4,205 research outputs found

    How to Use Storytelling for Urban Learning?

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    Shape and symmetry determine two-dimensional melting transitions of hard regular polygons

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    The melting transition of two-dimensional (2D) systems is a fundamental problem in condensed matter and statistical physics that has advanced significantly through the application of computational resources and algorithms. 2D systems present the opportunity for novel phases and phase transition scenarios not observed in 3D systems, but these phases depend sensitively on the system and thus predicting how any given 2D system will behave remains a challenge. Here we report a comprehensive simulation study of the phase behavior near the melting transition of all hard regular polygons with 3≤n≤143\leq n\leq 14 vertices using massively parallel Monte Carlo simulations of up to one million particles. By investigating this family of shapes, we show that the melting transition depends upon both particle shape and symmetry considerations, which together can predict which of three different melting scenarios will occur for a given nn. We show that systems of polygons with as few as seven edges behave like hard disks; they melt continuously from a solid to a hexatic fluid and then undergo a first-order transition from the hexatic phase to the fluid phase. We show that this behavior, which holds for all 7≤n≤147\leq n\leq 14, arises from weak entropic forces among the particles. Strong directional entropic forces align polygons with fewer than seven edges and impose local order in the fluid. These forces can enhance or suppress the discontinuous character of the transition depending on whether the local order in the fluid is compatible with the local order in the solid. As a result, systems of triangles, squares, and hexagons exhibit a KTHNY-type continuous transition between fluid and hexatic, tetratic, and hexatic phases, respectively, and a continuous transition from the appropriate "x"-atic to the solid. [abstract truncated due to arxiv length limitations]

    Non-linear response of single-molecule magnets: field-tuned quantum-to-classical crossovers

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    Quantum nanomagnets can show a field dependence of the relaxation time very different from their classical counterparts, due to resonant tunneling via excited states (near the anisotropy barrier top). The relaxation time then shows minima at the resonant fields H_{n}=n D at which the levels at both sides of the barrier become degenerate (D is the anisotropy constant). We showed that in Mn12, near zero field, this yields a contribution to the nonlinear susceptibility that makes it qualitatively different from the classical curves [Phys. Rev. B 72, 224433 (2005)]. Here we extend the experimental study to finite dc fields showing how the bias can trigger the system to display those quantum nonlinear responses, near the resonant fields, while recovering an classical-like behaviour for fields between them. The analysis of the experiments is done with heuristic expressions derived from simple balance equations and calculations with a Pauli-type quantum master equation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. B, brief report

    Growth of Natural Flora during the Fermentation of Inoculated Musts from "Pedro Ximenez" Grapes

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    The growth of naturally occurring micro-organisms in musts from grapes collected at three degrees ofripeness (unripe, half· ripe and ripe) in the Montilla-Moriles (Southern Spain) region during 1985and1986 was studied. The musts were inoculated with four physiological races of Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolated in the region. Although the inoculated races of S. cerevisiaeprevailed throughout the fermentations, there was also a significant growth of indigenous races of S. cerevisiae and a less marked growth of other micro-organisms such as bacteria, filamentous fungi and yeasts other than S. cerevisiae

    The HOSTS Survey—Exozodiacal Dust Measurements for 30 Stars

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    The Hunt for Observable Signatures of Terrestrial Systems survey searches for dust near the habitable zones (HZs) around nearby, bright main-sequence stars. We use nulling interferometry in the N band to suppress the bright stellar light and to probe for low levels of HZ dust around the 30 stars observed so far. Our overall detection rate is 18%, including four new detections, among which are the first three around Sun-like stars and the first two around stars without any previously known circumstellar dust. The inferred occurrence rates are comparable for early-type and Sun-like stars, but decrease from 60^(+16)_(-21)% for stars with previously detected cold dust to 8^(+10)_(-3)% for stars without such excess, confirming earlier results at higher sensitivity. For completed observations on individual stars, our sensitivity is five to ten times better than previous results. Assuming a lognormal excess luminosity function, we put upper limits on the median HZ dust level of 13 zodis (95% confidence) for a sample of stars without cold dust and of 26 zodis when focusing on Sun-like stars without cold dust. However, our data suggest that a more complex luminosity function may be more appropriate. For stars without detectable Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer (LBTI) excess, our upper limits are almost reduced by a factor of two, demonstrating the strength of LBTI target vetting for future exo-Earth imaging missions. Our statistics are limited so far, and extending the survey is critical to informing the design of future exo-Earth imaging surveys

    The HOSTS survey for exo-zodiacal dust: preliminary results and future prospects

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    The presence of large amounts of dust in the habitable zones of nearby stars is a significant obstacle for future exo-Earth imaging missions. We executed the HOSTS (Hunt for Observable Signatures of Terrestrial Systems) survey to determine the typical amount of such exozodiacal dust around a sample of nearby main sequence stars. The majority of the data have been analyzed and we present here an update of our ongoing work. Nulling interferometry in N band was used to suppress the bright stellar light and to detect faint, extended circumstellar dust emission. We present an overview of the latest results from our ongoing work. We find seven new N band excesses in addition to the high confidence confirmation of three that were previously known. We find the first detections around Sun-like stars and around stars without previously known circumstellar dust. Our overall detection rate is 23%. The inferred occurrence rate is comparable for early type and Sun-like stars, but decreases from 71^(+11)_(-20)% for stars with previously detected mid- to far-infrared excess to 11^(+9)_(-4)% for stars without such excess, confirming earlier results at high confidence. For completed observations on individual stars, our sensitivity is five to ten times better than previous results. Assuming a lognormal luminosity function of the dust, we find upper limits on the median dust level around all stars without previously known mid to far infrared excess of 11.5 zodis at 95% confidence level. The corresponding upper limit for Sun-like stars is 16 zodis. An LBTI vetted target list of Sun-like stars for exo-Earth imaging would have a corresponding limit of 7.5 zodis. We provide important new insights into the occurrence rate and typical levels of habitable zone dust around main sequence stars. Exploiting the full range of capabilities of the LBTI provides a critical opportunity for the detailed characterization of a sample of exozodiacal dust disks to understand the origin, distribution, and properties of the dust

    Strong scaling of general-purpose molecular dynamics simulations on GPUs

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    We describe a highly optimized implementation of MPI domain decomposition in a GPU-enabled, general-purpose molecular dynamics code, HOOMD-blue (Anderson and Glotzer, arXiv:1308.5587). Our approach is inspired by a traditional CPU-based code, LAMMPS (Plimpton, J. Comp. Phys. 117, 1995), but is implemented within a code that was designed for execution on GPUs from the start (Anderson et al., J. Comp. Phys. 227, 2008). The software supports short-ranged pair force and bond force fields and achieves optimal GPU performance using an autotuning algorithm. We are able to demonstrate equivalent or superior scaling on up to 3,375 GPUs in Lennard-Jones and dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) simulations of up to 108 million particles. GPUDirect RDMA capabilities in recent GPU generations provide better performance in full double precision calculations. For a representative polymer physics application, HOOMD-blue 1.0 provides an effective GPU vs. CPU node speed-up of 12.5x.Comment: 30 pages, 14 figure

    The effect of prolonged simulated non- gravitational environment on mineral balance in the adult male, volume 1 Final report

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    Effect of prolonged bed rest with simulated weightlessness on mineral balance in male adult - Vol.

    Extraction of phenolic compounds in controlled macerations of Pedro Ximenez grapes

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    Crushed grapes of cv. Pedro Ximenez were macerated together with their must for 4, 16, 24 and 48 h at temperatures of 10, 15 and 25°C. The musts obtained after pressing were used for the determination of 14 phenolic compounds from the following fractions: hydroxybenzoic acids, hydroxycinnamic acids, other nonflavonoids, flavan-3-ols and flavonols. The temperature was found not to exert a marked influence on the extraction of the phenolic compounds in the first 16 h of maceration. After that time, however, it had a significant effect, so maceration times longer than 16 h are inadvisable unless subsequent oxidation is applied. The analytical results obtained showed that the flavan-3-ols, catechin and epicatechin were extracted at the highest rates, related with maceration temperature, followed by hydroxbenzoic acids, other nonflavonoids, hydroxycinnamic acids and flavonols. The flavan-3-ol fraction was also extracted in higher proportions under the different conditions assayed, through very closely followed by that of hydroxybenzoic acids

    Flavour in "Pedro Ximénez" grape musts subjected to maceration processes

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    Crushed grapes of  Vitis vinifera cv. Pedro Ximenez were macerated at 10, 15 and 25°C for 4, 16, 24 and 48 hours. The musts obtained after pressing were used for the determination of higher alcohols, esters and terpene compounds. The data was subjected to discriminant analysis, obtaining three functions of difficult interpretation. A fruitiness index (SIGMA favourable aromas/SIGMA unfavourable aromas) x 100 and the total of phenolic compounds were subjected to variance and multiple range analyses which revealed significant differences (p<0.01) for maceration times and temperatures. Taking into account the fruitiness index and phenolic compound values, as well as the significant differences obtained by multifactorial (time-temperature) variance analysis, the 24 h-10°C, 4 h-15°C, 16 h-15°C and 24 h-15°C were the best condition
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