342 research outputs found

    Sobre la visión historicista de la historia de la filosofía.

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    Kierkegaard o el vértigo prefilosófico.

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    Sobre los fundamentos reales del orden lógico-formal del Derecho.

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    Boron Industry, Sources, and Evaporitic Andean Deposits: Geochemical Characteristics and Evolution Paths of the Superficial Brines

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    This study accounts for boron deposits in Chile. In addition, a vision is given of the geochemical evolution of its waters that depend largely on the evaporation of water and various factors among which are the geomorphology, climate, and volcanic activity that favor the conditions for the deposition of various salts between that accentuate lithium, potassium, and boron. Borates are found in lenticular stratified bodies, known as “bars,” interspersed in detrital-saline sequences and always in the first meters of the saline surface part or as high-grade nodules (up to 30% B2O3) that can reach tens of centimeters. In the first part, a description is made of the saline deposits to coming of the salars of South America, because it is the most important reserves of boron-rich minerals known in this continent are directly related to this type of deposits. Subsequently, the deposits in Chile and their characteristics are described. The only mineral of economic recovery known in Chile is ulexite. The second part refers to the Pitzer ion interaction model that is applied to predict the precipitation of salts in multicomponent aqueous systems with high ionic strength in a temperature range of 0–60°C, using the three natural brines of Andean borates

    Innovation, pricing and regulatory policies in the German pharmaceutical market

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    The legislator uses regulative instruments to induce a specific behavior in the drug market of the German Statutory Health Insurance. Empirical and theoretical models were used to evaluate them. Reference pricing, co-payments, lead compounds, and rebate contracts have an effect on prescription behavior. The latter however might lead to monopolies while the early benefit evaluation does not encourage investments into leap innovations. Overall, the instruments only partially fulfill their goal

    Environmental Justice and Community-Based Reparations

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    This Article seeks to illuminate the lack of adequate legal remedies that are available for low-income, predominantly minority communities that have suffered historic environmental injustices. The Article not only discusses the lack of adequate legal remedies, but also proposes the use of local, state, and federal reparations programs for communities that have previously suffered environmental injustices; are still living with the effects of environmental injustices, by way of disease, air, soil, and water pollution; or are suffering current and ongoing environmental injustices. As has been recently illustrated by Michigan’s state action of providing lead-contaminated water for over a year to residents of Flint, Michigan, environmental injustices at the hands of local, state, and federal governments are, unfortunately, all too common. Certainly, governments are not the only entities perpetrating environmental injustices; however, because governments are charged with enforcing environmental and civil rights laws, their own perpetration of environmental injustice is sometimes even more egregious than environmental misconduct by private entities. This Article stems from the work of the University of Miami School of Law Center for Ethics & Public Service Environmental Justice Clinic. The Environmental Justice Clinic began as a community-based project working with historic black churches in the West Coconut Grove neighborhood of Miami. The Environmental Justice Clinic, in partnership with these historic black churches, community stakeholders, and local nonprofits, has been researching the environmental injustice of “Old Smokey”—the aptly nicknamed City of Miami Municipal Trash Incinerator

    Common Sports Related Injuries with a Focus on the Ankle and Knee Joints

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    Injuries can counter the beneficial aspect of sports due to residual effects of injury. This can cause an athlete to stop participating in the sport. A literature search was conducted on peerreviewed journals of many databases to search for common sports related injuries in the ankle and knee joints. The joints focused on have been written in separate chapters to not confuse the reader of the location of the injury. Each injury has been given its own section to provide as much information as possible. The anatomy of each body region is also explained and pictures have been included to give the reader a visual representation of where the injuries occur. Through this literature based research, the most common sports related injuries have been found with respect to the ankle and the knee

    La psicosis ordinaria en la época del Otro que no existe

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    Podemos comenzar por afirmar que este término viene a nombrar una forma de psicosis propia a la época en que vivimos. La época del Otro que no existe. Así la denominó Jacques-Alain Miller en 1998 en el contexto de la “Convención de Antibes”. Para situar mejor el contexto en juego en esta denominación es importante tomar en cuenta los desarrollos que Miller realiza en aquellos momentos. Especialmente, el curso dictado en 1996 junto a Eric Laurent, que lleva justamente como título El Otro que no existe y sus comités de ética (2005). Se interroga allí lo que viene a cumplir una función de abrochamiento entre el sentido y el goce en la época de la declinación de la función paterna. (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen)Dossier: Locura y psicosis: presentaciones discretas.Cátedra Libre Jacques Laca