150 research outputs found

    The Effect of Human Resource Capacity towards Performance of Electrical Energy Policy and Its Impact on Outcomes of Electrical Energy Policy Based on Regionalization in Indonesia

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    This study aims to examine the determinants of performance of electrical energy based on regionalization policy and their impact on the outcomes for the general public and to test the electrical energy policies performance impact towards the outcomes ofelectrical energy policy. This research was located in Indonesia in 2015, with a base of electrical energy policy in national scale. The research was conducted in 6 PLN working area that includes the Regional I: Sumatra, Region II West Java, Region III: East Java, Regional IV Kalimantan, Regional V: Sulawesi and Nusa Tenggara, Regional VI: Papua and Maluku. The analylitical tool used is the Structural Equaiton Modeling (SEM) for testing the structural model, and ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) for testing the difference for each region. The research show (1) There is a positive relationship between human resource capacity to performance and outcomes of electrical energy policy. The better human resource capacity, the better performance of electrical energy policy, and the better outcomes of electrical energy policy. (2) There is a positive relationship between performance of electrical energy policy to outcomes of electrical energy policy. The better performance of elctrical energy policy, the better outcomes of electrical energy policy. The organizational structure of PT PLN (Persero) that supports the regionalization policy is to prevent a slowdown in the process of completion of construction projects, problem solving and customer service operations. This regionalization policy needs to be organized well in which the Director is responsible based on job function and be responsible for the operational and business. Keywords: Human Resource Capacity, Performance of Electrical Energy Policy

    Trace element geochemistry in Balchit obsidian (Upper Awash, Ethiopia)

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    autorisation des éditeurs de l'ouvrage par email du 01/07/05The only identified source on the left bank of the Awash River is obsidian of type A (Balchit main lava outcrop). Thus, differences observed among the analysed samples concerning obsidians of types B and C may reflect minor variations among a single source during the emplacement of the lava or refer to unidentified sources upstream or on the left bank basin of the Awash River. Obsidian of type D collected south of the Awash River in Simbiro Creek formations is a grey vitrous fluidal lava with a porphyric microstructure; quartz and feldspar crystals are oriented according to the fluidal structure. This material appears to be an ignimbrite facies which vitreous bedsole rapidly cooled in the contact with the substratum. We have identified several similar ignimbrites in this area. The Balchit obsidian lava and its reworked debris are widely distributed in the paleoenvironment and form a major raw material source for prehistoric artefacts. In the future we may expect to identify more obsidian types in primary and secondary positions and including some flaked by hominids, especially in the southern part of the Melka Kunture are

    A model for effective partnership working to support programme evaluation

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    The use of multi-agency partnerships, including research-practice partnerships, to facilitate the development, implementation and evaluation of public health interventions has expanded in recent years. However, gaps remain in the understanding of influences on partnership working, and their capacity to facilitate and use evaluation, as well as the characteristics which lead to partnership effectiveness. We applied qualitative methods to explore experiences of stakeholders who were involved in partnerships to deliver and evaluate a national physical activity programme. We combined thematic and network analysis, and drew on concepts of evaluation use, knowledge exchange and organisational systems to interpret our findings and develop a conceptual model of the relationships between partnership characteristics and processes. Our model identifies key partnership characteristics such as high levels of engagement, regular communication and continuity. Furthermore, it highlights the importance of implementing organisational structures and systems to support effective partnership working, knowledge exchange and capacity building

    Embedding Physical Activity into the Healthcare Curriculum – A Case Study

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    Physical inactivity is a key risk factor for a wide range of non-communicable diseases, yet a large proportion of the population fail to meet recommended physical activity levels. Healthcare has been identified as a key setting in which to intervene to encourage physical activity behaviour change. However, those working in the health care sector must be provided with training opportunities to increase knowledge, competence and motivation. We reviewed the structure and content of the current health-related courses at the University of East Anglia to identify opportunities to deliver more content on physical activity. We identified five areas for action: the development of new learning outcomes; the creation and delivery of taught sessions on physical activity; providing resources to faculty members to support the integration of the topic across all relevant modules and courses; the development of electronic resources for students; and modifications to the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) scenarios. Taking a multi-faceted and integrated approach was important to avoid physical activity being viewed as a ‘bolt-on’ topic. It also helped to maximise exposure to the topic while minimising disruption to the course structure and timetable. The actions taken have proved feasible and have been well received by students and staff

    Desarrollo de un sistema de gestión para una biblioteca digital en la I.E Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro Piura - 2022

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    La finalidad de este proyecto de investigación es desarrollar e implementar un sistema de gestión para una biblioteca digital en la I.E Nuestra Señora del perpetuo socorro Piura – 2022, donde se puede almacenar y llevar de manera segura la información deseada además que permita gestionar de mejor manera la información del área bibliotecaria, así como también que permita a los usuarios buscar cualquier contenido bibliográfico que deseen ya sea por categorías tales como autor, materia, titulo, año de publicación, etc. Luego de evaluar y analizar las deficiencias que presentaba el área bibliotecaria, sobre todo en la búsqueda y préstamo del material bibliográfico, es por ello que tenemos como objetivo principal de nuestra investigación implementar un sistema de gestión para una biblioteca digital en la Institución Educativa Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro Piura – 2022. Para el desarrollo la metodología el tipo de investigación del estudio es de tipo aplicada, con respecto al diseño de investigación no experimental de corte Transversal, como metodología de desarrollo de software se utilizó la metodología Scrum, se precisó criterios de Inclusión y exclusión para el proceso de selección de la información a través de los instrumentos de recolección de datos. Como resultado tenemos que el tiempo de respuesta del servicio bibliotecario aumento un 42% al igual que la calidad del servicio aumento un 56.7% por último el tiempo de búsqueda del material bibliográfico aumento un 68.3% lo cual refleja un impacto positivo para el servicio bibliotecario brindando un mejor servicio para sus usuarios

    The cross-sectional associations of chronic conditions and disability with self-reported physical activity among adults in England

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    Objective: Using cross-sectional data from the 2018 Health Survey for England, this study describes the types of impairment reported by people with chronic conditions and the association of chronic conditions and impairments with physical activity(PA).   Methods: Participants self-reported the presence of seven chronic health conditions (diabetes; stroke/ischemic heart disease; hypertension; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); asthma; arthritis/rheumatism/fibrositis; back problems), 11 types of impairment (vision, hearing, mobility, dexterity; learning; memory; mental health; stamina; social or behavioural; other; none); and their PA using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Multivariable Poisson regression was used to estimate the association of a)impairment type, b)number of impairments, and c)impairment type and chronic condition (mutually adjusted) with PA.   Results: In total, 2243 adults (55% female, 44% age > 55 yrs) reported having a chronic condition. PA volume (MET minutes per week: median (IQR)) was highest in participants with asthma (2093 (693–4479)), and lowest in those with COPD (454 (0–2079)). There was a negative association between number of impairments and levels of PA. After adjustment for age, sex, ethnicity and education, and mutually adjusting for all other conditions and impairments, diabetes (Incident rate ratio (95% confidence interval): 0.83 (0.73–0.94)), COPD (0.76 (0.59–0.99)), a mobility impairment (0.63 (0.56–0.72)), a dexterity impairment (0.86 (0.75–0.98)), or a memory impairment (0.84 (0.72–0.99)) was negatively associated with PA.   Conclusion: Future PA research requires consideration of the number and types of impairments that individuals experience, as well as assessing chronic conditions. This will improve understanding of the barriers to PA participation and inform interventions

    A review of sedentary behavior assessment in national surveillance systems

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    Background: Temporal changes in sedentary behavior patterns reflect the evolving nature of our built and social environments, particularly the expanding availability of electronic media. It is important to understand what types of sedentary behavior are assessed in national surveillance to determine whether, and to what extent, they reflect contemporary patterns. The aims of this review were to describe the characteristics of questionnaires used for national surveillance of sedentary behavior and to identify the types of sedentary behaviors being measured. Method: We reviewed questionnaires from national surveillance systems listed on the Global Observatory for Physical Activity (GoPA!) country cards to locate items on sedentary behavior. Questionnaire characteristics were categorized using the Taxonomy of Self-reported Sedentary Behavior Tools (TASST). The purpose and type of sedentary behaviors captured were classified using the Sedentary Behavior International Taxonomy (SIT). Results: Overall, 346 surveillance systems were screened for eligibility, of which 93 were included in this review. Most questionnaires used a single-item direct measure of sitting time (n = 78, 84%). Work and domestic were the most frequently captured purposes of sedentary behavior, while television viewing and computer use were the most frequently captured types of behaviors. Conclusion: National surveillance systems should be periodically reviewed in response to evidence on contemporary behavior patterns in the population and the release of updated public health guidelines

    A scoping review of disability assessment in prospective and cross-sectional studies that included device-based measurement of physical activity

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    Background: Evidence on the prevalence, determinants, and health outcomes of physical activity in disabled people is limited. It is possible that the limited availability of high-quality scientific evidence is due to the extent and nature of disability assessment in physical activity research. This scoping review explores how disability has been measured in epidemiological studies that included accelerometer-based measurement of physical activity. Methods: Data sources: MEDLINE (Ovid), Embase, PsychINFO, Health Management Information Consortium, Web of Science, SPORTDiscus, and CINAHL. Eligibility criteria: Prospective and cross-sectional studies that included an accelerometer measurement of physical activity. Survey instruments used in these studies were obtained, and questions relating to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health domains of (1) health conditions, (2) body functions and structures, and (3) activities and participation, were extracted for analysis. Results: Eighty-four studies met the inclusion criteria, from which complete information on the 3 domains was obtained for 68. Seventy-five percent of studies (n = 51) captured whether a person had at least one health condition, 63% (n = 43) had questions related to body functions and structures, and 75% (n = 51) included questions related to activities and participation. Conclusion: While most studies asked something about one of the 3 domains, there was substantial diversity in the focus and style of questions. This diversity indicates a lack of consensus on how these concepts should be assessed, with implications for the comparability of evidence across studies and subsequent understanding of the relationships between disability, physical activity, and health
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