102 research outputs found

    Contingency of an Architectural Critical Approach

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    Contemporariness of architecture can be interpreted in diverse ways. Starting from a basically formulated modern context, which is even nowadays understood as such, in which the limits of stability of the architectural profession are examined, our concern is the designer’s intention to research within a wider cultural context. We are actually considering the capacities of the profession for continuous development of its own critical apparatus. Through the question of the relation between the general and the individual, followed by the question of integrity and proportion of architectural effect, but also by the role of media and digitalization of the world, in the focus of this text projected are the scenes of reality filled with the values of architecture willing to develop, within itself, the analytical and synthetic concepts relying on the contextual, but also on the own indetermination and instability regarding the concept of the space and time

    Koncept fragmentarnosti - između forme I neforme

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    Drawing on the idea that abstraction of architectural design is repeatedly demonstrated by new concepts, and that the idea of the design contains a fragment of its internal laws, the paper raises the question of alteration of forms towards new time-space categories. In contrast to Euclidean geometry based on the continuity of geometric forms, fragmented forms draw upon deformations and variability, operating in the limit zones, for the design, zones of the greatest creativity and potentiality. A new understanding of reality shaped by digitization of all systems has created the basis for forms of self-organization, openness, contingency, and emergence. What we have before us is basically a new aesthetics that goes beyond the horizon of visible in a way that allows the whole world and all its parts to be seen in a completely new, immaterial way. This means that architectural forms appear in the visibility zones, together with the forms of their systemic dislocation.Polazeći od ideje da se apstrakrnost arhitektonskog projektovanja svaki put iznova dokazuje novim konceptima, I da je u ideji o projektu sadržan fragment njegovih internih zakonitosti, rad otvara pitanje alteracije oblika na putu ka novim prostorno vremenskim kategorijama. Nasuprot Euklidovoj geometriji koja počiva na stalnosti geometrijskih oblika, fragmentisane forme počivaju na deformacijama I promenljivosti, operišući u graničnim zonama, za projekat, zonama najveće kreativnosti I potencijalnosti. Novo razumevanje realnosti oblikovano digitalizacijom svih sistema stvorilo je osnov za oblike samoorganizacije, otvorenosti, kontigentnosti, emergentnosti. U suštini pred nama je nova estetika koja prevazilazi horizont vidljivosti na način koji otvara omogućava da se čitav svet I svi njegovi delovi, sagledaju na potpuno Nov nematerijalan način. To znači da se u zonama vidljivosti naziru arhitektonski oblici zajedno sa oblicima svoje sistemske dislociranosti

    Savremeni detalj u zoom-in-zoom-out tehnici - Bog i razmera

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    Considering both the visual and narrative character of architectural discourse it is possible to examine the capacity of a drawing as an autonomous form, but also as one assigned to it throughout the course of creation of new architecture. This paper's intent is to examine the place and the role of the architectural drawing of the detail within design research. Thematically different, the narratives are instruments used for creating a relationship between the project as a whole and its parts, while the detail defines the path from an idea to the realization of architecture, that is, from abstraction to concretization within the above-mentioned process. The notion of scalar imagination has been introduced in order to indicate the relationship between the traditional modernist understanding of the roles of detail and scale have, while the question of the real size of designed architecture has been moved aside. The scalar imagination reveals the relationships between the elements of architecture, while its visibility reveals the architect's ability to build the necessary information network while moving throughout the diverse levels of those relationships. The goal is to avoid vagueness of architecture represented by the drawing and favor the polyvalence of its meaning by presenting concrete information. In that sense, for the benefit of achieving clarity within the methodological approach, we researched the conditions of visibility within the relationship between the drawing and its meaning. Therefore, this paper focuses on the scale as a direct connection between the drawing of the detail and the continuity of the idea of architecture.Imajući u vidu i vizuelni i narativni karakter arhitektonskog diskursa moguće je ispitivati kapacitet koji crtež ima kao autonomna forma, ali i onaj koji mu se pretpostavlja tokom postupka stvaranja nove arhitekture. Namera je da se ovim radom ispita mesto i uloga crteža arhitektonskog detalja u istraživačkom projektovanju. Tematski odvojeno, narativi su instrumentalizovani kao konstruisanje odnosa između celine i delova projekta, dok se detaljem definiše put od ideje do realizacije arhitekture, odnosno od apstrakcije do konkretizacije unutar pomenutog postupka. Skalarna imaginacija pojmovno je uvedena kao veza između tradicionlno modernistički shvaćenih uloga detalja i razmere, dok je pitanje realne veličine projektovane arhitekture pomereno u stranu. Skalarana imaginacija je uzeta za manifestaciju odnosa između elemenata arhitekture, a njena vidljivost za sposobnost arhitekte da, krećući se kroz različite nivoe tih odnosa, gradi neophodnu mrežu informacija. Cilj je da se konkretnošću informacija izbegne zamagljenost crtežom predstavljene arhitekture u korist polivalentnosti njenih značenja. U tom smislu, zarad jasnoće metodološkog postupka, istraženi su uslovi vidljivosti veze između nacrtanog i označenog, a ovaj rad u fokus stavlja razmeravanje kao direktnu konekciju između nacrtanog detalja i kontinuiteta ideje o jednoj arhitekturi

    Belgrade skyline: continuity, paradoxes & desires

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    There are 800 towers in Belgrade, mostly built in the 20th century, at the time of Modernism. In relation to the prominent tradition of their construction, the current situation can be defined as a paradox of continuity – which can be expressed through two contradictions. The first contradiction is related to the comparison of the number of high-rise structures completed during the industrial development and the fact that after 1990 the number of realized structures of eight storeys or higher is insignificant. The second contradiction is related to the ratio of the height of the tallest existing structures and the maximum height allowed for the new structures, as defined by the current normative acts. In this context Belgrade has a tradition of high-rise construction, yet at present there is no awareness, and no professional or social consensus on the need for the high-rise developments. The restraints of height and land zoning for high-rise development are not only constraining factors in strategic planning and expansion of the city, but they create an economic problem by opposing the very concept of prosperity. Additionally, in terms of the cultural context, they limit the possibilities for fulfilment of Belgrade’s contemporary demands and its iconic future. The high-rise structures can be translated into a tool used to emphasize the clear intentions of progress. The city turns into a metaphor for economic and cultural status - between the visual symbol and the symbol of power. Most of all, from the architectural point of view, it becomes the physical parameter of inventiveness, knowledge, capacity, technical and overall achievements of a community. The mythological capacity of such a situation can be simply translated into a necessity for Belgrade to construct at least one extremely tall structure – a tower of no less than 150m high

    The city as a playground: Skate parks, inclusion and new territory

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    There are two central topics in this study: the first topic relates to the physical space created by skateboarding, while the other relates to social capital derived from skateboard culture. The paper analyzes the case studies of three skate parks, in which the theme of social inclusion is the theoretical framework. Looking through the history of skateboarding and integration of skate parks as a part of the urban environment, the theme is concerned with bringing the openness that is part of the design of our public spaces to skateboarding culture, and in general, to the feeling of belonging as an essential part of building social capital. In the manner of shared space, public space has started to be used as a communication platform between community members looking for expression of their needs and desires. The benefits of the skateboarding settings have rarely been the subject of empirical research, so these case studies will deepen our knowledge on why social bonds connected to this sport make such a significant contribution in city landscapes. Individuality and its political manifestation have a structural role in this paper: from the appearance of the architectural figuration to the idea about a movement and a settlement, which for architecture, can be seen in the form of new territories

    Dome Beyond Its Limits or How Deep Is Your Love

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    This text is a part of tripartite study on the dome – architectural term associated with spherical geometry and sublimity as ontological feature of the form that corresponds methodological instance of absolute space. Morphological capacity of the dome is ex- posed in its etymology, which transposes the architecture of the sky, taking this shape as part of the whole and the whole within. The first of three parts, The Architecture of Dome: Mapping the W/Hole, explores the architectural capacity for geometric materi- alization of the sky in the age of virtual decomposition of shape into function of endless exposure to the unknown. The second text, Architectural Sublime: Dome Above Dome includes symbolic processing of the sublime architectural place, which equally to geo- metric distribution of the dome and linear character of its path determines the univer- sal character of things. The central position of the third part, Dome Beyond Its Limits or How Deep Is Your Love, is given to the sensibility of the shapes questioned from the perspective of archetype, and its radiance becomes the expression of inability to round things up. Instead of beauty and the universal law of proportion, the first becomes the place of eccentricity and tension of personal spatial feeling. Therefore, today, instead of concave feeling for the space above, where historically speaking the dome is its geometric paragon, the position outside of the borders of the projection of the dome is marked by distancing in space and time expressed in increasing numbers.https://iaaesthetics.org/wp-content/Pdfs/20_IAA_YEARBOOK_THE_AESTHETICS_OF_ARCHITECTURE_Y_BEYOND_FORM.pd

    Public-private partnership contracts and projects and their influence on the local economy development in Serbia

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    Јавно-приватно партнерство (ЈПП) је један релативно нов институт и модел финансирања у правном систему Републике Србије који је настао тек доношењем Закона о јавно-приватном партнерству и концесијама 2011. године. Основни елементи ЈПП су уговори и пројекти. Када је реч о уговорима, правна природа јавног уговора о ЈПП још увек није довољно разјашњена. Иако овај уговор има елементе управног уговора, то још увек не произлази из позитивно правних прописа у Србији. Зато у будућности треба посветити посебну пажњу усаглашавању режима овог уговора са режимом управних уговора утврђеном у Закону о општем управном поступку. С друге стране, пројекти ЈПП у Србији после десет година постају све значајнији инструмент локалног економског развоја. До данас, Комисија за ЈПП Владе Републике Србије дала је позитивно мишљење за 227 пројеката јавно-приватних партнерстава. Зашто треба осветлити правну природу јавног уговора о ЈПП и како пројекти ЈПП подстичу локални економски развој у Републици Србији – представићемо у овом радуPublic-private partnership (PPP) is a relatively new legal institute and financing model in the legal system of Serbia, which was created only after the adoption of the Law on PPP and Concessions in 2011. The essential elements of PPP are contracts and projects. Regarding contracts, the legal nature of the public contract on PPP is still not sufficiently clarified. Although this contract has elements of an administrative contract, it still does not follow legislation in Serbia. On the other hand, after ten years, PPP projects in Serbia are becoming an increasingly important instrument of local economic development. Until July 2022, the Commission for PPP of the Government of the Republic of Serbia gave a positive opinion for 227 PPP projects. We will present why the legal nature of the public contract on PPP and how PPP projects encourage local economic development in the Republic of Serbia

    Geometrical Breakthrough in Contemporary Architectural Design: Meta-Materiality and Fragmentation

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    The study relates two historical categories that were not previously associated in this manner. One concerns the role of geometry in the transformation of space in the Gothic architecture, where geometric line made the position of physical forces visible for the first time. The second transformation that sees the release of anxiety in challenging the perspective was done in Mannerism by instrumentalisation of the metaphor using visual means of deformation and figuration. Today we experience both historical moments in a modified form of appearance, still trying to give a formal character to the matter of materiality. As it is not possible, this approach has resulted in fragmentation in the absence of a unitary radical critique of modernity. Fragmentation and meta- materiality of contemporary architecture today represent a possible conceptualisation of space invoking all known forms of dematerialisation and disappearance of the world, including digitisation. Referring once again to the myths of the Tower of Babel, the Fall of Icarus, and the Wizard of Oz, in this experiment myth and discourse persist together, turning into the other and finding themselves in the other. Building architectural position between the extremes of the metamaterial and the fragmentary is a matter of breaking geometry of form and the idea of it.

    Raznovrsnost biljnih vaši (Homoptera: Aphididae) u jugoistočnoj Srbiji

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    Aphids represent one of the most significant pest species in agroecosystems. In this study we investigated aphid diversity in Southeastern Serbia. We recorded 132 species, mostly infesting host plants from the families Asteraceae and Rosaceae. The most diverse genus was Aphis Linnaeus with 34 species. Within this genus, the most frequently sampled species was A. fabae Scopoli. Genera Uroleucon Mordvilko, Brachycaudus van der Goot and Dysaphis Börner were also represented by a large number of species.Biljne vaši predstavljaju jednu od najznačajnijih grupa štetočina u agroekosistemima. U ovoj studiji istraživali smo raznovrsnost biljnih vaši u jugoistočnoj Srbiji. Zabeležili smo 132 vrste, koje uglavnom zaražavaju biljke domaćine iz porodice Asteraceae i Rosaceae. Najraznovrsniji rod je Aphis Linnaeus sa 34 vrste. U ovom rodu, najčešće uzorkovana vrsta je A. fabae Scopoli. Rodovi Uroleucon Mordvilko, Brachicaudus van der Goot i Disaphis Borner takođe su predstavljeni velikim brojem vrsta

    Middle ear tuberculosis: Diagnostic criteria

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    Introduction. Tuberculous otitis is a diagnostic problem due to the difficulty to obtain microbiological, histomorphological and cytological confirmation of the disease. Objective. Our objective was to compare clinical and radiological characteristic and development of otogenic complications in patients with tuberculous otitis and otitis with cholesteatoma as the most destructive form of chronic nonspecific otitis in the purpose of establishing the diagnostic criteria for tuberculous otitis. Methods. Medical records of 12 patients with tuberculous otitis and 163 patients with cholesteatoma treated at the Institute of Otorhinolaryngology and Maxillofacial Surgery in Belgrade during the eight-year period were analyzed. All of the patients underwent otomicroscopic, audiological and radiological examination of the thorax and temporal bone, microbiological examination of the secretion and histomorphological examination of the tissue taken during middle ear surgery. Statistical analysis was done using χ2 test with Yates correction. Results. Otogenic complication as facial palsy and sensorineural hearing loss were more frequent in tuberculous otitis patients, than in cholesteatoma. Also, fistulas of the labyrinth and facial canal bone destruction were also more frequent in tuberculous otitis than in cholesteatoma. A larger extent of temporal bone destruction was noticed on CT scans of the temporal bone in half of the patents with tuberculous otitis. Coexistence with miliary pulmonary tuberculosis was detected in one third of the patients. There were no microbiological or histomorphological confirmations of the disease, except in one case with positive Ziehl-Neelsen staining. Conclusion. Tuberculous otitis media should be considered in patients with serious otogenic complications and with shorter duration of ear discharge, and in association with diagnosed miliary pulmonary tuberculosis and extensive temporal bone destruction. Polymerase chain reaction still is not reliable for diagnosis