20 research outputs found

    Fooled by bursts. A Goal per Minute model for the World Cup

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    On the occasion of the last FIFA World Cup in Brazil, The Economist published a plot depicting how many goals have been scored in all World Cup competitions until present, minute by minute. The plot was followed by a naive and poorly grounded qualitative analysis. In the present article we use The Economist dataset to check its conclusions, update previous results from literature and offer a new model. In particular, it will be shown that first and second half game have different scoring rates. In the first half the scoring rate can be considered constant. In the second it increases linearly with time

    Functional linear models

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    This work aims at the exposition of two different results we have obtained in Functional Data Analysis. The first is a variable selection method in Functional Regression which is an adaptation of the well known Lasso technique. The second is a brand new Random Walk test for Functional Time Series. Being the results afferent to different areas of Functional Data Analysis, as well as of general Statistics, the introduction will be divided in three parts. Firstly we expose the fundamentals of Functional Data Analysis. Then we will recall some variable selection methods in ordinary Linear Regression. Finally we will review some basics of Time Series analysis and brie y review some existing Random Walk tests. These introductory sections will motivate our research putting it in a general framework. Since Functional Data Analysis can be seen as a data reduction method we will talk incidentally of Big Data and we will provide some comments on the current definition of it. All results of our research are supported by extensive computer simulations and in general, all of FDA is based on extensive computer deployment so some attention will be given to software and computation methods. The Lasso has been used in Functional Regression before this work, our contribution is twofold, we provide a reduction of Lasso in Functional Regression from a functional optimization problem to a numerical one via algebraic manipulations, no sampling is required. Then, we augment the Lasso with a post hoc analysis method which helps deciding which regressors have to be dropped, we called this augmented strategy The Shaked Lasso. About testing if a Functional Autoregressive Process can be considered a Random Walk, our proposed test, as far as we could establish, is the first one in literature.En esta tesis se abordan dos problemas relacionados con el análisis de datos funcionales. El primero consiste en selección de variables en un problema de regresión con respuesta funcional adaptando la técnica conocida como Lasso. El segundo problema pretende abrir una línea nueva de investigación proponiendo un test para contrastar si una serie temporal funcional puede ser considerada como un camino aleatorio. Como los resultados que se muestran en esta tesis están relacionados con áreas diferentes del análisis de datos funcionales y de la estadística en general, la Introducción está dividida en tres partes. En primer lugar, se exponen los fundamentos del análisis de datos funcionales. En la segunda sección se revisan algunos métodos de selección de variables en regresión lineal y por último, se recopilan brevemente las bases de series temporales así como los contrastes de hipótesis que se han utilizado en la literatura para contrastar caminos aleatorios. Estas secciones introductorias ayudan a motivar las aportaciones de la tesis encuadrándolas en su entorno de investigación. Además, ya que el análisis de datos funcionales se puede ver como un método de reducción de la dimensión de los datos, se incluirán algunos comentarios sobre Big Data y sus definiciones. Todos los resultados de nuestra investigación están soportados por un extenso trabajo de simulación y, puesto que en los métodos estadísticos aplicados a datos funcionales es esencial la parte de computación, se ha prestado especial atención a todos los aspectos relacionados con el software y la modelización. El procedimiento Lasso de selección de variables se ha aplicado anteriormente en la literatura de regresión funcional pero no a los modelos que se analizan en la tesis. Las contribuciones en este aspecto son dos: por una parte se proporciona un método de selección de variables Lasso para un problema de regresión con respuesta funcional convirtiendo un problema de optimización funcional a un problema de optimización numérica vía manipulaciones algebraicas y sin necesidad de remuestreo. Después de ejecutar el problema de optimización, como segunda contribución se propone un análisis de las soluciones para decidir los regresores que deben ser eliminados. Este segundo análisis se ha denominado The Shaked Lasso porque se basa en alterar un parámetro del proceso de optimización para observar cómo se mueven las soluciones. Respecto al segundo capítulo de contribuciones de la tesis, se propone un contraste de hipótesis para testear si un proceso autoregresivo funcional se puede considerar como un camino aleatorio. Hasta lo que nosotros conocemos en la literatura en este campo, es el primer test de este tipo que se propone en la literatura.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería MatemáticaPresidente: Francisco Javier Prieto Fernández.- Secretario: Eva Senra Díaz.- Vocal: Ana Justel Eusebi

    A Random Walk Test for Functional Time Series

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    In this paper we introduce a Random Walk test for Functional Autoregressive Processes of Order One. The test is non parametric, based on Bootstrap and Functional Principal Components. The power of the test is shown through an extensive Montecarlo simulation. We apply the test to two real dataset, Bitcoin prices and electrical energy consumption in France.The authors acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competition, research project ECO2012-38442

    Lasso variable selection in functional regression

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    Functional Regression has been an active subject of research in the last two decades but still lacks a secure variable selection methodology. Lasso is a well known effective technique for parameters shrinkage and variable selection in regression problems. In this work we generalize the Lasso technique to select variables in the functional regression framework and show it performs well. In particular, we focus on the case of functional regression with scalar regressors and functional response. Reduce the associated functional optimization problem to a convex optimization on scalars. Find its solutions and stress their interpretability. We apply the technique to simulated data sets as well as to a new real data set: car velocity functions in low speed car accidents, a frequent cause of whiplash injuries. By “Functional Lasso” we discover which car characteristics influence more car speed and which can be considered not relevantThis research was supported in part by Spanish Ministry of Education and Science grants MEC 2009/00035/001, ECO2011-25706 and SEJ200

    Stokes settling and particle-laden plumes: implications for deep-sea mining and volcanic eruption plumes

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    Turbulent buoyant plumes moving through density stratified environments transport large volumes of fluid vertically. Eventually, the fluid reaches its neutral buoyancy level at which it intrudes into the environment. For single-phase plume, the well known theory of Morton, Taylor and Turner [1] describes the height of the intrusion with great accuracy. However, in multiphase plumes, such as descending particle plumes formed from the surface vessel during deep- sea mining operations, or ascending volcanic plumes, consisting of hot gas and dense ash particles, the sedimentation of particles can change the buoyancy of the fluid very significantly. Even if the plume speed far exceeds the sedimentation speed, the ultimate intrusion height of the fluid may be significantly affected by particle sedimentation. We explore this process, illustrating the phenomena with a series of analogue experiments and some simple modelling, and we discuss the applications in helping to quantify some environmental impacts of deep-sea mining and in helping to assess the eruption conditions leading to the formation of large laterally spreading ash clouds in the atmosphere

    Steady-state particle transport in a displacement-ventilated enclosure

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    Non UBCUnreviewedAuthor affiliation: BP Institute for Multiphase Flow, University of CambridgeGraduat