80 research outputs found

    Огляд ринку сонячної енергетики України: стан та комерційні перспективи

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    Today, solar energy is called the energy of the future, and many companies make significant investments in the construction of such power plants. The article provides an overview of the commercial perspectives of this market, determines the size of investments and the return on the project. Modern solar panels are able to operate without additional investments for decades and, from the point of view of the authors, in the long term the electricity generated in this way will not only cost-effective, and extremely profitable. The global situation in the energy market and in the field of renewable energy, in particular, is considered. The reasons that triggered the development of renewable energy sources, the key of which are the dangers of nuclear energy and environmental pollution, are explained. Along with this, we consider the structure of the market of renewable energy sources in Ukraine, where the geographic location is favorable for the implementation of solar energy projects. The climate of Ukraine is characterized by a large number of sunny days: in terms of insolation, Ukraine is significantly superior to European leaders in solar energy. This basic factor allows us to talk about the commercial perspectives of solar power generation projects implemented in Ukraine. Against the background of these perspectives is considered the structure of the energy market in Ukraine and the investment attraction of renewable energy projects. Market trends in the development of the solar energy market were discussed, which are expected to contribute to the development of new market niches, such as after-sales services, as well as the transformation of existing business models against the backdrop of the introduction of new facilities.Сьогодні багато хто називає сонячну енергію енергією майбутнього, і багато компаній вкладають значні інвестиції в будівництво таких електростанцій. У статті наведено огляд комерційних перспектив цього ринку, визначені розміри інвестицій і окупність проекту. Сучасні сонячні батареї в змозі працювати без додаткових капіталовкладень десятки років і, з точки зору авторів, в довгостроковій перспективі електроенергія, згенерована таким чином, стане не просто рентабельною, а надприбутковою. У статті розглянута глобальна ситуація в сфері ринку енергетики і в сфері відновлюваних джерел енергії, зокрема. Пояснені причини, які послужили поштовхом у розвитку відновлюваних джерел енергії, ключовими з яких є небезпека атомної енергетики і забруднення навколишнього середовища. На ряду з зазначеним, розглянута структура ринку відновлюваних джерел енергії на Україні, географічне розташування якої сприятливо для реалізації проектів сонячної енергетики. Для клімату України характерна велика кількість сонячних днів: за ступенем інсоляції Україна значно перевершує європейських лідерів в сонячній енергетиці. Зазначене є базовим фактором, що дозволяє говорити про комерційні перспективи проектів сонячної електрогенерації, що реалізуються в Україні. На тлі зазначених перспектив розглянута структура енергетичного ринку на Україні і інвестиційна привабливість проектів відновлюваної енергетики. Обговорено ринкові тенденції розвитку ринку сонячної енергетики, які, як очікується, на тлі введення нових об'єктів сприятимуть розвитку нових ринкових ніш, таких як сервісне обслуговування, а також трансформації існуючих бізнес-моделей

    Inquiry based science education in National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" as a way to increase the popularity of natural and thechnical sciences

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    The article analyses the problem of reducing the rating of natural sciences in youth. Possible options for solving this issue are considered. Based on the experience of young scientists of the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" (NTU "KhPI"), it is indicated on perspective directions of interaction between higher education and secondary school in order to increase the popularity of natural and technical sciences. One of the points of contact can be the foundation of a creative space for children, which will be the focus of STEM education, and promote a positive image of the natural and technical sciences

    Svojstvenost strukture, deformacije i razaranje sprešanog Cu-Mo-Zr-Y kompozitnog materijala

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    The peculiarities of the morphology and structure defects of composite material in the Cu-Mo-Zr-Y system produced from commercially pure raw materials using method of electron-beam evaporation/condensation have been studied. The features of deformation and destruction of the composite have been investigated alongside with its mechanical properties and their change under action of structure defects.Istraživana je svojstvenost morfologije i strukture grešaka kompozitnog materijala Cu-Mo-Zr-Y dobijena metodom elektro-lučnog isparavanja iz trgovački čistih sirovina. Karakteristika deformacije i razaranje kompozita praćeno je preko mehaničkih svojstava i njihove promjene pod utjecajem grešaka strukture

    Peculiarities of Interaction of Electric Arc Plasma and Composite Electrodes’ Working Surface

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    The aim of this work is complex investigations of interaction between electric arc discharge plasma and Cu-Mo composite electrodes’ working surface. The destructions of working layer of such electrodes, caused by discharge plasma influence, were studied. The mutual correlation of plasma properties and destruction behavior of electrodes surface was found

    Liquid Nonlinear Oscillations in the U-Tube System

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    Dynamics of oscillation processes in a siphon U-tube is studied for the system of connected vessels filled with homogeneous liquid. The equations and phase paths describing the motion of viscous and non-viscous liquids are given, oscillation frequencies are considered. Oscillations are nonlinear in general case, but they turn into linear by setting specific parameter values of the system. Phase portraits are obtained and their dependences on parameters of the system are analyzedfor both linear and non-linear cases

    Role of Polarized G Protein Signaling in Tracking Pheromone Gradients

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    SummaryYeast cells track gradients of pheromones to locate mating partners. Intuition suggests that uniform distribution of pheromone receptors over the cell surface would yield optimal gradient sensing. However, yeast cells display polarized receptors. The benefit of such polarization was unknown. During gradient tracking, cell growth is directed by a patch of polarity regulators that wanders around the cortex. Patch movement is sensitive to pheromone dose, with wandering reduced on the up-gradient side of the cell, resulting in net growth in that direction. Mathematical modeling suggests that active receptors and associated G proteins lag behind the polarity patch and act as an effective drag on patch movement. In vivo, the polarity patch is trailed by a G protein-rich domain, and this polarized distribution of G proteins is required to constrain patch wandering. Our findings explain why G protein polarization is beneficial and illuminate a novel mechanism for gradient tracking

    The Threat and Fear of War: The State and Politics in American Mass Media

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    The cultivation of political fears of the state and radical change of attitudes in the minds of people is possible in certain socio-political and economic conditions and massive propaganda in the mass media. The concept of political fear is insufficiently studied in psycholinguistics. This article is dedicated to exploring the political fears of the state in the modern American mass media. This research uses hypothetical-deductive and inductive methods, methods of definitional, interpretative and subjective analysis, and content analysis. It is found that in the modern American mass media, political fear of the state is revealed in fear of war and competition. To verbalize the horror of war and struggle, politicians in power use various tactics of agonal function as the main means of impact on opponents

    Breaking of chalk fallen onto the floor

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    This problem was presented at the IPT 2022. The main goal was to find out What is the maximum height a piece of chalk might be dropped without breaking for a given surface, estimate parameters on which the height depends and suggest throwing techniques which minimize the breakage probabilit

    The Threat and Fear of War — The State and Politics in American Mass Media

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    The cultivation of political fears of the state and radical change of attitudes in the minds of people is possible in certain socio-political and economic conditions and massive propaganda in the mass media. The concept of political fear is insufficiently studied in psycholinguistics. This article is dedicated to exploring the political fears of the state in the modern American mass media. This research uses hypothetical-deductive and inductive methods, methods of definitional, interpretative and subjective analysis, and content analysis. It is found that in the modern American mass media, political fear of the state is revealed in fear of war and competition. To verbalize the horror of war and struggle, politicians in power use various tactics of agonal function as the main means of impact on opponents