474 research outputs found

    Water Potentiality of Sustainable Management Challenges in the Oued Souf Region, south east Algeria

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    Water is the essential product for life and is part of the essential constitution of living cells; it helps to realize all the vital operations. Water is a cosmic element, just as the sun and the earth.With population growth in the Souf region, the needs of habitats and water farmers increase. These requirements cause negative consequences for the serene life Souafa; the upwelling phenomenon of the water table has taken very alarming proportions during the late twentieth century.In our study, we interested in the mechanism of the drawdown of the aquifer waterOued Souf CTand irrational consequences of overexploitation of the aquifer on the environment of the region

    Normability of an S-ring

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    We give some criteria of normability of an S-ring, and we study the properties of its norms

    Exploring the Potential of Machine and Deep Learning Models for OpenStreetMap Data Quality Assessment and Improvement (Short Paper)

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    The OpenStreetMap (OSM) project is a widely-used crowdsourced geographic data platform that allows users to contribute, edit, and access geographic information. However, the quality of the data in OSM is often uncertain, and assessing the quality of OSM data is crucial for ensuring its reliability and usability. Recently, the use of machine and deep learning models has shown to be promising in assessing and improving the quality of OSM data. In this paper, we explore the current state-of-the-art machine learning models for OSM data quality assessment and improvement as an attempt to discuss and classify the underlying methods into different categories depending on (1) the associated learning paradigm (supervised or unsupervised learning-based methods), (2) the usage of extrinsic or intrinsic-based metrics (i.e., assessing OSM data by comparing it against authoritative external datasets or via computing some internal quality indicators), and (3) the use of traditional or deep learning-based models for predicting and evaluating OSM features. We then identify the main trends and challenges in this field and provide recommendations for future research aiming at improving the quality of OSM data in terms of completeness, accuracy, and consistency

    A high-frequency modeling of AC motor in a frequency range from 40 Hz to 110 MHz

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    Introduction. Most electromagnetic compatibility models developed for the study of three-phase induction machines are generally valid for low and medium frequencies (<< 1 MHz). This frequency limit seems to be too restrictive for the overall study of conducted electromagnetic interference. In this paper, the model is using the proposed model and compared with experimental results in low and medium frequency. And then, the high-frequency modeling of induction motor is presented new method based on transfer function model. The proposed methodology is verified on an experimental and simulation, it’s suitable for prediction of the terminal overvoltage analysis and electromagnetic interference problems and common-mode and differential-mode currents. The novelty of the work consists to develop an improved high-frequency motor model based on transfer function to represent the motor high-frequency behavior for frequency-domain analyses in the frequency range from 40 Hz up to 110 MHz .The purpose of this work is to study the common-mode impedance and the differential-mode impedance of AC motor. The determination of these impedances is done for firstly both common and differential modes at low and medium frequency, and then common-mode and differential-mode characteristics at high frequency. Methods. For the study of the path of common-mode and differential-mode currents in typical AC motor (0.25 kW, 50 Hz) an identification method in high frequency for induction motor has been proposed based on the transfer function in differential-mode and common-mode configuration. The low and medium frequency model were presented in the first time based on equivalent circuit of electrical motor. Then, the common-mode and differential-mode impedances were defined in high frequency using asymptotic approach. This motor was studied by MATLAB Software for simulation and also experimental measurements. Results. All the simulations were performed using the mathematical model and the results obtained are validated by experimental measurements performed in the University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg in Germany. The obtained results of common-mode and differential-mode at low frequency, medium and high frequency are compared between simulation and experiment.Вступ. Більшість моделей електромагнітної сумісності, розроблених для дослідження трифазних асинхронних машин, загалом застосовні для низьких та середніх частот (<<1 МГц). Ця частотна межа здається надто суворою для загального вивчення кондуктивних електромагнітних перешкод. У цій статті запропонована модель використовується і порівнюється з експериментальними результатами за низької та середньої частоти. Потім представлений новий метод високочастотного моделювання асинхронного двигуна, що базується на моделі передавальної функції. Запропонована методологія перевірена експериментально та за допомогою моделювання, вона придатна для прогнозування аналізу перенапруг на клемах та проблем електромагнітних перешкод, а також синфазних та диференціальних струмів. Новизна запропонованої роботи полягає у розробці вдосконаленої моделі високочастотного двигуна на основі передавальної функції для представлення високочастотної поведінки двигуна для аналізу частотної області в діапазоні частот від 40 Гц до 110 МГц. Мета роботи полягає у вивченні синфазного імпедансу та диференціального імпедансу двигуна змінного струму. Визначення цих імпедансів виконується спочатку для синфазних та диференціальних мод на низькій та середній частоті, а потім для синфазних та диференціальних характеристик на високій частоті. Методи. Для дослідження шляху синфазних та диференціальних струмів у типовому двигуні змінного струму (0,25 кВт, 50 Гц) було запропоновано метод ідентифікації на високій частоті для асинхронного двигуна, заснований на передавальній функції у конфігураціях диференціального та синфазного режимів. Вперше представлена низько- та середньочастотна модель на основі схеми заміщення електродвигуна. Потім синфазний та диференціальний імпеданси визначені на високій частоті з використанням асимптотичного підходу. Цей двигун був вивчений програмним забезпеченням MATLAB для моделювання та експериментальних вимірювань. Результати. Все моделювання виконано з використанням математичної моделі, а отримані результати підтверджені експериментальними вимірами, проведеними в Університеті федеральних збройних сил у Гамбурзі, Німеччина. Отримані результати синфазного та диференціального режиму на низькій частоті, середній та високій частоті порівнюються між моделюванням та експериментом


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    Objective: The objective of the study was to find out the antibacterial efficacy and identify the main constituents of the essential oil of Atriplex halimus from southwest of Algeria. Methods: The essential oil from the aerial parts of the endemic plant A. halimus (saltbush in English, qataf in Arabic) collected from the region of Sahara southwest of Algeria was isolated by hydrodistillation and analyzed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Antibacterial potency of essential oil from this plant has been tested against Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 29213), Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922), and Bacillus cereus (ATCC11778) by disk diffusion assay. Results: The essential oil revealed the presence of 14 components, the dominant compounds arecadina-1(10), 4-diene (10.69%), germacrene D (9.79%), octane (9.37%), pelargonaldehyde (9.06%), 3-Furancarboxaldehyde (6.87%), β-pinene (2.6%), camphene (2.59%), and myrcene (2.10%). The essential oil exhibits very effective antimicrobial activity using disk diffusion assay method with minimum inhibitory concentration ranging from 0.82 μl/ml to 2.4525 μl/ml. Conclusions: This result showed that this native plant may be a good candidate for further biological and pharmacological investigations

    Multiple meningiomatosis

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    Multiple meningiomas or meningiomatosis are defined by the presence of at least 2 lesions that appear simultaneously or not, at different intracranial locations. Early classification of Cushing and Eisenhardt claimed that a diagnosis of multiple meningioma can only be made if the patient does not suffer neurofibromatosis type I (NF1 is associated with neurofibromin, ras pathway). Majority of multiple meningiomas associate with neurofibromatosis type-II, multiple meningiomatosis refers to the association of at least 2 tumors in two different sites, in a patient who has no evidence of neurofibromatosis. The incidence of this condition varies between series between 1 and 3%, reaching a frequency of 8% with the onset of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This entity combines benign tumors of a different histological nature in 30% of cases. A 39-year-old woman patient, with no significant pathological history, who consulted for heaviness in both lower limbs having progressed for 6 months with paresthesias without genitosphincteric disorders, the examination found a spastic paraparesis rated at 3/5. The patient underwent a medullary MRI which revealed 4 lesions, the radiological semiology of which was suggestive of spinal meningiomas, the most compressive projecting in relation to T2. A cerebral computed tomography (CT) was systematically performed and objectified two intra cranial meningiomas, which until then were asymptomatic. Although its incidence is only 1 to 3%, the discovery of multiple meningiomatosis justifies morphological exploration (MRI) of the entire neurax, in which case any symptomatic location should suggest surgical management

    Rolling stock web desk

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    El proyecto consiste en desarrollar una aplicación web destinada a la gestión de la configuración de los sistemas embarcados de las unidades de material móvil de Metro de Madrid.This project’s main objective is to develop a web application oriented to handle configuration management of embedded systems at Metro Madrid.Ingeniería Técnica en Telemátic


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    Dans son activité, l’économie engage des ressources naturelles et humaines qui permettent sa croissance, engagement qui fait qu’elle intègre dans sa stratégie de développement des politiques afin de stimuler les potentialités humaines. L’objet de cet article est de s’interroger sur les ressources à développer pour promouvoir la richesse humaine et immatérielle nécessaire pour un développement économique durable. Les principaux apports de cet article consistent d’une part, à présenter les déterminants du développement humain durable et d’autre part, à discuter les éléments permettant à ce développement humain d’être la priorité de la stratégie économique et sociale