1,357 research outputs found

    African American college students' conceptualizations and emotional reactions to the N-word: A vignette study

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    One-hundred-and-sixty-six African American college students completed a paper-and-pencil survey designed to examine students??? level of acceptance of both forms (nigga and nigger) of the n-word based on a vignette. Additionally, participants were also asked about their general understanding of both forms of the n-word, the frequency of their personal use, the frequency in which they observe, and their emotional reactions to use of both forms of the n-word. Results indicated that on average, men used the words nigga and nigger more often than women. Although participants used the word nigger considerably less than the word nigga, they conceptualized the words similarly as evidenced in both open-ended and quantitative data. Overwhelmingly, participants indicated that it was not acceptable to use either word in public; certain contexts, though, were identified in which either word was acceptable, such as an educational context. Additionally, participants??? levels of acceptance indicated that the race of the speaker mattered more in their level of acceptance than the actual form of the n-word

    Numerical Technique for Analyzing Rotating Rake Mode Measurements in a Duct With Passive Treatment and Shear Flow

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    A technique is presented for the analysis of measured data obtained from a rotating microphone rake system. The system is designed to measure the interaction modes of ducted fans. A Fourier analysis of the data from the rotating system results in a set of circumferential mode levels at each radial location of a microphone inside the duct. Radial basis functions are then least-squares fit to this data to obtain the radial mode amplitudes. For ducts with soft walls and mean flow, the radial basis functions must be numerically computed. The linear companion matrix method is used to obtain both the eigenvalues of interest, without an initial guess, and the radial basis functions. The governing equations allow for the mean flow to have a boundary layer at the wall. In addition, a nonlinear least-squares method is used to adjust the wall impedance to best fit the data in an attempt to use the rotating system as an in-duct wall impedance measurement tool. Simulated and measured data are used to show the effects of wall impedance and mean flow on the computed results

    Patterns of Interactions in Complex Social Networks Based on Coloured Motifs Analysis

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    Coloured network motifs are small subgraphs that enable to discover and interpret the patterns of interaction within the complex networks. The analysis of three-nodes motifs where the colour of the node reflects its high – white node or low – black node centrality in the social network is presented in the paper. The importance of the vertices is assessed by utilizing two measures: degree prestige and degree centrality. The distribution of motifs in these two cases is compared to mine the interconnection patterns between nodes. The analysis is performed on the social network derived from email communication

    Cost Comparisons for White-Tailed Deer Live Capture Techniques

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    During March 13 - July 16, 1996, we captured 75 white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) using dart guns, rocket nets, and Clover traps on the Seneca Army Depot in Romulus, New York. We compared the labor and cost efficiency of these trapping techniques and reported on mortalities. Darting from a vehicle (196/deer),androcketnetting(196/deer), and rocket-netting (172/deer) were similar in time and cost efficiency. Darting from a blind was more costly (358/deer)duetominimaltimedevotedtothetechniqueandahighinitialmaterialinvestment.Clovertrapswererelativelyinefficient(15.2hours/deer)andcostly(358/deer) due to minimal time devoted to the technique and a high initial material investment. Clover traps were relatively inefficient (15.2 hours/deer) and costly (895/deer), primarily due to a lack of snow. Materials comprised most of the total cost for all methods. Darting from a vehicle had the highest mortality (9.5%, n=2 of 21). Cost efficiency for all trapping techniques was poorly represented in the literature

    A core genetic module : the Mixed Feedback Loop

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    The so-called Mixed Feedback Loop (MFL) is a small two-gene network where protein A regulates the transcription of protein B and the two proteins form a heterodimer. It has been found to be statistically over-represented in statistical analyses of gene and protein interaction databases and to lie at the core of several computer-generated genetic networks. Here, we propose and mathematically study a model of the MFL and show that, by itself, it can serve both as a bistable switch and as a clock (an oscillator) depending on kinetic parameters. The MFL phase diagram as well as a detailed description of the nonlinear oscillation regime are presented and some biological examples are discussed. The results emphasize the role of protein interactions in the function of genetic modules and the usefulness of modelling RNA dynamics explicitly.Comment: To be published in Physical Review

    Further Development of Rotating Rake Mode Measurement Data Analysis

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    The Rotating Rake mode measurement system was designed to measure acoustic duct modes generated by a fan stage. After analysis of the measured data, the mode amplitudes and phases were quantified. For low-speed fans within axisymmetric ducts, mode power levels computed from rotating rake measured data would agree with the far-field power levels on a tone by tone basis. However, this agreement required that the sound from the noise sources within the duct propagated outward from the duct exit without reflection at the exit and previous studies suggested conditions could exist where significant reflections could occur. To directly measure the modes propagating in both directions within a duct, a second rake was mounted to the rotating system with an offset in both the axial and the azimuthal directions. The rotating rake data analysis technique was extended to include the data measured by the second rake. The analysis resulted in a set of circumferential mode levels at each of the two rake microphone locations. Radial basis functions were then least-squares fit to this data to obtain the radial mode amplitudes for the modes propagating in both directions within the duct. The fit equations were also modified to allow evanescent mode amplitudes to be computed. This extension of the rotating rake data analysis technique was tested using simulated data, numerical code produced data, and preliminary in-duct measured data

    Immunization for complex network based on the effective degree of vertex

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    The basic idea of many effective immunization strategies is first to rank the importance of vertices according to the degrees of vertices and then remove the vertices from highest importance to lowest until the network becomes disconnected. Here we define the effective degrees of vertex, i.e., the number of its connections linking to un-immunized nodes in current network during the immunization procedure, to rank the importance of vertex, and modify these strategies by using the effective degrees of vertices. Simulations on both the scale-free network models with various degree correlations and two real networks have revealed that the immunization strategies based on the effective degrees are often more effective than those based on the degrees in the initial network.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure