results in the lack of confidence and makes commercialization much more difficult. In order to increase production and hence the commercialization of microbial fertilizers, desired quality and stability should be achieved. For this reason, many researches are done in this particular field. In order to develop an optimal product, it is important to know and understand the process, including the physiology of bacteria and plants, mass multiplication technological processes as well as the existing formulation and the specific effect on the desired plant. For this purpose, the aim of this review is to indicate the significance of microbial fertilizers and their beneficial effects on the plants, as well as to give a brief survey of the different aspects of production processes with a special emphasis on mass multiplication
Comparison of antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of extracts obtained from Salvia glutinosa L. and Salvia officinalis L.
Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities as well as total phenols and flavonoids contents of Salvia glutinosa L. (glutinous sage) and Salvia officinalis L. (sage) extracts were studied. Methanol and aqueous ethanol (70% v/v) were used for extraction of bioactive compounds, both in the presence and the absence of ultrasound, from herb and the spent plant material remaining after the essential oil hydrodistillation. The ratio of plant material to extracting solvent was 1:10 g/ml. Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of the extracts were found to depend on the type of plant material and the extraction conditions. The plant materials from which essential oil had been recovered were proven to be valuable raw materials for making various herbal preparations
The application of natural organic compounds in bakery industry
Investigations include the analysis of the impact of commercial products: complex additive (0.1, 0.3, and 0.5%), L-ascorbic acid (0.002, 0.004 and 0.012%), diacetyl ester of tartaric acid with monoglycerides (DATEM E472e, 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5%), Ī±-amylase (0.002, 0.006 and 0.012%), xylanase (0.004, 0.012 and 0.024%), alcohol extract of rosemary, thyme or sage (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0%), as well as the combination of complex additive and rosemary, thyme and sage extract on rheological characteristics of dough. The study includes amylograph, farinograph and extensograph analysis of dough with and without additives (control sample). The volume of lost CO2 gas (mL) is the lowest in dough samples with an added combination of complex additive and thyme extract (0.05 and 0.5%) and rosemary extract (2.0%). In the samples with thyme extract (1.0%) added, the volume of lost gas is at a level of samples with added complex additive, DATEM, and L-ascorbic acid
Structural life assessment of oil rig pipes made of API J55 steel by high frequency welding
Predmet rada je analiza integriteta i procjena preostalog vijeka zaÅ”titnih zavarenih cijevi izraÄenih od Äelika API J55 visokofrekventnim kontaktnim zavarivanjem (VF). Eksperimentalna ispitivanja mehaniÄkih svojstava osnovnog materijala i ispitivanja na zamor izvrÅ”ena su na cijevima povuÄenim iz naftne buÅ”otine nakon 70 000 sati rada. Ispitivanje brzine rasta zamorne pukotine da/dN i opsega faktora intenzivnosti naprezanja na pragu zamora, āKth, izvedeno je na standardnim Charpy epruvetama sa zarezom. Broj ciklusa do loma je izraÄunat na osnovi poÄetne i krajnje kritiÄne duljine pukotine. Na osnovi broja ciklusa do loma i broja ciklusa optereÄenja odreÄen je preostali vijek cijevi s vanjskom aksijalnom povrÅ”inskom pukotinom. Pokazano je da je preostali vijek osjetljiviji na promjenu opsega optereÄenja nego na poÄetnu dubinu pukotine.Structural life of welded pipes made of API J55 steel by high-frequency (HF) welding has been evaluated. Experimental tests of base metal mechanical properties, including fatigue properties, were conducted on pipes after 70 000 hours of service in an oil drilling rig. The fatigue crack growth rate and fatigue threshold is obtained using the pre-cracked Charpy specimens. The number of cycles to the final fracture is then calculated using initial and critical crack depths. Based on the number of cycles to the final fracture and the remaining fatigue lifetime of pipes with axial outer surface crack are determined. It was shown that the remaining fatigue lifetime is more sensitive to the changes in the stress range than to the initial crack depth
Ispitivanje prisustva antitela protiv goveÄeg herpesvirusa-1 u krvnom serumu teladi pre ishrane kolostrumom
The paper presents the results of investigations of the presence of the bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1) in samples of blood serum from 106 cows and 107 of their calves (one cow had twins). Blood was sampled from the cows immediately after parturition, and from the calves before feeding on colostrum. The examined cows and their calves originated from 5 herds in which previous investigations had shown infection with the bovine herpesvirus-1. The determination of antibodies against BHV-1 was performed using the method of virus neutralization in culture of MDBK cells with 100 TCID/50 viruses (BHV-1, TN-41 Am. Bio Research, USA). Antibodies against BHV-1 were determined in all blood serum samples of cows and in 16 samples of precolostral blood serums of calves. The antibody titer values in cows ranged from 1:4 to 1:512, and in calves the determined values were from 1:2 to 1:16. The results indicate that cows that are seropositive to BHV-1 can deliver calves seropositive to BHV-1 in about 15% cases. This must be kept in mind in selecting cows for the production of breeding material, in particular bulls for reproduction centers, as well as in making a programme for the immunoprophylaxis of calves against BHV-1. .U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja prisustva antitela protiv goveÄeg herpesvirusa-1 (BHV-1) u uzorcima krvnih seruma 106 krava i 107 njihove teladi (jedna krava je otelila blizance). Uzorkovanje krvi od krava je vrÅ”eno odmah nakon partusa, a od teladi pre ishrane kolostrumom. Ispitivane krave i njihova telad poticali su iz 5 zapata u kojima je ranijim ispitivanjima utvrÄena infekcija goveÄim herpesvirusom-1. UtvrÄivanje antitela protiv BHV-1 vrÅ”eno je metodom virus neutralizacije na kulturi MDBK Äelija sa 100 TCID/50 virusa (BHV-1, TN-41 Am. Bio Research, USA). Antitela protiv BHV-1 utvrÄena su u svim uzorcima krvnih seruma krava i u 16 uzoraka prekolostralnih krvnih seruma teladi. Vrednosti titra antitela iznosile su kod krava od 1:4 do 1:512, a kod teladi od 1:2 do 1:16. Rezultati ukazuju na to da krave koje su seropozitivne na BHV-1 mogu da otele telad seropozitivnu na BHV-1 u oko 15% sluÄajeva. Ovo se mora imati u vidu kada se vrÅ”i izbor krava za proizvodnju priplodnog materijala, a posebno bikova za reprocentre, kao i kada se pravi program imunoprofilakse teladi protiv BHV-1.
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