65 research outputs found

    Biparietal variant of Alzheimer's disease: a rare presentation of a common disease

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a clinically heterogeneous disease that may have atypical presentations with focal cortical syndromes and relatively preserved episodic memory. The posterior variant of AD has two subtypes: occipitotemporal, presenting with visuoperceptive impairment, and biparietal, presenting with visuospatial dysfunction and apraxia. We report a case of a 51-year-old woman with progressive limb apraxia and choreiform movements. Her neuropsychological evaluation was compatible with dementia, and revealed ideomotor and ideational limb apraxia, severe visuoconstructive ability impairment, dyscalculia and posterior aphasia. Workup excluded metabolic, infectious, inflammatory or neoplastic causes, and hereditary conditions as Huntington's disease and familial AD. Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers revealed β-amyloid reduction and τ protein increase. Brain imaging showed marked biparietal atrophy and hypoperfusion, and widespread cortical β-amyloid deposition. Biparietal variant of AD was diagnosed and acetylcholinesterase inhibitor treatment induced clinical stabilisation. AD may present with atypical features and a high clinical suspicion is necessary for an early diagnosis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influence of structural features of mannoproteins in white wine protein stabilization

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    Proteins are presented in wine at low concentration, however these compounds could be responsible for colloidal instability and haze of wines.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The effect of handlebar height and bicycle frame length on muscular activity during cycling: a pilot study

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    The cycling literature is filled with reports of electromyography (EMG) analyses for a better understanding of muscle function during cycling. This research is not just limited to performance, as the cyclist’s goal may be rehabilitation, recreation, or competition, so a bicycle that meets the rider’s needs is essential for a more efficient muscular activity. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to understand the contribution of the activity of each of the following muscles: TD (trapezius descending), LD (latissimus dorsi), GM (gluteus maximus), and AD (anterior deltoid) in response to different bicycle-rider systems (handlebar height; bicycle frame length) and intensities in a bicycle equipped with a potentiometer. Surface EMG signals from muscles on the right side of the body were measured. A general linear model test was used to analyze the differences between muscle activation in the test conditions. Effect sizes were calculated using a partial Eta2 (η 2 ). The level of significance was set at 0.05. Muscle activation of different muscles differs, depending on the cycling condition (Pillai’s trace = 2.487; F (36.69) = 9.300; p < 0.001. η 2 = 0.958), mostly during low intensities. In high intensities, one specific pattern emerges, with a greater contribution of GM and TD and weaker participation of LD and AD, enhancing the cycling power output.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Seleção preliminar da mangueira

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    Studies on evaluation of 19 mango selections and cultivars are reported. Data are presented on yields and fruit characteristics. Observations were made and data taken on color, size and shape, weight and volume, embryony, peel thickness and adherence, flavor, texture and fiber content, juice, soluble solids and sugars, acidity, pH, and ratio of soluble solids to acidity. The following five varieties were selected as most desirable: 'Afonsa Pairi', 'Extrema' and 'Zoologia' for the fresh market, 'Monserrate' for late season of maturity and 'Sabre' because it is polyembryonic and comes true from seed. A brief description is given of these varieties.Estudo de 19 seleções ou cultivares de mangueira. Os resultados preliminares incidem sobre a produtividade e as seguintes características físicas, químicas e organolépticas definidoras da qualidade da fruta: coloração; dimensões e forma; volume e peso; embrionia; espessura e aderência da casca; aroma e sabor; textura; fibra; sumo, sólidos e açúcares; acidez, pH e sólidos solúveis/acidez. A apreciação conjunta das características estudadas permitiu a seleção preliminar das seguintes variedades: 'Afonsa Pairi', 'Extrema' e 'Zoologia', utilizáveis para consumo em fresco. Selecionaram-se ainda a 'Monserrate' e a 'Sabre' - a primeira, por ser relativamente tardia; e a segunda, por ser poliembriônica. Finalmente, apresenta-se uma breve descrição destas cultivares

    Seleção preliminar da mangueira

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    Studies on evaluation of 19 mango selections and cultivars are reported. Data are presented on yields and fruit characteristics. Observations were made and data taken on color, size and shape, weight and volume, embryony, peel thickness and adherence, flavor, texture and fiber content, juice, soluble solids and sugars, acidity, pH, and ratio of soluble solids to acidity. The following five varieties were selected as most desirable: 'Afonsa Pairi', 'Extrema' and 'Zoologia' for the fresh market, 'Monserrate' for late season of maturity and 'Sabre' because it is polyembryonic and comes true from seed. A brief description is given of these varieties.Estudo de 19 seleções ou cultivares de mangueira. Os resultados preliminares incidem sobre a produtividade e as seguintes características físicas, químicas e organolépticas definidoras da qualidade da fruta: coloração; dimensões e forma; volume e peso; embrionia; espessura e aderência da casca; aroma e sabor; textura; fibra; sumo, sólidos e açúcares; acidez, pH e sólidos solúveis/acidez. A apreciação conjunta das características estudadas permitiu a seleção preliminar das seguintes variedades: 'Afonsa Pairi', 'Extrema' e 'Zoologia', utilizáveis para consumo em fresco. Selecionaram-se ainda a 'Monserrate' e a 'Sabre' - a primeira, por ser relativamente tardia; e a segunda, por ser poliembriônica. Finalmente, apresenta-se uma breve descrição destas cultivares

    Mucosite Multifocal Recorrente - Nova Cara de uma Velha Doença?

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    Introdução:A Síndrome de Stevens-Johnson (SSJ), caracterizada por necrose mucocutânea imunomediada, é uma entidade rara em pediatria, com risco de vida e sequelas cicatriciais. O Mycoplasmapneumoniae e alguns fármacos integram os despoletantes mais comuns, sendo 33% dos casos idiopáticos. A recorrência, rara em adultos, atinge 18% dos casos pediátricos. Resumo de Caso:Criança de 8 anos, sexo masculino, com antecedente de SSJ idiopático aos 7 anos, inicia quadro de edema labial e odinofagia, condicionando recusa alimentar total. Sem febre ou toma recente de fármacos. História de faringite aguda 15 dias antes. À admissão, múltiplas aftas sublinguais, jugais e palatinas, edema e descamação labial, sem lesões cutâneas. Após D2 desenvolveu ulceração oral extensa, blefarite e conjuntivite bilateral, disúria e hematúria macroscópica, iniciando nutrição parentérica e imunoglobulina endovenosa 1gr/Kg/dia durante 2 dias. Os exames revelaram estudo imunológico, anticorpos anti-pele, HLA B27 e B51, serologias infeciosas, PCR de Mycoplasma e HSV negativos, com biópsia das lesões orais inconclusiva. Em D4, iniciou tosse produtiva e hipoxemia, condensação da base pulmonar direita com derrame. Cumpriu 10 dias de ceftriaxone e clindamicina. Apresentou melhoria progressiva, tendo alta em D16 com discreta mucosite oral, sem outras queixas. Discussão:A maioria das recorrências de SSJ não tem causa identificada, refletindo uma provável disfunção imune com predisposição genética. Os imunomoduladores poderão ter um papel na prevenção recorrências. Este caso assemelha-se a um fenótipo de SSJ já descrito, com extenso atingimento mucoso e infeção pulmonar, com afetação cutânea mínima, podendo corresponder a uma entidade distinta já proposta como MucositeMultifocal Recorrente.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Metabolic and energetics characterization and gender comparison in prepubertal karate practitioners

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    [EN] The number of children practicing karate is constantly increasing. It is necessary to provide correct information to the karate masters/coaches about this specific population, so they can properly developkarate training processes without causing any harm to practitioners but, on the contrary, contribute to theharmonious development of children and youths. This study was carried out with twenty-one prepubertal karate practitioners, male and female. They were analyzed on their maturational development, metabolic and energetic behavior in an incremental test until exhaustion. Only the energetic variables presented significant differences between gender, so it seems that the karate practice has a similar metabolic impact in the development of the prepubertal karate practitioners of both genders

    Estudio exploratorio sobre maduración y nivel de competición en jóvenes practicantes de karate

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    [ES] El establecimiento de categorías en competiciones de jóvenes mejora las posibilidades de éxito y reduce las lesiones en el deporte. A pesar de que existen diferencias de maduración, la edad cronológica sigue siendo el criterio principal para igualar los niveles de competición, lo cual tiene una eficiencia limitada. En karate, el peso también se utiliza para agrupar atletas. Hemos investigado si existe asociación entre la edad cronológica y los indicadores de maduración y si es posible encontrar modelos sencillos que permitan plantear nuevas formas para evaluarla. Se recogieron datos de 54 jóvenes practicantes de karate (edad: 12,67 ± 2,49 años; experiencia: 4,99 ± 2,44 años, altura: 150,45 ± 15,25 cm, peso: 43,09 ± 14,17 kg, 20 niñas). La edad se correlacionó significativamente con la auto-observación de la maduración sexual (rho = 0,838, p < 0,01). Se encontraron modelos de regresión sencillos, utilizando variables como la altura, peso y perímetro del brazo, que explican moderadamente la maduración. Estos resultados deben hacer reflexionar a las entidades competentes sobre cómo agrupar a los atletas en las competiciones de manera justa en términos de maduración.[EN] Paring children improve the chance for success and reduce injury in sport. Despite the maturity differences between children, chronological age remains the main criterion to equalize competition levels, but with limited efficiency. However, in Karate, weight is also considered. We went to investigate the association between chronological age and maturational indicators and find simple models to put on reflection new ways to assess the maturity. Data were collected in 54 young Karate practitioners (age: 12.67 ± 2.49 years, experience: 4.99 ± 2.44 years, height: 150.45 ± 15.25 cm, weight: 43.09 ± 14, 17 kg, 20 girls). Age correlated significantly with self-observation of sexual maturation (rho = 0.838; p< 0.01), and it was possible to find simple regression models that have a moderate explanation in maturation, using only simple measurable variables such as the height, weight and arm circumference. These results should lead the competent entities to reflect on the way of pairing of the athletes in the competitions, in a fair way in terms of maturation.[PT] Emparelhar crianças propicia sucesso e reduz lesões no desporto. Apesar das diferenças de maturação entre crianças, a idade cronológica mantém-se o principal critério para equalizar os níveis de competição, mas com uma eficiência limitada. No entanto, no karaté, o peso também é considerado. Fomos verificar se existe associação entre a idade cronológica e os indicadores maturacionais e, encontrar modelos simples que permitam colocar em reflexão novas formas de avaliação da maturação. Foram recolhidos dados em 54 jovens praticantes de karaté (idade: 12,67± 2,49anos; experiência: 4,99 ± 2,44 anos; altura: 150,45 ± 15,25cm; peso: 43,09± 14,17 kg, 20 raparigas). A idade correlacionou-se significativamente com auto-observação da maturação sexual (rho = 0,838;p < 0,01), e foi possível encontrar modelos de regressão simples que têm uma explicação moderada na maturação, apenas utilizando variáveis de medição simples, tal como a altura, o peso e o perímetro do braço. Estes resultados devem levar as entidades competentes a refletir acerca do modo de emparelhamento dos atletas nas competições de uma forma justa em termos de maturação

    Port Wine: Production and Ageing

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    Port wine is a traditional and worldwide renowned fortified wine produced in the Douro Demarcated Region (DDR) Northeast of Portugal by specific and traditional winemaking practices. The final quality and uniqueness of the different Port wine styles are highly dependent on the ageing process, namely time, temperature and oxygen levels that will ultimately dictate the type and extension of the chemical changes that occur during this process. These chemical changes occurring during the Port wine ageing process results in significant changes in colour and aroma according to the different ageing conditions employed for the different Port wine styles. This chapter intends to give a broad and generic overview of the known and potential chemical changes occurring during ageing of Port wine that are responsible for the changes in the sensory profile observed during the ageing process. Also, the known chromatic and aromatic characteristics of the different Port wine styles and the specific ageing processes, reductive or oxidative, are reviewed