343 research outputs found

    The evaluation of old Serbian art during the formation of Serbian art history

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    The paper sheds light on the development of the theoretical and methodological layer in Serbian texts about the art created during the nineteenth century and recognises the gradual change in the system of values, which was the precondition for the interpretation of medieval art

    Entomological and ecological index for risk of infection causing lyme disease in territory of Vojvodina, Serbia

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    In Europe, of all the vector transmitted diseases, the occurrence of lyme disease is the one most often registered, and the most significant vector Borrelia burgdorferi is the tick Ixodes ricinus. Both humans and animals contract lyme disease. The risk of the occurrence of lyme disease is in correlation with potential exposure to tick bites and depends on the density of the tick population in the endemic area, the percentage of ticks infected with the cause of lyme disease, the duration and the nature of the activity of the susceptible population in a certain area. The objective of these investigations was to determine the entomological and the ecological risk index, as well as to assess the risk of transmission of the cause of lyme disease in the territory of Vojvodina Province in the Republic of Serbia. Ticks were collected at 12 locations in the South Bačka District of Vojvodina. A total of 1400 ticks were identified up to the level of species. After establishing the infection of ticks with the cause of lyme disease, the entomological and the ecological index was determined for the given regions using microscopic examination in a dark field. Two species of ticks aere identified in this geographic region (Ixodes ricinus and Dermacentor marginatus). Examining I. ricinus, the prevalence of infection B. burgdorferi was established, ranging up to 33.1%. The ecological risk index indicates that there is a potential risk of humans and animals becoming infected at 8 localities. It was determined for 3 localities that there is a definite actual risk of the transferrence of causes of lyme disease

    The voice of patients with laryngeal carcinoma after oncosurgery

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    The voice of patients indicated for surgical procedures in treating of dysphonia is already damaged before the operation. The problem, which exists at the level of glottis patients usually try to solve by compensative mechanisms. The quality of voice after the interventions in larynx depends on the type and width of resection, disturbance of physiological phonation mechanisms, and ability to establish optimal phonation automatism. The damage of laryngeal structure, especially its glottic part and vocal cords as its central part, no matter if they are just fibrous or they are partially or totally absent, leads into the development of substitutive phonation mechanisms. The most frequent substitutive mechanisms are: vestibular, ventricular, and chordoventricular phonation. There are some variations of these phonation mechanisms, which are conditioned not only by applied surgical technique, but as they are also individual characteristics, they can be the consequence of applied rehabilitation methods. The diagnosis of voice condition before and after the oncosurgical procedure is done by: laryngostroboscopy, subjective acoustic analysis of voice, and objective acoustic analysis of voice (sonography or computer analysis of acoustic signal). The most of laryngeal carcinomas appear in glottic region, so the function of phonation imposes itself as the objective parameter to measure the quality of life after the oncosurgery of larynx. That is the reason why according to the priority, it is just behind the principle of "oncologic radicalism". Phonation as the most complex laryngeal function seems to have secondary importance. All known operative techniques, especially partial resections, have the preservation of phonation as their goal


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    Rezime: Istraživanje i razvoj u oblasti viŔeosne obrade i rekonfigurabilnih multifunkcionalnih obradnih sistema su danas u svetu veoma aktuelni. U radu se pokazuje deo rezultata u razvoju multifunkcionalnog rekonfigurabilnog obradnog sistema na bazi robota za delove od mekih materijala sa složenim povrŔinama, veih dimenzija i niže klase tanosti

    Social immunity modulates competition between coinfecting pathogens

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    Coinfections with multiple pathogens can result in complex withinā€host dynamics affecting virulence and transmission. While multiple infections are intensively studied in solitary hosts, it is so far unresolved how social host interactions interfere with pathogen competition, and if this depends on coinfection diversity. We studied how the collective disease defences of ants ā€“ their social immunity ā€“ influence pathogen competition in coinfections of same or different fungal pathogen species. Social immunity reduced virulence for all pathogen combinations, but interfered with spore production only in differentā€species coinfections. Here, it decreased overall pathogen sporulation success while increasing coā€sporulation on individual cadavers and maintaining a higher pathogen diversity at the community level. Mathematical modelling revealed that host sanitary care alone can modulate competitive outcomes between pathogens, giving advantage to fastā€germinating, thus less groomingā€sensitive ones. Host social interactions can hence modulate infection dynamics in coinfected group members, thereby altering pathogen communities at the host level and population level

    Experimental evolution of immunological specificity

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    Innate immune memory (i.e., immune priming) is found in many invertebrates. In some cases, immune priming provides protection against infection only when the same bacteria are used for priming and challenge; that is, priming can be specific. However, we still know little about the conditions favoring the evolution of immunological specificity. We present evidence that immune priming and its specificity can rapidly evolve in an insect through experimental selection by repeated bacterial exposure. Our populations evolved treatment-specific differences in expression profiles of immune, metabolic, and transcription-regulatory genes, pointing to similar mechanisms acting in vertebrate trained immunity. Hence, immune memory combines deeply rooted resemblances across systems with enormous evolutionary plasticity.Memory and specificity are hallmarks of the adaptive immune system. Contrary to prior belief, innate immune systems can also provide forms of immune memory, such as immune priming in invertebrates and trained immunity in vertebrates. Immune priming can even be specific but differs remarkably in cellular and molecular functionality from the well-studied adaptive immune system of vertebrates. To date, it is unknown whether and how the level of specificity in immune priming can adapt during evolution in response to natural selection. We tested the evolution of priming specificity in an invertebrate model, the beetle Tribolium castaneum. Using controlled evolution experiments, we selected beetles for either specific or unspecific immune priming toward the bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens, Lactococcus lactis, and 4 strains of the entomopathogen Bacillus thuringiensis. After 14 generations of host selection, specificity of priming was not universally higher in the lines selected for specificity, but rather depended on the bacterium used for priming and challenge. The insect pathogen B. thuringiensis induced the strongest priming effect. Differences between the evolved populations were mirrored in the transcriptomic response, revealing involvement of immune, metabolic, and transcription-modifying genes. Finally, we demonstrate that the induction strength of a set of differentially expressed immune genes predicts the survival probability of the evolved lines upon infection. We conclude that high specificity of immune priming can evolve rapidly for certain bacteria, most likely due to changes in the regulation of immune genes

    Influence of nuclear radiation and laser beams on optical fibers and components

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    The influence of nuclear radiation and particles has been the object of investigation for a long time. For new materials and systems the research should be continued. Human activities in various environments, including space, call for more detailed research. The role of fibers in contemporary communications, medicine, and industry increases. Fibers, their connections and fused optics components have one type of tasks - the transmission of information and power. The other type of tasks is reserved for fiber lasers: quantum generators and amplifiers. The third type of tasks is for fiber sensors, including high energy nuclear physics. In this paper we present some chosen topics in the mentioned areas as well as our experiments with nuclear radiation and laser beams to fiber and bulk materials of various nature (glass, polymer, metallic, etc.)

    Kriminalnopolitički aspekti odgovornosti pravnih lica za krivična dela - različiti teorijski pristupi

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    The article focuses on different theoretical approaches towards establishing corporate criminal liability in national legislatures. Corporate crime is a serious criminal phenomenon, which produces high level of social danger in many fields - economy and trade, health and safety at workĀ­place, environmental protection, human rights and others. Introducing criminal liability of legal persons in most of contemporary legislatures has opened theoretical debates in various academic disciplines, such as criminal law, criminology, sociology and social psychology, economic science and others. As a significant criminological discipline, criminal policy is supposed to analyze arguments pro et contra corporate criminal liability as an instrument of prevention and combat against corporate and other forms of white-collar crime. The central part of the article examines different theoretical views and arguments on efficiency and justification of legislative measures towards corporate crime phenomenon. The author stresses economical, sociological and corporate cultural aspects of introducing and implementing criminal liability of legal persons. The author aims to shed light on different dimensions of the matter, pointing to interdependency of various aspects.Rad se bavi različitim teoretskim pristupima vezanim za utvrđivanje odgovornosti pravnih lica za krivična dela u nacionalnom zakonodavstvu. Kriminalitet korporacija predstavlja ozbiljnu kriminalnu pojavu koja izaziva visok stepen druÅ”tvene opasnosti u mnogim oblastima - odražava se na ekonomiju i trgovinu, zdravlje i bezbednost na radnom mestu, ekoloÅ”ku zaÅ”titu, ljudska prava i drugo. Uvođenje krivičnopravne odgovornosti pravnih lica u većinu savremenih zakona otvorilo je teorijske debate u okviru različitih akademskih disciplina, kao Å”to su krivično pravo, kriminologija, sociologija i socijalna psihologija, ekonomske i druge nauke. Kao važna kriminoloÅ”ka disciplina, kriminoloÅ”ka politika treba da se bavi analizom argumenata pro et contra odgovornosti pravnih lica za krivična dela kao instrumenta za prevenciju i suzbijanje korporativnog i drugih vidova privrednog kriminala. Centralni deo rada istražuje različite teorijske poglede i argumente vezane za efikasnost i opravdanost zakonodavnih mera uperenih protiv pojave korporativnog kriminala. Autor naglaÅ”ava ekonomske, socioloÅ”ke i korporativno-kulturne aspekte uvođenja i utvrđivanja krivične odgovornosti pravnih lica. Cilj autora jeste da prikaže različite dimenzije ove teme i ukaže na njihovu međusobnu povezanost

    Role of dogs in contamination of urban environment with causes of parasitic zoonoses

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    Dogs belong to the group of animals that were the first to be domesticated. They live in cohabitation with humans and share their environment much more intimately than any other animal specie. The close contact between strays and pets, on the one side, and the pollution of urban areas with the feces of these animals, on the other, close the chain of infection with parasites, which jeopardizes also human health in the final link of that chain. Dogs are carriers and the true hosts to large numbers of species of zoonotic parasites - Cryptosporidium parvum, Giardia lamblia, Echinoccocus granulosus, Dipyllidium caninum, Toxocara canis, Ancylostomidae spp. and others, whose eggs or other developmental forms they eliminate into the environment through feces. The increase in the number of cases of toxocarosis in humans (syndrome of visceral larvae migrans), ancylostomosis (cutanea larvae migrans), hydatidosis, toxoplasmosis, or cryptosporidiosis are the best indicators of these relations. In order to resolve this problem, it is necessary to conduct systematic investigations of their parasitic fauna with the maximum cooperation of the animal owners, compulsory health education of the population in the area of the diseases that are transferred from animals to humans, and, certainly, carrying out the dehelminthization of dogs

    O računskim nivoima vode za zaŔtitu od poplava na Dunavu kod Novog Sada

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    Protection of the city of Novi Sad from floods relies mainly on levees along the banks of the Danube River. These levees were reconstructed after a great flood in 1965, when they were designed to protect the city from a 100-year flood level. This design flood level was the result of frequency analysis of annual maximum water stages for a 21-year long record (1947-1967). Such a choice of the observed record for frequency analysis resulted in levee heights that secured additional protection of Novi Sad from floods in last 40 years. Any other choice of record length and period would have resulted in lower design levels and poorer protection from floods. The paper discusses the effects of the choice of the subrecord on design flood level by investigating results of flood frequency analysis for different periods of observed water stages of the Danube at Novi Sad. The results show that the level of flood protection of the city of Novi Sad is now lower then designed 40 years ago.ZaÅ”tita Novog Sada od velikih voda oslanja se najvećim delom na nasipe duž obala Dunava koji su rekonstruisani posle velike poplave iz 1965. godine, kada su dimenzionisani na 100-godiÅ”nju veliku vodu. Merodavni nivo vode za dimenzionisanje nasipa određen je tada na osnovu statističke analize niza od 21 maksimalnog godiÅ”njeg vodostaja (1947-1967). Vreme je pokazalo da je taj niz dao merodavni vodostaj s kojim je Novi Sad imao dodatnu zaÅ”titu od velikih voda tokom poslednjih 40 godina. Svaki drugačiji izbor niza za statističku analizu imao bi za rezultat niži merodavni vodostaj i niže kote nasipa. U radu se razmatra uticaj izbora niza maksimalnih godiÅ”njih vodostaja na rezultate statističke analize i na vrednosti merodavnih vodostaja na Dunavu kod Novog Sada. Rezultati pokazuju da je stepen zaÅ”tite Novog Sada od plavljenja ispod projektovanog
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