226 research outputs found

    Generational and age diversity in a Portuguese hotel chain

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    Having three generations working together, side by side, is a great challenge to organizations of today, not only in Portugal but in almost every country of European Union. Our aim with the present study was to compare the actual versus perceived differences between generations, in terms of some workplace characteristics. We also aimed to test if Age Diversity Climate, a recent construct on literature, was related to Commitment. Once our study is focused only on tourism sector, to study the concepts and theories mentioned above we applied a survey on a Portuguese hotel chain, where we had a total of 98 participants. Our main results reported that the employees of diverse generations have more perceived differences between them than actual ones. This probably leads to the conclusion that rooted stereotypes prevail above the actual differences. Another important result showed that Age Diversity Climate is a good predictor for Commitment whereby the company should focus its attention on promoting Human Resources Management practices adequate to all the generation cohorts. However, the company should give a bit extra emphasis on practices directed to older workers, once this generation value it more than others. The major limitation of our study is that the analyzed sample is small and could be not representative of the rest of the company, and of the other organizations present in Tourism sector. We suggest that hereafter the future research could test these differences and correlations on a more extensive target and confirm, or not, our results and conclusions.Ter três gerações a trabalhar juntas, lado a lado, é um dos maiores desafios das organizações hoje em dia, não só em Portugal como na restante União Europeia. O nosso objetivo com o presente estudo é comparar as diferenças reais com as differenças percebidas entre gerações, em termos de características do local de trabalho. Também pretendemos testar se o Clima de Diversidade Etária, um construto recente na literatura, está relacionado com o Compromisso. Uma vez que o nosso estudo é focado unicamente no setor do Turismo, para analisar estas temáticas dirigimos um questionário a uma cadeia hoteleira portuguesa, onde participaram 98 trabalhadores. Os nossos principais resultados reportaram que os colaboradores das várias gerações percecionam mais diferenças do que as que realmente existem entre si. Outro resultado importante mostra que o Clima de Diversidade Etária é um bom preditor do Compromisso, pelo que a empresa deve focar-se em promover práticas de Recursos Humanos para todos os grupos geracionais. No entanto, a empresa deve focar-se um pouco mais em práticas direcionadas aos mais velhos, pois estes parecem valorizar este Clima de Diversidade Etária mais que as restantes gerações. A maior limitação do nosso estudo deve-se ao facto de termos uma amostra reduzida que poderá não ser representativa da restante empresa ou mesmo de outras organizações do Turismo. Sugerimos que em estudos futuros sejam testadas estas diferenças e correlações num contexto mais extenso de forma a confirmar, ou não, os nossos resultados e conclusões

    Introdução ao estudo de durabilidade do betão auto-compactável

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    O âmbito desta dissertação centra-se na temática de estudos de durabilidade do betão auto-compactavel (BAC), cujo cálculo dos constituintes foi feito pelo método de Nepomuceno. Sobre amostras de 40, 55 e 70 MPa, produzidas segundo o método atrás identificado, foram feitos estudos químicos e morfológicos, de propriedades de transporte de mecanismos de degradação e de propriedades indirectas. Os três provetes em estudo de 40, 55 e 70 MPa, apresentam características satisfatórias a nível da microestrutura, propriedades de transporte, carbonatação, penetração de cloretos e análise de ultra-sons. Numa análise comparativa entre as três resistências mecânicas em estudo, verifica-se que as propriedades de durabilidade vão melhorando a medida que a resistência mecânica também aumenta, ou seja, os provete com 70 MPa apresentam as melhores características a nível de durabilidade e os de 40 as piores; os de 55 apresentam propriedades intermédias.The scope of this dissertation focuses on the studyof durability on self-compacting concrete (SSC), whose constituents have been calculated by Nepomuceno method. With samples of 40, 55 and 70 MPa produced by the mentioned above method were done some chemical and morphologic analysis, transport properties, degradation mechanisms and indirect studies, were done. The three samples in study indicate that all have satisfactory characteristics of morphologic microstructure, transport properties, carbonatation, chloride penetration and ultra-sonic pulse velocity. On a comparative basis between the three mechanicalresistances in study, it appears that the durability properties improve as the compressive strength of concrete also increases. Therefore the specimen of 70MPa shows the best characteristics in terms of durability performance and 40 the worst, consequently 55MPa shows intermediate properties

    Anti-vibration gloves and the forearm efforts during tools operations

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    The objective of this paper is to analyze the forearm muscular contraction levels associated to the use of anti-vibration gloves, by comparing the contraction levels with gloves and without gloves. Two different vibration tools were used in a simulated work environment: (1) A compact Duty Multi-Cutter Bosch and (2) and a Percussion Drill with a drill bit Ø20 mm. Standard operations were performed by each subject in the following materials: (1) Performing cross- sectional cuts in 80x40 mm pine section and (2) performing 20 mm diameter holes in a concrete slab 2 x 2 m, 70 mm thick. The forearm contraction level were measured by surface electromyography in four different muscles: Flexor Digitorum Superficialis (FDS), Flexor Carpi Ulnaris (FCU), Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus (ECRL) e Extensor Carpi Ulnaris (ECU). For the flexor muscles (FDS, FCU), an increase tendency in muscular contraction was observed when the operations are performed without gloves (2-5% MVE increase in the FDS and 3-9% MVE increase in the FCU). For the extensor muscles ECU a decrease tendency in muscular contraction was observed when the operations are performed without gloves (1-10% MVE decrease). Any tendency was found in the ECRL muscle. ECU was the muscle with the highest contraction level for 79% and 71% of the operators, during the operations respectively with the multi-cutter (P50= 27-30%MVE) and with the percussion drill (P50=46-55%MVE). As a final conclusion from this study, anti- vibration gloves may increase the forearm fatigue in the posterior region of the forearm (ECU muscle) during operations with the mentioned tool

    Anti-vibration gloves and the forearm efforts during tools operations

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    The objective of this paper is to analyze the forearm muscular contraction levels associated to the use of anti-vibration gloves, by comparing the contraction levels with gloves and without gloves. Two different vibration tools were used in a simulated work environment: (1) A compact Duty Multi-Cutter Bosch and (2) and a Percussion Drill with a drill bit Ø20 mm. Standard operations were performed by each subject in the following materials: (1) Performing cross-sectional cuts in 80x40 mm pine section and (2) performing 20 mm diameter holes in a concrete slab 2 x 2 m, 70 mm thick. The forearm contraction level were measured by surface electromyography in four different muscles: Flexor Digitorum Superficialis (FDS), Flexor Carpi Ulnaris (FCU), Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus (ECRL) e Extensor Carpi Ulnaris (ECU). For the flexor muscles (FDS, FCU), an increase tendency in muscular contraction was observed when the operations are performed without gloves (2-5% MVE increase in the FDS and 3-9% MVE increase in the FCU). For the extensor muscles ECU a decrease tendency in muscular contraction was observed when the operations are performed without gloves (1-10% MVE decrease). Any tendency was found in the ECRL muscle. ECU was the muscle with the highest contraction level for 79% and 71% of the operators, during the operations respectively with the multi-cutter (P50= 27-30%MVE) and with the percussion drill (P50=46-55%MVE). As a final conclusion from this study, antivibration gloves may increase the forearm fatigue in the posterior region of the forearm (ECU muscle) during operations with the mentioned tools.EMG, anti-vibration gloves, muscular contraction, forearm

    Spatial dynamics of team sports exposed by Voronoi diagrams

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    Team sports represent complex systems: players interact continuously during a game, and exhibit intricate patterns of interaction, which can be identified and investigated at both individual and collective levels. We used Voronoi diagrams to identify and investigate the spatial dynamics of players' behavior in Futsal. Using this tool, we examined 19 plays of a sub-phase of a Futsal game played in a reduced area (20 m(2)) from which we extracted the trajectories of all players. Results obtained from a comparative analysis of player's Voronoi area (dominant region) and nearest teammate distance revealed different patterns of interaction between attackers and defenders, both at the level of individual players and teams. We found that, compared to defenders, larger dominant regions were associated with attackers. Furthermore, these regions were more variable in size among players from the same team but, at the player level, the attackers' dominant regions were more regular than those associated with each of the defenders. These findings support a formal description of the dynamic spatial interaction of the players, at least during the particular sub-phase of Futsal investigated. The adopted approach may be extended to other team behaviors where the actions taken at any instant in time by each of the involved agents are associated with the space they occupy at that particular time

    Osteomielite Crónica de Metatarsico por Pseudomonas após Ferida Perfurante Plantar

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    As feridas perfurantes dos pés são relativamente comuns e as complicações ósseas e articulares ocorrem em aproximadamente 2% dos casos. Estas infeções são na grande maioria provocadas pela Pseudomonas aeruginosa. A elevada apetência desta bactéria para o tecido cartilagíneo e a utilização frequente de calçado desportivo no grupo etário infantil constituem os dois principais fatores que contribuem para o aumento da incidência desta patologia no pé imaturo da criança. Vários artigos têm chamado a atenção para esta entidade na sua forma aguda. Neste estudo os autores pretende alertar para a evolução subaguda e crónica, cursos menos frequentes da doença. As feridas perfurantes do pé continuam a ser desvalorizadas pelos profissionais de saúde e, muitas vezes, são menosprezadas pelo próprio doente. Como consequência da falta de avaliação e de seguimento no período pós ferida, podem desenvolver-se lesões com repercussões futuras como aconteceu no caso clínico apresentado

    Conselhos de segurança anti-terrorismo para hotéis e restaurantes: tradução e respectivo comentário: relatório de estágio realizado no Instituto Superior de Ciências Policiais e Segurança Interna

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    Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Tradução, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2014O presente relatório de estágio tem como objectivo a descrição e análise do trabalho de tradução realizado no Instituto Superior de Ciências Policiais e Segurança Interna, em Lisboa, no âmbito do estágio profissionalizante do Mestrado em Tradução. Este estágio teve como objectivo a tradução de textos da área técnica e foi uma oportunidade para colocar em prática os conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo do primeiro ano do Mestrado. O relatório está dividido em três partes. A primeira parte é dedicada à apresentação da entidade de acolhimento, com uma menção breve à sua história, à descrição do próprio estágio e à apresentação dos textos traduzidos, com uma referência às diferenças entre os mesmos. A segunda parte tem como intuito dar a conhecer o que é a tradução no seu sentido genérico, pretendendo-se apresentar algumas questões relacionadas quer com o trabalho do tradutor quer com o próprio trabalho de tradução. Ainda neste capítulo é dada especial atenção à tradução de textos técnicos, uma vez que os documentos traduzidos no estágio se incluem nesta área da tradução. A terceira e última parte do relatório foca-se na análise de um dos documentos traduzidos, um manual de segurança anti-terrorismo para hotéis e restaurantes. Primeiramente, são apresentadas questões de tradução relacionadas com questões lexicais, como a terminologia, sendo depois analisadas questões sintácticas e questões relativas à modalidade e à coesão referencial, finalizando-se com questões de carácter cultural.ABSTRACT: This report aims to describe and analyse the translation work carried out at Instituto Superior de Ciências Policiais e Segurança Interna in Lisbon as part of my professional internship for a Master in Translation. The aim of this internship was the translation of technical texts and the putting into practice of the knowledge acquired during the first year of the Master’s program. The report is divided in three sections. The first section features a description and brief history of the institute and of the internship itself, along with the introduction of the translated texts and their differences. The second part aims to inform what translation is in general, with a reference to some matters of the translator and the translation work. In this part there is a chapter about the translation of technical texts, as the documents translated in the internship belong to this category of translation. The third and last part of this report focuses on the analysis of one translated documents, a guide of counter terrorism protective security advice for hotels and restaurants. Firstly we will explore the difficulties concerning lexical aspects, like terminology, and sintactical aspects. After there will be a chapter about the analysis of examples related to modality and another concerning referential cohesion. Lastly we will focus examples of cultural aspects present in the translation

    Boletim agrometeorológico: ano agrícola 1981/82.

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    Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO) stiffness design for mitigation of ankle inversion injury

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    Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), through IDMEC, under LAETA [project number UID/EMS/50022/2019]. UNIDEMI [project number UID/EMS/00667/2019].Modelling and simulation of human movement has the potential to improve the design of medical devices and rehabilitation process by enabling the identification of cause-effect relationships in individuals suffering from neurological and musculoskeletal issues. The main goal of this work was to provide a simulation-based stiffness design for an Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO) that can help to mitigate the risk of a sprain by ankle inversion during the landing in freefall which is known to occur for subtalar angles higher than 25 degrees. Computational simulations were performed using human movement models with and without a passive AFO, to access the AFO sensitivity for the translational stiffness that prevents the cuff from translating with respect to the footplate. The Design of Experiments (DoE) methodology was used to access sensitivities between the three principal directions of the AFO stiffness. Results revealed that the ankle inversion angle was less than 25 degrees when increasingly larger values of translational stiffness were used, although a nonlinear behaviour was observed between the three principal directions of the AFO stiffness, for which injury safe design configurations were obtained.authorsversionpublishe
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