282 research outputs found

    Current-controlled sedimentation in the north-western Weddell Sea

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    The sedimentary basins of the north-western Weddell Sea are characterized by a variety of contourite drifts. This study is aimed at their identification, spatial mapping and temporal evolution and based on the integration of a large amount of seismic data collected by different countries including the recent data of the Russian Antarctic Expedition. Most of the drifts in the region being studied are classified as separated, confined, plastered or sheeted. The chain of sediment wave fields is mapped in the western and northern Powell Basin. The earliest contourite drifts started to form in the Early Miocene or, possibly, in the Late Oligocene. The changes in the depositional pattern in the Middle Miocene and then in the Late Pliocene are thought to have resulted from successive intensification of the bottom currents. Контуритовые наносы, формируемые придонными течениями, могут использоваться для изучения циркуляции водных масс, так как по их параметрам и характеру распространения можно судить о направленности и относительной энергии придонных течений. В данной работе рассматриваются контуритовые наносы в северо-западной части моря Уэдделла, приводится схема распространения наносов и их классификация, а также реконструируется циркуляция водных масс в глубоководных бассейнах района. Исследования основаны на обобщении и интерпретации сейсмических данных отечественных и зарубежных экспедиций, большая часть которых доступна из международной библиотеки сейсмических данных по Антарктике. В результате анализа сейсмических данных в районе исследований в диапазоне глубин от 2000 до 4500 м выявлены отделенные, ограниченные, пластерные и покровные контуритовые наносы.  Зарождение донных течений в северо-западной части моря Уэдделла  началось с раскрытия бассейна Пауэлл, и развитие самых ранних  контуритовых наносов предполагается 24–23 млн лет назад. В среднем миоцене и в позднем плиоцене отмечается усиление интенсивности донных течение и более широкое развитие контуритовых наносов.

    Formation of information culture of the 5 forms students by means of the health saving environmtnt

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    This article describes a possible variant of work for formation of information culture of the 5 forms' students in the frame of program implementation “Conversation about healthy nutrition”В статье представлен возможный вариант организации работы школы по формированию информационной культуры школьников в рамках реализации программы «Разговор о правильном питании

    Structural and Semantic Features of People’s Memoirs in Internet Communication

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    People’s memoirs as a speech genre of Internet communication are discussed. The definition of people’s memoirs is given as memoirs, the author of which is not a professional writer, but an ordinary native speaker. The purpose of the author is dictated, firstly, by the linguistic interest in the study of memoirs from the perspective of one of the most actively developing directions of modern linguistics - genre studies within the context; secondly, by the need of studying the laws of change of the traditional (which had originally a paper base) genres in the process of developing the new communication space. The novelty of the research is seen in the fact that for the first time in this paper, Internet-genre of people’s memoirs acts as a linguistic object of study - along with existing philological tradition of the study of literary genre and traditional speech genre beyond the professional literary creativity. The structural-semantic parameters of Internet-genre of people’s memoirs are analyzed according to genre model developed by L. Yu. Shipitsina. In the framework of the description of these parameters the structural organization of the genre is set and described, as well as the content embodied in its structural elements. It is proved that the structural and substantial features of Internet genre of people’s memoirs are subject to modification compared to the traditional genre of people’s memoirs with a paper substrate

    System development of estimated figures of volume production plan

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    The relevance of this problem is primarily determined by a necessity of improving production efficiency in conditions of innovative development of the economy and implementation of Import Substitution Program. The purpose of the article is development of set of criteria and procedures for the comparative assessment of alternative volume production plans and choice of optimum alternative. The leading method of the study of the problem is economic-mathematical modeling, providing the variability of volume plan development on the basis of different factors and variables, which reflect actual operating standards of a particular study subject. The results of the study: In the article, economic-mathematical model for development of aggregate production plan was presented, on the basis of which alternatives was produced, estimated figures, characterizing efficiency of derived alternatives, were justified, the key factors, which determine a specific set of variables and constraints, were considered. The article materials can be useful for experts, which are specialized in planning of production and distribution of the production program in choosing optimum alternative of aggregate production plan. © 2016 Brazhnikov et al

    Problems of Management of Social and Economic Development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation

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    In the article the value of the Arctic as on a global scale, and for modern Russia, it is noted that the modern Arctic is the place of concentration of geopolitical and economic interests not only the Arctic states, but also the whole world reveals. In the article, experience of economic development of the North in the period of the Soviet Union is analyzed, at the same time it is emphasized that in many respects the Arctic policy of the USSR was continuation of that policy which was pursued in the north by the Russian Empire, proceeding, first of all, from the economic interests.Much attention is paid to consideration of the problems which have risen in front of the Russian Arctic during a transition period (the 90th years of the 20th century — the beginning of the 21st century), connected with cardinal political, economic and other changes in country life. The analysis of the Arctic policy of the Russian Federation at the present stage which follows from the fact that today national interests and safety of our country in many respects depend on development of northern territories, ensuring sustainable development of the North that it is recorded in “The strategy of development for the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and ensuring national security until 2020” is carried out.Considerable part of the article is devoted to questions of improvement of a control system of development by the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. Considering importance and complexity of this problem connected with the most complex structure of the territory, presence of various subjects of management with the specific purposes and tasks, need of ensuring real coordination of authorities of all levels at realization of the purposes and problems of Strategy

    Tackling atherosclerosis via selected nutrition

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    The development and pathogenesis of atherosclerosis are significantly influenced by lifestyle, particularly nutrition. The modern level of science and technology development promote personalized nutrition as an efficient preventive measure against atherosclerosis. In this survey, the factors were revealed that contribute to the formation of an individual approach to nutrition: genetic characteristics, the state of the microbiota of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and environmental factors (diets, bioactive components, cardioprotectors, etc.). In the course of the work, it was found that in order to analyze the predisposition to atherosclerosis associated with nutrition, genetic features affecting the metabolism of nutrients are significant. The genetic features include the presence of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) of genes and epigenetic factors. The influence of telomere length on the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and circadian rhythms was also considered. Relatively new is the study of the relationship between chrono-nutrition and the development of metabolic diseases. That is, to obtain the relationship between nutrition and atherosclerosis, a large number of genetic markers should be considered. In this relation, the question arises: “How many genetic features need to be analyzed in order to form a personalized diet for the consumer?” Basically, companies engaged in nutrigenetic research and choosing a diet for the prevention of a number of metabolic diseases use SNP analysis of genes that accounts for lipid metabolism, vitamins, the body’s antioxidant defense system, taste characteristics, etc. There is no set number of genetic markers. The main diets effective against the development of atherosclerosis were considered, and the most popular were the ketogenic, Mediterranean, and DASH-diets. The advantage of these diets is the content of foods with a low amount of carbohydrates, a high amount of vegetables, fruits and berries, as well as foods rich in antioxidants. However, due to the restrictions associated with climatic, geographical, material features, these diets are not available for a number of consumers. The way out is the use of functional products, dietary supplements. In this approach, the promising biologically active substances (BAS) that exhibit anti-atherosclerotic potential are: baicalin, resveratrol, curcumin, quercetin and other plant metabolites. Among the substances, those of animal origin are popular: squalene, coenzyme Q10, omega-3. For the prevention of atherosclerosis through personalized nutrition, it is necessary to analyze the genetic characteristics (SNP) associated with the metabolism of nutrients, to assess the state of the microbiota of the GIT. Based on the data obtained and food preferences, as well as the individual capabilities of the consumer, the optimal diet can be selected. It is topical to exclude nutrients of which their excess consumption stimulates the occurrence and pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and to enrich the diet with functional foods (FF), BAS containing the necessary anti-atherosclerotic, and stimulating microbiota of the GIT nutrients. Personalized nutrition is a topical preventive measure and there are a number of problems hindering the active use of this approach among consumers. The key factors include weak evidence of the influence of a number of genetic features, the high cost of the approach, and difficulties in the interpretation of the results. Eliminating these deficiencies will contribute to the maintenance of a healthy state of the population through nutrition

    Coulomb Corrections in Photoelectron Spectra in the Adiabatic Limit

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    A momentum-dependent Coulomb correction to the probability of nonlinear ionization in a strong low-frequency laser field is derived analytically in the adiabatic limit, when the quasi-static tunneling model applies. Obtained formulas show that the Coulomb modification of photoelectron spectra can be significant both in linearly and circularly polarized fields. For linear polarization, it leads to a relative enhancement of the ionization probability for photoelectron energies of the order of the ponderomotive energy. This Coulomb effect is expected to be most significant for atomic species with relatively low ionization potentials, such as alkali atoms

    Russian Chinese Cooperation in the Arctic and Maritime Security

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    The current state, problems and prospects of cooperation between Russia and China in the Arctic are considered in relation to the problems of connecting the Eurasian partnership with the “One Belt, One Way” initiative put forward by the leadership of China and supported by a number of European and Asian states