26 research outputs found

    Daugialypių mobiliųjų paslaugų teikimo galimybės autotransporto komunikacijos tinkluose

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    Research on the provision of heterogeneous services in the field of intelligent transport is of great interest in the rapidly changing infrastructure of road transport. In particular, the availability of such services has increased through the use of wireless technologies and communication tools. The current development of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) and the integration of intelligent transport platforms and service systems make it possible to significantly improve road safety and reduce the likelihood of road accidents. However, the delivery of mobile-smart services requires the development of a rather sophisticated infrastructure to support multicast services. The purpose of this scientific article is to analyze the data transmission capabilities for heterogeneous services while ensuring road safety. The paper deals with the tasks of evaluating the possibilities of integrating such mobile services into the infrastructure of motor vehicles. Measuring bandwidth by enabling multicast services on the base of Ad-hoc wireless networks becomes an important task. The demonstrated results illustrate the capabilities of wireless networks by simulating these services in a transport service generating environment. The paper demonstrates that high-quality heterogeneous services require new wireless network interaction protocols, such as a session initiation protocol (SIP), GPRS functionality, routing protocols, and channel access to provide a large number of supportive service components.Moksliniai tyrimai intelektualaus transporto nevienalyčių paslaugų teikimo srityje yra labai aktualūs sparčiai besikeičiančios infrastuktūros automobilių transporte. Ypač tokių paslaugų teikimo galimybės išaugo, pasitelkiant belaides technologijas ir ryšių komunikacines priemones. Dabartinė informacinių komunikacinių technologijų (IKT) plėtra ir intelektinių transporto platformų bei paslaugas teikiančių sistemų integracija leidžia žymiai pagerinti eismo saugą ir sumažinti avarijų kelyje tikimybę. Tačiau, norint teikti mobiliąsias-intelektualiąsias paslaugas, reikia sukurti gana sudėtingą infrastruktūrą, skirtą daugiakompozicinėms paslaugoms palaikyti. Šio mokslinio straipsnio tikslas yra išanalizuoti duomenų perdavimo galimybes, skirtas nevienalytėms, daugialypėms (heterogeninėms) paslaugoms teikti, kartu užtikrinant kelių eismo saugumą. Darbe nagrinėjami uždaviniai, kaip įvertinti tokių mobiliųjų paslaugų integracijos galimybes autotransporto priemonių infrastruktūroje. Svarbiu uždaviniu tampa duomenų pralaidumo nustatymas, įgalinant daugiakompozicines paslaugas proginiuose (Ad-Hoc) belaidžiuose tinkluose. Demonstruojami rezultatai iliustruoja belaidžių tinklų galimybes, atliekant tokių paslaugų imitacinį modeliavimą, transporto paslaugas generuojančioje aplinkoje. Straipsnyje parodyta, kad, norint teikti kokybiškas nevienalytes paslaugas, reikia naujų belaidžių tinklų sąveikos protokolų, tokių kaip sesijos inicializavimo protokolas (SIP), GPRS funkcinių galimybių, maršrutizavimo protokolų ir prieigos prie kanalų būdų dideliam palaikomųjų paslaugų komponentų kiekiui užtikrinti

    Development of the real time situation identification model for adaptive service support in vehicular communication networks domain

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    The article discusses analyses and assesses the key proposals how to deal with the situation identification for the heterogeneous service support in vehicular cooperation environment. This is one of the most important topics of the pervasive computing. Without the solution it is impossible to adequately respond to the user's needs and to provide needed services in the right place at the right moment and in the right way. In this work we present our developed real time situation identification model for adaptive service support in vehicular communication networks domain. Our solution is different from the others as it uses additional virtual context information source - information from other vehicles which for our knowledge is not addressed in the past. The simulation results show the promising context exchange rate between vehicles. The other vehicles provided additional context source in our developed model helps to increase situations identification level

    Priority based tag authentication and routing algorithm for intermodal containers RFID sensor network

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    Intermodal containers transportation management has always been a serious issue among logistics worldwide companies where the application of secure mobile information technologies (e.g. radio frequency identification systems (RFID) and sensor networks) could significantly improve the current situation by sending managers all the needed transportation conditions information. In this paper, we have focused on improving managerial decision making method by introducing the expert system evaluation functionality in a common software solution CTRMS for additional ICT risks evaluation. The basic risks involved in transportation and the appropriate measures are introduced as well. The pre-defined RFID sensor network was used to develop an optimal tag authentication and routing algorithm where tags and reader authentication protocols were defined and based upon the highest security assurance and the reader to tag response time criterias. A Nearest Neighbor (NN) heuristic approach and a Priority setting method were used to address the problem of routing within the RFID sensor network between tags with the objective function of minimizing the data transfer time between tags with the highest priority values. Computational results also indicate that when the tags have the same level of confidence in the system, they can exchange information without any additional verification, so making the authentication protocol less time consuming and therefore more effective against other proposed protocols

    Deep reinforcement learning based optimization of automated guided vehicle time and energy consumption in a container terminal

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    The energy efficiency of port container terminal equipment and the reduction of CO2 emissions are among one of the biggest challenges facing every seaport in the world. The article pre sents the modeling of the container transportation process in a terminal from the quay crane to the stack using battery-powered Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) to estimate the energy consump tion parameters. An AGV speed control algorithm based on Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) is proposed to optimize the energy consumption of container transportation. The results obtained and compared with real transportation measurements showed that the proposed DRL based approach dynamically changing the driving speed of the AGV reduces energy consumption by 4.6%. The obtained results of the research provide the prerequisites for further research in order to find optimal strategies for autonomous vehicle movement including context awareness and infor mation sharing with other vehicles in the terminal.Web of Science6740739

    Įvairialypių paslaugų integravimo kintančios topologijos automobilių komunikacijos tinkluose galimybių išvystymas

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    For the development of systems for the heterogeneous service support in the complex changing topology vehicular communication networks environment the new generation of communication tools are needed. There is a lack of methods and techniques that will enable a more accurate assessment of enriched and distributed context information according to a consumer preferences and transport system communication network configuration options. It has to be directly linked with quality of intelligent service support process of improvement. The main aim of this work is to develop a prototype system for vehicle communication network infrastructure configuration that integrates context information dissemination methods based on multicriteria data utility evaluation. The models for the context data storage and exchange were developed allowing to reduce the volume of the transmitted data and to use the resources of the channel in the cooperative manner. It was created the architecture and prototype for the situation-aware, adaptive vehicular communication based systems design and is able to evaluate and enrich context information real-time. The established methodology enables efficient creation of new situations-aware systems, enabling a more efficient exchange of context information. The experiments proved that the performance of the system prototype is efficient, and the offered software and system tools integration solutions allow reduction of transmitted useless data in changing topology vehicular communication network


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    In this work it is analyzed one of the transport, logistics and IRT problems – context data dissemination in ITS networks based onlocation estimation and data transfer technologies for heterogeneous service support, transport management centers, route planningand trip time minimization and etc. The vehicle as the context information source generates a huge amount of different informationincluding from physical vehicle and environment sensors. The implementation of an efficient and scalable model for informationdissemination in VANETs confronts with major problems. In this dynamic environment, an increasing number of context disseminationmessages are increasing channels utilization which affects the network performance. This article discusses analyses and assessesthe key proposals how to deal with the context data dissemination and how to decrease the amounts of transferred and stored data invehicular cooperation environment. This is one of the most important topics of the pervasive computing.KEYWORDS: VANET, vehicular communication networks, service support, heterogeneus service

    Daugialypių paslaugų duomenų perdavimo galimybių tyrimas kritinėse mobilių objektų komunikacijos situacijose

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    Vehicular communication networks are acquiring more and more commercial relevance because of recent advances in inter-vehicular communications via the DSRC/WAVE standard, which stimulates a brand new family of visionary services for vehicles, from road safety to entertainment and multimedia applications. After deep analysis of the literature it was decided to investigate evaluation of data transfer performance between moving sender and receiver in mobile communication network for heterogeneous service support. After careful analysis of the simulation tools the NCTUns 6.0 software package was chosen for planned investigations. The results illustrate that the longest communication can be maintained at the maximum number of vehicles participating on the network, but the quality of communication is inversely proportional to the number of vehicles. On this changing topology network when growing number of nodes (vehicles) increases flooding of network with the data packages and it determines many collisions. The number of rejected packages increases directly in proportion to the number of vehicles. When the number of nodes (vehicle) increases—it is increasing the number of the received same packages which are received from different nodes in the recipient node. On the sender node, the packages are rejected because the collisions occur due to improperly functioning access channel allocation mechanisms. It can be concluded that the routing protocols created for a normal MANET networks is useless in a fast-changing topology large-scale vehicle communication network. To provide heterogeneous services new routing protocols and channel access methods are needed, specifically for vehicle communication networks.Tikslas – pateikti metodą, kuris leistų įvertinti mobiliame daugialypių paslaugų teikimo komunikaciniame tinkle ryšio galimybes bei duomenų perdavimo efektyvumą tarp priešingomis kryptimis dideliu greičiu judančių siuntėjo ir gavėjo mazgų. Metodologija – eksperimentas atliktas imitacinio modeliavimo NCTUns 6.0 programiniu paketu, Fedora 12 Linux operacinėje sistemoje. Eksperimento metu modeliuojamas automobilių komunikacijos belaidis tinklas (VANET), kuriame ad-hoc principu vienas dideliu greičiu judantis mazgas perduoda duomenų srautą kitam priešpriešine kryptimi judančiam mazgui. Eksperimentas vykdomas mazgų kiekiui tinkle varijuojant nuo 10 iki 100, siekiant nustatyti mazgų kiekio įtaką duomenų perdavimo efektyvumui. Siuntėjo ir gavėjo mazgai juda dideliu greičiu (130 km/h) priešingomis kryptimis, modeliuojant realistišką automobilių eismą magistralėje. Likę automobiliai juda skirtingais greičiais: nuo 90 km/h iki 150 km/h, o jų skaičius, pagal judėjimo kryptis – pasiskirstęs tolygiai. Duomenys siunčiami automobilio nr. 4 automobiliui nr. 11. Komunikacija vyksta 801.11b protokolu bei yra naudojamas multi-hop duomenų perdavimo režimas. Duomenys perduodami UDP protokolu, vieno paketo dydis – 1000 baitų – modeliuojamas viena kryptimi siunčiamų duomenų srautas. Simuliacija vykdoma 60 sekundžių. Atitinkami parametrai parinkti, siekiant sumodeliuoti kuo realesnį automobilių judėjimą automagistralės sąlygomis. Eksperimento metu buvo įvertinamas duomenų perdavimo efektyvumas – siuntimo sparta, priėmimo sparta, paketų atmetimas, kolizijų kiekis, esant skirtingam mazgų skaičiui automobilinės komunikacijos tinkle. Sudarant eksperimentą remiamasi prielaidomis, kad komunikacijos laikas tarp siuntėjo ir gavėjo, kolizijų kiekis bei atmetamų paketų skaičius yra tiesiogiai proporcingas automobilių kiekiui tinkle. Gauti rezultatai iliustruoja, kad ilgiausiai komunikacija gali būti išlaikoma esant didžiausiam automobilių skaičiui tinkle, tačiau šios komunikacijos kokybė yra atvirkščiai proporcinga automobilių skaičiui. Šiame kintančios topologijos tinkle, augant mazgų (automobilių) skaičiui – didėja tinklo užliejimas duomenimis bei įvyksta daug kolizijų. Atmestų paketų skaičius didėja tiesiogiai proporcingai automobilių skaičiui. Didėjant mazgų (automobilių) skaičiui, didėja ir priimamų tų pačių paketų gavėjo mazgui, atsiunčiamų skirtingų tarpinių mazgų, skaičius. Siuntėjo mazge paketai yra atmetami dėl įvykstančių kolizijų, dėl netinkamai veikiančių kanalo prieigos paskirstymo mechanizmų. Galima daryti išvadą, kad maršrutizavimo protokolai, sukurti įprastos paskirties MANET tinklams, nėra tinkamai greitai kintančios topologijos didelio masto automobilių komunikacijos tinklams, todėl norint teikti kokybiškas įvairialypes paslaugas yra reikalingi nauji maršrutizavimo protokolai bei kanalo prieigos užtikrinimo metodai, specifiškai skirti automobilių komunikacijos tinklams. Tyrimo ribotumas – pasireiškia tuo, kad eksperimentas buvo atliekamas naudojant tik AODV ad-hoc maršrutizavimo protokolą bei naudojant 802.11b ryšio protokolą. Siekiant gauti platesnį vaizdą, eksperimentas gali būti tęsiamas įtraukiant ir kitus proaktyviuosius, reaktyviuosius ir hibridinius (ADV, DSDV, AORP ir kt.) maršrutizavimo greitai kintančios topologijos ad-hoc tinkle protokolus. Taip pat modeliuojant galima panaudoti skirtingus empirinius kryptinių antenų modelius. [...

    Evaluation of Data Transfer Performance Between Moving Sender and Receiver in Mobile Communication Networks for Heterogeneous Service Support

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    Vehicular communication networks are acquiring more and more commercial relevance because of recent advances in inter-vehicular communications via the DSRC/WAVE standard, which stimulates a brand new family of visionary services for vehicles, from road safety to entertainment and multimedia applications. After deep analysis of the literature it was decided to investigate evaluation of data transfer performance between moving sender and receiver in mobile communication network for heterogeneous service support. After careful analysis of the simulation tools the NCTUns 6.0 software package was chosen for planned investigations. The results illustrate that the longest communication can be maintained at the maximum number of vehicles participating on the network, but the quality of communication is inversely proportional to the number of vehicles. On this changing topology network when growing number of nodes (vehicles) increases flooding of network with the data packages and it determines many collisions. The number of rejected packages increases directly in proportion to the number of vehicles. When the number of nodes (vehicle) increases—it is increasing the number of the received same packages which are received from different nodes in the recipient node. On the sender node, the packages are rejected because the collisions occur due to improperly functioning access channel allocation mechanisms. It can be concluded that the routing protocols created for a normal MANET networks is useless in a fast-changing topology large-scale vehicle communication network. To provide heterogeneous services new routing protocols and channel access methods are needed, specifically for vehicle communication networks