117 research outputs found

    Análise do desenvolvimento do turismo de Portugal na China

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Estudos Interculturais Português/Chinês - Tradução, Formação e Comunicação EmpresarialÀ medida que a economia da China se desenvolve, o turismo emissor deixa de ser um sonho luxuoso para os chineses. Como um dos destinos dos turistas chineses, Portugal ainda não ocupa um lugar muito importante no mercado chinês. Em contrapartida, a China também não consta entre os principais mercados do desenvolvimento do turismo português. No entanto, com a alteração dos hábitos turísticos dos chineses e as crescentes relações económicas entre a China e Portugal, Portugal poderá tornar-se num dos principais destinos turísticos do mercado chinês no futuro. Este trabalho analisa a situação do turismo de Portugal no mercado chinês, perspetivando a tendência do desenvolvimento no futuro através da análise SWOT dos recursos turísticos de Portugal e da análise dos costumes dos turistas chineses. Esta análise levará em linha de conta os cinco aspetos da opinião de Hofstede, explorando a influência do desenvolvimento do turismo na comunicação económica e cultural e na relação dos dois países e sugerindo estratégias para o desenvolvimento do turismo de Portugal no mercado chinês. O grande objetivo será o enriquecimento e diversificação dos destinos turísticos dos chineses e promover o desenvolvimento do turismo de Portugal na China. A pesquisa bibliográfica e online, os dados recolhidos junto do Turismo de Portugal e das agências de viagens e turismo chinesas em Portugal e as opiniões recolhidas dos chineses através de um questionário, revelam o potencial e o caminho correto do desenvolvimento do turismo de Portugal no mercado chinês, enriquecendo ao mesmo tempo a oferta turística da China.With the Chinese economic development, the outbound tourism is no longer a luxury dream for the Chinese. The variety of the forms and customs of Chinese tourists is a main tendency of development of Chinese outbound tourism. As one of the Chinese tourist destination, the tourist resources of Portugal still remain to be little known in China. In the other hand, China is also not among the leading markets of the Portuguese tourism. Nowadays with the alteration of the Chinese touristic habits and the increasing economic communication between the two countries, the position of Portugal is increasing in the Chinese outbound tourism market and the tourism of Portugal will develop much better in the future. This paper presents the actual situation of Portuguese tourism in the Chinese market, analyses the tendencies of tourism development in the future from the Portuguese tourist resources and Chinese tourists‘ opinions, investigates the influences in the relationship and the economic communication between the two countries and tries to find the solutions for the Portuguese tourism development in the Chinese market and also enrich the touristic program in China. The objective of this paper is to reflect the push-forward of the tourism development of Portugal in the Chinese market and try to give more choice and suggestions to Chinese tourists. The methodology adopted in this work is divided into the following phases: collection and analysis of information about the Chinese tourists in Portugal, the Portuguese tourism development and the Chinese tourists‘ customs from books, internet and questionnaire. Briefly, Tourism is a junction that connects deferent economic section, the development of the Portuguese tourism in China will play an important role in the economic development and friendship between the two countries.随着中国经济的发展,出境游对于中国人来说已不再是一个难以实现的梦 想。在近三十年的发展中,出境游的方式和目的地逐渐多样化。在众多出境游目 的地中,葡萄牙还是一个未得到中国游客太多关注的地方,中国到目前为止也没 有被纳入葡萄牙旅游发展的主要市场中。但是随着中国人旅游模式的变化和中葡 两国经济往来的增多,未来将有越来越多的中国人选择葡萄牙作为他们的旅游目 的地。本篇论文详细论述了中国人出境游,欧洲游和葡萄牙旅游的发展历程,使 用SWOT 分析法分析了葡萄牙旅游在中国市场发展的优劣势,并借助Geert Hofstede 的文化评估构架分析中国游客的旅游习惯,方式和观念以及未来发展走 向。同时探索葡萄牙旅游在中国市场的发展为两国经济文化交流的影响,最后从 中葡两国两个不同的角度为葡萄牙旅游在中国的发展寻求解决办法并为中国游客 未来的葡萄牙旅游出谋划策。该论文通过搜索相关书籍和网络上的信息,向有关 部门咨询以及调查问卷调查中国游客的意见和建议,收集各方信息分析葡旅游在 中国市场发展的种种潜力,为未来中国人出境游提供新线路

    Optical Multipath RF Self-Interference Cancellation Based on Phase Modulation for Full-Duplex Communication

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    Optical multipath RF self-interference cancellation (SIC) based on phase modulation for full-duplex communication is proposed and demonstrated experimentally. Phase modulation is utilized to convert the RF signal into optical domain, in which the time delay tuning, amplitude tuning and phase inversion for multipath RF SIC are completed. The comprehensive theoretical model of the optical multipath RF SIC system is established, and the factors affecting SIC performance including the time delay, amplitude and phase deviations are analyzed. The experimental results verify the feasibility of the proposed scheme for full-duplex communication with the cancellation depth of 26 dB and 28 dB over 100 MHz at central frequency of 6 GHz and 10 GHz, respectively. A figure of merit of the maximum interference to signal of interest ratio is defined to characterize the SOI recovery capability of optical RF SIC system

    Sophisticated construction of binary PdPb alloy nanocubes as robust electrocatalysts toward ethylene glycol and glycerol oxidation.

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    The design of nanocatalysts by controlling pore size and particle characteristics is crucial to enhance the selectivity and activity of the catalysts. Thus, we have successfully demonstrated the synthesis of binary PdPb alloy nanocubes (PdPb NCs) by controlling pore size and particle characteristics. In addition, the as-obtained binary PdPb NCs exhibited superior electrocatalytic activity of 4.06 A mg-1 and 16.8 mA cm-2 towards ethylene glycol oxidation reaction (EGOR) and 2.22 A mg-1 and 9.2 mA cm-2 towards glycerol oxidation reaction (GOR) when compared to the commercial Pd/C. These astonishing characteristics are attributed to the attractive nanocube structures as well as the large number of exposed active areas. Furthermore, the bifunctional effects originated from Pd and Pb interactions help to display high endurance with less activity decay after 500 cycles, showing a great potential in fuel cells applications

    Tirofiban for Stroke without Large or Medium-Sized Vessel Occlusion

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    The effects of the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor inhibitor tirofiban in patients with acute ischemic stroke but who have no evidence of complete occlusion of large or medium-sized vessels have not been extensively studied. In a multicenter trial in China, we enrolled patients with ischemic stroke without occlusion of large or medium-sized vessels and with a National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score of 5 or more and at least one moderately to severely weak limb. Eligible patients had any of four clinical presentations: ineligible for thrombolysis or thrombectomy and within 24 hours after the patient was last known to be well; progression of stroke symptoms 24 to 96 hours after onset; early neurologic deterioration after thrombolysis; or thrombolysis with no improvement at 4 to 24 hours. Patients were assigned to receive intravenous tirofiban (plus oral placebo) or oral aspirin (100 mg per day, plus intravenous placebo) for 2 days; all patients then received oral aspirin until day 90. The primary efficacy end point was an excellent outcome, defined as a score of 0 or 1 on the modified Rankin scale (range, 0 [no symptoms] to 6 [death]) at 90 days. Secondary end points included functional independence at 90 days and a quality-of-life score. The primary safety end points were death and symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage. A total of 606 patients were assigned to the tirofiban group and 571 to the aspirin group. Most patients had small infarctions that were presumed to be atherosclerotic. The percentage of patients with a score of 0 or 1 on the modified Rankin scale at 90 days was 29.1% with tirofiban and 22.2% with aspirin (adjusted risk ratio, 1.26; 95% confidence interval, 1.04 to 1.53, P = 0.02). Results for secondary end points were generally not consistent with the results of the primary analysis. Mortality was similar in the two groups. The incidence of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage was 1.0% in the tirofiban group and 0% in the aspirin group. In this trial involving heterogeneous groups of patients with stroke of recent onset or progression of stroke symptoms and nonoccluded large and medium-sized cerebral vessels, intravenous tirofiban was associated with a greater likelihood of an excellent outcome than low-dose aspirin. Incidences of intracranial hemorrhages were low but slightly higher with tirofiban

    O eufemismo nos discursos político-diplomáticos

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    O eufemismo é entendido, em regra, por constituir um recurso retórico utilizado de forma enviesada e indireta com recurso as palavras que não transmitem ao ouvinte ou leitor, o sentido ofensivo, rude ou duro que está contido nas palavras ou expressões que substituem. Os contornos do conceito estendem-se, porém, da palavra à expressão, da expressão ao enunciado, convocando vários pontos de interesse e consequentes perspetivas de análise do discurso, da pragmática e da linguística em geral. A presente tese centra-se no discurso político, especificamente no discurso político-diplomático, a partir de corpus expressamente recolhido da produção on-line e que é constituído por enunciados eufemísticos de textos político-diplomáticos. Visa-se compreender, não só o uso de eufemismos neste domínio de atividade comunicativa, como também apreciar a compreensão dos enunciados eufemísticos em situação de aprendizagem do português por aprendentes universitários chineses, com o propósito de produzir uma reflexão sobre o ensino de uma língua não-materna. No contexto da caraterização do discurso, é produzida análise sobre géneros discursivos, designadamente, o género argumentativo, a notícia, e uma forma genológica híbrida identificada na imprensa digital (Eggins e Martin, 1997; Avelar, 2008). São estabelecidas as funções sócio-comunicativas, procurada uma tipologia sustentada e identificados os processos de construção do significado que interagem com o eufemismo, designadamente, recursos gramaticais e retóricos. Ainda, tendo em vista o conhecimento do uso eufemismo no domínio politico-diçlomático, são identificados os propósitos sócio-comunicativos predominantes nos enunciados eufemísticos. Para a investigação destes aspetos, bem como da postura atitudinal dos produtores dos enunciados eufemísticos político-diplomáticos presentes no corpus, o estudo recorre à teoria da Avaliatividade proposta pela Linguística Sistémico-Funcional (Halliday, 1985; Halliday e Matthiessen, 2004; Martin e White, 2005). Foi estabelecido o modo como o discurso político-diplomático está ancorado no tempo e se relaciona intimamente com a natureza dos protagonistas, sendo que a maioria dos enunciados eufemísticos são identificados, predominantemente, como Julgamentos Negativos e Apreciações Negativas. O nível de compreensão leitora dos enunciados eufemísticos por estudantes universitários de língua materna chinesa é investigado a partir da aplicação de um inquério expressamente elaborado para este público aprendente. Foi possível verificar que o enunciado eufemístico, apesar da sua complexidade, não representa uma dificuldade intransponível para aprendentes de língua materna chinesa e que os inquiridos (nível B1 e seguintes) encontram estratégias próprias para desenvolver a sua compreensão leitora. Também foi possível verificar que estas estratégias não se cingem ao conhecimento de recursos da competência linguística, estando, pelo contrário predominantemente relacionados com a competência sócio-pragmática.Euphemism is understood, as a rule, to be a rhetorical resource used in a skewed and indirect way, using words that do not convey to the listener or reader the offensive, rude or harsh meaning contained in the words or expressions they replace. The contours of the concept extend, however, from word to expression, expression to utterance, summoning various points of interest and consequent perspectives of discourse analysis, pragmatics, and linguistics in general. The present thesis focuses on political discourse, specifically political-diplomatic discourse, based on a corpus expressly collected from online production and consisting of euphemistic utterances from political-diplomatic texts. The aim is not only to understand the use of euphemisms in this domain of communicative activity, but also to appreciate the understanding of euphemistic utterances in a situation of learning Portuguese by Chinese university learners, with the purpose of producing a refletion on the teaching of a non-mother tongue. In the context of discourse characterization, an analysis of discourse genres is produced, namely, the argumentative genre, the news, and a hybrid genre form identified in the digital press (Eggins e Martin, 1997; Avelar, 2008). The socio-communicative functions are established, a sustained typology is sought, and the processes of construction of meaning that interact with euphemism are identified, namely, grammatical and rhetorical resources. Also, in order to understand the use of euphemism in the political-diplomatic domain, the predominant socio-communicative purposes of euphemistic utterances are identified. To investigate these aspects, as well as the attitudinal stance of the producers of the euphemistic political-diplomatic utterances present in the corpus, the study resorts to the theory of appraisal proposed by Systemic-Functional Linguistics (Halliday, 1985; Halliday e Matthiessen, 2004; Martin e White, 2005). The way in which political-diplomatic discourse is anchored in time and closely relates to the nature of the protagonists was established, with most euphemistic utterances being identified predominantly as Negative Judgments and Negative Appreciations. The level of reading comprehension of euphemistic utterances by native Chinese university students is investigated from the application of a survey expressly designed for this learning audience. It was possible to verify that the euphemistic utterance, despite its complexity, does not represent an insurmountable difficulty for the native Chinese learners and that the respondents (level B1 and above) find their own strategies to develop their reading comprehension. It was also possible to verify that these strategies are not limited to the knowledge of linguistic competence resources, but are predominantly related to the knowledge of the language competence resources