82 research outputs found
Combustion of volatile organic compounds on modified manganese oxide catalysts
Emisija hlapljivih organskih spojeva (VOC) u atmosferu predstavlja izuzetno velik problem, jer zbog velike toksičnosti značajno pridonose onečišćenju voda, tla i posebice zraka. Kao najveći izvori emisija hlapljivih organskih spojeva izdvajaju se industrijska postrojenja, energetska i termoenergetska postrojenja, promet te proizvodnja i uporaba otapala, boja, lakova i sl.
Postoje različiti postupci koji se primjenjuju za smanjenje emisija hlapljivih organskih spojeva u atmosferu, a posebno se izdvajaju postupci heterogene katalitičke oksidacije. Katalitička oksidacija je najperspektivniji postupak za obradu otpadnih plinova u kojima su prisutni hlapljivih organski spojevi, jer ispunjava visoke ekološke standarde i omogućava ekonomsku isplativost u odnosu na druge postupke.
U teorijskom dijelu ovog rada dan je uvid u problematiku koja se odnosi na emisiju hlapljivih organskih spojeva te pregled postupaka za smanjenje njihovih emisija u okoliš s posebnim naglaskom na postupke katalitičke oksidacije i odgovarajuće heterogene katalizatore. U eksperimentalnom dijelu rada opisan je postupak priprave metalnog monolitnog katalizatora/reaktora s tankim slojem miješanog oksida mangana i nikla (Mn-NiOx/Al-Al2O3), kao potencijalnog katalizatora za katalitičku oksidaciju toluena. Toluen je izabran kao modelna komponenta, jer je uobičajeni predstavnik aromatskih organskih spojeva koji uglavnom predstavljaju najveći problem pri razvoju katalitičkih procesa. Katalitička oksidacija toluena provedena je u monolitnom reaktoru pri različitim radnim uvjetima. Pripremljeni katalizator pokazao je izuzetno veliku aktivnost tijekom katalitičke oksidacije toluena, posebice prilikom rada na relativno niskim temperaturama (<200 °C). To ukazuje na mogućnost njegove primjene za uklanjanje štetnih VOC spojeva iz ispušnih i otpadnih plinova u realnim sustavima kao alternative za katalizatore na bazi plemenitih metala.Emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the atmosphere is an extremely high problem, because their high toxicity significantly contribute to the pollution of water, soil and especially air. The largest sources of the volatile organic compounds emission are industrial plants, energy and power plants, transport, production, using of solvents, paints, varnishes and etc.
There are different procedures that can be applied to reduce emissions of volatile organic compounds into the atmosphere, including special procedures, such as heterogeneous catalytic oxidations. Catalytic oxidation is a promising process for treatment of the waste gases contained volatile organic compounds because catalytic oxidation can satisfy high environmental standards and in relation to other processes can ensure the economic viability.
In the theoretical part of this work an insight into the issues relating to the emission of volatile organic compounds and review of procedures to reduce their emissions to the environment is given, with an special emphasis on the catalytic oxidation processes and appropriate heterogeneous catalysts. In the experimental part preparation of the metal monolithic catalyst/reactor with a thin layer of a mixed oxide of manganese and nickel (Mn-NiOx/Al-Al2O3) is described, as potential catalyst for the catalytic oxidation of toluene. Toluene was selected as the model component, as representative of an aromatic organic compounds which are attributed as the the highest problem in the development of catalytic processes.
The catalytic oxidation of toluene is carried out in the monolithic reactor at different operating conditions. The prepared catalyst showed an extremely high activity for the catalytic oxidation of toluene, especially when operating at relatively low temperatures (<200 °C). This points to the possibility of its application for the removal of harmful VOC compounds from exhaust and waste gases in the real systems as an alternative to catalysts based on noble metals
Combustion of volatile organic compounds on modified manganese oxide catalysts
Emisija hlapljivih organskih spojeva (VOC) u atmosferu predstavlja izuzetno velik problem, jer zbog velike toksičnosti značajno pridonose onečišćenju voda, tla i posebice zraka. Kao najveći izvori emisija hlapljivih organskih spojeva izdvajaju se industrijska postrojenja, energetska i termoenergetska postrojenja, promet te proizvodnja i uporaba otapala, boja, lakova i sl.
Postoje različiti postupci koji se primjenjuju za smanjenje emisija hlapljivih organskih spojeva u atmosferu, a posebno se izdvajaju postupci heterogene katalitičke oksidacije. Katalitička oksidacija je najperspektivniji postupak za obradu otpadnih plinova u kojima su prisutni hlapljivih organski spojevi, jer ispunjava visoke ekološke standarde i omogućava ekonomsku isplativost u odnosu na druge postupke.
U teorijskom dijelu ovog rada dan je uvid u problematiku koja se odnosi na emisiju hlapljivih organskih spojeva te pregled postupaka za smanjenje njihovih emisija u okoliš s posebnim naglaskom na postupke katalitičke oksidacije i odgovarajuće heterogene katalizatore. U eksperimentalnom dijelu rada opisan je postupak priprave metalnog monolitnog katalizatora/reaktora s tankim slojem miješanog oksida mangana i nikla (Mn-NiOx/Al-Al2O3), kao potencijalnog katalizatora za katalitičku oksidaciju toluena. Toluen je izabran kao modelna komponenta, jer je uobičajeni predstavnik aromatskih organskih spojeva koji uglavnom predstavljaju najveći problem pri razvoju katalitičkih procesa. Katalitička oksidacija toluena provedena je u monolitnom reaktoru pri različitim radnim uvjetima. Pripremljeni katalizator pokazao je izuzetno veliku aktivnost tijekom katalitičke oksidacije toluena, posebice prilikom rada na relativno niskim temperaturama (<200 °C). To ukazuje na mogućnost njegove primjene za uklanjanje štetnih VOC spojeva iz ispušnih i otpadnih plinova u realnim sustavima kao alternative za katalizatore na bazi plemenitih metala.Emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the atmosphere is an extremely high problem, because their high toxicity significantly contribute to the pollution of water, soil and especially air. The largest sources of the volatile organic compounds emission are industrial plants, energy and power plants, transport, production, using of solvents, paints, varnishes and etc.
There are different procedures that can be applied to reduce emissions of volatile organic compounds into the atmosphere, including special procedures, such as heterogeneous catalytic oxidations. Catalytic oxidation is a promising process for treatment of the waste gases contained volatile organic compounds because catalytic oxidation can satisfy high environmental standards and in relation to other processes can ensure the economic viability.
In the theoretical part of this work an insight into the issues relating to the emission of volatile organic compounds and review of procedures to reduce their emissions to the environment is given, with an special emphasis on the catalytic oxidation processes and appropriate heterogeneous catalysts. In the experimental part preparation of the metal monolithic catalyst/reactor with a thin layer of a mixed oxide of manganese and nickel (Mn-NiOx/Al-Al2O3) is described, as potential catalyst for the catalytic oxidation of toluene. Toluene was selected as the model component, as representative of an aromatic organic compounds which are attributed as the the highest problem in the development of catalytic processes.
The catalytic oxidation of toluene is carried out in the monolithic reactor at different operating conditions. The prepared catalyst showed an extremely high activity for the catalytic oxidation of toluene, especially when operating at relatively low temperatures (<200 °C). This points to the possibility of its application for the removal of harmful VOC compounds from exhaust and waste gases in the real systems as an alternative to catalysts based on noble metals
The legal protection of the verbal elements within industrial design
Kapaciteti i mogućnosti zaštite u okviru prava industrijskog
dizajna nisu u dovoljnoj meri akademski ispitivani. Ovo sa sobom povlači činjenicu
i da predmet zaštite – industrijski dizajn, nije u dovoljnoj meri akademski obrađen u
pravnoj literaturi, te samim tim nije još uvek u potpunosti ispitano u kojim sve
aspektima industrijski dizajn može biti zaštićen i na koji način. U disertaciji
autor najpre primenom pravno-dogmatskog, istorijskog i sociološkog metoda ispituje
najpre pravo industrijskog dizajna, zadržavajući se posebno na pitanjima definicije
predmeta zaštite, uslova, obima zaštite, elemenata predmeta zaštite ali i pitanju
odnosa prava na industrijski dizajn sa drugim pravima intelektualne svojine,
konkretno autorskim pravom i žigom. Ova istraživanja predstavljaju osnov za
posebni deo istraživanja koji se odnosi na verbalne elemenete industrijskog dizajna,
gde autor ispitujući postavljene hipoteze pokušava da da odgovor na pitanja pojma
verbalnih elemenata industrijskog dizajna, njihovih vrsta, njihovog značaja i
mogućnosti pravne zaštite. Autor posebno nastoji i da ispita da li zaštita
verbalnih elemenata u okvirima prava industrijskog dizajna izaziva preklpanja sa
pravom žiga i na koji način se ova preklapanja sa pravom žiga mogu prevazići.
Cilj ove doktorske disertacije jeste da se akademskoj i stručnoj javnosti
predstavi problem zaštite verbalnih elemenata koji se nalaze ispisani na
industrijskom dizajnu pojedinih proizvoda, a koji je nastao usled uvođenja novog
harmonizovanog rešenja Evropske unije za zaštitu industrijskog dizajna. Pored toga
cilj disertacije je da se ukaže na mogućnosti i konsekvence zaštite verbalnih
elemenata u okvirima prava industrijskog dizajna, kao i da se predlože rešenja za
eventualne probleme koji bi u ovom pogledu mogli nastati.The capacities and possibilities of protection within industrial design
rights have not been sufficiently examined academically. This entails the fact that the
protection object-industrial design has not been sufficiently researched in the legal literature.
Thus it has not yet been fully examined which aspects of industrial design can be protected
and in what manner. In the dissertation, the author primarily examines the design law by
applying the dogmatic, historical, and sociological methods, focusing especially on the issues
of the definition of industrial design, the prerequisites for protection, the scope of protection,
the elements of the industrial design, but also the question of the relationship between design
right and other intellectual property rights, particularly copyright and trademark. These
researches are the foundation for a special part of the research related to verbal elements of
industrial design, where the author, examining the hypotheses, tries to answer the questions of
the definition of verbal elements of industrial design, their types, their importance, and the
possibility of legal protection. The author in particular tries to examine whether the protection
of verbal elements within the framework of design law causes overlaps with trademark law
and in which way these overlaps could be regulated.
This doctoral dissertation aims to present to the academic and professional community
the problem of the legal protection of the verbal elements that are written on the industrial
design of certain products, which emerge from the introduction of a new harmonized solution
of the European Union for the legal protection of industrial design. In addition, the goal of the
dissertation is to point out the possibilities and consequences of the protection of verbal
elements within the framework of industrial design law, as well as to propose solutions for
possible problems that could develop in this regard
How children tell a lie: gender and school achievement differences in children's lie-telling
Research about children’s lie-telling mainly include the so-called “temptation resistance
paradigm”. However, this procedure implicits only short, simple answers that do not require
in-depth elaboration of lies. Aim of this study was to enforce a new procedure for measuring
children’s ability to lie and investigate gender and school achivement differences in
children’s lie telling. New procedure is designed to measure the degree of ability to lie, based
on a person’s persuasiveness while telling a story of false autobiographical events. The
fulfillment of this task requires the ability to construct detailed, coherent and plausible
content of the story in a short period of time and the ability to present this content as
convincing in order to persuade others that the event really took place.TSPC2016: Proceedings of the Trieste Symposium on Perception and Cognition, November 4th 201
Uticaj eksperimentalno zračene hipofize na rast potkolenice, lobanje, gornje i donje vilice pacova
Background/Aim. The reaction of an organism to radiation depends on the level of irradiation and the sensitivity of the affected tissue cells. The biological effects on the cells and tissues are proportional to the absorbed radiation energy. The aim of our study was to examine the effects of hypofunction of the pituitary gland, previously irradiated with x-rays, on the growth of rat’s craniofacial and stomatognathic system as well as rat’s tibia. Methods. A total dose of x-rays of 27.92 Gy was applied in eight sessions in the period from 8 to 63 days of animal age on their heads and the effects of irradiation-induced hypofunction of the pituitary gland on the growth of rat’s craniofacial and stomatognathic system and tibia were examined. In order to differentiate the effects of the irradiated pituitary gland from the direct effects of x-rays on the head, the experiment was set as a double study. One group of animals had the pituitary gland protected with a lead plate set beneath the projection of the gland, while the second group was irradiated with the same dose, but without the protection. The control group of animals were non-irradiated. Results. Growth measurements of numerous parameters of the craniofacial and stomatognathic system as well as tibia in rats with the entire locally irradiated head showed a statistically significant delay, compared to both the non-irradiated control group and the group with the protected pituitary gland. Conclusion. The damage of the stomatognathic and craniofacial system was greater in animals with irradiated head without pituitary gland protection compared to those with the gland protection whereby the growth of the craniofacial system was most affected. Irraduition-induced pituitary gland hypofunction and irradiation itself showed a stronger effect on the lower jaw growth rate impairment compared to the upper jaw. Similarly, the delay in tibia growth was more pronounced in animals without pituitary gland protection during irradiation of their heads compared to non-protected ones.Uvod/Cilj. Reakcija organizma na zračenje zavisi od doze
zračenja i osetljivosti ćelija tretiranog tkiva. Biološki efekti
zračenja na ćelije i tkiva proporcionalni su apsorbovanoj radijacionoj energiji. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispitaju efekti
hipofunkcije prethodno x-zracima ozračene hipofize na rast
kraniofacijalnog i stomatognatnog sistema pacova. Metode.
Primenjena doza x-zračenja od 27,92 Gy aplicirana je na
dve grupe pacova u 8 seansi tokom perioda od 8 do 63 dana
njihove starosti, uz praćenje efekata zračenja na rast kraniofacijalnog i stomatognatog sistema. U nameri da u merenju
brojnih parametara pomenutih sistema razdvojimo efekte ozračene hipofize od direktnih efekata x zraka koje smo primenili na glavu, postavljen je eksperiment sa ozračivanjem glave
dvema grupama životinja istim dozama x zraka, ali je jednoj zaštićena hipofiza olovnom pločicom postavljenom iznad
hipofiza. Rezultati. Zaostajanje u rastu stomatognatog sistema kod pacova kojima je lokalno ozračena cela glava u odnosu na kontrolne životinje predstavlja zbirni efekat delovanja zračenjem izazvane hipofunkcije hipofize i direktnog delovanja x zračenja, dok zaostajanje u rastu stomatognatog
sistema kod pacova sa ozračenom glavom i hipofizom
zaštićenom od zračenja predstavlja isključivo efekat x zraka.
Zaključak. Oštećenja stomatognatog i kraniofacijalnog
sistema bila su veća kod životinja kojima hipofiza tokom
zračenja glave nije bila zaštićena u odnosu na one sa zaštitom
žlezde prilikom zračenja, pri čemu je rast kraniofacijalnog
sistema u sagitalnom pravcu bio najviše pogođen. Veći zaostatak u rastu usled kombinovanoig dejstva hipofunkcije
hipofize izazvane zračenjem i samog zračanje ustanovljen je
na donjoj vilici u odnosu na gornju vilicu. Slično ovome, zao stajanje u rastu tibije bilo je izraženije kod životinja kojima
tokom zračenja cele glave hipofiza nije bila zaštićena u odnosu na neštićene životinje
Trust Me, I am Lying to You: Children’s Ability to Give False Statements and Its Correlates
Lying emerges early during preschool age. The focus of previous research has been mainly related to the ability to lie in preschool children. In this research, which uses a new procedure to lie, the aim was to examine the ability to make a false statement in school-age children, as well as the cognitive and social correlates of children's success in making a fabricated narrative. A total of 48 children, 16 children in each studied grade of elementary school (first, fifth and eighth), had the task to construct false autobiographic narratives and report them as convincingly as possible in order to convince others that it really happened to them. The persuasiveness of their video-recorded narratives was assessed by 15 independent observers. Using a specially constructed inventory, assessments of the intelligence, verbal ability, peer group popularity, and antisocial behavior of each child were collected from the class teachers. The results show that children aged 10 to 11 years and children aged 13 to 14 years were assessed as more convincing compared to younger children aged 6 to 7 years. However, there was no difference in the ability to make a fabricated narrative between children aged 10 to 11 and children aged 13 to 14, nor a difference in this ability between girls and boys. Children with higher school achievement and those who were assessed by the class teacher as more intelligent, verbally capable, and more popular among peers were also assessed as more convincing by the group of independent assessors while reporting false autobiographic narratives
Laparoscopic technique as a method of choice in the treatment of non-parasitic splenic cysts
Introduction/Objective Splenic cysts are a rare clinical entity. In their origin, they may be parasitic or non-parasitic. They are classified as either primary (true) or secondary cysts (pseudocysts), depending on the presence or absence of an epithelial lining of the lumen. Methods Using a retrospective case study, we included 29 patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery due to splenic cysts. The patients were treated within the 2007-2017 period at the Clinic for Digestive Surgery, the Clinical Center of Serbia. We analyzed pre-operative, intra-operative and post-operative characteristics of laparoscopic technique in treating non-parasitic splenic cysts. Results The group of 29 patients treated with laparoscopic technique surgery due to the previously diagnosed splenic cyst, consisted of 12 (41.4%) men and 17 (58.6%) women. The average age of patients undergoing surgery was 38.86 ± 10.4 years (22-62). Based on the histopathological findings, there were eight epithelial cysts and 21 pseudocysts of the spleen. The maximal diameter of the splenic cyst, measured pre-operatively, was 10.09 ± 2.51 cm on average. The average operative time was 35 minutes, and the intra-operative bleeding amount was 11.48 ± 3.78 ml. None of the intra-operative complications, injury to the spleen or other organs of the abdomen, conversions to open surgery or reintervention were recorded. Conclusion Laparoscopic fenestration with excision of the part of the spleen cyst wall (marsupialization) represents an effective and definitive treatment for this disease. It is an alternative to splenectomy, along with other well-known benefits ensured by the spleen preservation. Low probability of occurrence of intra-operative and post-operative complications, as well as minimal trauma of tissue, results in a shorter postoperative stay, rapid recovery, and better quality of life. © 2019, Serbia Medical Society. All rights reserved
Analiza urbane bezbednosti otvorenog javnog prostora: Novobeogradski blok 21 u periodu od 2013. godine do danas
U teorijskim razmatranjima i urbanom dizajnu, bezbednost je preduslov za životnost i intenzivno
korišćenje otvorenog javnog prostora. Težište ovog rada predstavlja bezbednost sa
aspekta korisnika prostora odnosno osećaj lične bezbednosti. Koncept prevencije kriminala
kroz dizajn okruženja (CPTED) nudi mnogobrojna rešenja za sigurnost i bezbednost korisnika
u javnom prostoru, ali otvara se pitanje njegove primene, posebno u kontekstu nepredviđenih
situacija kao što su globalna pandemija ili drugi savremeni fenomeni. Potrebno je
raditi na njegovoj rekonceptualizaciji u budućnosti.
Metodologija ovog rada zasniva se na metodologiji prethodnih istraživanja novobeogradskog
bloka 21 iz 2017. i 2013. godine, odnosno na sprovođenju metoda struktuiranih anketa
i intervjua i obradi prikupljenih podataka u cilju stručne opservacije i analize postojećeg
stanja. Nova anketa sprovedena je ove godine, tako da još jedan važan segment rada jeste
uporedna analiza rezultata iz 2013, 2017. i 2022. godine. Cilj rada je ispitati da li je urbana
bezbednost otvorenih javnih prostora u bloku 21 poboljšana ili pogoršana u periodu od
2013. godine do danas. Rad polazi od pretpostavke da je pandemija covid-19 uticala na
promene u korišćenju otvorenih javnih prostora novobeogradskog bloka, kao i na povećanje
svesti o aspektima značaja otvorenog javnog prostora i njegove bezbednosti.
Rezultati bi trebalo da pokažu koji prostorni elementi bloka najviše utiču na aspekt bezbednosti
u korišćenju prostora, kao i koji su uticali na promenu svesti u vreme pandemije
Železnički mostovi na interoperabilnim prugama - aspekt interakcije kolosek/most
The Institute for Standardization of Serbia has adopted a large number of en standards in the field of bridges as Serbian standards. Unfortunately, technical regulations based on the implementation of the adopted en standards in the field of bridges are still not made. The paper presents requirements for railway bridges based on en standards, UIC leaflets and German technical regulations. The aspect of track/bridge interaction is primarily considered. The parameters of track/bridge interaction, principles of calculation, as well as the overview of open points are presented. As the most important parameters of the bridge structure were considered: bridge expansion length, stiffness of the bridge substructure, as well as the bending stiffness and height of the bridge deck. Further, the effects of vertical load, temperature changes, and acceleration/breaking of the vehicle on the mentioned interaction are especially analysed. In addition, the conclusions of the paper apply to both ballasted track and slab track. The aim of the paper is to create a basis for the harmonisation of technical regulations in Serbia with European regulations in order to meet the requirements of interoperability.Institut za standardizaciju Srbije usvojio je EN standarde u oblasti mostova kao srpske standarde. Nažalost, još uvek nije urađena tehnička regulativa zasnovana na primeni usvojenih EN standarda u oblasti mostova. U radu se prikazuju zahtevi za železničke mostove koji su zasnovani na EN standardima, UIC objavama i na nemačkoj tehničkoj regulativi. Primarno se obrađuje aspekt interakcije kolosek/most. Predstavljeni su parametri interakcije kolosek/most, principi proračuna, kao i pregled otvorenih pitanja. Kao najznačajniji parametri konstrukcije mosta razmatrani su: dužine dilatiranja mosta, krutost konstrukcije donjeg stroja mosta, kao i krutost na savijanje i visina konstrukcije gornjeg stroja mosta. Pored toga, posebno su analizirani uticaji vertikalnog opterećenja, temperaturnih promena, kao i ubrzavanja/kočenja vozila na pomenutu interakciju. Zaključci rada se odnose i na kolosek u zastoru od tucanika i na kolosek na čvrstoj podlozi. Cilj rada je stvaranje osnove za harmonizaciju tehničke regulative u Srbiji sa evropskom regulativom kako bi se ispunili zahtevi interoperabilnosti
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