715 research outputs found

    Overall Knowledge Regarding the Freshman 15 of First Year Students

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    The “Freshman 15” is a term used by first year students at a college or university. It is the idea that students will increase in body weight by fifteen pounds during the first year. Although the concern of gaining fifteen pounds is exaggerated by media, the actual weight gained varies between each student. Weight gain at school could be affected by the number of home cooked meals before attending school, increased alcohol consumption, physical activity level, and body perception. A survey was created to pretest and posttest the participants on their basic nutrition knowledge and the concern of the “Freshman 15”. Twenty-three participants responded to this survey. Results were analyzed to determine whether or not classified freshmen are concerned about gaining weight and how the participants’ nutritional knowledge reflects the concern

    For People Over the Age 65, Does the Use of Cloth Face Masks Help Lower the Transmission of COVID-19 Compared With the Use of Gaiter Masks?

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    The COVID19 pandemic has generated rumors and conspiracy theories: -Origin of the virus, its modes of transmission, the options for preventing and treating it, and the actions governments have taken (Vraga & Jacobsen, 2020). Which is more effective: cloth face masks or neck gaiters. Gaiter masks fit very loosely around the mouth and nose. According to Massachusetts Institute of Technology, your mask should fully cover your nose and chin: preventing breathing in any droplets (Schive, 2020). Masks need to be tightly woven; you cannot see the individual fibers when holding it up to the light (Schive, 2020). Masks should be at least two layers thick. A third layer adds extra protection (Schive, 2020). Cloth masks can spread droplets up to 2.5 inches (Woehnker, 2020). As predicted, cloth face masks have shown to be more effective in slowing transmissio

    Temporal tracking of mineralization and transcriptional developments of shell formation during the early life history of pearl oyster Pinctada maxima

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    Molluscan larval ontogeny is a highly conserved process comprising three principal developmental stages. A characteristic unique to each of these stages is shell design, termed prodissoconch I, prodissoconch II and dissoconch. These shells vary in morphology, mineralogy and microstructure. The discrete temporal transitions in shell biomineralization between these larval stages are utilized in this study to investigate transcriptional involvement in several distinct biomineralization events. Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis of P. maxima larvae and juveniles collected throughout post-embryonic ontogenesis, document the mineralogy and microstructure of each shelled stage as well as establishing a timeline for transitions in biomineralization. P. maxima larval samples most representative of these biomineralization distinctions and transitions were analyzed for differential gene expression on the microarray platform PmaxArray 1.0. A number of transcripts are reported as differentially expressed in correlation to the mineralization events of P. maxima larval ontogeny. Some of those isolated are known shell matrix genes while others are novel; these are discussed in relation to potential shell formation roles. This interdisciplinary investigation has linked the shell developments of P. maxima larval ontogeny with corresponding gene expression profiles, furthering the elucidation of shell biomineralization

    Chemoembolization versus radioembolization for the treatment of unresectable intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma in a single institution image-based efficacy and comparative toxicity

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    Aim: Compare radioembolization (Y90) and chemoembolization (CE) for the treatment of unresectable intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (UICC). Materials & methods: Institutional Review Board-approved, retrospective search was performed. Forty patients with UICC were treated with either Y90 (n = 25, 39 treatments) or CE (n = 15, 35 treatments). Comparative analysis was performed using Student\u27s Results: Median ages were 60 and 64 years for CE and Y90 groups, respectively (p = 0.798). Patient variables including age, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group score, tumor burden, extra-hepatic disease, prior chemotherapy and prior surgery were similar between groups. Adverse events were similar in both groups (CE 20%, Y90 26%; p \u3e 0.9). Overall response rate (CE 6%, Y90 4%; p \u3e 0.9) and disease control rate (CE 46%, Y90 48%; p \u3e 0.9) were statistically similar. Multilogistic regression did not identify any variables that correlated with disease control rate, including Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group score and tumor burden. Conclusion: Our observation shows that CE and Y90 display similar toxicity and disease control in the treatment of UICC

    Learning mechanism used when categorizing mathematical information surrounded by perceptual features

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    Third place at the Ohio State University Psychology Undergraduate Research ColloquiumMuch research indicates that fractions and proportions are difficult concepts to grasp. Is it possible to capitalize on a non-mathematical skill that we already possess to facilitate an understanding of difficult math concepts? We tested undergraduate students on their mathematical knowledge, including fractions, and followed this with a categorization task in which they learned a fraction concept. Our results show that adults easily learned a novel fraction rule across a variety of presentation conditions within our categorization task. However, accuracy was lower and reaction time was slower in conditions where participants were presented with additional and extraneous perceptual features, which presumably distracted them from the critical numerical information. This data mirrors that found with children, suggesting the critical role of visual attention and task demands rather than a developmental shift per se. By inducing adults to think like children with the introduction of challenging task demands, we can begin to understand the mechanism underlying children's learning, which will allow for better development of learning materials. Using a well-mastered skill (categorization) to learn a difficult math concept (fractions) without the presence of distracting perceptual information intruding on learning and transfer is a novel finding and may be a unique strategy for teaching other difficult concepts both inside and outside of formal education.Office of Undergraduate Research & Creative Inquiry Summer Research FellowshipOSU Arts & Sciences Undergraduate Research ScholarshipNo embargoAcademic Major: Psycholog

    Community Isolation Project

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    Introduction The authors of this summary are nursing students at Seattle Pacific University, and the project goal is focused on understanding feelings of isolation in elderly communities and whether fostering social activities, such as Bingo, would improve social interaction between residents in this community. For the past two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has altered various aspects of social interaction. From masking to social distancing, societal norms and expectations evolved in a manner that promoted isolation and minimal interaction to inhibit the spread of Covid infection between individuals. Of the general populace, the most vulnerable and at risk for infection are the elderly and those with comorbidities. Subsequently, older individuals are more at risk for rigid social isolation precautions due to the risk of infection, affecting many of the individuals in this group who live in community settings such as nursing homes and long-term care facilities. This project ultimately seeks to understand how older individuals might feel after participating in community activities with one another as well as assess for any feelings of depression and social isolation post pandemic.  Background The population worked with is a subsidized living community for individuals over the age of 62. The 200-plus unit apartment complex is located in North Seattle just off the Aurora business district. Social isolation and loneliness in older adults living in communities such as this is a growing concern especially since the pandemic showing upwards of 29% of the elderly population to report being lonely in the U.S. (Taylor, et al., 2018). Although it is hard to precisely measure social isolation and loneliness, the evidence that does exist shows there is an increased risk for dementia alone, by fifty percent, with links to an increase in cardiovascular disease, stroke, anxiety, depression, and suicide (CDC, 2021). More recent studies in populations of older adults residing in senior housing communities seem to experience higher levels of loneliness due to lower-income, being alone due to the death of a spouse/partner, having fewer confiding relationships, depression, and other significant comorbidities as mentioned, as compared to those living in conventional housing (Taylor, et al., 2018). This is attributed to having less contact with family and friends, social anxiety of meeting neighbors, and altogether feeling of not being supported (Taylor, et al., 2018). The COVID-19 pandemic added more barriers to social isolation and loneliness for the elderly due to early restrictions of in-person gatherings, recreational activities within the community, family gatherings being canceled, spiritual congregations canceled, and many deaths within the community, all adding to the sense of isolation, loneliness, and depression (Webb and Chen, 2021). As far as interventions to combat loneliness and social isolation, there have been many. It is difficult to analyze due to individual experience surrounding the issues (Fakoya et al., 2020). There is not a “one-size-fits all” standardization to address social isolation and loneliness in the elderly, showing that tailoring interventions to specific community and individual needs as being the best approach (Fakoya et al., 2020). Activities with Rationale When discussing what activities or events the project should center around, the team collaborated with the property manager at the senior living community to ensure the provided activity would be both fun and engaging for the residents, as well as beneficial and information-producing for our project and the property manager. After it was determined the project would center around targeting loneliness in elderly communities, an idea was landed on creating an event that would demonstrate the importance of connection and combat isolation. A transtheoretical model of change was used as the basis for this project. This change model states that behavior change takes place through the following stages: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and termination. To measure this, pre- and post- surveys were filled out by residents to gather data to support the health promotion project’s claims. The project at the community included two Bingo days. The specific activity was determined through popular request by the residents who had mentioned playing and enjoying Bingo as a community in the past. A week prior to the first event, pre surveys were distributed asking the residents about their experience of isolation and/or loneliness if they had any. Residents were incentivized to attend the Bingo events with promised coffee, snacks, and small prizes for Bingo winners. Residents were even given a chance to be entered into a randomized drawing for a fifteen-dollar gift card to Sprouts, a local grocery store, which was conducted at the end of each Bingo day. After the events, those who participated in Bingo were then further encouraged to fill out post surveys. These surveys questioned how it felt to engage in the community and if their feelings or loneliness/isolation had changed in order to assess the impact the bingo event had on mood and affect. For the purposes of this project, it was important not only to gather information, but to model what having community events, such as Bingo, could look like and how they would positively impact the community. Outcomes To gain a better understanding of how the community felt regarding loneliness, isolation, and their willingness to participate in group activities, pre- and post-bingo surveys were provided utilizing the Likert scale. In return, 30 pre-surveys were returned from the community. Following the event, 30 post-surveys were filled out by the residents who participated in Bingo. After reviewing the results of the pre-surveys, it was concluded that the overall community often feels a sense of loneliness, but they have an ardent desire to participate in group activities. After 2 days of Bingo, residents who joined us were asked to fill out a post-survey to gauge if the group activity had any effect on them. In almost every single post activity survey received, residents answered that playing Bingo with their community positively impacted their mental health, they would play Bingo or attend another event again, and they found it easier to build relationships with their community members while engaging in Bingo together. The community engagement surveys revealed that group activities such as bingo led to an outcome of decreased loneliness and isolation. According to the data collected, hosting and facilitating social events, specifically for older adult populations, post pandemic, is extremely beneficial to mental health and overall wellness. Conclusion Although Covid has been around for two years now, it has proven to be very difficult to navigate, especially in community settings such as this subsidized living community. This pandemic has been exceptionally problematic as facilities search for a balance betweenl encouraging social activity, and also promoting physical safety from Covid-19. While preventing the spread of the virus is certainly a priority, mental health, arguably, is just as crucial to one\u27s well-being as their physical health. The surveys collected in this project revealed that while many individuals had a strong urge to engage in social activities, a sense of loneliness in the community still exists for many people. As mentioned in other studies, there’s no “correct” way to decrease feelings of isolation as the process of overcoming this sense of remoteness may be very specific to the community. Luckily, the staff at this site are very in tune with their population and they disclosed that Bingo is a popular activity among the residents. It was important that the activity was appropriate and engaging for people of all different backgrounds as the intent of the project was to foster community engagement and improve social interactions among the group. Overall, there was a great turnout of people at both the first and second Bingo events, further exemplifying the enthusiasm many individuals shared about wanting to be more engaged in the community. Because there was such a big turnout, the group had a few challenges to overcome. Firstly, accessibility and navigation within the conference room was a little tight the first time around which the group was able to overcome by rearranging tables to accommodate for walkers and wheelchairs. Secondly, while there was a provided space and Bingo set, the budget for prizes and snacks was also very limited which led to the group contributing personal funds to the project. Lastly, while the post-surveys offered great insight, they provided information on a very small percentage of the population. The results of the surveys are from the perspective of individuals who most likely often attend group activities, which ultimately skews the information as this may not accurately represent the entirety of the population at this senior community. For a more accurate representation of the community, there would need to be a larger sample number. The project proved to be successful as many of the residents answered in their post-surveys that the Bingo event decreased feelings of loneliness and isolation, therefore positively impacting their mental health. Many of the individuals also stated in their questionnaires that they would attend more Bingo events in the future. In addition, residents were also eager to suggest other fun group activities such as painting, gardening, picnics, and dances. Moving forward, it would be beneficial for future groups to try other activities in addition to Bingo. Different events may motivate social interaction from the individuals who don’t enjoy activities such as Bingo and would facilitate a feeling of excitement in anticipation for a communal gathering that is both entertaining and interactive. This health promotion project found Bingo to be a successful event in which participants were able to maintain a safe social distance, and engage together in a fun, community activity. References Fakoya, O., McCorry, N., & Donnelly, M. (2020). Loneliness and social isolation for older adults: A scoping review of reviews. BMC Public Health, 20(129). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-020-8251-6 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2021). Loneliness and social isolation linked to serious health conditions. (n.d.).  https://www.cdc.gov/aging/publications/features/lonely-older-adults.html#:~:text=A%20report%20from%20the%20National,considered%20to%20be%20socially%20isolated Taylor, H., Wang, Y., & Morrow-Howell, N. (2018). Loneliness in senior housing communities. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 61(6), 623-639. https://doi.org/10.1080/01634372.2018.1478352 Webb, L., & Chen, C. (2021). The covid-19 pandemic\u27s impact on older adults\u27 mental health: Contributing factors, coping strategies, and opportunities for improvement. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. https://doi.org:10.1002/gps.564

    The neuronal encoding of oral fat by the coefficient of sliding friction in the cerebral cortex and amygdala

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    Fat in the diet contributes to the pleasant mouthfeel of many foods, but overconsumption may contribute to obesity. Here we analyze what properties of fat in the mouth are sensed, by analyzing the responses of neurons in the macaque insular taste cortex, and two areas to which it projects the orbitofrontal cortex where the pleasantness of fat is represented, and the amygdala. We discovered that the firing rate responses of these fat-responsive neurons are correlated with the coefficient of sliding friction (CSF) and not with viscosity which reflects food thickness. Other, not fat-sensitive, neurons encoded viscosity and not the CSF. Neuronal population analyses confirmed that fat-responsive neurons conveyed information about the CSF but not about viscosity. Conversely the viscosity-sensitive neuronal population conveyed information about viscosity but not about the CSF. This new understanding of the representation of oral fat in the cerebral cortex and amygdala opens the way for the systematic development of foods with the pleasant mouthfeel of fat, together with ideal nutritional content and has great potential to contribute to healthy eating and a healthy body weight

    Moving Forward Together: Reflections of a National Survey of OT/OTA Students’ Perceptions of Culturally Aware Educational Content Delivery

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    In June of 2020 in response to the murder of George Floyd and the additional atrocities against historically marginalized people and communities across the United States, the Commission on Education (COE) of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) sought to act within its scope. A retrospective survey (N= 1,692) was developed, deployed, and analyzed in accordance with the COE’s standard operating procedures relating specifically to monitoring trends that impact the education of occupational therapy (OT) and occupational therapy assistant (OTA) students. This survey aimed to capture perspectives from OT/OTA students regarding the delivery of culturally aware educational content in curricula provided by faculty. Results indicated that faculty are attempting to deliver aspects of culturally aware content with a limited number of delivery methods. Furthermore, findings suggested the need for rigorous and comprehensive improvements to content delivery related to diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI), social determinants of health (SDOH), and intersectionality across the classroom and clinical settings. Implementation of basic instruction, such as lectures/readings, and higher-level processing and application-based materials (i.e., case studies, discussions, role-playing, and simulations) need to be included throughout the entire OT/OTA curriculum experience and are critical to comprehensively educate and equip students for contemporary and culturally informed practice. Faculty would benefit from the development of instructional best practice strategies that expand beyond the delivery of knowledge acquisition. This study aims to lay the groundwork to advance and inform the skills of faculty, fieldwork, and capstone coordinators to deliver culturally aware curricula

    Ecological and social strategies for managing fisheries using the Resist-Accept- Direct (RAD) framework

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    Fisheries management is a complex task made even more challenging by rapid and unprecedented socioecological transformations associated with climate change. The Resist-Accept- Direct (RAD) framework can be a useful tool to support fisheries management in facing the high uncertainty and variability associated with aquatic ecosystem transformations. Here, RAD strategies are presented to address ecological goals for aquatic ecosystems and social goals for fisheries. These strategies are mapped on a controllability matrix which explores the ability to guide a system\u27s behaviour towards a desired state based on ecological responsiveness and societal receptivity to change. Understanding and improving the controllability of aquatic systems and fisheries can help managers to maintain the broadest suite of available RAD management strategies
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