131 research outputs found

    Procena godina starosti osobe analizom unutrašnjeg okrajka ključne kosti i hrskavice prvog rebra

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    In order to establish reliable age indicator in the period when all other epiphyseal age indicators have already been inactivated medial clavicle as the bone with the longest period of growth became the object of various investigations. However, the lack of population-specific method often made it unreliable in some population groups. The influence of socioeconomic conditions as well as interethnic and interracial variation on skeletal epiphyseal union phases has been acknowledged in scientific literature. Therefore, the importance of developing reliable population-specific age estimation methodology for the specific geographic region is outlined. The ossification patterns of the first costal cartilage represent another interesting feature of the same anatomical region which according to its position in human body is accessible for examinations in living individuals who undergo conventional radiographic and computed tomography examinations in the same field of view as clavicle. The broad range of macroscopic, histomorphometric and radiological analyses were conducted in order to establish the reliable age indicator. However, it remained unclear whether introduction of new more precise anatomical and other criteria in analyses of the medial clavicle and the first costal cartilage as well as their mutual analyses would be beneficial for age estimation. Therefore, this study encompassed our local population and was carried out with aim to examine whether morphological, radiological and histological analysis of medial clavicles as well as radiological examination of the first costal cartilage could be applied with success in age assessment of individuals. The study was composed of two sections. The first part of the study encompassed the collection of medial clavicles which was founded in cooperation of Laboratory for Anthropology, Institute of Anatomy with the Institute of Forensic Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Belgrade. The sample comprised 67 medial clavicles derived from individuals of different sex with age range from 20 to 90 years...odnosu na druge kosti ljudskog skeleta, epifiza unutrašnjeg okrajka ključne kosti poslednja je koja vremenom srasta sa dijafizom. Zato unutrašnji okrajak ključne kosti jeste jedinstvena struktura koja može da predstavlja pouzdan pokazatelj starosti osobe u trenutku kada su svi ostali epifizni nastavci srasli sa dijafizama. Smatra se da na proces epifizno-dijafiznog spajanja utiču kako socioekonomski uslovi života, tako i rasna i etnička pripadnost. Zbog toga je značajno razvijanje pouzdanog populacionospecifičnog metoda za procenu godina starosti osoba u specifičnom geografskom regionu. Proces osifikacije rebarne hrskavice prvog rebra predstavlja još jednu karakteristiku istog regiona tela, koji se zahvaljujući svojoj specifičnoj anatomskoj lokalizaciji može prikazati i analizirati tokom radiografisanja i pregleda metodom kompjuterizovane tomografije (CT), i to u istom polju pregleda gde i ključna kost. Širok spektar makroskopskih, histomorfometrijskih i radioloških ispitivanja sproveden je da bi se utvrdili pouzdani pokazatelji godina starosti osobe, ali još uvek nisu formirani novi i dovoljno precizni anatomski i drugi kriterijumi koji bi obuhvatili kako unutrašnji okrajak ključne kosti, tako i prvu rebarnu hrskavicu, kako svaku strukturu samu za sebe, tako i u kombinaciji, a koji bi omogućili bolje određivanje starosti osoba. Stoga je ova studija obuhvatila našu populaciju i ispitala da li morfološke, radiološke i histološke karakteristike unutrašnjeg okrajka ključne kosti, kao i radiološke karakterisike prve rebarne hrskavice, mogu pouzdano da posluže pri proceni godina starosti neke osobe. Studija se sastoji iz dva dela. Prvi deo studije obuhvata analizu kolekcije unutrašnjih okrajaka ključnih kostiju koja je nastala u saradnji Laboratorije za antropologiju Instituta za anatomiju sa Institutom za sudsku medicinu, Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. Uzorak je bio sačinjen od 67 ključnih kostiju osoba oba pola i starosti od 20 do 90 godina. Za utvrđivanje makroskopskih morfoloških karakteristika razvoja epifizno-dijafiznog spoja primenjen je trostepeni skor-sistem po Schaefer-Black-u. Makroskopske analize uzorka obuhvatile su i proučavanje sledećih morfoloških odlika medijalnog okrajka ključne kosti: bazična morfologija, reljef, poroznost i oblik zglobne površine, prisustvo koštane kvržice, morfologija ivice zglobne površine i morfologija useka za hrskavicu prvog rebra. Histološke analize unutrašnjih okrajaka ključnih kostiju obuhvatile su merenje: debljine korteksa, odnosa između površine spongiozne kosti i površine tkiva na preparatu, kao i minimalne širine trabekula. Ove histomorfometrijske karakteristike standardizovao je American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. Drugi, klinički deo studije činili su MSCT (“multislice computed tomography”) pregledi grudnog koša 154 pacijenta koji su pregledani na Institutu za onkologiju i radiologiju Srbije, starosti između 15 i 35 godina života. Na osnovu CT snimaka izvršena je procena stepena osifikacije epifizne hrskavice unutrašnjeg okrajka ključne kosti koristeći petostepeni skor-sistem po Schmeling-u koji je modifikovao Schulz, merenje debljine prednjeg i zadnjeg korteksa kosti, širine medularnog kanala, dijametra tela ključne kosti i stepena apsorpcije rendgenskih zraka u predelu sternalnog epifiznometafiznog regiona. Na CT snimcima, analizirane su i koštane promene u predelu prednje i zadnje ivice prednjeg okrajka rebra koje se pružaju kroz rebarnu hrskavicu ka grudnoj kosti. Gradacija ovih promena izvršena je po Moskovitch-u. Analize prve rebarne hrskavice obuhvatile su i: pol i godine starosti ispitivane osobe, broj izraštaja koji se pružaju od prednje i zadnje ivice prednjeg okrajka prvog rebra kroz hrskavicu ka grudnoj kosti i stepen njihove izraženosti sa leve i desne strane tela, kao i stepen apsorpcije rendgenskih zraka u predelu rebarne hrskavice..

    Dental Status of Victims from Batajnica’s Mass Graves

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    The aim of this paper is to present the post mortem dental evidence and dental health of the victims interred during 1999 in five grave pits at Batajnica near Belgrade. The investigated sample comprised 32 individuals with only maxillae preserved, 80 with mandible, and 260 individuals with both jaws. We have found high degree of enamel hypoplasia (25.89%), frequent signs of the severe forms of periodontal disease (18.55%), very high percent of antemortem tooth loss (31.48%), and evidence of edentate jaws in an early age of individuals. Amalgam was predominant material for tooth fillings; implants and non-metal ceramic crowns were not found, and three quaters of edentate individuals were found with full prostetic dentures. Despite the detailed postmortem dental analysis, antemortem dental charts were not collected. These individuals were identified by other forensic methods

    Јавне агенције и заштита животне средине у праву Европске уније и у праву Србије

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    Јавна управа, као и начин на који она обавља своје послове, доживела је велику трансформацију у последњих тридесет година услед значајних глобалних политичких, правних и економских промена. Важан аспект управних реформи представља широко распрострањено коришћење јавних агенција као облика организације управе, у циљу обављања растућег броја послова који захтевају висок ниво специјализованих знања.Public administration organisation and the performance of public tasks have significantly altered over the past 30 years through global political, legal and economic change. An important aspect of the administrative reforms is the widespread use of public agencies as a model of administrative organisation to perform an increasing number of specific tasks requiring high levels of expertise. This PhD thesis analyses the agencification of public administration and the specificities of the process in the field of environmental protection at the European level and in Serbia. The main focus of the research is on the legal aspects of the phenomenon, namely the regulatory functions of agencies at the European level: their interaction with other relevant bodies and actors in the regulatory process; their performance of different administrative tasks (including inspections); and their decision-making roles. The thesis examines specific aspects of the agencification process, the transformation of Serbian public administration in the context of European integration, and the influence this transformation has had on environmental governance. The goal of the research is to examine the evolution and current position of environmental agencies in the European Union’s and Serbia’s legal orders, to analyse the agencies’ interaction with complex administrative arrangements developed at the supranational level, and to argue for enhancing their independence and (regulatory) competencies. The further goal is to contribute to legal scholarship on agencification at national and supranational levels, and especially in the field of environmental protection. The thesis consists of the introduction, three parts and the conclusion. The introduction frames and contextualises the research topic, goals and scientific relevance, and it provides a methodological framework. Part one examines the agencification process primarily at the European level but also nationally. The thesis draws attention to EU-level agency position, typology and administrative decision-making, which are highlighted as challenging issues for legal analysis

    Features of the new breed of sheep in serbia called mis sheep 1. reproductive characteristics and body development

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    This paper presents the results of reproductive characteristics and body development of the new breed of sheep in Serbia, called Mis sheep. Mis sheep as a type of sheep for meat, had been developed for the past 20 years at the Institute of Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun. Main method of development is complex combinatory three-breed crossing. As material, three breeds of sheep have been used in this project, namely: Pirot Pramenka, Merinolandschaf and Ile de France. Mis sheep is characterized by a strong constitution with emphasized carcass conformation and excellent meat traits. These are very persistent long-lived animals, well adjusted to conditions of the environment. Mis sheep are white without any spots. Sexual maturity is acquired at the age of 6-8 months, what includes them into the population of early maturing sheep. However, as well as in the case with other noble breeds their first fertilization should be at the age of 10 to 12 months. Mis sheep could be considered as sheep of higher fertility because from 100 sheep giving birth approximately 150 lambs are obtained. At the age of 90 days, the body weight of lambs is approximately 34.26 kg. At the age of 18 months, when sheep are already mature but not completely developed, the body weight is 71.63 kg. Finally, at the age over of 3 years, when they are completely developed, the average weight is 78.89 kg. The body weight of rams varies from 120-140 kg, although even in this case it depends on the production phase and use of male heads in breeding

    Genetički i fenotipski aspekti osobina telesnih mera Merinolandschaf rase ovaca

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    Merinolandschaf sheep breed was used to estimate relationship between the next traits: Body weight of adult ewes (BW), Height to withers (HW), Body length (BL), Girth of Chest (GC), Rump Width (RW), Body weight of lambs at birth (BWB), Body weight of lambs at weaning (BWW). The collected data were from 750 sheep and their lambs during the period of three year. Estimates of means and standard errors for linear body measures and body weight of adult ewes and lambs, were obtained using the software program SPSS (2006). To estimate genetic and phenotypic correlations of observed traits, the ASREML program was used. Research has shown that genetic correlations between BW and all body measures of dams, ranging from 0.728 (BW-GC) to 0.976 (BW-HW). Genetic correlation between body measures of dams have also been positive and ranged in the interval from 0.873 (HW-GC) to 0.999 (BL-GC). Values for phenotypic correlations were lower compared with the genetic and the range varied from 0.183 (RW-BWB) to 0.421 (GC-BWW). The weaker phenotype correlations can be interpreted as play of more complex genetic and residual factors.Merinolandschaf ovce su korišćene za procenu odnosa između sledećih osobina: Telesna masa odraslih ovaca (BW), visina grebena (HW), dužina tela (BL), obim grudi (GC), širina karlice (RW), telesna masa jagnjadi na rođenju (BWB) Telesna masa jagnjadi pri odlucivanju (BWW). Prikupljeni podaci potiču od 750 ovaca i njihove jagnjadi tokom perioda od tri godine. Procene sredina i standardnih grešaka za linearne telesne mere i telesne mase odraslih ovaca i jagnjadi, genetske i fenotipske korelacije, dobijeni su korišćenjem softvera SPSS (2006). Istraživanja su pokazala da genetske korelacije između BW i svim ostalim telesnim merama variraju, u rasponu od 0.728 (BW-GC) do 0.976 (BW-HW). Genetski korelacija između telesnih mera varirale su u pozitivnom opsegu od 0.873 (HW-GC) do 0.999 (BL-GC). Vrednosti fenotipskih korelacija bile su niže u poređenju sa genetskim u intervalu variranja od 0.183 (RW-BWB) do 0.421 (GC- BWW). Slabije fenotipske korelacije možemo tumačiti kao igru složenijih genetskih faktora i nedeterminisanih efekata

    Spektroskopska svojstva i antimikrobna aktivnost dioksomolibden(VI) kompleksa sa heterocikličnim S,S'-ligandima

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    Five new dioxomolybdenum(VI) complexes of the general formula [MoO2(Rdtc)2], 1-5, where Rdtc- refer to piperidine (Pipdtc), 4-morpholine (Morphdtc), 4-thiomorpholine (Timdtc), piperazine (Pzdtc) or N-methylpiperazine (N-Mepzdtc) dithiocarbamates, respectively, have been prepared. The complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, conductometric measurements, electronic, IR and NMR spectroscopy. The complexes 1-5 contain a cis-MoO2 group and have an octahedral geometry. Two dithiocarbamato ions join as bidentates with both the sulfur atoms to the molybdenum atom. The presence of different heteroatoms in the piperidino moiety influences the v(C=N) and v(C=S) vibrations, which wavelengths decrease in the order: Pipdtc > N-Mepzdtc > Morphdtc > Pzdtc > Timdtc ligands. Based on their spectral data, the molecular structures of complexes 1-5 were optimized at the semi-empirical molecular-orbital level, and the geometries, as obtained from calculations, are described. The antimicrobial activities of the complexes were tested against nine different laboratory control strains of bacteria and two strains of the yeast Candida albicans. All the tested strains were sensitive. Complexes bearing heteroatom in position 4 of piperidine moiety were significantly more potent against the tested bacteria compared to the corresponding ligands.Sintetisano je pet novih dioksomolibden(VI) kompleksa, opšte formule [MoO2(Rdtc-)2], sa Rdtc- ligandima: piperidin- (Pipdtc), 4-morfolin- (Morphdtc), 4-tiomorfolin- (Timdtc), piperazin- (Pzdtc) i N-metilpiperazin- (N-Mepzdtc) ditiokarbamatima. Kompleksi su okarakterisani elementalnom analizom, IR i NMR spektroskopijom kao i merenjem molarne provodljivosti. Pretpostavljena geometrija svih kompleksa je oktaedarska. Rdtc- ligandi su bidentatno koordinovani preko oba atoma sumpora za atom molibdena. Prisustvo različitih heteroatoma utiče na promenu položaja v(C=N) i v(C=S) vibracija, čiji opada sledećim redom liganada: Pipdtc > N-Mepzdtc > Morphdt > Pzdtc > Timdtc. Na osnovu spektralnih podataka, strukture svih kompleksa su optimizovane na semiempirijskom molekulsko-orbitalnom nivou upotrebom PM6 metoda. Antimikrobna aktivnost ispitivana je na jedanaest različitih patogena. Uočeno je da kompleksi koji imaju heteroatom u položaju 4 piperidinskog prstena ispoljavaju značajno veću jačinu antimikrobnog dejstva prema bakterijama, u poređenju sa odgovarajućim ligandima

    The influence of anisotropic voxel caused by field of view setting on the accuracy of three-dimensional reconstruction of bone geometric models

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    The finite element method is playing an increasingly important role in osteoporosis screening. An accurate bone geometric model, a prerequisite for the finite element analysis, is affected by voxels. Isotropic voxel has advantages in three-dimensional reconstruction, but field of view setting usually results in anisotropic voxels. The main goal of this study was to investigate the influence of anisotropic voxel on the accuracy of three-dimensional reconstruction of bone geometric models. Sixty metatarsal bones were scanned twice with an interval of 18 months with different fields of view. We reconstructed these metatarsals and compared them. The results showed that there was no significant difference in volume, surface, length, width and height and two principal moments of inertia, indicating that anisotropic voxel caused by field of view setting has a neglectable effect on the three-dimensional reconstruction of bone geometric models, and that using finite element method based on bone geometric model reconstructed by anisotropic voxel to predict bone strength is reliable

    Gene expression profile of circulating CD34(+) cells and granulocytes in chronic myeloid leukemia

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    Purpose: We compared the gene expression profile of peripheral blood CD34(+) cells and granulocytes in subjects with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), with the accent on signaling pathways affected by BCR-ABL oncogene. Methods: The microarray analyses have been performed in circulating CD34(+) cells and granulocytes from peripheral blood of 7 subjects with CML and 7 healthy donors. All studied BCR-ABL positive CML patients were in chronic phase, with a mean value of 2012 +/- SD of CD34(+) cells/mu l in peripheral blood. Results: The gene expression profile was more prominent in CML CD34(+) cells (3553 genes) compared to granulocytes (2701 genes). The 41 and 39 genes were significantly upregulated in CML CD34(+) cells (HINT1, TXN, SERBP1) and granulocytes, respectively. BCR-ABL oncogene activated PI3K/AKT and MAPK signaling through significant upregulation of PTPN11, CDK4/6, and MYC and reduction of E2F1, KRAS, and NFKBIA gene expression in CD34(+) cells. Among genes linked to the inhibition of cellular proliferation by BCR-ABL inhibitor Imatinib, the FOS and STAT1 demonstrated significantly decreased expression in CML. Conclusion: The presence of BCR-ABL fusion gene doubled the expression quantity of genes involved in the regulation of cell cycle, proliferation and apoptosis of CD34(+) cells. These results determined the modified genes in PI3K/AKT and MAPK signaling of CML subjects

    Season of birth and handedness in Serbian high school students

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although behavioural dominance of the right hand in humans is likely to be under genetic control, departures from this population norm, i.e. left- or non-right-handedness, are believed to be influenced by environmental factors. Among many such environmental factors including, for example, low birth weight, testosterone level, and maternal age at birth, season of birth has occasionally been investigated. The overall empirical evidence for the season of birth effect is mixed.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We have investigated the effect of season of birth in an epidemiologically robust sample of randomly selected young people (n = 977), all born in the same year. A Kolmogorov-Smirnov type statistical test was used to determine season of birth.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Neither the right-handed nor the non-right-handed groups demonstrated birth asymmetry relative to the normal population birth distribution. There was no between-group difference in the seasonal distribution of birth when comparing the right-handed to the non-right-handed groups.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The present study failed to provide support for a season of birth effect on atypical lateralisation of handedness in humans.</p

    Facile synthesis of L-cysteine functionalized graphene quantum dots as a bioimaging and photosensitive agent

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    Nowadays, a larger number of aggressive and corrosive chemical reagents as well as toxic solvents are used to achieve structural modification and cleaning of the final products. These lead to the production of residual, waste chemicals, which are often reactive, cancerogenic, and toxic to the environment. This study shows a new approach to the modification of graphene quantum dots (GQDs) using gamma irradiation where the usage of reagents was avoided. We achieved the incorporation of S and N atoms in the GQD structure by selecting an aqueous solution of L-cysteine as an irradiation medium. GQDs were exposed to gamma-irradiation at doses of 25, 50 and 200 kGy. After irradiation, the optical, structural, and morphological properties, as well as the possibility of their use as an agent in bioimaging and photodynamic therapy, were studied. We measured an enhanced quantum yield of photoluminescence with the highest dose of 25 kGy (21.60%). Both S- and N-functional groups were detected in all gamma-irradiated GQDs: amino, amide, thiol, and thione. Spin trap electron paramagnetic resonance showed that GQDs irradiated with 25 kGy can generate singlet oxygen upon illumination. Bioimaging on HeLa cells showed the best visibility for cells treated with GQDs irradiated with 25 kGy, while cytotoxicity was not detected after treatment of HeLa cells with gamma-irradiated GQDs