14 research outputs found

    Neposredna opasnost po život kao poseban uslov za upotrebu vatrenog oružja

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    Police officers of Ministry of the Interior affairs, while doing police work, are authorized in the name of the law, to use means of force, including firearm. Firearm can be used if the two cumulative requirements are fulfilled: 1. that the use of other means of force can not achieve a result in the execution of assignment and 2. when is absolutely necessary execution of the assignment from point 1. to 5. article 100. Law on police and also one special requirement which is related to the existence of imminent danger to life during the execution of the assignment. Considering that the term of imminent danger to life is not defined in the Law on police and other bylaws, our goal in this paper is to define this term, and to name and explain the conditions, without which there would be no imminent danger to life and the conditions that must be fulfilled in order to eliminate the danger. This paper analyzes the legal basis for the use of firearms from the section 100 Law on police, and defines the imminent danger as a special condition for the use of firearms and specifies the conditions which create and eliminate an immediate danger. The paper is also an analysis of two incidents in which firearms were used by police officers of the MUP of Serbia, and in the concluding remarks were given suggestions for improving police conduct in using police authorizations.Policijski službenici Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova ovlašćeni su da, u ime države, obavljajući policijske poslove, upotrebe sredstva prinude, među kojima je i vatreno oružje. Vatreno oružje može se upotrebiti ako su kumulativno ispunjena dva opšta uslova: 1. da se upotrebom drugih sredstava prinude ne može postići rezultat u izvršenju zadatka, i 2. kad je apsolutno nužno da se izvrši zadatak iz tačke od 1 do 5 člana 100 Zakona o policiji, i jedan poseban uslov koji se odnosi na postojanje neposredne opasnosti po život prilikom izvršenja zadataka. S obzirom da u Zakonu o policiji i podzakonskim aktima nije definisan pojam neposredne opasnosti po život, cilj nam je da u radu definišemo ovaj pojam, da navedemo i objasnimo uslove bez kojih ne bi postojala neposredna opasnost po život i uslove koji treba da se ispune da bi se ta opasnost otklonila. U radu je analiziran pravni osnov za upotrebu vatrenog oružja iz člana 100 Zakona o policiji, definisana je neposredna opasnost kao poseban uslov za upotrebu vatrenog oružja i navedeni su uslovi koje je potrebno ispuniti da bi neposredna opasnost postojala i da bi se ona otklonila. U radu je izvršena i analiza dva događaja u kojima je upotrebljeno vatreno oružja od strane policijskih službenika MUP-a Republike Srbije, a u zaključnim razmatranjima dati su predlozi za unapređenje postupanja policije u primeni policijskih ovlašćenja

    The possibilities and challenges of UAV implementation in Serbian police

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    Police officers are engaged daily on collection of the data necessary for carrying out tasks within their responsibilities. Sometimes this data has to be collected immediately (e.g., police intervention is in progress), while in other situations there will be more time available for data collection. In both cases an aerial perspective can be of great value in gathering critical information for law enforcement. For a long time aerial support to police operations was provided by manned aircraft (usually helicopters). Because of technology development during the last decade, law enforcement organizations are turning more and more to cheaper, smaller and stealthier unmanned aerial vehicles popularly called drones. They proved themselves as beneficial to various police branches – from traffic and border police, to tactical units and forensic units. At the same time, their implementation into policing raises significant privacy concerns. Hence their implementation must be followed by strict legal provisions which will regulate the way they can be used. Having this in mind this paper explains the most common ways UAV can complement or substitute existing helicopter unit in Serbia and legal challenges their implementation poses

    The use of technologies in achieving real-time situational awarenessduring police intervention

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    Decision-making and discretion in police interventions should be based on relevant and objective information. Complexity, level of risk, unpredictability, and uncertainty are some of the features of police interventions in which police officers need to decide how to act in a few seconds. In limited timeframe, the police officer should find and select all available information relevant to make the decision. Decision-making gets complicated and more challenging in po-lice interventions where there is a risk of police officers getting injured and where they need to use force. The psychological pressure such situations create can negatively affect officers’ situa-tion awareness or their ability to observe and choose among pieces of information essential for decision-making. Consequently, relevant information may not reach the police managers who are expected to react to every change in the situation with an adequate decision. The problem of loss or lack of situational awareness in complex and risky police interventions has long been noticed. In order to maintain situational awareness during interventions and timely get the necessary information, body-worn cameras, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for live coverage of events from the police intervention scene and geographic information systems (GIS) to integrate data from the field could be used. These technologies allow managers in police headquarters to follow all events during the police intervention “live”, to be familiar with the deployment and status of engaged resources at all times, notice problems, and accordingly make decisions even before receiving (or in case of delay) information via the radio communication system. Having in mind the importance of situational awareness in complex and risky inter-ventions for decision-making, the paper points to the possibilities of using body-worn cameras, UAVs, and GIS to ensure situational awareness during interventions

    The results and problems of the general police in combating crimes

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    Policijski poslovi koji se odnose na suzbijanje kriminala čine bitan sadržaj rada Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova (MUP) Republike Srbije, pri čemu rezultati koji se ostvaruju na tom planu predstavlјaju jedan od najvažnijih pokazatelјa njegove efikasnosti. U suzbijanju kriminala učestvuju sve organizacione jedinica policije, obavlјajući poslove iz svog delokruga. Delokrug rada organizacionih jedinica policije je različit, tako da se razlikuje i njihov doprinos suzbijanju kriminala. Policija opšte nadležnosti i kriminalistička policija svakodnevno preduzimaju mere i radnje usmerene ka suzbijanju kriminala. Ostale organizacione jedinice policije to čine u određenim slučajevima, obavlјajući primarne poslove iz svog delokruga (na primer, saobraćajna policija, granična policija i dr.). Policija opšte nadležnosti predstavlja najbrojniji sastav MUP-a i svojom pozorničkom i patrolnom delatnošću na bezbednosnim sektorima neprekidno pokriva područje Republike Srbije. U radu se sagledava doprinos policije opšte nadležnosti u suzbijanju kriminala i ukazuje na neke probleme i mogućnosti unapređenja aktuelne prakse.Police duties related to the suppression of crime make an essential content of the work of the Ministry of the Interior (MoI), and the results achieved in this area represent one of the most important indicators of MoI’s efficiency. The fight against crime involves all organizational units of the Ministry, each of them performing tasks under their authorities. The purview of the different police organizational units is different, so their contribution to the fight against crime is also different. General police and crime investigation police (detectives) take measures and actions aimed at combating crime on a daily basis. Other organizational units of the police do this in certain cases, performing primary tasks under their specialisation (e.g., traffic police, border police, etc.). General police is the most numerous composition of the MoI, and through the patrol work they cover the whole state territory. This paper deals with the contribution of the general police in combating crime and points to some problems and possibilities of improving the current state

    Community policing implementation in the Republic of Serbia: A view from the managers's perspective

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    Activities aimed at bringing the police closer to the local community and promoting the building of partnerships and common solutions to security problems are referred to as community policing. In the Republic of Serbia, community policing implementation formally started in 2003 through the 'Community Policing' project. After the initial period of implementation, community policing principles were expected to become part of the organizational culture of police organization and a distinctive feature of everyday police practice. Based upon research results presented in this paper, the authors sought to determine to what extent the concept of community policing came to fruition in Serbian police practice and how it works today. The research was directed towards the middle management of the Serbian police, where the sample included all regional police departments in Serbia. The paper concluded that at the time this research was conducted, community policing was not sufficiently implemented in the Serbian police practice, that reactive work still dominated over prevention and proactive work, the organizational structure did not allow greater representation of CP activities, there was a need for additional training of police officers and the legislation which could facilitate partnership between the police and the community was missing

    An Assessment of Police Officers’ Perception of Hotspots: What Can Be Done to Improve Officer’s Situational Awareness?

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    The idea behind patrol activity is that police officers should be the persons best acquainted with the events and people in their patrol area. This implies that they should have access to relevant data and information (e.g., where and how to pay attention, when and how crimes are committed) in order to effectively perform their police duties. To what extent their perceptions of the places prone to crime (hotspots) are accurate and what the implications are for police efficiency if they are incorrect is an important question for law enforcement officials. This paper presents the results of a study on police practice in Serbia. The study was conducted on a sample of 54 police officers and aimed to determine the accuracy of the perception of residential burglary hotspots and to evaluate the ways police officers are informed about crimes. The results of the study have shown that the situational awareness of police officers is not at a desired level, with ineffective dissemination of relevant data and information as one of the possible reasons

    Organizacija i delatnost policije opšte nadležnosti u prevenciji i represiji kriminaliteta

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    Organizacija i delatnost policije opšte nadležnosti u prevenciji i represiji kriminaliteta

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    Organizacija i delatnost policije opšte nadležnosti u prevenciji i represiji kriminaliteta

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    The results and problems of the general police in combating crimes

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    Police duties related to the suppression of crime make an essential content of the work of the Ministry of the Interior (MoI), and the results achieved in this area represent one of the most important indicators of MoI's efficiency. The fight against crime involves all organizational units of the Ministry, each of them performing tasks under their authorities. The purview of the different police organizational units is different, so their contribution to the fight against crime is also different. General police and crime investigation police (detectives) take measures and actions aimed at combating crime on a daily basis. Other organizational units of the police do this in certain cases, performing primary tasks under their specialisation (e.g., traffic police, border police, etc.). General police is the most numerous composition of the MoI, and through the patrol work they cover the whole state territory. This paper deals with the contribution of the general police in combating crime and points to some problems and possibilities of improving the current state