107 research outputs found

    Peligro de ruptura superficial de falla en el norte del Gran Mendoza

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    La ruptura superficial de falla es un peligro geológico primario asociado a terremotos, que representa la migración hacia la superficie del fallamiento causal ocurrido en profundidad. En general, la recurrencia del fallamiento superficial es esperada principalmente a lo largo del trazo de fallas preexistentes, y la misma dependerá del tipo genético de falla y de la mecánica de su deformación superficial. Patrones de deformación superficial observados durante terremotos compresivos muestran que extensiva deformación primaria y secundaria ocurre en el bloque levantado de la falla causal, mientras que escasa o inexistente deformación tiene lugar en su bloque descendido. Evidencias geomorfológicas y estratigráficas, junto con indicadores morfométricos, sugieren que la recurrencia del fallamiento más reciente en el tramo central de las fallas de corrimiento La Cal y Las Peñas, tomó lugar principalmente a lo largo del trazo de falla principal. Se aplicaron los criterios vigentes en California y en Nueva Zelanda para evaluar el Peligro de Ruptura Superficial de Falla en sectores periurbanos del Departamento Las Heras. Los resultados preliminares sugieren que es necesaria una adaptación local de los coeficientes propuestos en dichos criterios internacionales, a los efectos de lograr una delineación consistente y efectiva de la Zona de Exclusión.Fil: Mingorance, Francisco. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ingenierí

    Adecuación de las instalaciones de un museo de exposiciones

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    El complex del quarter General Luque està constituït per un conjunt d’edificis que ocupen una illeta de 36.500 m2. El citat complex està constituït per un edifici principal, paralHlel al carrer General Luque, y diversos pavellons situats al voltant d’un pati d’armes tancat en la seva part posterior per un altre edifici aïllat. Es pretén habilitar aquest darrer edifici per instalHlar en el seu interior un Museu. Així mateix també s'ha previst habilitar una petita edificació situada al costat de la zona d'aparcament del complex, per instalHlar en la mateixa la cafeteria i tenda del Museu en la seva planta baixa i unes dependències per a ús administratiu en la seva planta primera. L'objectiu del present Projecte, compost de Memòria Descriptiva, Plànols, Pressupost i Plec de Condicions, és determinar les Característiques Tècniques per a la instalHlació del Museu de la ciutat d'Inca (Mallorca), amb l'activitat complementària de Bar Cafeteria, amb la finalitat de servir de base per a l'execució de les instal·lacions projectades i com a document tècnic per obtenir les autoritzacions necessàries per a la seva instalHlació i funcionamen

    Accuracy Assessment of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs): A Critical Review of Practices of the Past Three Decades

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    Licencia CC BY 4.0An analysis of almost 200 references has been carried out in order to obtain knowledge about the DEM (Digital Elevation Model) accuracy assessment methods applied in the last three decades. With regard to grid DEMs, 14 aspects related to the accuracy assessment processes have been analysed (DEM data source, data model, reference source for the evaluation, extension of the evaluation, applied models, etc.). In the references analysed, except in rare cases where an accuracy assessment standard has been followed, accuracy criteria and methods are usually established according to the premises established by the authors. Visual analyses and 3D analyses are few in number. The great majority of cases assess accuracy by means of point-type control elements, with the use of linear and surface elements very rare. Most cases still consider the normal model for errors (discrepancies), but analysis based on the data itself is making headway. Sample size and clear criteria for segmentation are still open issues. Almost 21% of cases analyse the accuracy in some derived parameter(s) or output, but no standardization exists for this purpose. Thus, there has been an improvement in accuracy assessment methods, but there are still many aspects that require the attention of researchers and professional associations or standardization bodies such as a common vocabulary, standardized assessment methods, methods for meta-quality assessment, and indices with an applied quality perspective, among others.This research was funded by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, grant number PID2019-106195RB-I00, which is partially funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

    Paleoseismological and seismotectonic research applied to the re-assessment of the seismic hazard of the Greater Mendoza : Step I - Characterization of geo-indicators along the La Cal active fault (Macro-seismic Region of the 1861 Earthquake, Ms 7.0)

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    Investigación geomorfológico-tectónica y paleosismológica reciente llevada a cabo en la porción centro-sur de la falla activa La Cal en el norte de Mendoza, sugiere que su ritmo de fallamiento ha acelerado en los pasados ~800 años. En este corto periodo de tiempo se reconocieron y cuantificaron paleosismológicamente la ocurrencia de dos (y posiblemente tres) terremotos tipo-1861.En el tramo centro-norte de la falla La Cal, donde fuera previamente caracterizada y cuantificada la deformación cosísmica histórica vinculada al Terremoto de Mendoza de 1861, los resultados de investigación geomorfológica - tectónica actual parecen indicar que la Tasa de Movimiento Vertical es consistente con aquella determinada para la porción centro - sur de la falla investigada (Proyecto 06/P23 - 01).Mediante la integración de datos e información científica previa, se seleccionaron tres sitios potenciales para realizar investigación paleosismológica en la sección centro-norte de la falla, en la región macrosísmica del Terremoto de Mendoza de 1861 (Ms 7.0). En uno de los sitios seleccionados se realizará una investigación paleosismológica detallada con el objeto de intentar mejorar nuestro conocimiento relativo a la Edad y Tamaño de los terremotos más recientes (histórico - prehistórico?) generados por la falla de campo cercano La Cal, y de estimar la duración del Período Intersísmico transcurrido entre los eventos sísmicos. Basada en la reinterpretación de la abundante información y documentación técnica post-terremoto conocida e inédita, y en la aplicación de la nueva Escala de Intensidades ESI 2007, una detallada caracterización de los efectos geológicos primarios y secundarios inducidos por el terremoto destructivo de Mendoza del 20/03/1861 (Ms 7.0), será llevada a cabo durante la presente investigación con el objeto de delinear su Escenario Sísmico.Basado en uso del gas radiactivo natural Radón como Geo-Indicador Sismotectónico (Precursor Sísmico), monitoreo sistemático de radón (agua subterránea - aire) será llevado a cabo a lo largo de la falla La Cal, al menos en la misma área investigada durante el Proyecto SPU 4250.Un análisis determinístico del peligro sísmico será realizado en dos sitios de campo cercano extremo muy cercanos al trazo de la falla La Cal (Barrio Minetti y Escuela Dellepiane), con el objeto de estimar el movimiento fuerte del terreno esperado, además de la posible amplificación local por Efecto de Bloque Levantado, Efecto de Cuenca y Directividad.Recent tectonic-geomorphological and paleoseismological research conducted on the central-southern portion of the La Cal active fault in northern Mendoza, suggests that its rate of faulting has accelerated in the past ~800 years. Within this short period of time two (and probably three) 1861-type earthquakes were paleoseismologically recognized and quantified in the same portion of the fault.In the central-northern section of the La Cal fault, where it was previously characterized and quantified the historic cosesimic deformation linked to the 1861 Mendoza Earthquake (Ms 7.0), the results of present tectonic-geomorphological investigation appears to indicate that the estimated vertical slip rate is in good agreement with that calculated for the central-southern section of the investigated fault (Project 06/P23-01).Through the integration of previous scientific data and information, three potential sites for conducting detailed paleoseismological research were selected in the central-northern portion of the fault, on the macro-seismic region of the 1861 (Ms 7.0) Mendoza Earthquake. In one of these selected sites, it will be conducted a detailed paleoseismological investigation in order to try to improve our knowledge concerning the age and size of the most recent earthquakes (historic - pre-historic?) generated by the near-field La Cal fault; and to estimate the length of the interseismic period for such seismic events.Based on the re-interpretation of the abundant known and unpublished post-earthquake information and technical reports and the use of the new ESI 2007 Intensity Scale, a detailed characterization of the primary and secondary geological effects triggered by the destructive Mendoza Earthquake of March 20, 1861 (Ms 7.0) will be conducted during the present scientific research in order to delineate the 1861 Earthquake Seismic Scenario. Based on the use of the natural radioactive gas Radon as a Seismotectonic Geo-Indicator (Seismic Precursor), a systematic radon monitoring (groundwater ? air) will be conducted along the La Cal fault, at least in the same area investigated during the Project SPU 4250. A deterministic seismic hazard assessment will be conducted at two ?nearest field? sites (Minetti Neighborhood and Dellepiane School) located very closed to the La Cal fault trace, in order to estimate the expected strong ground motion as well as the possible local amplification by Hanging Wall Effect, Basin Effect, and Directivity

    Análisis preliminar de registros de aceleración de dos eventos de subducción en las estaciones acelerográficas del sitio Capdeville, norte de Mendoza

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    El norte de Mendoza está expuesto a terremotos corticales, interplaca e intraplaca oceánicos, los cuales pueden impactar de forma muy diferente al Gran Mendoza y alrededores. El análisis preliminar de una serie de acelerogramas objetivamente procesados, resultantes de la ocurrencia de dos terremotos de subducción de diferente génesis, magnitud y distancia hipocentral, registrados en el Sitio Capdeville (roca-aluvial), muestran efectos en superficie muy diferentes.Fil: Barbagelata, Juan Manuel . Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de IngenieríaFil: Iannizzotto, Raúl. LAFARGE-HOLCIM Planta CapdevilleFil: Mingorance, Francisco. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ingenierí

    Automatic Positional Accuracy Assessment of Imagery Segmentation Processes: A Case Study

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    There are many studies related to Imagery Segmentation (IS) in the field of Geographic Information (GI). However, none of them address the assessment of IS results from a positional perspective. In a field in which the positional aspect is critical, it seems reasonable to think that the quality associated with this aspect must be controlled. This paper presents an automatic positional accuracy assessment (PAA) method for assessing this quality component of the regions obtained by means of the application of a textural segmentation algorithm to a Very High Resolution (VHR) aerial image. This method is based on the comparison between the ideal segmentation and the computed segmentation by counting their differences. Therefore, it has the same conceptual principles as the automatic procedures used in the evaluation of the GI's positional accuracy. As in any PAA method, there are two key aspects related to the sample that were addressed: (i) its size-specifically, its influence on the uncertainty of the estimated accuracy values-and (ii) its categorization. Although the results obtained must be taken with caution, they made it clear that automatic PAA procedures, which are mainly applied to carry out the positional quality assessment of cartography, are valid for assessing the positional accuracy reached using other types of processes. Such is the case of the IS process presented in this study

    New constraints on the closure of the Betic Seaway and the western Mediterranean palaeoclimate during the Messinian Salinity Crisis from the Campo Coy Basin (SE Spain)

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    The Campo Coy Basin (SE Spain) exposes >1 km of sedimentary succession with a variety of rocks including a thick evaporitic succession previously associated with the Messinian time. These evaporites were supposedly deposited in a restricted Mediterranean-Atlantic seaway connecting the Lorca and Guadix-Baza basins, although no chronological or geochemical data existed. Here we use palaeomagnetism together with vertebrate and foraminifera biostratigraphy to constrain the age of the Campo Coy succession between <9 Ma and 4.7 Ma. We use geochemistry (δ34S, δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr values) of the gypsum deposits to evaluate their marine or continental origin. In addition, we describe the underlying and overlying lithostratigraphic units to reconstruct the palaeogeographic evolution of this region. Our results show that the sediments were deposited in a continental environment, indicating that the Betic Seaway was already closed in this region during the late Tortonian and that the neighbouring marine basins of Guadix-Baza and Lorca were disconnected during that time. The δ34S, δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr values of the gypsum indicate recycling from the Triassic sulphates. Sedimentary facies of the evaporites point to an environment dominated by a saline lake with continental sabkha episodes developed during the driest periods. Well-defined and laterally continuous evaporitic cyclicity suggests an orbital forcing and high sedimentation rates preceding the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC). Alluvial deposits are contemporaneous with the MSC indicating a dry continental environment in this region during the Mediterranean restriction. Overlaying lacustrine carbonates are rich in small vertebrate fauna including African species that migrated to Europe during the MSC. These carbonates have low δ18O and δ13C values characteristic for freshwater input in an open lake just after the Zanclean flood, suggesting that a wet climate followed the MSC.Funding was provided by the grants CGL-2016-79458 and PID2020-118999GB-I00 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN)/ State Research agency of Spain (AEI)/10.13039/501100011033, and by the Catalonian Government Actions 21-SGR-829 and PGC2018-094122-B-100

    DEMs: An Approach to Users and Uses from the Quality Perspective

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    The importance of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) is great in geosciences, but a general view of users and uses which would bring the concept of quality closer to users is lacking. For this reason, the aim of this paper was three-fold: to obtain better knowledge of users, determine the main application domains of DEMs, and identify main use cases. For this purpose, we used data from two web questionnaires (MR1 and MR2), a search of the ScienceDirect database (MR3) and a Google search (MR4). The data coming from the MR1 resource have offered us a large number of cases in order to characterise the profile of users in Spain. The MR2 resource is an ad hoc designed survey which has allowed us, among other things, to identify those calculations that are more normal; determine that subjective evaluation of quality is of great importance for users; and conclude that there is a high percentage of users who do not use any quality index, and also that the majority of users do not know how to evaluate the influence of poor quality on their work. Through MR3, it was possible to analyse the relationships between relevant items and carry out a semantic analysis of a set of 950 abstracts. From MR4, it can be concluded that the formalisation of applications as use cases is not normal. This paper identifies some research lines in order to offer users a better understanding of the issue of quality regarding DEMs

    Stabilized municipal sewage sludge addition to improve properties of an acid mine soil for plant growth

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    Purpose: Degraded soils, such as those encountered in areas of mine activities, need to be ameliorated by liming to correct soil acidity and by addition of organic inputs to improve soil properties and fertility. Materials and methods: Non-amended mine soil and soil amended with stabilized sewage sludge were incubated for 45 days. Soil physicochemical and biological indicators were periodically measured along incubation and other enzyme activities at the end of incubation. In improved soils, a study of plant development in 250-g pots was carried out with three vegetal species: tomato, rye grass and ahipa. Germination and mortality rates, biomass production and photosynthetic pigments were measured. Results and discussion: Soil incubation with sewage sludge slightly increased soil pH and led to an enhancement of soil electrical conductivity, organic carbon and dehydrogenase activity, especially for the higher doses (5 and 10%). However soil respiration was more promoted with the 2% dose, pointing to a possible toxic effect of the sludge. At the end of incubation, physicochemical and biological properties were in general enhanced. Biomass production was improved in tomato and rye grass by sewage sludge addition (more at the 2% dose), whilst ahipa growth was not affected by sewage sludge treatments. Tomato mortality reached 73% with high sludge doses (10%). Conclusions: According to this set of parameters, amendment with sewage sludge of a limed acid mine soil would be considered as a good strategy for soil amelioration in view of plant establishment and development.Junta de Andalucía P10-RNM581

    A cohort of patients with COVID-19 in a major teaching hospital in Europe

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    Artículo escrito por un elevado número de autores, solo se referencian el que aparece en primer lugar, el nombre del grupo de colaboración, si le hubiere, y los autores pertenecientes a la UAMArtículo escrito en nombre del COVID@HULP Working GroupSince the confirmation of the first patient infected with SARS-CoV-2 in Spain in January 2020, the epidemic has grown rapidly, with the greatest impact on the region of Madrid. This article describes the first 2226 adult patients with COVID-19, consecutively admitted to La Paz University Hospital in Madrid. Methods: Our cohort included all patients consecutively hospitalized who had a final outcome (death or discharge) in a 1286-bed hospital of Madrid (Spain) from 25 February (first case admitted) to 19 April 2020. The data were manually entered into an electronic case report form, which was monitored prior to the analysis. Results: We consecutively included 2226 adult patients admitted to the hospital who either died (460) or were discharged (1766). The patients’ median age was 61 years, and 51.8% were women. The most common comorbidity was arterial hypertension (41.3%), and the most common symptom on admission was fever (71.2%). The median time from disease onset to hospital admission was 6 days. The overall mortality was 20.7% and was higher in men (26.6% vs. 15.1%). Seventy-five patients with a final outcome were transferred to the intensive care unit (ICU) (3.4%). Most patients admitted to the ICU were men, and the median age was 64 years. Baseline laboratory values on admission were consistent with an impaired immune-inflammatory profile. Conclusions: We provide a description of the first large cohort of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Europe. Advanced age, male sex, the presence of comorbidities and abnormal laboratory values were more common among the patients with fatal outcome