25 research outputs found

    Quality Food Products as a Tourist Attraction in the Province of Córdoba (Spain)

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    raveling to learn about the gastronomy of a destination is becoming increasingly important among tourists, especially in the wake of the pandemic. Quality foods endorsed by protected designations of origin (PDOs) are increasingly in demand, as are experiences related to their production processes. In this study, the seven PDOs in the province of Córdoba (Spain) are analyzed. These PDOs produce olive oil, wine or ham. A field study was performed, whereby 315 gastronomic tourists who visited a gastronomic route or a PDO in Córdoba were surveyed. The objective was to characterize the profile of visiting tourists and to anticipate future demand using ARIMA models. The results indicate that the growth in gastronomic tourism in Córdoba is lower than that in the wider region, and that there are no significant differences among the different profiles (oil tourist, enotourist and ham tourists) due in part to the fact that most tourists travel from nearby regions. The novelty of this study is that three products are analyzed, and strategies are proposed to deseasonalize this type of tourism, for example, by creating a gastronomic brand that represents Córdoba and selling products under that brand (especially in international markets), by highlighting raw materials and prepared dishes and by making gastronomy a complement to heritage tourism in the city and rural tourism in the province

    Dark Tourism in Southern Spain (Córdoba): An Analysis of the Demand

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    In recent decades, there has been a change in tourists’ tastes; they want to experience something novel. To satisfy this demand, a new type of tourism, known as “dark tourism”, has arisen; it has various modalities, among which cemetery tourism and ghost tourism stand out, in addition to very different motivations from those of the cultural tourist. In this type of tourism, cemeteries are not visited to appreciate their architecture or heritage but to explore a morbid curiosity about the people buried there; ghost tourism or paranormal tourism seizes on the desire to know the events that occurred there and tends to have macabre content. This study analyzes dark tourism in the province of Córdoba in southern Spain with the aim of knowing the profile of the tourist and his motivation. This study additionally will forecast the demand for this type of tourism, using autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models, which allow us to know this market’s evolution and whether any promotional action should be carried out to promote it

    Enotourism in Southern Spain: The Montilla-Moriles PDO

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    The profile of tourists during the COVID-19 pandemic is changing toward those seeking health, safety and quality products. One of the modalities that best adapts to these needs is gastronomic tourism and, within this segment, wine tourism (enotourism), which can be enjoyed in many areas across the world. The great diversity of grapes, climates, terrains and winemaking processes gives rise to an enormous variety of wines that ensures that no two wines are alike. The current situation of the tourism market necessitates enhancing the uniqueness of areas that offer differentiated products, helping to position such locations as benchmarks for gastronomic tourism. Gastronomic routes provide a way to unify and benefit rural areas through the recently increased demand of tourists seeking to experience regional foods. In this study, the Montilla-Moriles Wine Route is analyzed with the objective of forecasting the demand (using autoregressive integrate moving average, ARIMA models), establishing a tourist profile and calculating the probability that a wine tourist is satisfied with the visit based on their personal characteristics (logit model). The results obtained indicate a slight increase (3.6%) in wine tourists with a high degree of satisfaction, primarily derived from the gastronomic or catering services of the area, from the number of wineries visited, from the treatment received and from the age of the tourist. Consequently, a high percentage of these tourists recommend the route. By increasing the demand for enotourism in this area and applying the results obtained, marketing initiatives could be established, particularly for wine festivals to improve this tourist segment and generate wealth in that area

    Análisis del potencial en materia de turismo industrial gastronómico dentro de la provincia de Córdoba según localidad

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    Food products are increasingly a tourist attraction to visit certain places, as they reflect the gastronomy, culture and traditions of the areas where they are located. In this article a geographic analysis of the main products or raw materials representative of each town or locality that make up the province of Córdoba (Spain) is carried out, as well as a description of the motivations of the gastronomic tourist that visits them.Los productos alimentarios, cada vez constituyen un atractivo turístico para visitar determinados lugares, ya que reflejan la gastronomía, la cultura y tradiciones de las zonas donde se ubican. En este artículo se realiza un análisis geográfico de los principales productos o materias primas representativas de cada pueblo o localidad que conforman la provincia de Córdoba (España), así como una descripción de las motivaciones del turista gastronómico que las visita

    Analysis of flamenco as a tourism resource in Andalusia

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    Flamenco is an art born in Andalusia as a result of a fusion of cultures that coexisted in this land for centuries. For Andalusia and also for Spain, flamenco represents a trade mark leading to a demand from afar and an influx of tourists familiar with flamenco or curious about it

    Análisis del flamenco como recurso turístico en Andalucía

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    El flamenco es un arte que nace en Andalucía resultado de una fusión de culturas queconvivieron durante siglos en esta tierra. La fuerza del flamenco hace que se haya convertidoen marca de identificación de Andalucía y de España, lo que se traduce en una demandaexterior y una afluencia de turistas conocedores del flamenco o con curiosidad por el mismo.El turismo cultural del flamenco, tiene una importante repercusión económica sobre elsector del espectáculo, de la formación, hostelería y otras industrias asociadas, como la decomplementos flamencos. El flamenco como marca debe tener un apoyo público y privadoandaluz que potencie su desarrollo y favorezca la afluencia de turismo cultural

    Análisis del empleo femenino en el sector turístico. Un estudio de caso en zona rural

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    A pesar de la crisis de los últimos años, durante las últimas décadas se ha producido un incremento notable del número de mujeres que han accedido al mercado laboral en España. No obstante, el empleo femenino es un fenómeno socioeconómico complejo y variado, existiendo diferencias significativas entre las distintas regiones que integran el territorio español. Entre todas destaca Andalucía como una de las más particulares. Este trabajo profundiza en la importancia y en el análisis de las características de las trabajadoras en actividades vinculadas al turismo rural en Andalucía, particularmente en la provincia de Córdoba. Se presenta un análisis estadístico descriptivo, un modelo logit y tablas de contingencia para definir el perfil sociolaboral de la trabajadora de la provincia de Córdoba en turismo rural y que destaca los factores que influyen de forma más determinante en la demanda y la oferta de empleo femenino

    Análisis del mercado laboral femenino en Andalucía : un estudio de caso en el sector sanitario

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    Aunque desde la década de1960 se observa uncrecimiento constante en la incorporación de la mujer al mercado de trabajo,no en todos los sectores la participación femenina está equiparada a la del varón, siendo el sector de los servicios el que engloba a la mayor parte de la población femenina empleada. En este trabajo se ha pretendido dar una visión del mercado de trabajo femenino en Andalucía haciendo especial referencia al sector sanitario, uno de los que tienen un mayor índice de feminización. Para ello, se ha tomado como muestra al personal sanitario y no sanitario de un hospital regional donde se han evaluado, a través de estadística descriptiva y bivariante, las principales variables que pueden influir en la evolución de este sector. Las conclusiones obtenidas muestran un avance de la mujer en puestos de más responsabilidad, especialmente médicos, en correspondencia con su elevada formación académica. Sin embargo, los salarios medios siguen siendo inferiores a los de sus compañeros varones, debido a que todavía no llegan a ocupar el mismo porcentaje que ellos en los puestos directivos. Aun así, desde la perspectiva del empleo femenino, se vislumbra un futuro favorable para la sanidad andaluza y española,la cual tendrá“nombre de mujer”

    The Spanish Labor Market: A Gender Approach

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    The massive incorporation of Spanish women into the labor market is a phenomenon that began in the second half of the 20th century, being many the obstacles that this group has had to overcome to reach the current situation, where getting a job can be an achievement that, in many cases, does not correspond to the capacity and academic training of the worker, creating a labor and economic imbalance (the cost in training is not rewarded with the work done). In this work, the Spanish labor market was analyzed through the labor force survey (EPA) from a gender perspective, demonstrating the existing inequalities at the labor level, both of employment and unemployment rates, and of jobs where the glass ceiling is evident and of economic remuneration where the salary gap continues to be important. In addition, through an ARIMA model, the evolution of the number of Spanish working women was analyzed, and how the economic crisis of 2009 and the sanitaria have affected their employment in the various crises (COVID-19). Measures to solve the problem as well as laws and active policies in favor of the creation of female jobs and a greater awareness of empowerment on the part of the female collective are proposed

    El turismo rural como agente económico: desarrollo y distribución de la renta en la zona de Priego de Córdoba

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    The main aim of this paper is to prove that rural tourism can be an essential means of bringing about the development of regions where there is a significant socio-economic imbalance. In Spain, there are still many rural areas with low levels of income and productivity. Production in these areas generally revolves around economic activities that are directly linked to the primary sector, with high rates of unemployment. They therefore need to diversify their income. Our research includes fieldwork carried out in the Priego de C—rdoba region, where three types of econometric models have been developed. These tend to model the demand for rural tourism in this area in an attempt to forecast short- and medium-term demand and consider whether sustained growth is possible through an economic culture based on the development of tourism and efficient management of natural resources.Rural tourism, local development, econometric model, rural areas, Andalusia.