8 research outputs found

    Physical activity of preschool children

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    Fizička aktivnost u velikoj meri može pozitivno uticati na zdravstveni status i psihosocijalno stanje, pa je glavni cilj istraživanja bio usmeren na analizu fizičke aktivnosti predškolske dece. Teorijski deo rada obuhvata sve što je bitno za razumevanje postavljene teme, dok je empirijski deo podeljen na četiri dela. U prvom delu su izloženi rezultati dobijeni anketom i dnevnikom aktivnosti koje su popunjavali roditelji, a analizirana je dečja aktivnost radnim danima i vikendom. Drugi deo se odnosi na obim kretne aktivnosti dece tokom boravka u vrtiću, gde je statističkom obradom podataka utvrđeno kakav je obim kretne aktivnosti dečaka i devojčica i od čega zavisi. U okviru plana i programa koji se sprovodi u predškolskoj ustanovi, predviđeno je da se upražnjavaju usmerene aktivnosti s motoričkim sadržajem, što je analizirano u trećem i četvrtom delu (trajanje, struktura i sadržaj aktivnosti, kao i motorička  angažovanost dece na aktivnostima).Physical activity can have a positive impact on the health status and psychosocial condition; therefore the main aim of this research was focused on the analysis of physical activities of preschool children. The theoretical part of the study includes all important matters essential for understanding the subject, while the empirical part is divided into four sections. The first section presents the results obtained from a questionnaire and a diary of activities completed by parents, and it analyzes the children's activity on weekdays and weekends. The second section relates to the extent of motor activity of children during their stay in the kindergarten. The statistical analysis in this section shows the scope of motor activity of boys and girls and what it depends on. According to the plan implemented in preschool institution, it is expected to have directed activities with motor content. This part is analyzed in the third and fourth section (duration, structure and content of activities as well as motor involvement of children in activities)

    Physical activity of preschool children

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    Fizička aktivnost u velikoj meri može pozitivno uticati na zdravstveni status i psihosocijalno stanje, pa je glavni cilj istraživanja bio usmeren na analizu fizičke aktivnosti predškolske dece. Teorijski deo rada obuhvata sve što je bitno za razumevanje postavljene teme, dok je empirijski deo podeljen na četiri dela. U prvom delu su izloženi rezultati dobijeni anketom i dnevnikom aktivnosti koje su popunjavali roditelji, a analizirana je dečja aktivnost radnim danima i vikendom. Drugi deo se odnosi na obim kretne aktivnosti dece tokom boravka u vrtiću, gde je statističkom obradom podataka utvrđeno kakav je obim kretne aktivnosti dečaka i devojčica i od čega zavisi. U okviru plana i programa koji se sprovodi u predškolskoj ustanovi, predviđeno je da se upražnjavaju usmerene aktivnosti s motoričkim sadržajem, što je analizirano u trećem i četvrtom delu (trajanje, struktura i sadržaj aktivnosti, kao i motorička  angažovanost dece na aktivnostima).Physical activity can have a positive impact on the health status and psychosocial condition; therefore the main aim of this research was focused on the analysis of physical activities of preschool children. The theoretical part of the study includes all important matters essential for understanding the subject, while the empirical part is divided into four sections. The first section presents the results obtained from a questionnaire and a diary of activities completed by parents, and it analyzes the children's activity on weekdays and weekends. The second section relates to the extent of motor activity of children during their stay in the kindergarten. The statistical analysis in this section shows the scope of motor activity of boys and girls and what it depends on. According to the plan implemented in preschool institution, it is expected to have directed activities with motor content. This part is analyzed in the third and fourth section (duration, structure and content of activities as well as motor involvement of children in activities)

    Igra u izravnoj praksi u vrtićima Vojvodine

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    The paper presents the research carried out in the school year 2018-19 in preschools of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. The aim of the research was to assess the role of preschool teachers in supporting and enriching child’s play, gain insight into children’s actions in relation to it, as well as to ascertain the dominant perspective of the children and adults in the play. One hundred forty-five preschool teachers had been interviewed. The results have shown that teachers have had a shift of focus in understanding child’s play and assessing its efficiency. Even though teachers in general see play as a free child’s activity, it has become apparent they perceive it more as a learning method than a free child’s action. Play with rules was introduced to all age groups of children, including nursery. The play implemented in the research was assessed as successful, and the preschool teacher’s role was to guide or observe it. Even though the question of the relation in which the child enters and builds its own experiences is seen as an imperative in contemporary educational policies, teachers have stated that they are mostly focused on either their own or the child\u27s perspective. The research has confirmed the presence of a tendency for didactisation of play and showed the need for new insights into this significant child\u27s activity.U radu je prikazano istraživanje koje je provedeno u školskoj godini 2018./19. u dječjim vrtićima na području Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine. Cilj je istraživanja procijeniti ulogu odgajatelja u podržavanju i obogaćivanju dječjih igara, uvid u stvaranje djece u odnosu na igru kao i percepciju dominantne perspektive djeteta ili odrasle osobe u igri. Intervjuirano je 145 odgajatelja. Rezultati su pokazali da se odgajatelj usredotočio na razumijevanje dječje igre i procjenu njezine izvedbe. Iako odgajatelji u načelu shvaćaju igru kao slobodnu dječju aktivnost, pokazalo se da je ona viđena kao metoda učenja, a ne kao slobodno dječje djelovanje. Uvodili su igru s pravilima u sve dobne skupine djece, uključujući jaslice. U procesu igre uspješno su ocijenili svoju ulogu upravljanja i nadzora. Iako pitanje odnosa u koje dijete ulazi i gradi vlastita iskustva vide kao imperativ u suvremenim odgojno-obrazovnim politikama, odgajatelji su izjavili da su uglavnom usmjereni ili na vlastitu ili na dječju perspektivu. Istraživanje je potvrdilo postojanje tendencije za didaktizaciju igre i otvorilo potrebu za novim spoznajama o ovoj značajnoj dječjoj aktivnosti

    Inclusion of preschool children into organized activity in leisure time

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    All physical activity of preschool children during the day occurs while they are in kindergarten or during their leisure time. The aim of the study was to present the results related to the participation of children in organized activities during leisure time and what is the perception of parents about the scope of their children’s physical activity and the time spent on watching TV, using computers and playing video games (as a part of wider study). The research was conducted in 2017 in the Preschool institution “Naša Radost” in Subotica. The survey questionnaire was filled in by 135 parents for children of the average age of 5.14 years (+0.91). The survey questionnaire contained questions about children’s nutrition (NutriStep survey) and their involvement in organized activities with educational and sports-recreational content during leisure time, as well as parent’s opinion on quantity in child’s sedentary activities. 65.9% of children aged 5 to 7 was found to attend some kind of organized activity, most often within programs of foreign language schools, sports schools and programs with aesthetic presentation of skills is important (ballet, dance and folklore). The largest number of parents reported that their child spent one hour watching TV, using a computer or playing games. About 71% of parents reported that their child was physically active enough. In both cases, a statistically significant difference was found between boys and girls. Within the family circle and within the educational institution, where children spend most of the time, it is necessary to provide conditions for undisturbed growth and development. One of the best ways is through exercising physical activity

    Meta-analysis of quantitative differences of anthropometric characteristics and motor abilities of children aged 6 and 7 years

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    Meta-analysis carried out for the purposes of investigating motor abilities and morphological characteristics showed differences between boys and girls ages 6 and 7 years old. The analyses were carried out for 5 anthropometric and 7 motor variables, and the sample taken for analysis was 1000 respondents for each variable respectively. The results showed that boys were taller and heavier and the girls had more body fat. The investigation of motor skills showed that boys are better at the variables used to assess coordination in young children (Obstacle course backwards, 20-m dash and Standing long jump), while girls achieved better results in the variable which is used for estimating flexibility (Standing bend forward). In other motor variables there were significant differences between boys and girls, which confirms the results of previous studies of the quantitative gender-related differences and points to possible solutions for an improvement of coordination in girls and flexibility in boys


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    One of the priority objectives of physical education in elementary school is a positive impact on all basic motor abilities. Additional physical activity in the form of training, according to most previous studies, increases the positive effects of physical education. In a sample of 266 second, third and fourth grade elementary school children attending the "Jovan Popovic" school in Sremska Mitrovica, the motor abilities of childrenwith different levels of physical activity were investigated. The comparison of the schoolchildrenwho participated in the organized extracurricular activities and those schoolchildren involved in physical education classes as the only form of physical activity was conducted. The assessment of motor abilities was carried out based on the following battery of tests: the long jump, running 20m, obstacle course backwards, deep forward bend, body bend and folding endurance. The application of the multivariate (MANOVA) and univariate (ANOVA) data analysis and the obtained research results led to the conclusion there are statistically significant differences between these two groups, at the level of statistical significance of p<0.05, which means that extracurricular physical activities contribute significantly to the development of motor abilities in young schoolchildren.Jedan od prioritetnih ciljeva fizičkog vaspitanja u osnovnoj školi je pozitivan uticaj na sve osnovne motoričke sposobnosti. Dodatna fizička aktivnost u vidu treninga, prema većini prethodnih istraživanja, povećava pozitivne efekte fizičkog vaspitanja. Na uzorku od 266 dece drugog, trećeg i četvrtog razreda osnovne škole "JovanPopović" u Sremskoj Mitrovici, istraživane su motoričke sposobnosti dece sa različitim nivoima fizičke aktivnosti. Sprovedeno je poređenje učenika koji su učestvovali u organizovanim vannastavnim aktivnostima i onih učenika koji su uključeni u časove fizičkog vaspitanja, kao jedini oblik fizičke aktivnosti.Procena motoričkih sposobnosti izvršena je na osnovu sledeće baterije testova: skok udalj, trčanje 20m, trčanje unazad preko prepreka, dubok pretklon, savijanje tela i izdržljivost. Primenjena je multivarijantna (MANOVA) i univarijantna (ANOVA) metoda u obradi podataka, i na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da postoje statističk iznačajne razlike između ove dve grupe (p<0,05), što znači da vannastavne fizičke aktivnosti značajno doprinose razvoju motoričkih sposobnosti mlađe školske dece


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    The aim of this study was to investigate the differences in body composition, involvement in structured PA and nutritional quality habits of normal weight and overweight preschool children from Serbia. Overall, 207 children (5 ± 0.87 year) participated in the study, of which 16 were excluded from the study because of incomplete data. Based on the BMI calculation, the children were divided into two groups: N1=168 normal weight (5.19 ± 0.87 year) and N2=23 overweight children (4.93 ± 0.86 year). There was no statistically significant difference between the observed groups regarding structured PA. Furthermore, no differences in nutritional status were found, underlying the importance of parents promoting good nutritional habits to their children. The preschool age provides a good opportunity for children to develop healthy eating habits in order to maintain healthy growth and development. Nutritional status monitoring in children, along with adequate physical activity, represent  good preventive measures against obesity in a population. Developing and maintaining good overall lifestyle habits at this age could prevent development of some modern diseases at later stages in life.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispitaju razlike u telesnoj kompoziciji, uključenosti dece u strukturiranu fizičku aktivnost (FA), kao i kvalitet ishrane dece predškolskog uzrasta sa normalnom i prekomernom telesnom težinom sa područja Srbije. U istraživanju je učestvovalo ukupno 207 dece (5 ± 0,87 godina), od kojih je 16 isključeno iz studije zbog nepotpunih podataka. Na osnovu izračunatog ITM (indeksa telesne mase), deca su podeljena u dve grupe: N1=168 normalne težine (5,19 ± 0,87 godina) i N2=23 dece sa prekomernom telesnom težinom (4,93 ± 0,86 godina). Nisu pronađene statistički značajne razlike između posmatranih grupa u pogledu strukturirane FA, ni razlike u statusu uhranjenosti posmatrane dece, što ukazuje na važnost roditelja i promocije dobrih prehrambenih navika svojoj deci. Predškolski uzrast pruža dobru priliku deci da steknu zdrave navike u ishrani kako bi održali zdrav rast i razvoj. Praćenje nutritivnog statusa kod dece, uz adekvatnu fizičku aktivnost, predstavljaju dobre preventivne mere protiv gojaznosti u populaciji. Razvijanje i održavanje dobrih opštih životnih navika u ovom uzrastu može sprečiti razvoj nekih savremenih bolesti u kasnijim fazama života

    Physical Activity of Serbian Children in Daycare

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    Background: Monitoring of physical activity within the educational institution is of great importance, primarily because of the orientation and content implemented in the daycare. This research aimed to examine the number of steps children took during their stay in daycare with regards to age, gender and the frequency of going out. Methods: The research was conducted in four daycares in the urban environment of Novi Sad (Republic of Serbia), where 231 children, aged 5 to 7, were monitored (129 boys and 102 girls). Data on the number of steps were obtained using the pedometers. Results: The result of the univariate analysis of the variance test confirmed a statistically significant difference in the number of steps in relation to the age of children (p = 0.04). Boys were more active than girls in both age groups (p = 0.001). Children who were going to the daycare yard three to five times a week took drastically more steps than children who went up to twice a week (p = 0.001). Conclusion: The results of the current study show that age, gender, and time spent outdoors are significant determinants of physical activity in preschool age. Therefore, interventions regarding physical activity should be made during early childhood in order to promote health and prevent disease