921 research outputs found

    Suicide and Culture: Exploring Country-Level Relations between Suicide Rates and Dimensions of Cultural Variability

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    Suicide rates vary considerably between nations. This observation suggests that sociocultural characteristics of nations might play an important role in explaining suicidal behavior. In this study we examined country-level associations between suicide rates and dimensions of cultural variability while adjusting for gross domestic product per capita. While some characteristics of modern culture such as intellectual autonomy and secular-rational values were associated with higher suicide rates, characteristics of postmodern societies such as self-expression values and egalitarian commitment were associated with lower suicide rates. Exploratory analyses also showed meaningful associations between suicide rates and other measures of cultural variability such as societal cynicism and long-term orientation. Gender differences were also observed, with hierarchy being positively associated to female but not male suicide rates

    Does having children increase environmental concern? Testing parenthood effects with longitudinal data from the New Zealand Attitudes and Values Study

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    Having children is a transformative experience and may change the way people think about the future. Parents invest time, energy and resources to ensure the survival and reproductive success of offspring. Having children may also induce environmental concerns and investments in actions aimed at guaranteeing the quality of natural resources available to offspring. However, there is limited empirical support for this parenthood effect, and little is known about how environmental attitudes and behaviour change over time following the birth of a child. This pre-registered study uses data from the first seven waves (2009-2015) of the New Zealand Attitudes and Values Study-a longitudinal national probability study of social attitudes, personality, and health outcomes-with multilevel interrupted time series analysis. Respondents' belief in the reality and causes of climate change, sacrifices to standard of living to protect the environment, and changes in daily routine to protect the environment did not change significantly following the birth of a child; and nor were there changes in the underlying trends of attitudes or pre-birth anticipation effects. The study further found no gender differences in the attitudinal effects of childbirth. Additional exploratory analyses suggest that becoming a parent for the first time may increase beliefs in the reality of climate change but does not appear to change other environmental attitudes. Overall, our findings provide little empirical evidence for parenthood effects on environmentalism

    The impact of parenthood on environmental attitudes and behaviour: a longitudinal investigation of the legacy hypothesis

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    Willingness to engage in sustainable actions may be limited by the psychological distance of climate change. In this study, we test the legacy hypothesis, which holds that having children leads parents to consider the legacy left to offspring in respect of environmental quality. Using the Understanding Society dataset, a longitudinal survey representative of the UK population (n = 18,176), we assess how having children may change people’s individual environmental attitudes and behaviour. Results indicate that having a new child is associated with a small decrease in the frequency of a few environmental behaviours. Only parents with already high environmental concern show a small increase in the desire to act more sustainably after the birth of their first child. Overall, the results do not provide evidence in support of the legacy hypothesis in terms of individual-level environmental attitudes and behaviours. We argue that the transition to parenthood is a time where concern is prioritised on the immediate wellbeing of the child and not on the future environmental threats

    Social Psychological Studies of Latin American Cultures with Particular Reference to Brazil

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    This paper presents an English language translation of a book chapter that was originally published in Portuguese. It is reproduced here in full, by kind permission of the editors and publishers, in order to make it available to English language speakers. The paper first addresses ways of defining culture and the development of measures of cultural variation. Contrasts between the collectivism that defines East Asian culture and the collectivism of Latin America are then identified. Topics addressed include values, self-construal, life satisfaction, emotion, honour culture, social influence and the phenomenon of jeitinho. Although the text leads toward a consideration of research into Brazilian culture, it does so by way of discussing the distinctiveness of Latin American cultures more broadly. Details of comparative studies that have sampled further Latin American cultures have been added at the end.

    Why are women less likely to support animal exploitation than men? The mediating roles of social dominance orientation and empathy

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    Women tend to be more concerned about the welfare of (human/nonhuman) animals and the natural environment than men. A growing literature has shown that gender differences in environmental exploitation can be explained partially by the fact that women and men differ in their social dominance and empathic orientations. We extend past studies by examining whether social dominance orientation (SDO; ‘Superior groups should dominate inferior groups’) and empathy (‘I feel others’ emotions’) also help explain gender differences in attitudes towards nonhuman animals. Our mediation model confirmed that SDO and empathy partially and independently mediate gender differences in human supremacy beliefs (‘Animals are inferior to humans’) and/or speciesism (‘I think it is perfectly acceptable for cattle, chickens and pigs to be raised for human consumption’) among 1002 individuals (57% female; Mage?=?26.44) from the general population in Portugal. These findings provide evidence that traits referring to human–human relations can help explain gender differences in human–animal relations. The cumulative evidence suggests that exploitative tendencies towards the natural environment and (human/nonhuman) animals may be built upon shared psychological mechanisms.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Ações interventivas no processo de alfabetização e letramento em uma turma do 1º ano do ensino fundamental

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, 2019.São muitas as discussões acerca da alfabetização e da prática do letramento no âmbito educacional. Essa fase é compreendida como basilar no desenvolvimento de toda a aprendizagem escolar, pois habilidades essenciais como leitura e escrita são desenvolvidas de maneira sistemática, por isso devem ser oferecidas com qualidade, de forma que atenda as necessidades de todos os discentes. Diante disso, a presente pesquisa objetivou analisar o processo de alfabetização e letramento e as estratégias didáticas realizadas pela escola, especialmente, pela professora alfabetizadora em sala de aula, percebendo o desenvolvimento de crianças de 1º ano do ensino fundamental durante um ano letivo em uma escola pública do Distrito Federal. Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo bibliográfico com vistas a trazer subsídios para as discussões realizadas, fundamentando-se em referências como Soares (2004), Ferreiro (1985), Morais (2012), Vygotsky (1999), Nery (2007), entre outros. A pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa do tipo descritiva teve como instrumentos de análise os relatórios das observações feitas durante a Residência Pedagógica, as atividades desenvolvidas pela professora alfabetizadora, os resultados dos testes da psicogênese e a entrevista com a professora regente acerca da alfabetização, do letramento e das ações interventivas. De acordo com as informações obtidas e da análise realizada, a professora ao perceber a alfabetização em uma perspectiva do letramento e ao considerar as especificidades de cada estudante, utilizando-se das estratégias didáticas de maneira adequada, atingiu o objetivo principal dessa ação: a promoção de aprendizagem do estudante e a evolução de sua leitura e escrita

    Principais fatores que influenciam na escolha de uma loja de roupas femininas

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    Esta monografia visa a identificação dos principais fatores que influem na escolha de uma loja de roupas femininas, por parte das alunas do UniCEUB. O relacionamento entre as empresas e seus diversos públicos – clientes, fornecedores, acionistas, parceiros, colaboradores e comunidade – tem sido marcado por mudanças significativas que acabam por exigir maiores esforços de adequação e transformação das organizações e de seus administradores, principalmente do ponto de vista estratégico. Tais mudanças se processam em ambientes diversos e, de forma geral, incluem clientes e consumidores mais exigentes e seletivos e maior qualidade de produtos e serviços. Nesse escopo, insere-se um público cada vez mais emergente, atuante e decisivo – as mulheres. E elas, cada vez mais, preocupam-se com a aparência e com a estética. As organizações que pretendem sustentar de forma rentável seu negócio têm se valido cada vez mais de técnicas e atividades estratégicas, relacionadas ao marketing, não apenas voltado à promoção de seus produtos e serviços, mas também no sentido de prover as necessidades de seus clientes e satisfazer suas diversas exigências, potencializando, assim, o grau de fidelidade destes em relação a seus produtos e marcas. Por isso, esta monografia apresenta referencial teórico sobre o marketing e suas estratégias, o comportamento do consumidor e o processo de decisão de compra. Ainda para atingir o objetivo deste trabalho foi elaborada uma pesquisa de campo, onde foram aplicados 100 questionários, com 11 perguntas cada, elaborado de forma a contribuir com subsídios que permitam o desenvolvimento de estratégia de marketing, mapeando os fatores que influenciam a escolha de uma loja de roupas femininas pelo público-alvo. O resultado da pesquisa então demonstrou que os principais fatores que influenciam a escolha de uma loja de roupas femininas por parte das alunas do UniCEUB são: a qualidade do produto, o estilo das roupas, a qualidade no atendimento, promoções, descontos, preço e variedade das roupas
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