264 research outputs found

    Taking The Initiative: Exploring The Influence Of Citizen Legislating On Good Goverance In The American States

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    The citizen legislator is both a controversial and recurring phenomenon of interest in political science research. A longstanding concern for the discipline has been whether or not involvement of the public in the lawmaking process is an asset or a liability to quality governance. This study explores the desirability of citizen legislating in the American states. A four dimensional index is created that includes empirical indicators of substantive and procedural governance. These indicators include voter turnout, fiscal health, the ideological distance between government and the citizenry, and the diversity of a state\u27s interest group system. The total number of initiatives and popular referendums that appear biennially within each of the fifty states is employed as the key explanatory variable to capture the degree of citizen legislating that is occurring in the states between 1980 and 2000. A random-effects generalized least squares regression reveals that higher ballot measure counts are statistically and substantively associated with better quality governance, indicating that citizen legislation is a quality input into the political system. Key control variables such as divided government, interparty competition, citizen ideological extremism, state legislative term limits, and legislative professionalism also tell particularly poignant stories about the road to good governance

    Restrictive ballot access laws reduce the technical complexityof initiatives and make them more likely to pass

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    Many states and local governments in the U.S. allow citizens to place measures on the ballot, but in recent years, some state governments have put into place restrictions such as requiring a greater number of signatures. In new research which studies nearly 600 ballot initiatives over 15 years, Kerri Milita finds rather than reducing the number of ballot initiatives which pass, these more restrictive laws may be having the opposite effect. She explains that since long and technically complicated ballot proposals are less likely to be approved by voters, those who sponsor initiatives in states with greater restrictions will tend to put forward less complex measures, which in turn have a greater chance of being successful

    Distribution of mosquito larvae in rice field habitats: A spatial scale analysis in semi-field condition

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    The distribution of the mosquito larvae in the breeding habitats varies at the spatial scale depending on the availability of the resources and the predators. This proposition was assessed through the observation of the spatial distribution of Culex larvae (Culex tritaeniorhynchus) in artificially constructed rice field habitats. Using a binomial generalized linear model with logit link, the disparity in the abundance of the larvae was evaluated to justify the effects of light (light vs shade), vertical (surface vs bottom), and horizontal (wall vs center) distribution as explanatory variables. Under light availability, the spatial occupancy of the mosquito larvae was higher in the center than in the walls of the mesocosms. However, the larval orientation was higher on the surface than at the bottom of the mesocosms in all instances. In comparison to open spaces, the larval aggregation was higher in the presence of the floating vegetations like Azolla and Lemna, indicating that the habitat heterogeneity of the mesocosms influenced the distribution of the mosquito larvae in the available spaces. A reduction in the larval aggregation pattern in the spaces was observed in the presence of the predator (Anisops sp.) reflecting the possible evasion tactics of the mosquito larvae. The observations suggest that the mosquito larvae may utilize the vegetation in the rice field habitats quite effectively and occupy empty spaces of predators. The results may be considered as a prototype of the prospective localization of the mosquito larvae in the rice fields and help to frame the strategies of spraying the biopesticides to achieve optimal efficacy in mosquito regulation

    An Empirical Study of Lean Concept Manifestation

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    AbstractLean is a prominent philosophy and a practice that assumes the expenditure of all types of resources for any purpose other than the creation of value for the end customer to be wasteful, and therefore a target for exclusion. This philosophy and the way of thinking expressed by a set of principles, supplemented by different tools and techniques helps for waste elimination, operational performance improvement, inventory reduction, and optimum quality level to the end customers. It is one of the paramount and wide-ranging concepts that contribute companies all over the world to gain competitive advantage and prosper in the world market. The purpose of the paper is to disclose the manifestation of multidimensional Lean concept in companies operating in Lithuania

    Agility and Responsiveness Managing Fashion Supply Chain

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    AbstractFashion industry is an international and highly globalized industry, with clothing often designed in one country, manufactured in another, and sold in a third. In recent decades, fashion retailers revolutionized the fashion industry by following what has become known as the “fast fashion” strategy. Fast fashion is a business strategy which aims to reduce the processes involved in the buying cycle and lead times for getting new fashion product into stores, in order to satisfy consumer demand at its peak. Fashion markets are synonymous with rapid change and, as a result, commercial success or failure in those markets is largely determined by the organization's flexibility and responsiveness. The purpose of this paper is to disclose strategic implications and benefits of agile and responsive fashion supply chain

    Peran & Fungsi Iringan Musik Dalam Khotbah Di Gereja Pantekosta Di Indonesia (GPdI) Imanuel Karowa Tompaso Baru

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         Iringan musik pada saat khotbah merupakan sebuah fenomena musikal yang hadir pada saat pelaksanaan ibadah terkhusus pada gereja-gereja yang berhaluan karismatik maupun Pantekosta. GPdI adalah salah satu denominasi gereja yang memiliki liturgi peribadatan yang terdiri dari pujian penyembahan, khotbah serta doa berkat. Pada denominasi ini, iringan musik pada khotbah dianjurkan tetapi tidak diwajibkan. Akan tetapi, pada GPdI Imanuel Karowa Tompaso Baru ternyata mewajibkan iringan musik pada saat khotbah berlangsung untuk membawa pengaruh (fokus) pada Pendeta, Musisi maupun Jemaat yang hadir secara afektif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan peran & fungsi iringan musik saat khotbah yang dilakukan oleh GPdI Imanuel Karowa Tompaso Baru. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif-fenomenologi. Sampel informan dilakukan dengan purposive sampling dan teknik snowball pada 6 orang subyek. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan participant observation, wawancara terstruktur dan in depth interview, studi pustaka dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan teknik triangulasi untuk menguji kredibiltas dan validitas data yang didapatkan dari berbagai sumber

    El whatsapp, recurso didáctico para la retroalimentación en la enseñanza de lengua y literatura

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    Aplicar estrategias metodológicas, empleando el WhatsApp como recurso didáctico para la retroalimentación en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los estudiantes de educación semipresencial en la asignatura de Lengua y Literatura, Tercer año BGU de la Unidad Educativa PCEI “Imbabura”, periodo 2021-2022.La Unidad Educativa PCEI Imbabura –UNEDI, es una institución semipresencial que ofrece la oportunidad a jóvenes y adultos para que puedan culminar sus estudio; esta población presenta rezago estudiantil, y un alto grado de vulnerabilidad; en tal virtud la presente investigación surge de la necesidad de encontrar nuevas vías de comunicación, con la utilización de la herramienta del WhatsApp como recurso didáctico para la interacción entre los actores educativos de la educación intensiva, de esta forma se solucionó las dificultades de aprendizaje que presenta esta población de estudiantes; por ser apta para inmigrantes digitales, esto facilitó a los docentes, realizar una retroalimentación permanente y propiciar el aprendizaje. Se utilizó un diseño de investigación cuantitativa con alcance descriptivo, para determinar las dificultades de aprendizaje y la preferencia de una herramienta tecno-pedagógica, que ayude a mejorar el desempeño académico. La población elegida para el presente estudio fue de 15 estudiantes de tercer año de tercer año de bachillerato y 3 docentes del área de Lengua y Literatura. A partir del análisis de los resultados, se detectaron los motivos de las dificultades de aprendizaje en la educación semipresencial. En la tercera fase; a los estudiantes se les impartió una clase presencial tomada del currículo priorizado del Ministerio de Educación, a partir de ello se creó un grupo de WhatsApp para realizar las actividades de retroalimentación del tema. Los estudiantes reaccionaron positivamente a los mensajes enviados con respecto a la temática propuesta, haciendo preguntas a través de mensajes de texto y audio, así también enviaron y descargaron recursos digitales académicos, con esto se pudo notar el interés por el aprendizaje. Se aspira que esta propuesta sea aplicada en todas las áreas del conocimiento, en beneficio del aprendizaje oportuno en la educación semipresencial de estudiantes con escolaridad inconclusa.Maestrí

    Mejoramiento de material granular de cantera para afirmado con aditivo terrasil en la carretera Pipus -Chontapampa, Chachapoyas 2021

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    En la presente investigación, tiene como objetivo principal Analizar cómo influye el aditivo terrasil en la mejora del material granular de cantera para afirmado de la carretera Pipus -Chontapampa, Chachapoyas 2021, el diseño es de tipo experimental, cuasi experimental, el tipo de investigación es aplicada, el nivel de investigación es descriptivo y con un enfoque cuantitativo, la población vendría ser las 3 canteras ubicadas en la carretera pipus Chontapampa y la muestra la cantera ubicada en la progresiva (Km. 5+860 – km. 5+930). Se obtuvieron datos, con el índice de plasticidad (IP) el que mejor se comporto fue la dosificación 1.50lt/m3, teniendo un IP = 9%; con el (CBR) el que obtiene mejores resultados es con la dosificación de 1.50lt/m3 del aditivo con CBR = 99.4 % aumentando en un 100% con respectó en estado natural, por último, tenemos la expansión aquí se puede visualizar que hay un mejor comportamiento para el molde de 12 golpes ya que reduce de 0.353% a 0.000%, como conclusiones se obtuvo que se mejora el índice de plasticidad y las significativas es cuanto al CBR aumenta en un 100% y la expansión alcanzando en el cuarto día para el molde de 25 golpes un 0.000%

    Modeling the Implementation of Green Logistics Principles: Theoretical Aspect

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    During the past few decades, there has been a growing interest and need for logistics businesses to become more environmentally friendly in their operations, products and services. Summarizing scientific literature analysis, it could be stated, that Green logistics is defined as a good management practice that promotes the preservation of the environment and the application of green practices to mitigate the environmental impact of logistics operations by reducing CO2 emissions, noise, conserving natural resources, and so on. The aim of the article is to present a model for implementing green logistics principles. Research methodology includes comparative analysis and synthesis of scientific literature, modelling. The authors of the paper present theoretical model of green logistics principles implementation that takes into account of the stakeholders for green logistics principles application, green logistics initiatives and practices, stages of green logistics implementation, and finally implementing benefits. The application of the principles of green logistics in logistics companies is not only in the interests of the environment itself, but the need comes from the society, suppliers, national government and politicians, business partners and investors. Theoretical model depicts green logistics activities such as green transport, green packaging, green warehousing, green logistics data management, waste management, which represent a wide range of practices of application of green logistics principles. A company that has implemented green logistics principles would clearly benefit and improve its activity by improving the company's image, obtaining a financial return on investment, meeting government environmental requirements, increasing supply chain efficiency, reducing risk, improving investor and partner relations, and suppliers and consumers and increase their competitiveness in the market

    Challenges of Raw Milk Transportation and Possibilities of Their Solutions: A Case of Lithuanian Dairy Cooperatives

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    Logistics plays an important role in various fields. In this case agriculture is not an exception. The discussed branch of agriculture in this article is dairy farming. The importance of logistics in dairy sector is undeniable. The main participants in dairy sector are milk producers, dairy cooperatives and milk processing plants. The main challenges related to raw milk transportation in dairy cooperatives and the possibilities to solve them are presented in this article. It is important to identify the main challenges in raw milk transportation and find ways to solve problems that arise in order to avoid losses of raw milk and ensure a more efficient path of raw milk from milk producers to the finished production. The authors of the article present a theoretical model of raw milk transportation in dairy cooperatives improvement, in the presented model not only the problematic aspects in raw milk transportation are pointed out, but also possible technological and innovative solutions are provided. After applying a questionnaire survey and a semi-structured interview, the results of an empirical research, that confirmed the existence of challenges in raw milk transportation identified in the theoretical part, are presented