Physical activity of preschool children


Fizička aktivnost u velikoj meri može pozitivno uticati na zdravstveni status i psihosocijalno stanje, pa je glavni cilj istraživanja bio usmeren na analizu fizičke aktivnosti predškolske dece. Teorijski deo rada obuhvata sve što je bitno za razumevanje postavljene teme, dok je empirijski deo podeljen na četiri dela. U prvom delu su izloženi rezultati dobijeni anketom i dnevnikom aktivnosti koje su popunjavali roditelji, a analizirana je dečja aktivnost radnim danima i vikendom. Drugi deo se odnosi na obim kretne aktivnosti dece tokom boravka u vrtiću, gde je statističkom obradom podataka utvrđeno kakav je obim kretne aktivnosti dečaka i devojčica i od čega zavisi. U okviru plana i programa koji se sprovodi u predškolskoj ustanovi, predviđeno je da se upražnjavaju usmerene aktivnosti s motoričkim sadržajem, što je analizirano u trećem i četvrtom delu (trajanje, struktura i sadržaj aktivnosti, kao i motorička  angažovanost dece na aktivnostima).Physical activity can have a positive impact on the health status and psychosocial condition; therefore the main aim of this research was focused on the analysis of physical activities of preschool children. The theoretical part of the study includes all important matters essential for understanding the subject, while the empirical part is divided into four sections. The first section presents the results obtained from a questionnaire and a diary of activities completed by parents, and it analyzes the children's activity on weekdays and weekends. The second section relates to the extent of motor activity of children during their stay in the kindergarten. The statistical analysis in this section shows the scope of motor activity of boys and girls and what it depends on. According to the plan implemented in preschool institution, it is expected to have directed activities with motor content. This part is analyzed in the third and fourth section (duration, structure and content of activities as well as motor involvement of children in activities)

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