196 research outputs found

    Pengujian Black Box Dengan Teknik Transition Pada Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan Berbasis Web Dengan Metode Waterfall Pada SMC Foundation

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    Black box testing is so important because the technique is able to identify errors in functions, interfaces, information models and access to outside information sources. In the implementation often arises the problem of testers not being sure whether the software being tested has actually passed the testing stage. This happens because there may still be some untested execution paths. Testers should create every possible combination of input information for the test. Choosing input information to find errors is a problem for testers because it has a high probability, so the test case design can automatically be a solution. In this implementation, the web that will be tested using black-box testing is a Library Information System. The SMC Library website will be tested using black-box testing where the test only aims to see if the program is in accordance with the desired function of the program. This method is done by looking at the inputs and outputs of each system flow. Testers in this test method do not have to understand the flow of system code, but must know the flow of system expectations. One of the techniques of the black box testing method is the state transition technique. The state transition technique is performed by looking at the suitability of the flow from one pipeline to the nex


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    Abstract Discourse is the highest unit of language. Discourse has two elements, namely cohesion and coherence.These two elements are important so that the discourse can be understood by the readers easily. The discourse usedin this research was Japanese folklores with the theme of spring, entitled Momotarou, Hanasakajiji, and Kintarou.The research aims to describe the cohesion and coherence in these three Japanese folklores. The researcher used aqualitative method in this research. The theories used to answer the two problems in this research were Halliday'sand Hassan's in Sumarlam (2008) and Mulyana's (2005) theories. In this research, 28 data of cohesion are found.It consists of 23 data of grammatical cohesion and 5 data of lexical cohesion. The types of grammatical cohesionfound in this research are reference, substitution, and conjunction. The reference found in this research is 8 data,which are demonstrative pronoun reference and persona pronoun reference. The substitution found in this researchis 6 data, which are phrase substitution and noun substitution. The conjunction found in this research is 9 data,which are conjunction that states the cause and effect, the row of a case, and denial. Then, the lexical cohesionfound in this research is repetition with 5 data. Furthermore, the coherence found in this research is 5 data. Itconsists of 1 data of mean-result relations, 2 data of causal relations, 1 data of background-conclusion relations,and 1 data of term-result relations.Keyword: Discourse, Cohesion, Coherence要旨 談話は最も高い言語の単位である。談話には結束と一貫性、2つの要素がある。読者が理解できるよう、この 2 つの要素が重要である。本研究での談話の名は桃太郎、花坂爺じ、と金太郎、春をテーマとした日本の民話である。本研究では、その3つの民話の中にある結束と一貫性を記述するための研究である。本研究は定性的で、定性的な方法を使用する。2 つの問題を答えるために、Sumarlam の本の中の Halliday と Hassan(2008)と Mulyana(2005)の理論を使用する。研究した上で、結束性のマーカーのデータが 28 個発見された。その 28 個データの中で 23 個が文法的結束性のデータであり、残りの 5 つは語彙的結束性のデータである。発見された文法的結束性の類は指示、代用、と接続詞である。本研究では、指示のデータは 8 つ、それら含めて指示代名詞の指示と人称代名詞の指示である。発見された文法的結束性のデータは 6 つ含めてフレーズの代用と名詞の代用である。それから発見された接続詞は 3 つあり、1 つは原因と結果、ケースの行、および拒否を述べ、それらすべて 9 つのデータがある。本研究で発見された語彙的結束性は 5 つのデータである。それから一貫性のマーカーを5 つのデータが発見された。これらの 5 つのデータには、手段と結果の関係の 1 つのデータ、因果関係の 2 つのデータ、背景と結論の関係の 1 つのデータ、用語と結果の関係の 1 つのデータがある。キーワード:談話、結束性、一貫


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    Abstrak This research discusses the expression of meaning of love or ai through the use of signs contained inthe animation entitled "Violet Evergarden" by Akatsuki Kana. This research aims to describe the use ofsigns as a form of meaning of love or ai contained in this animation. The methodology used is a descriptivequalitative approach with data analysis in the form of visuals and dialogues on animations that express themeaning of the word love or ai. In this scientific article research, the semiotic theory of C. S. Pierce is usedas a data analysis system based on the use of three sign functions, namely index, icon, and symbol. Fromthe results of this study, the meaning of the word love or ai is shown through the use of signs contained inanimations that are packaged in communication. The result of this data research in this anime “VioletEvergarden” the signs of love based on the three signs function is, first index signs of love is 7 signs withcategories from theory of love Sternberg, second is icon signs of love is 3 signs, and symbol signs is 5 signs.This research about the signs of love uses the theory of love by Robert J. Sternberg that has 8 categories oflove with different component or type.Keyword: anime, animation, love, semiotics, Charles Sanders Pierce. 要旨 本研究では、暁佳奈の「ヴァイオレット・エバーガーデン」と題されたアニメーションに含まれる記号を用いて、愛や愛の意味の表現について論じている。 この研究は、このアニメーションに含まれる愛や愛の意味の形としての記号の使用を説明することを目的としている。 使用される方法論は、愛または ai という言葉の意味を表現するアニメーションのビジュアルとダイアログの形式でデータ分析を行う記述的な定性的アプローチです。 この科学論文研究では、C. S. Pierce の記号論を、指標、アイコン、記号の 3 つの記号関数の使用に基づくデータ分析システムとして使用している。 この研究の結果から、コミュニケーションにパッケージ化されたアニメーションに含まれる記号を使用して、愛という単語の意味が示される。このアニメ「バイオレットエバーガーデン」でのこのデータ調査の結果、3 つの記号関数に基づく愛の記号は、最初のインデックス記号は愛の理論からのカテゴリを持つ 7 つの記号であり、2 番目は愛のアイコン記号は 3 つの記号です。 および記号は 5 つの記号です。 愛の兆候に関するこの研究では、Robert J. Sternberg による愛の理論を使用している。この理論には、さまざまなコンポーネントまたはタイプの 8 つの愛のカテゴリがある。キーワード: アニメ、アニメーション、愛、記語論、Charles Sanders Pierce


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi bahwa dalam menulis paragraf siswa Sekolah Dasar masih sangat rendah, hal ini menjadi pendorong bagi peneliti untuk mengetahui Penerapan Metode Inkuiri Melalui Media Gambar Berorientasi Lingkungan Sekitar pada Siswa kelas IV SD Pertiwi Kota Bandung. Penggunaan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan bantuan tes berbentuk paragraf. Data yang dijaring terdiri atas kemampuan awal melalui pretes dan data hasil setelah perlakuan melaui posttest, adapun siswa tersebut dalam satu kelasnya sebanyak 33 orang, terdiri 18 orang laki-laki dan 15 orang perempuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada saat pretest pada kelas eksperimen sebelum menggunakan media gambar rata-rata kemampuan menulis adalah 66,86 kemudian pada saat postest naik menjadi 83.52 berarti terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan sebanyak 16.66. berdasarkan data diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan metode inkuiri dengan penggunaan media gambar berorientasi lingkungan sekitar dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menulis paragraf pada siswa kelas IV Sekolah Dasar. ; This study is predicated on the fact that students ability in writing the paragraph is still low. This encourage the researcher to implement The Application of Inquiry Through Drawing Media Oriented to Surrounding Environment Toward 4th Grade Students of SD Pertiwi Bandung City. The use of data in this study are assisted by test in the form of paragraph. Data which are collected consist of initial ability through pretest and result data after treatment through posttest. The total of students in one class are 33 students, consist of 18 boys and 15 girls. Result of study showed that the average of writing ability in pretest for experiment class before using drawing media is 66.86 then in posttest enhanced to become 83.52, which means that there is enhancement of 16.66. Based on the data above, it can be concluded that the application of inquiry strategy by using drawing media oriented to surrounding environment can enhance paragraph writing ability in 4th grade students of Elementary School


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    MIMIN MINTARSIH : The Influence of Application of Spelling Bee Game on the Students’ Vocabulary Competence at the Seventh Grade Students of MTs Terpadu Tunas Cendekia Babakan-Ciwaringin Cirebon English language today has been a general language for communication and interaction around the world. So, we need to use English language and the mastery of vocabulary. In English learning, the students need to know more of vocabulary. The students’ of the seventh grade of Islamic junior high school (MTs Terpadu Tunas Cendekia) have the difficulties of learning English vocabulary such as they are still poorly developed in English vocabulary competence especially in spelling. So, would their vocabulary competence increase by learning English spelling? The writer tries to bring up an idea in learning vocabulary by using Spelling Bee game. Spelling bee game in the English learning classroom, practices the teacher as pronouncer and the students as speller with the depth learning continuously. Spelling bee game gives the aids to the student in memorizing and understanding the vocabulary of any English material. While, vocabulary is the total number of words in a language. So by mastering the vocabulary, the students can practice the English language. The approach of this research is using an experimental quantitative approach. The data that is obtained used the statistical pretest-posttest analysis that calculated by t-test. And the techniques of collecting the data are by using observation, questionnaire and test. The population of the research is all of the seventh grade students at MTs TTC Babakan Ciwaringin. The seventh grade of the students’ at MTs TTC Babakan Ciwaringin consists of 2 classes; 7a and 7b. The total number of population comes to 34. And for the sample, the writer use simple random sampling as many as 33 students. The students’ response of application of spelling bee game is as big as 67 %, it means students responded quite positively. The students’ vocabulary competence of the pretest resulted the average score 6,3. Meanwhile, from the posttest resulted the average score 7,8. It shows the result of the posttest is higher than the result of the pretest and means the students’ vocabulary competence increased. The result of t-test also shows t=6,543 that is compared by t-table=2,036 where it means there is positive significant influence of application of spelling bee game on the students’ vocabulary competence. The conclusion is the students responded positively in application spelling bee game. Their vocabulary competence also increased by this application in the classroom. So, it has significant correlation in application of spelling bee game on the students’ vocabulary competence


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    MIMIN MINTARSIH : The Influence of Application of Spelling Bee Game on the Students’ Vocabulary Competence at the Seventh Grade Students of MTs Terpadu Tunas Cendekia Babakan-Ciwaringin Cirebon English language today has been a general language for communication and interaction around the world. So, we need to use English language and the mastery of vocabulary. In English learning, the students need to know more of vocabulary. The students’ of the seventh grade of Islamic junior high school (MTs Terpadu Tunas Cendekia) have the difficulties of learning English vocabulary such as they are still poorly developed in English vocabulary competence especially in spelling. So, would their vocabulary competence increase by learning English spelling? The writer tries to bring up an idea in learning vocabulary by using Spelling Bee game. Spelling bee game in the English learning classroom, practices the teacher as pronouncer and the students as speller with the depth learning continuously. Spelling bee game gives the aids to the student in memorizing and understanding the vocabulary of any English material. While, vocabulary is the total number of words in a language. So by mastering the vocabulary, the students can practice the English language. The approach of this research is using an experimental quantitative approach. The data that is obtained used the statistical pretest-posttest analysis that calculated by t-test. And the techniques of collecting the data are by using observation, questionnaire and test. The population of the research is all of the seventh grade students at MTs TTC Babakan Ciwaringin. The seventh grade of the students’ at MTs TTC Babakan Ciwaringin consists of 2 classes; 7a and 7b. The total number of population comes to 34. And for the sample, the writer use simple random sampling as many as 33 students. The students’ response of application of spelling bee game is as big as 67 %, it means students responded quite positively. The students’ vocabulary competence of the pretest resulted the average score 6,3. Meanwhile, from the posttest resulted the average score 7,8. It shows the result of the posttest is higher than the result of the pretest and means the students’ vocabulary competence increased. The result of t-test also shows t=6,543 that is compared by t-table=2,036 where it means there is positive significant influence of application of spelling bee game on the students’ vocabulary competence. The conclusion is the students responded positively in application spelling bee game. Their vocabulary competence also increased by this application in the classroom. So, it has significant correlation in application of spelling bee game on the students’ vocabulary competence


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    Peran guru sebagai pendidik dalam era globalisasi yang berlangsung saat ini sangat penting LPTK, khususnya FKIP Unswagati sebagai lembaga penyiapan calon-calon guru SI antara lain untuk SLTA diharapkan dapat menghasilkan guru yang memiliki dedikasi tinggi, pantang menyerah dan guru yang sanggup menjadi dinamisator, motivator, inovator, katalisator dan juga tahu jati dirinya, serta betul-betul memiliki kompetensi baik profesional pribadi maupun kompetensi sosial. Penyiapan calon guru termaksud dalam praktek selama ini merupakan tanggung jawab bersama, antara LPTK dan pihak lembaga pemakainya (SLTA). Karena itu dalam pelaksanaan PPL guru pamong (di SLTA) merupakan barisan terdepan yang memberikan bimbingan pengalaman langsung dalam mengembangkan kemampuan profesional danperilaku yang seharusnya dimiliki oleh mahasiswa sebagai calon guruyang diharapkan. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan "Kemampuan Profesional Guru Pamong dalam Membimbing Mahasiswa Praktikan". Sebagai upaya mengidentifikasi tentang kinerja guru pamong dan mahasiswa praktikan dalam rangka meningkatkankualitas kinerja pengelolaanprogram PPL. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metoda deskriptif analisis. Agar penelitian ini mampu mengungkap makna secara kualitatif, maka peneliti menjadi instrumen dalam penelitian ini. Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Proses penelitian dilakukan sesuai dengan tradisi peneHtian kualitatif yang memadukan prosesemic dan etic (participatory observation) Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa guru pamong belum sepenuhnya melaksanakan tugas dan peran secara efektif (kinerja belum maksimal). Namun demikian, dalam hal-hal tertentu sebagian besar guru pamong telah melaksanakan tugas atau menampilkan kinerjanya dengan baik, walaupun masih terbatas pada aspek pembinaan proses pembelajaran saja. Oleh karena itu, meskipun PPL secara tentatif telah cukup memberikan kontribusi yang berarti terhadap pembinaan mahasiswa praktikan dalam meningkatkan kemampuan mengajarnya tetapi masih jauh dibawah tuntutan persyaratan profesional yang ideal. Efektif tidaknya pembinaan guru pamong terhadap mahasiswa praktikan, tentu berkaitan dengan berbagai faktor antara lain; (1) penguasaan visi dan misi PPL, (2) persepsi keprofesian, (3) kemahiran praktek pembinaan, (4) penilaian proses dan hasil, (5) kemampuan komunikasi dengan mahasiswa praktikan, (6) persepsi mahasiswa praktikan terhadap guru pamong, (7) responnya terhadap perlakuan guru pamong dan (8) dampak pembinaannya. Implikasi dari penelitian adalah : (1) untuk meningkatkan kuahtas kinerja PPL perlu ada komitmen yang dijadikan sumber penggerak untuk merealisasikan pembinaan kemampuan profesional, (2) untuk memenuhi tenaga pendidikan yang profesional dimasa datang PPL perlu pembenahan termasuk guru pamong sebagai ujung tombak yang ada di barisan terdepan, perlu ditegakkan kriteria pengangkatannya berdasarkan kualifikasi pendidikan dan pengalaman lapangannya, (3) UPT PPL FKIP perlu dibenahi baik dalam sumber daya manusia maupun komponen lainnya agar peningkatan kualitas calon guru dapat tercapai, (4) perlu kerja sama yang lebih sinerjik antara semua pihak yang terkait dengan PPL. Berkaitan dengan hasil implikasi hasil penelitian diatas, peneliti merekomendasiakn antara lain: (1) perlunya pembinaan visi guru pamong agarmampu merealisasikan misi yang diembannya, (2) mengutamakan guru yang memadai syarat minimal berpendidikan SI, (3) untuk peningkatan kuahtas guru pamong perlu pembinaan antara lain melalui diklat, seminar dan lokakarya, (4) perlu dikembangkan suatu model program, LPTK sebaiknya lebih proaktif dalam menjalin kerja sama dengan pihak terkait dan meningkatkan insentif agar guru pamong lebih termotivasi untuk melaksanakan tugas pembinaan dan idealnya memiliki sekolah latihan sendiri, (5) kepada peneliti lain yang berminat diharapkan agar mengkaji aspek-aspek pembinaan lainnya lebih dalam baik kendala maupun kemampuan profesional guru pamong serta manajemen PPL pada umumnya


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    Physical and psychological changes cause problems for pregnant women such as: lack of confidence, dependence on partner, even worried and anxious. To reduce the anxiety, women need assistance through the process of Islamic guidance and counseling services. It is an effort to help individual overcome such deviations of religious nature as well as accept his role as khalifah that create good relationship with God, man and the universe. The lack of Islamic guidance and counseling services provided by health workers from hospital or village midwives brings the enthusiasm to get Islamic counseling especially for pregnant women, their families, integrated services post (Posyandu) cadres, and society in general to be able to overcome their problems. Method of PAR (Participatory Action Research) through awarenes actions towards their condition was used in this research. Assistance through Islamic counseling services meets the needs of pregnant women to reduce anxiety in order to maintain physiological, psychological, and spiritual health. In addition, this kind of services gives an increasing knowledge and insight cognitively, affectively, and psycho­motor for pregnant women. Internal cares both medically and through Islamic guidance and counseling services to reduce anxiety for pregnant women is done by themselves, their husband and family while external assistance can be done by the cadres of integrated services post, midwives, and community leaders. An increase and decrease in anxiety were measured by Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety’s theory (HRS-A) in Hawari. The result analysis showed that there were 11 clients experiencing decreased anxiety after receiving the Islamic counseling services. Before services, it was found a person suffering from slight category of anxiety, in which indicated the range of 14-20. Moreover, it was found 10 people suffering from medium category of anxiety, with total criteria of assessment from range 21-27._________________________________________________________Perubahan fisik dan psikologis menyebabkan problematika bagi ibu hamil, seperti kurang percaya diri, ketergantungan kepada pasangan, bahkan sampai merasa khawatir dan cemas Untuk mengurangi kecemasan dibutuhkan pendampingan melalui pro­ses layanan bimbingan dan konseling Islam. Minimnya layan­an bimbingan dan konseling Islam yang diberikan oleh petugas ke­sehatan dari Puskesmas atau bidan desa menyebab­kan antusias warga khususnya ibu hamil menginginkan diadakannya layanan bimbingan dan konseling Islam khususnya ibu hamil, keluarga ibu hamil, kader Posyandu, dan masyarakat pada umumnya agar mampu mengatasi masalah yang mereka alami. Metode Peng­abdian yang dilakukan berbasis PAR (Participatory Action Research) melalui penyadaran tindakan menuju perbaikan kon­disi kehidupan mereka. Pendampingan melalui layanan bim­bingan dan konseling Islam memenuhi kebutuhan ibu hamil untuk mengurangi kecemasan sehingga bisa menjaga ke­sehatan fisiologis, psikologis, dan spiritual, serta ada pe­ningkat­an pe­nge­tahuan dan wawasan dari segi kognitif, afektif, dan psiko­motorik. Pendampingan secara medis dan melalui layanan bim­bingan dan konseling Islam untuk mengurangi ke­cemasan inter­nal ibu hamil dilakukan oleh diri sendiri, suami, dan keluarga sedangkan pendampingan eksternal bisa dilakukan oleh kader Posyandu, para bidan, dan tokoh masyarakat. Pe­ningkatan dan penurunan kecemasan didiagnosa mengguna­kan alat ukur teori Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety (HRS-A) dalam Hawari yang menghasilkan analisis bahwa terdapat 11 klien yang mendapat­kan layanan bimbingan dan konseling Islam meng­alami pe­nurunan kecemasan. Sebelum mendapatkan laya­n­an, ter­dapat 1 orang mengalami kecemasan kategori ringan dengan kriteria total penilaian dari rentang 14-20 dan kategori ke­cemasan sedang ada 10 orang dengan kriteria total penilaian dari rentang 21-27