731 research outputs found

    "GiGa": the Billion Galaxy HI Survey -- Tracing Galaxy Assembly from Reionization to the Present

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    In this paper, we review the Billion Galaxy Survey that will be carried out at radio--optical wavelengths to micro--nanoJansky levels with the telescopes of the next decades. These are the Low-Frequency Array, the Square Kilometer Array and the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope as survey telescopes, and the Thirty Meter class Telescopes for high spectral resolution+AO, and the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) for high spatial resolution near--mid IR follow-up. With these facilities, we will be addressing fundamental questions like how galaxies assemble with super-massive black-holes inside from the epoch of First Light until the present, how these objects started and finished the reionization of the universe, and how the processes of star-formation, stellar evolution, and metal enrichment of the IGM proceeded over cosmic time. We also summarize the high-resolution science that has been done thus far on high redshift galaxies with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Faint galaxies have steadily decreasing sizes at fainter fluxes and higher redshifts, reflecting the hierarchical formation of galaxies over cosmic time. HST has imaged this process in great structural detail to z<~6. We show that ultradeep radio-optical surveys may slowly approach the natural confusion limit, where objects start to unavoidably overlap because of their own sizes, which only SKA can remedy with HI redshifts for individual sub-clumps. Finally, we summarize how the 6.5 meter James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will measure first light, reionization, and galaxy assembly in the near--mid-IR.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX2e requires 'aip' style (included), 8 postscript figures. To appear in the proceedings of the `The Evolution of Galaxies through the Neutral Hydrogen Window' conference, Arecibo Observatory Feb 1-3, 2008; Eds. R. Minchin & E. Momjian, AIP Conf Pro

    Mapping Hydrogen in the Galaxy, Galactic Halo, and Local Group with ALFA: The GALFA-HI Survey Starting with TOGS

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    Radio observations of gas in the Milky Way and Local Group are vital for understanding how galaxies function as systems. The unique sensitivity of Arecibo's 305m dish, coupled with the 7-beam Arecibo L-Band Feed Array (ALFA), provides an unparalleled tool for investigating the full range of interstellar phenomena traced by the HI 21cm line. The GALFA (Galactic ALFA) HI Survey is mapping the entire Arecibo sky over a velocity range of -700 to +700 km/s with 0.2 km/s velocity channels and an angular resolution of 3.4 arcminutes. We present highlights from the TOGS (Turn on GALFA Survey) portion of GALFA-HI, which is covering thousands of square degrees in commensal drift scan observations with the ALFALFA and AGES extragalactic ALFA surveys. This work is supported in part by the National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center, operated by Cornell University under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation.Comment: 3 pages, including 2 figure pages; figure image quality significantly reduced; for full resolution version, please see http://www.naic.edu/~gibson/cv/ao08_writeup.pdf ; to be published in AIP conference proceedings for ``The Evolution of Galaxies through the Neutral Hydrogen Window'', eds. R. Minchin & E. Momjia

    An equatorial wind from the massive young stellar object S140 IRS 1

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    The discovery of the second equatorial ionized stellar wind from a massive young stellar object is reported. High resolution radio continuum maps of S140 IRS 1 reveal a highly elongated source that is perpendicular to the larger scale bipolar molecular outflow. This picture is confirmed by location of a small scale monopolar near-IR reflection nebula at the base of the blueshifted lobe. A second epoch of observations over a five year baseline show little ordered outward proper motion of clumps as would have been expected for a jet. A third epoch, taken only 50 days after the second, did show significant changes in the radio morphology. These radio properties can all be understood in the context of an equatorial wind driven by radiation pressure from the central star and inner disc acting on the gas in the surface layers of the disc as proposed by Drew et al. (1998). This equatorial wind system is briefly compared with the one in S106IR, and contrasted with other massive young stellar objects that drive ionized jets.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, accepted by ApJ, minor changes in light of referees repor

    Swift XRT Observations of the Possible Dark Galaxy VIRGOHI 21

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    \swift \xrt observations of the \hi line source \VV were performed on April 22 and April 26, 2008 for a total exposure time of 9.2ks. This is the first pointed X-ray observation of \VV, a putative dark galaxy in the Virgo cluster, and no photons were detected from this source. The non-detection of extended X-ray emission within the angular extent of the \hi source corresponds to a 99% confidence upper limit of 2.1×10142.1 \times 10^{-14}\ergcms in the 0.3--2.0 keV band. The equivalent upper limit to the amount of diffuse hot gas associated with \VV is in the range 4×1072×1084\times 10^{7} - 2 \times 10^8 \msun for a hot gas temperature between 0.1 and 1 keV. The non-detection also corresponds to a 99%-confidence upper limit on the flux from a point-like source of 8×10158\times 10^{-15}\ergcms in the 0.3--2.0 keV band. We discuss the constraints on the nature of \VV imposed by these observations and the theoretical implications of these results.Comment: ApJL in press, accepted versio

    The Arecibo L-band Feed Array Zone of Avoidance Survey I: Precursor Observations through the Inner and Outer Galaxy

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    The Arecibo L-band Feed Array (ALFA) is being used to conduct a low-Galactic latitude survey, to map the distribution of galaxies and large-scale structures behind the Milky Way through detection of galaxies' neutral hydrogen (HI) 21-cm emission. This Zone of Avoidance (ZOA) survey finds new HI galaxies which lie hidden behind the Milky Way, and also provides redshifts for partially-obscured galaxies known at other wavelengths. Before the commencement of the full survey, two low-latitude precursor regions were observed, totalling 138 square degrees, with 72 HI galaxies detected. Detections through the inner Galaxy generally have no cataloged counterparts in any other waveband, due to the heavy extinction and stellar confusion. Detections through the outer Galaxy are more likely to have 2MASS counterparts. We present the results of these precursor observations, including a catalog of the detected galaxies, with their HI parameters. The survey sensitivity is well described by a flux- and linewidth-dependent signal-to-noise ratio of 6.5. ALFA ZOA galaxies which also have HI measurements in the literature show good agreement between our measurements and previous work. The inner Galaxy precursor region was chosen to overlap the HI Parkes Zone of Avoidance Survey so ALFA performance could be quickly assessed. The outer Galaxy precursor region lies north of the Parkes sky. Low-latitude large-scale structure in this region is revealed, including an overdensity of galaxies near l = 183 deg and between 5000 - 6000 km/s in the ZOA. The full ALFA ZOA survey will be conducted in two phases: a shallow survey using the observing techniques of the precursor observations, and also a deep phase with much longer integration time, with thousands of galaxies predicted for the final catalog.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, Astronomical Journal accepte

    The Large-scale J=3-2 and J=2-1 CO Emission from M17 and its Implications for Extragalactic CO Observations

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    We observed a 10x20 pc region of the molecular cloud M17 in the 12CO and 13CO J=3-2 and J=2-1 transitions to determine their global behavior and to assess the reliability of using ratios of CO line intensities integrated over an entire cloud to determine the physical conditions within the cloud. Both the 12CO/13CO J=2-1 and J=3-2 line ratios correlate with the 13CO integrated intensity, with smaller line ratios observed at locations with large integrated intensities. This correlation is likely due to variations in the column density from one position to another within M17. The 12CO and 13CO (J=3-2/J=2-1) line ratios show no significant variation from place to place within M17, even on the peak of the photon-dominated region. A Large Velocity Gradient analysis of globally averaged line ratios gives results in reasonable agreement with the results obtained for individual lines-of-sight through the cloud, which suggests that the typical physical conditions in a molecular cloud can be determined using CO line ratios integrated over the entire cloud. There appears to be a clear trend of increasing 12CO/13CO J=2-1 and J=3-2 line ratios as one moves from Galactic molecular cloud cores to entire Galactic molecular clouds to normal galaxies. The most likely explanation of the high line ratios for normal galaxies is a significant contribution to the CO emission by low column density material, such as diffuse molecular clouds or the outer envelopes of giant molecular clouds.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    The origin of the [C II] emission in the S140 PDRs - new insights from HIFI

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    Using Herschel's HIFI instrument we have observed [C II] along a cut through S140 and high-J transitions of CO and HCO+ at two positions on the cut, corresponding to the externally irradiated ionization front and the embedded massive star forming core IRS1. The HIFI data were combined with available ground-based observations and modeled using the KOSMA-tau model for photon dominated regions. Here we derive the physical conditions in S140 and in particular the origin of [C II] emission around IRS1. We identify three distinct regions of [C II] emission from the cut, one close to the embedded source IRS1, one associated with the ionization front and one further into the cloud. The line emission can be understood in terms of a clumpy model of photon-dominated regions. At the position of IRS1, we identify at least two distinct components contributing to the [C II] emission, one of them a small, hot component, which can possibly be identified with the irradiated outflow walls. This is consistent with the fact that the [C II] peak at IRS1 coincides with shocked H2 emission at the edges of the outflow cavity. We note that previously available observations of IRS1 can be well reproduced by a single-component KOSMA-tau model. Thus it is HIFI's unprecedented spatial and spectral resolution, as well as its sensitivity which has allowed us to uncover an additional hot gas component in the S140 region.Comment: accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics (HIFI special issue