895 research outputs found

    Digital Transitions: Nonprofit Investigative Journalism: Evaluation Report on the Center for Public Integrity

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    Summarizes outcomes of a one-year grant to CPI to transform itself into a leader in digital nonprofit journalism. Examines CPI's track record, use of new tools and methods, capacity as an effective and credible online presence, and areas for improvement

    Wrack Lines Spring-Summer 2022, Volume 22, Number 1

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    All Creatures Great and Mostly Small: from the sea to the sky to your garden is the them of the Spring-Summer 2022 issue. Articles include: Editor\u27s Column; A Scuba View of Long Island Sound; Bill Palmer: Diving into History; Rex Brasher: Connecticut\u27s greatest unknown artist left a legacy of bird masterpieces; Copepod Survival: experiment with tiny marine creatures reveals future cost of climate change; Beyond Butterflies and Bumblebees: many lesser known but common insects are beneficial for the healthy garden and planet; Ash Creek in Fairfield: \u27shellfish paradise\u27 that can guide future restoration; and Drone Technology: a tool that could help advance shellfish restoration efforts

    What is \u27sustainability\u27 and how do you know if you\u27re \u27doing it?\u27

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    Sustainability and \u27being green\u27 are common buzz words, but what do they really mean and how do we know if we\u27re \u27doing it?\u27 What is a carbon footprint and how does that relate to being sustainable? What initiatives and projects are going on around us? Why should I want to be involved? We addressed these questions and more at this Thursday Forum

    WordNet: An Electronic Lexical Reference System Based on Theories of Lexical Memory

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    Cet article fait la description de WordNet, système de référence électronique, dont le dessin est basé sur des théories psycholinguistiques concernant la mémoire lexicale et l’organisation mentale des mots.Les noms, les verbes et les adjectifs anglais sont organisés en groupes synonymes (les « synsets »), chacun représentant un concept lexical. Trois relations principales — l’hyponymie, la méronymie et l’antonymie — servent à établir les rapports conceptuels entre les « synsets ». Les présuppositions qui lient les verbes sont indiquées ainsi que leurs contextes syntaxiques et sémantiques.En tâchant de miroiter l’organisation mentale des concepts lexicaux, WordNet pourrait servir l’utilisateur sans formation en linguistique.This paper describes WordNet, an on-line lexical reference system whose design is based on psycholinguistic theories of human lexical organization and memory.English nouns, verbs, and adjectives are organized into synonym sets, each representing one underlying lexical concept. Synonym sets are then related via three principal conceptual relations: hyponymy, meronymy, and antonymy. Verbs are additionally specified for presupposition relations that hold among them, and for their most common semantic/syntactic frames.By attempting to mirror the organization of the mental lexicon, WordNet strives to serve the linguistically unsophisticated user

    Hedonistic Differences Between Mechanical Game Players And Table Game Players: An Exploratory Investigation On The Road To A Comprehensive Theory For Gambling

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    This exploratory research examined relationships between casino play and hedonic factors. The hedonic factors examined were emotion, sensation seeking and impulsivity, absorbing experiences, and analytical characteristics. Differences between slot players and table game players were measured. The subjects were a convenience sampling of 1,010 casino gamblers at a Las Vegas Strip casino catering to out of town visitors. All participants completed a 45- item survey. The constructs were measured using the Mehrabian and Russell (1974) pleasure, arousal, and dominance scale; the Zuckerman Kuhlman sensation seeking and impulsivity scale; the Swanson (1978) absorbing experience scale; and an analytical scale developed by the researchers. Both table game players and slot players derive pleasure from the pursuit of gambling. Table game players are more deeply involved and tend to be more aware of the intricacies of the games than slot players. Table game players are not as impulsive and tend to be more controlled than slot players. The overwhelming majority of table game players and slot players demonstrate discipline in terms of their gambling spending

    Acute or Chronic spontaneous urticaria patients report increased rates of medication allergies.

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    Background The pathophysiology of acute urticaria and chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) is not completely known. Antibiotic allergies are on the rise, and the typical history is associated with urticarial reactions which can persist. Given this overlap, we sought to determine whether self-reported antibiotic allergies are increased in patients with a history of acute urticaria or CSU. Methods Retrospective chart review of 950 patients was completed using the electronic medical record of the Windsor Allergy & Asthma Clinic. Cases were identified to have a history of acute urticaria or CSU, whereas controls have an established diagnosis of food allergies, asthma, allergic rhinitis or non-allergic rhinitis. The number of reported medication and antibiotic allergies were compared between the case and control groups using Pearson’s chi square analyses. Results Patients with a history of urticaria were more likely to report an antibiotic allergy than would be expected by chance when compared to our control group (p = 0.023). A total of 42/239 (17.6%) patients with a history of urticaria (acute or chronic) vs 82/711 (12%) of the control group reported one antibiotic allergy. Additionally, 8/239 (3.3%) of our cases (acute or chronic) versus 14/711 (2%) of our control group reported 2 antibiotic allergies. Subgroup analyses looking at whether the nature of urticaria, acute vs. chronic, affected the allergy reporting risk did not find a significant difference. Both groups were more likely to report antibiotic allergies when compared to the control group (p= 0.036) Conclusions These results raise concern regarding the nature of self-reported antibiotic allergies in patients with a history of urticaria. These “antibiotic allergies” may be a result of concomitant urticarial exacerbations rather than truly IgE mediated mechanisms. This has implications on choice of antibiotic agents in the era of antibiotic stewardship and growing microbial resistance

    : General Electric's Research Approach and Findings

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    Accepted in California Management Review. Soon available in JSTORInternational audienceIn 2010, General Electric launched an investigation into how multi-national corporations (MNCs) were adapting to rural emerging markets. A team of 33 executives and three academics examined models ranging from Toyota's vehicle servicing program in East Africa to Nokia's localized mobile handset financing in India to Egis Pharmaceuticals' worker retention incentives in Eastern Europe. The project included 15 case studies from India, China, Africa and Eastern Europe. This article presents common tactics that these MNCs have used to successfully adapt to rural markets in emerging regions across five key organizational functions: product development, distribution, service, financing, and human resources
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