36 research outputs found

    デンイサ テキテイ ニオケル ステンレス デンキョク ノ ユウヨウセイ ニツイテ チンデン テキテイ

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    電位差測定による定量法において, その簡易法として一般的に使用されているのが双金属電極系による方法である.著者は陰極に飽和甘こう電極を使用し, 陽極に銀, カーボン, タングステン, 白金そしてステンレスを電極として用いた双金属系を作成して沈殿滴定を行なった.その際の電位差滴定曲線を作成し, ステンレス電極と他の電極とを比較検討し, ステンレス電極の有用性について検討を行なった.その結果, 銀, 白金電極に次ぐ安定性を示し, ステンレスも充分電極として使用できることがわかった

    Lead Zirconate Titanate Thick-Film Ultrasonic Transducer for 1 to 20 MHz Frequency Bands Fabricated by Hydrothermal Polycrystal Growth

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    A thickness vibration mode ultrasonic transducer was fabricated by hydrothermal deposition of lead zirconate titanate polycrystalline thick film. This hydrothermal polycrystalline PZT thick-film (HPTF-PZT) ultrasonic transducer was studied for its wide-frequency-band transmission characteristics. The transducer had a 50-mm-thick PZT layer on a 50-mm-thick titanium substrate in an active area of 8 mm  8 mm. The experimental results showed the HPTF-PZT ultrasonic transducer radiated a single ultrasound pulse in the frequency range from 1 to 20 MHz with a 20 dB deviation. Additionally, this transducer generated a 2 MHz sawtooth ultrasonic wave with odd-and even order-harmonic components from the 2nd to the 11th harmonics. These results indicate that the fabricated ultrasonic transducer has satisfactory wide-band characteristics for a MHz frequency range ultrasonic transmitter

    MNCO3 ノ ネツ ブンカイ カテイ ニ オヨボス アツリョク ノ エイキョウ

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    The thermal decomposition process of manganous carbonate was studied by means or DTA under atmosphere of N_2,CO_2,and air. An endothermic peak appeared at 378℃ and an exothermic peak between 580 and 800℃ in atmospheric air were not reported till now. This endothermic peak became smaller with decreasing pressure and dissappeared at 100 mmHg.[chemical formula]Only one endothermic peak on the DTA curve under atmosphere of CO_2,and N_2 was observed

    スイサンカ ニッケル ノ ネツ ブンカイ カテイ

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    The thermal decomposition of nickel hydroxide was investigated. The decomposition of binary metal hydroxides of the brucite type is usually represented by the equation M (OH)_2=MO+H_2O. The decomposition of nickel hydroxide followed this equation. The effects of the kinetics of reactions, the type solid→solid+gas, on the corresponding differential thermal analysis pattern were explored. The activation energy of nickel hydroxide by differential thermal measurement was 59 Kcal/mole, and the reaction order was 0.9

    CU(OH)2 ノ DTA ニヨル ダッスイ カテイ

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    The thermal dehydration of Cu(OH)_2 has been studied by many investigators. The reported DTA curves were not in good agreement and the dehydration process was not investigated in detail. In this study the thermal dehydration process of Cu(OH)_2 under CO_2,N_2,Air and reduced pressure has been investigated in ditail by means of DTA, TG, DSC, X-ray and surface area measurement. The heat of the dehydration and the activation energy on the dehydration of Cu(OH)_2 were calculated by various method and these values were compared each other. The dehydration temperature of Cu(OH)_2 was 157℃ under atmosphere N_2,760mmHg. The DTA of Cu(OH)_2 has not been studied under N_2,CO_2 and reduced pressure. The DTA of Cu(OH)_2 under various pressure (760mmHg→5mmHg) was measured and the dehydration temperature was gradually shifted to lower temperature with decreasing pressure. A new exothermic peak appeared at 230℃ after the endothermic peak. This exothermic peak has not been reported. This peak hight became to maximum under the pressure of 460mmHg and became smaller with decreasing pressure and then disappeared under the pressure of 5mmHg. This peak was considered to be due to the crystalization of CuO on the result of X-ray analysis. The activation energy on the dehydration of Cu(OH)_2 were calculated 11.1 kcal/mole by using the DTA method, 9. 9 kcal/mole by the TG method and the heat of the dehydration of Cu(OH)_2 were calculated 14.8 kcal/mole by the DTA method, 11.4 kcal/mole by the DSC method. The specific surface area and the particle size of Cu(OH)_2 mesuared by using the BET technique were 34m^2/g, 250Å respectively. The specific surface area was increased with proceeding the decomposition reaction. This specific surface area became to maximum value, 103m^2/g at decomposition rate 90% and decreased to 66 m^2/g at decomposition rate, 100%. The particle size was decreased with the proceeding decomposition rate and this particle size became to minimum value, 46 Å at decomposition rate, 90%

    CUO ノ ネツ トクセイ

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    CuOの種々の性質については調べられているが熱分解過程に関する報告はまだなされていない.本研究ではCuOの熱分解過程におけるCuOの熱特性についてAir, CO_2,N_2中のDTAを基にして, TG, X-ray, 顕微鏡観察, 表面積測定等により考察した.試料として用いたCuOは調製したCu(OH)_2を粉末とし加熱処理しN_2雰囲気下にて放冷したものを使用した.熱特性について1200℃まで研究した結果CuOのDTA曲線には400°~900℃の間に発熱ピークが現われ, この発熱ピークはCO_2雰囲気下ではより増大し, N_2雰囲気下では消失した.500℃と900℃とにおける比表面積及び粒径を測定した結果, 500℃に比べ900℃における比表面積は1/3に, 粒径は約3倍となり400℃~900℃の間に現われた発熱はCuOの結晶化によるものと思われ, X線分析の結果も同様の傾向を示した.1014℃の吸熱ピークによる生成物はX線分析の結果Cu_2Oである事を確認し, またこのピーク前後で試料の色が黒色から赤色に変色した事からCuOの分解に基因すると思われた.また1106℃においてCu_2Oの融解による吸熱ピークが現われた.この吸熱ピーク直前の1100℃におけるX線分析の結果.Cu_2OとCuOが形成されており, 従ってCu_2Oは融解直前において一部がCuOに酸化されると思われた.DTA曲線の融解による吸熱ピーク直前の発熱ピーク中, TG曲線にわずかな増量が認められ, X線分析の結果を裏づけた

    Analysis of cell cycle-related proteins in gastric intramucosal differentiated-type cancers based on mucin phenotypes: a novel hypothesis of early gastric carcinogenesis based on mucin phenotype

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Abnormalities of cell cycle regulators are common features in human cancers, and several of these factors are associated with the early development of gastric cancers. However, recent studies have shown that gastric cancer tumorigenesis was characterized by mucin expression. Thus, expression patterns of cell cycle-related proteins were investigated in the early phase of differentiated-type gastric cancers to ascertain any mechanistic relationships with mucin phenotypes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Immunostaining for Cyclins D1, A, E, and p21, p27, p53 and β-catenin was used to examine impairments of the cell cycle in 190 gastric intramucosal differentiated-type cancers. Mucin phenotypes were determined by the expressions of MUC5AC, MUC6, MUC2 and CD10. A Ki-67 positive rate (PR) was also examined.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overexpressions of p53, cyclin D1 and cyclin A were significantly more frequent in a gastric phenotype than an intestinal phenotype. Cyclin A was overexpressed in a mixed phenotype compared with an intestinal phenotype, while p27 overexpression was more frequent in an intestinal phenotype than in a mixed phenotype. Reduction of p21 was a common feature of the gastric intramucosal differentiated-type cancers examined.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results suggest that the levels of some cell cycle regulators appear to be associated with mucin phenotypes of early gastric differentiated-type cancers.</p

    ビゼン ネンド ノ ネツ トクセイ 1

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    "備前粘土, , は工芸製品の用途として経験と熟練とに依って使用され, 化学的基礎にはまだ乏しい.本研究ではX線分析, DTA, TG, 顕微鏡写真, 化学分析等の方法に依り, 種々の化学薬品添加, N_2,CO_2,air雰囲気下での焼成温度変化, 色呈(窯変)等, 備前粘土の高温特性について研究した.調整した試料を酸, アルカリ処理, NaCl, FeO等の添加, N_2,CO_2,Air雰囲気下で焼成し各々の焼成生成物を色々な条件を変てX線分析, DTA等により検討した.備前粘土はカオリンを主成分とするものであり, 化学的にかなり安定で弱い酸, アルカリでは分解しなかった.素焼の状態ではメタカオリンの非品質状態であり, また焼成した本焼は市販されているものと比較してみると焼成温度がやや低い為ムライトのパターンのピーク強度もやや弱くなった

    Cytoplasmic RASSF2A is a proapoptotic mediator whose expression is epigenetically silenced in gastric cancer

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    Gastric cancer cells often show altered Ras signaling, though the underlying molecular mechanism is not fully understood. We examined the expression profile of eight ras-association domain family (RASSF) genes plus MST1/2 and found that RASSF2A is the most frequently downregulated in gastric cancer. RASSF2A was completely silenced in 6 of 10 gastric cancer cell lines as a result of promoter methylation, and expression was restored by treating the cells with 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine. Introduction of RASSF2A into non-expressing cell lines suppressed colony formation and induced apoptosis. These effects were associated with the cytoplasmic localization of RASSF2A and morphological changes to the cells. Complementary DNA microarray analysis revealed that RASSF2A suppresses the expression of inflammatory cytokines, which may in turn suppress angiogenesis and invasion. In primary gastric cancers, aberrant methylation of RASSF2A was detected in 23 of 78 (29.5%) cases, and methylation correlated significantly with an absence of the lymphatic invasion, absence of venous invasion, absence of lymph node metastasis, less advanced stages, Epstein–Barr virus, absence of p53 mutations and the presence of the CpG island methylator phenotype-high. These results suggest that epigenetic inactivation of RASSF2A is required for tumorigenesis in a subset of gastric cancers

    Penetration depth of bubble swarm entrained by a plunging water jet.

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