10 research outputs found


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    This research paper considers performance determinants at firm and industry level from the perspective of agricultural industry since this industry is recognized as one of key drivers of Serbian national economy. Sample is consisted of 115 large and medium-sized firms as they participate around 50% in total sector turnover, during years 2017 - 2021. The Generalized Method of Moments was used to analyze how firm factors (lagged profitability, leverage, labor cost, size, liquidity, sales growth) and industry factors (market share and capital intensity) affect profitability. Research results showed that profitability is strongly positively affected by its past values and stronlgy negatively affected by leverage, labours costs and industry factor capital intensity. The results suggest that internal factors are key determinants of the performance of agricultural firms rather than external factors and that leverage is the most significant determinant of profitability therefore managers should pay more attention to debt policy

    Extreme value theory in emerging markets

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    This paper investigates the performance of extreme value theory (EVT) with the daily stock index returns of four different emerging markets. The research covers the sample representing the Serbian (BELEXline), Croatian (CROBEX), Slovenian (SBI20), and Hungarian (BUX) stock indexes using the data from January 2006 - September 2009. In the paper a performance test was carried out for the success of application of the extreme value theory in estimating and forecasting of the tails of daily return distribution of the analyzed stock indexes. Therefore the main goal is to determine whether EVT adequately estimates and forecasts the tails (2.5% and 5% at the tail) of daily stock index return distribution in the emerging markets of Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, and Hungary. The applied methodology during the research includes analysis, synthesis and statistical/mathematical methods. Research results according to estimated Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD) parameters indicate the necessity of applying market risk estimation methods, i.e. extreme value theory (EVT) in the framework of a broader analysis of investment processes in emerging markets

    Energy potential of Republic of Serbia as an Investment Opportunity UDK 338.48

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    Serbia has a big potential to accomplish the goal of making the environment green and comfortable for living. It started with reforms in comprehensive Energy Sector and set up a new Energy Policy in accordance with the EU practice and standards. With new national policy, Serbia became aware of middle-term and long-term strategies for developing of adequate Power Sectors. There were investments into the Network and there are plans for building new and expanding existing transforming stations, building new interconnecting line and making some other investments. Having in mind the cooperation with EU, Service for Electrical Energy Market Development has already prepared wide range of available services related to market and deregulation of network, from requirements for connecting to transmission line to securing balance mechanism, and that makes possible for international Electrical Power market to exist. Since the production system is unable to respond to the demand in certain moments of time and Serbia has to import Electrical Energy, that makes Renewable Energy Sources very attractive for use in Power system. Deficit of electrical power must be covered either by import or by more intensive investments in new production capacities, making Serbian energy sector economically interesting

    Aktivne metode učenja u oblasti preduzetniŔtva

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    Entrepreneurship as a science was significantly associated with the analysis of successful practices. Therefore, active learning methods in the field of entrepreneurship workshops are in addition to the theoretical foundations and include many practical examples which are analyzed using different methods based on team work of teachers and students. Analysis of successful companies by using methods such as case studies and organizing lectures in which guest speakers present their practical experience, students become more interested in the subject and get ideas that later on as entrepreneurs they can apply in practice. In addition, analysis of company operations can also be arranged in the form of workshops where students solve practical problems based on real problems in practice and thus improve their entrepreneurial skills. This paper presents the proposal of the examples that can be part of the workshop, and offer new methods that can be used in active learning in the field of entrepreneurship.PreduzetniÅ”tvo kao nauka je u značajnoj meri povezana sa analizom uspeÅ”nih primera iz prakse. Upravo zbog toga, aktivne metode učenja u oblasti preduzetniÅ”tva predstavljaju radionice koje pored teorijske osnove obuhvataju Å”to viÅ”e primera iz prakse koji se analiziraju upotrebom različitih metoda zasnovanih na zajedničkom radu predavača i studenata. Analizom uspeÅ”nih kompanija koriŔćenjem metoda kao Å”to su studije slučaja i organizovanje predavanja na kojima gostujući predavači prezentuju svoje iskustvo iz prakse, studenti postaju viÅ”e zainteresovani za predmet i dobijaju ideje koje će kasnije kao preduzetnici primeniti u praksi. Pored toga, analiza poslovanja kompanija se takođe može organizovati u obliku radionica gde studenti reÅ”avaju praktične probleme zasnovane na realnim problemima iz prakse i na taj način usavrÅ”avaju svoje preduzetničke veÅ”tine. U ovom radu će biti dat predlog primera koji mogu biti deo radionica, kao i predlog novih metoda koje se mogu koristiti prilikom aktivnog učenja iz oblasti preduzetniÅ”tva

    Aktivne metode učenja u oblasti preduzetniŔtva

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    Entrepreneurship as a science was significantly associated with the analysis of successful practices. Therefore, active learning methods in the field of entrepreneurship workshops are in addition to the theoretical foundations and include many practical examples which are analyzed using different methods based on team work of teachers and students. Analysis of successful companies by using methods such as case studies and organizing lectures in which guest speakers present their practical experience, students become more interested in the subject and get ideas that later on as entrepreneurs they can apply in practice. In addition, analysis of company operations can also be arranged in the form of workshops where students solve practical problems based on real problems in practice and thus improve their entrepreneurial skills. This paper presents the proposal of the examples that can be part of the workshop, and offer new methods that can be used in active learning in the field of entrepreneurship.PreduzetniÅ”tvo kao nauka je u značajnoj meri povezana sa analizom uspeÅ”nih primera iz prakse. Upravo zbog toga, aktivne metode učenja u oblasti preduzetniÅ”tva predstavljaju radionice koje pored teorijske osnove obuhvataju Å”to viÅ”e primera iz prakse koji se analiziraju upotrebom različitih metoda zasnovanih na zajedničkom radu predavača i studenata. Analizom uspeÅ”nih kompanija koriŔćenjem metoda kao Å”to su studije slučaja i organizovanje predavanja na kojima gostujući predavači prezentuju svoje iskustvo iz prakse, studenti postaju viÅ”e zainteresovani za predmet i dobijaju ideje koje će kasnije kao preduzetnici primeniti u praksi. Pored toga, analiza poslovanja kompanija se takođe može organizovati u obliku radionica gde studenti reÅ”avaju praktične probleme zasnovane na realnim problemima iz prakse i na taj način usavrÅ”avaju svoje preduzetničke veÅ”tine. U ovom radu će biti dat predlog primera koji mogu biti deo radionica, kao i predlog novih metoda koje se mogu koristiti prilikom aktivnog učenja iz oblasti preduzetniÅ”tva

    Energy potential of Republic of Serbia as an Investment Opportunity UDK 338.48

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    Serbia has a big potential to accomplish the goal of making the environment green and comfortable for living. It started with reforms in comprehensive Energy Sector and set up a new Energy Policy in accordance with the EU practice and standards. With new national policy, Serbia became aware of middle-term and long-term strategies for developing of adequate Power Sectors. There were investments into the Network and there are plans for building new and expanding existing transforming stations, building new interconnecting line and making some other investments. Having in mind the cooperation with EU, Service for Electrical Energy Market Development has already prepared wide range of available services related to market and deregulation of network, from requirements for connecting to transmission line to securing balance mechanism, and that makes possible for international Electrical Power market to exist. Since the production system is unable to respond to the demand in certain moments of time and Serbia has to import Electrical Energy, that makes Renewable Energy Sources very attractive for use in Power system. Deficit of electrical power must be covered either by import or by more intensive investments in new production capacities, making Serbian energy sector economically interesting

    Electrochemical study of corrosion behavior of graphene coatings on copper and aluminum in a chloride solution

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    Electrochemical characteristics and corrosion behavior of graphene coatings on Cu and Al in a 0.1 M NaCl solution were investigated. The graphene coatings were deposited on a Cu surface by chemical vapor deposition. Multiple graphene layers were then mechanically transferred from the growth substrate, Cu, onto Al surface by a transfer technique. The corrosion stability of graphene coatings was determined by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and open circuit potential, while the corrosion rate was evaluated using potentiodynamic sweep measurements. Surface morphologies of the graphene coatings were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy. Obtained results indicate that Cu coated with graphene grown using chemical vapor deposition shows corrosion-inhibiting properties in 0.1 M NaCl. On the other hand, Al coated with a multilayer graphene film mechanically transferred from the Cu surface exhibits electrochemical characteristics similar to an Al oxide on bare Al. Better protective properties of graphene coating on Cu compared to the graphene coating on Al were observed, probably due to the breakage of Al oxide film, causing the corrosion of Al to proceed rapidly in the presence of chloride electrolyte