141 research outputs found

    Dynamics of wet flue gas desulphurization in spray absorber

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    A concise one dimensional thermal-hydraulic two-fluid model is presented for the numerical prediction of sulphur dioxide absorption from the flue gas onto drops of the water-limestone slurry in the vertical spray tower absorber. The model is based on mass, momentum and energy balance equations for each phase separately, i.e. downward falling droplets of water-limestone slurry and upward flowing flue gas. The sulphur dioxide content in the flue gas is predicted by a balance equation of the sulphur dioxide mass fraction in the flue gas. Interface transfer processes between the flue gas and the droplets are determined by closure laws. The obtained steady-state balance equations are transformed in a form suitable for a direct application of the numerical integration method for the system of ordinary differential equations. The developed thermal-hydraulic model is validated by comparing numerical results with available measured data at the large utility absorber. The presented results clearly show the dynamics of flue gas and droplets thermal-hydraulic processes and their influence on the absorption process

    Survey of electronic properties and local structures around Fe in selected multinary chalcogenides

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    Paper presents detailed studies of local and electronic structure around Fe in Cd0.97Fe0.03Te, Cd0.98Fe0.02Te0.97Se0.03 and Cd0.99Fe0.01Te0.91S0.09 multinary chalcogenides by means of X ray absorption fine structure XAFS , X ray magnetic circular dichroism XMCD and electron paramagnetic resonance EPR measurements. In addition, electronic consequences of Fe incorporation into CdTe semiconductor host were studied by means of first principles calculations. In order to improve accuracy of the calculated total energies, the band gaps and the band edge positions, special attention is paid to the treatment of exchange correlation interaction and the description of highly localized Fe 3d states. Also, the Bader theory of the topological properties of the electron charge density is used to access details of the nature, strength and distribution of the next nearest neighbour bonds. Local and electronic structure around Fe in Cd0.97Fe0.03Te and Cd0.98Fe0.02Te0.97Se0.03 systems have been found to exhibit similar characteristics, since the first coordination sphere around Fe comprises four Te atoms located at approximately the same distance. In Cd0.99Fe0.01Te0.91S0.09 system, however, local bimodal distribution of distances has been revealed, with one Fe Te bond replaced with much shorter Fe S bond, resulting in much stronger crystal field. Along with the crystal field effect, the spin orbit interaction has proven to play decisive role in determining the nature of Fe doped CdTe systems. While the systems with higher Fe concentrations 25 at. are intrinsic insulators, in systems with only 3.125 at. Fe one spin channel contributes to the density of states at the Fermi level, which makes them suitable for spin selective electronic transport application

    The CABB dataset: A multimodal corpus of communicative interactions for behavioural and neural analyses

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    We present a dataset of behavioural and fMRI observations acquired in the context of humans involved in multimodal referential communication. The dataset contains audio/video and motion-tracking recordings of face-to-face, task-based communicative interactions in Dutch, as well as behavioural and neural correlates of participants’ representations of dialogue referents. Seventy-one pairs of unacquainted participants performed two interleaved interactional tasks in which they described and located 16 novel geometrical objects (i.e., Fribbles) yielding spontaneous interactions of about one hour. We share high-quality video (from three cameras), audio (from head-mounted microphones), and motion-tracking (Kinect) data, as well as speech transcripts of the interactions. Before and after engaging in the face-to-face communicative interactions, participants’ individual representations of the 16 Fribbles were estimated. Behaviourally, participants provided a written description (one to three words) for each Fribble and positioned them along 29 independent conceptual dimensions (e.g., rounded, human, audible). Neurally, fMRI signal evoked by each Fribble was measured during a one-back working-memory task. To enable functional hyperalignment across participants, the dataset also includes fMRI measurements obtained during visual presentation of eight animated movies (35 minutes total). We present analyses for the various types of data demonstrating their quality and consistency with earlier research. Besides high-resolution multimodal interactional data, this dataset includes different correlates of communicative referents, obtained before and after face-to-face dialogue, allowing for novel investigations into the relation between communicative behaviours and the representational space shared by communicators. This unique combination of data can be used for research in neuroscience, psychology, linguistics, and beyond

    Synthesis and characterization of single phase Mn doped ZnO

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    Different samples of Zn1-xMnxO series have been prepared by conventional solid state sintering method. It has been identified, up to what extent of doping enable us to synthesize single-phase polycrystalline Mn doped ZnO samples which is one of the prerequisite for dilute magnetic semiconductor and we have analyzed its certain other physical aspects. In synthesizing the samples proportion of Mn varies from 1 at% to 5 at%. However the milling times have been varied (6, 12, 24, 48 & 96 hours) for only 2 at% Mn doped samples while for other samples (1, 3, 4 & 5 at% Mn doped) the milling time has been kept fixed at 96 hours. Room temperature X-Ray diffraction (XRD) data reveal that all of the prepared samples up to 3 at% of Mn doping exhibit wurtzite-type structure, no segregation of Mn and/or its oxides has been found. The 4 at% Mn doped samples show a weak peak of ZnMn2O4 apart from usual other peaks of ZnO and the intensity of this impurity peak has been further increased for 5 at% of Mn doping. So beyond 3 at% doping single-phase behavior is destroyed. Band gap for all the 2 at% Mn doped samples have been estimated as between 3.21 to 3.19 eV and reason for this low band gap values has been explained through the grain boundary trapping model. The room temperature resistivity measurement shows increase of resistivity up to 48 hours of milling and with further milling it saturates. The defect state of these samples has been investigated by using positron annihilation lifetime (PAL) spectroscopy technique. Here all the relevant lifetime parameters of positron i.e. free annihilation (tau 1), at defect site (tau 2) and average (tau av) increases with milling time.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures; Submitted to Physica B after minor correctio

    DT-diaphorase activity in NSCLC and SCLC cell lines: a role for fos/jun regulation

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    To assess the potential differential lung tumour expression of NAD(P)H:quinone reductase (NQO1), the human (h) NQO1 promoter was characterized in gene transfer studies. A deletion panel of 5â€Č flanking hNQO1 promoter constructs was made and tested in transient transfection assays in NSCLC and SCLC cell lines. The largest hNQO1 construct (–1539/+115) containing the antioxidant response element (ARE), exhibited robust levels of reporter activity in the NSCLC (H460, H520, and A549) cell lines and expression was over 12 to 77-fold higher than the minimal (–259/+115) promoter construct. In contrast, there was little difference in promoter activity between the largest and minimal promoter construct in the SCLC (H146, H82 and H187) cell lines. Deletion of the sites for NFÎșB and AP-2 and the XRE did not significantly affect hNQO1 promoter activity in either the NSCLC or SCLC cell lines. Robust promoter activity in NSCLC lines was mediated by a 359 bp segment of the proximal promoter that contained a canonical AP-1 binding site, TGACTCAG, within the ARE. Gel supershift assays with various specific Fos/Jun antibodies identified Fra1, Fra2 and Jun B binding activity in NSCLC cells to a promoter fragment (–477 to –438) spanning the AP-1 site, whereas SCLC do not appear to express functional Fra or Jun B. These results suggest a possible role for AP-1 activity in the differential expression of hNQO1 in NSCLC. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Analysis of Clinical Phenotypes through Machine Learning of First-Line H. pylori Treatment in Europe during the Period 2013–2022: Data from the European Registry on H. pylori Management (Hp-EuReg)

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    The segmentation of patients into homogeneous groups could help to improve eradication therapy effectiveness. Our aim was to determine the most important treatment strategies used in Europe, to evaluate first-line treatment effectiveness according to year and country. Data collection: All first-line empirical treatments registered at AEGREDCap in the European Registry on Helicobacter pylori management (Hp-EuReg) from June 2013 to November 2022. A Boruta method determined the “most important” variables related to treatment effectiveness. Data clustering was performed through multi-correspondence analysis of the resulting six most important variables for every year in the 2013–2022 period. Based on 35,852 patients, the average overall treatment effectiveness increased from 87% in 2013 to 93% in 2022. The lowest effectiveness (80%) was obtained in 2016 in cluster #3 encompassing Slovenia, Lithuania, Latvia, and Russia, treated with 7-day triple therapy with amoxicillin–clarithromycin (92% of cases). The highest effectiveness (95%) was achieved in 2022, mostly in Spain (81%), with the bismuth–quadruple therapy, including the single-capsule (64%) and the concomitant treatment with clarithromycin–amoxicillin–metronidazole/tinidazole (34%) with 10 (69%) and 14 (32%) days. Cluster analysis allowed for the identification of patients in homogeneous treatment groups assessing the effectiveness of different first-line treatments depending on therapy scheme, adherence, country, and prescription year

    From upright to upside-down presentation: A spatio-temporal ERP study of the parametric effect of rotation on face and house processing

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>While there is a general agreement that picture-plane inversion is more detrimental to face processing than to other seemingly complex visual objects, the origin of this effect is still largely debatable. Here, we address the question of whether face inversion reflects a quantitative or a qualitative change in processing mode by investigating the pattern of event-related potential (ERP) response changes with picture plane rotation of face and house pictures. Thorough analyses of topographical (Scalp Current Density maps, SCD) and dipole source modeling were also conducted.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We find that whilst stimulus orientation affected in a similar fashion participants' response latencies to make face and house decisions, only the ERPs in the N170 latency range were modulated by picture plane rotation of faces. The pattern of N170 amplitude and latency enhancement to misrotated faces displayed a curvilinear shape with an almost linear increase for rotations from 0° to 90° and a dip at 112.5° up to 180° rotations. A similar discontinuity function was also described for SCD occipito-temporal and temporal current foci with no topographic distribution changes, suggesting that upright and misrotated faces activated similar brain sources. This was confirmed by dipole source analyses showing the involvement of bilateral sources in the fusiform and middle occipital gyri, the activity of which was differentially affected by face rotation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our N170 findings provide support for both the quantitative and qualitative accounts for face rotation effects. Although the qualitative explanation predicted the curvilinear shape of N170 modulations by face misrotations, topographical and source modeling findings suggest that the same brain regions, and thus the same mechanisms, are probably at work when processing upright and rotated faces. Taken collectively, our results indicate that the same processing mechanisms may be involved across the whole range of face orientations, but would operate in a non-linear fashion. Finally, the response tuning of the N170 to rotated faces extends previous reports and further demonstrates that face inversion affects perceptual analyses of faces, which is reflected within the time range of the N170 component.</p
