26 research outputs found

    Surgical treatment of post-traumatic changes of eyelids, orbit and periorbital region

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    ЦелДа представим нашия опит в хирургичното лечение на пациенти с посттравматични промени в нормалната структура и функция на клепачите, орбитата и периорбиталната зона. Да опишем разнообразни реконструктивни техники и подходи, използвани при пациентите с този тип увреди.МетодиПредставяме 17 пациенти на средна възраст 36 години (от 9 до 64 години); 5 жени и 12 мъже, претърпели хирургично лечение по повод посттравматични промени в областта на клепачите, орбитата и периорбиталната зона, за периода от март 2015 до април 2018.При петнадесет от представените пациенти наблюдаваните промени са посттравматични (давност на травмата от 15 години до 4 дни), като пациентите са били подложени на първична обработка и лечение в други звена, a проведените предходни оперативни интервенции често са били повече от една. Само при двама от представените 17 пациенти, осъществената от нас хирургична обработка е била първична.В един от описаните случаи, травмата на клепачите, орбитата и периорбиталната зона е била съчетана с увреждане на булба. В останалите - увредите ангажират само меките тъкани.В зависимост от наблюдаваните увреждания и зоните, които те ангажират, пациентите са разделени на четири основни групи: травматични промени в орбитата - 2 пациенти; посттравматични цикатрициални промени на клепачите- 12 пациенти (5 с цикатрициален ектропион и 7 с цикатрициален ентропион и трихиаза); посттравматична птоза - 1 пациент, и разкъсно-контузни рани на клепача с ангажиране на слъзните каналикули - 2 пациенти.Всички пациенти бяха подложени на хирургично лечение с използване на разнообразни реконструктивни техники. В три от случаите се наложи провеждане на операция на втори етап.РезултатиПри всички пациенти постигнахме задоволителни естетични резултати. Постоперативно се възстанови нормалното положение на клепачите и тъканите от периорбиталната зона, което осигури протекция на очната повърхност и намаляване на оплакванията на пациентите.ЗаключениеКорекцията на посттравматичните промени често е предизвикателство за окулопластичните хирурзи. То изисква използването на разнообразни реконструктивни техники и методи, демонстрирани в нашето проучване. Постигането на добър резултат обаче е от важно значение за функционалната и социална рехабилитация на пациенти с подобни проблеми.Aim            The aim of the article is to show our experience in the surgical treatment of patients with post-traumatic changes in the normal structure and function of the eyelids, orbit and periorbital region. In addition, it aims to demonstrate a variety of reconstructive techniques and approaches used in patients with these types of injuries.  Materials and MethodsWe present 17 patients at an average age of 36 (from 9 to 64 years); 5 females and 12 males who underwent surgical treatment of post-traumatic changes in the eyelids, orbit and periorbital region from March, 2015 to April, 2018.In fifteen of the presented patients, the changes were post-traumatic (trauma dating back to 15 to 4 days ago). These patients had experienced primary treatment in other hospitals and underwent previous surgical interventions, often more than one. In only two of the 17 patients, the surgical treatment we performed was primary.In only one of the described cases, the trauma of the eyelids, orbit and periorbital region was associated with bulb damage. In other cases, the injuries involved only the soft tissues.Depending on the traumatic changes and the area they involve, the patients were divided into four main groups: traumas of the orbit - 2 patients; post-traumatic cicatricial changes of the eyelids - 12 patients (5 with ectropion and 7 with entropion and trichiasis); post-traumatic ptosis -1 patient, and eyelid lacerations with the involvement of lacrimal punctum and canaliculus - 2 patients.All patients have undergone surgical treatment using a variety of reconstructive techniques and methods. In five of the cases, a second stage surgery was performed: with additional skin graft - 3 patients, reconstruction for eyelid splitting due to the use of Hughes procedure - 1 patient, and postoperative application of hyaluronic acid in a scar - 1 patient.All patients underwent surgical treatment using a variety of reconstructive techniques. In three cases, a second stage operation was required.ResultsWe achieved satisfactory esthetic results in all patients. Postoperatively, the normal position of the eyelids and tissues from the periorbital zone was restored, providing ocular surface protection and reduction of patients' complaints.ConclusionCorrection of post-traumatic changes is often a challenge for oculoplastic surgeons. It requires the use of various reconstructive techniques demonstrated in our study. Achieving good results, however, is important for the functional and social rehabilitation of patients with such problems

    Collembola Communities in Different Compost Types as Bioindicator of Substrate Quality

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    Collembolans are a good indicator of the degree of mineralization and humification of the soil. Their ecological characteristics, habitat and feeding type can help the analysis of composting processes and determining the quality of the resulting substrate. A particular interest is the potential antagonistic effect of compost on soil plant euedaphic life forms pathogens and phytophagous arthropods.The aim of this study was to establish the quality differences between the four types of mature compost by studying the structure of Collembola communities in them. The investigations were carried out with two substrates composed of forest wastes and two substrates composed of agricultural wastes. The difference between the compost types was the origin and size of the substrate particles. The results were obtained by field and laboratory studies. In the studied composts, the identified species were hemiedaphic, euedaphic and atmobiont. Hemiedaphic life forms dominated in the compost of agricultural wastes. The have the highest density into the compost of forest wastes. With regard to food sources the collembolans established species were divided into three ecological functional groups: herbivores, predators and detritivores. The groups of predators and herbivores were the smallest, and the most numerous were the detritivores. The detritivores population was established in high population density in the compost of forest wastes. The studies allow evaluating the found differences in the collembolans species composition and their number in the studied compost types. The results could be used as an estimate of the composting process and the quality of the compost

    The effect of teaching methods on cognitive achievement in biology studying

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    The purpose of this paper is to determine the effects of usage of sequential teaching method on the academic achievement and retention level of students. Three student groups of biology students in University “Goce Delcev”, Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences, Institute of Biology, - Stip, R. Macedonia were offered a topic on general characteristics of Proteins: Their Biological Functions and Primary Structure with different sequences of 3 teaching methods. The teaching methods were Laboratory method (student experiment), slide demonstration and lecture method. The first group started to course with experiments in the laboratory, then the relevant theory of proteins was given lecture method, and then the slides was shown (Group I). The sequence of these three teaching methods used in the first group was changed in both second and third group as follow: The lecture methods, slide show and experiment in Group II, and slide show, experiment and lecture method in Group III, respectively. Laboratory method used in the study was focused on the topic of This diversity and abundance reflect the central role of proteins in virtually all aspects of cell structure and function. An extraordinary diversity of cellular activity is possible only because of the versatility inherent in proteins, each of which is specifically tailored to its biological role. The pattern by which each is tailored resides within the genetic information of cells, encoded in a specific sequence of nucleotide bases in DNA proteins activity, a student experiment was designed for this reason, and including to examine its features, effective factors, and relation between the structure and function of the proteins. This experiment was carried out by students. Slide demonstration method included slides about protein structure and function. The slides were shown by teachers. Lecture method was performed by teachers as usual. Effectiveness of different sequential teaching methods was measured quantitatively by an achievement test. Achievement test contained 20 questions, testing the knowledge of facts as well as the ability to transfer the knowledge and problem solving ability. This test was used as pre-test before methods’ application, post-test after the methods’ application and retention test after 30 days from methods’ applied

    STEAME Model in Action: Challenges and Solutions in Mastering the Digital Culture

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    Due to the digital transformation of everyday practice the process of education has become more complicated than ever before. The role of teachers is more complex as they are not the only source of information and knowledge for their students anymore. Formally or informally, they need to help students develop new competencies and prepare them for the unknown future in the fast-growing and changing labor market. Essential part of these new competencies lies in the interconnected fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. In order for students to obtain them a variety of learning approaches have to be applied in an interdisciplinary educational environment and digital culture. The new generations of digital natives grow up with a set of skills about engaging in the digital world as a basic knowledge. Furthermore, to provide students with more holistic understanding the concepts of Arts are integrated with STEM to become STEAM education. This chapter presents extended education model taking STEM and STEAM to the next level and bringing the Entrepreneurship discipline to create an integrated STEAME curriculum. This chapter presents an integrated STEAME curriculum model, methodology for its implementation and STEAME classroom and environment design as a new education approach to tackle the challenges of the development of skills for the 21st century

    Caracteristici de calitate a biscuiţilor funcţionali îmbogăţiţi cu făină de ţelină

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    L’étude présente les résultats de l’analyse qualitative de craquelins fonctionnels innovatifs enrichis en farine de céleri dans le contexte d'une alimentation saine et des frais de transaction des producteurs. Le développement d'aliments fonctionnels innovatifs en enrichissant les craquelins de farine de céleri est efficace. Les craquelins enrichis en farine de céleri ont une teneur élevée en fibres. Ils sont également une source de protéines. Les caractéristiques chimiques et sensorielles des craquelins enrichis en farine de céleri déterminent leur pertinence pour une alimentation saine dans le cadre de la prévention et du traitement de grandes maladies à incidences sociales


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    Introduction. Data for the long-term effects of SARS-CoV-2/HIV co-infection on immune restoration, as well as the level of post-exposure and post-vaccination immunity at the current stage of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in HIV+ individuals is still scarce. We assessed SARS-CoV-2-specific immune responses, and the effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection on the immune recovery in HIV+cART+ patients with different exposure history.  Materials and methods. HIV+cART+ patients 9 (2-18) months after mild/moderate COVID-19 and completed immunization with anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccine (n=13, group A), convalescent, not immunized (n=11, group B), or with no history of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 (n=11, group C) were included in the study. CD4AC and CD4/CD8 ratio were determined before and after the documented/probable contact with SARS-CoV-2 by 4-color flow cytometry (TRUCount, MultiTest, FACSCanto II). Virus-specific immunity was characterized by the SARS-CoV-2 specific IFNγ production (SARS-CoV-2 IGRA, Euroimmun) and the levels of RBD-IgG ((Euroimmun ELISA).  Results. SARS-CoV-2 specific T-cell and IgG responses were highly correlated and present, respectively, in 92% and 100%; 64% and 54%, 36% and 50% from group A, B and C patients. SARS-CoV-2 specific IFNy+T cells and RDB-IgG were significantly higher in the group with hybrid exposure (A) as compared to convalescent (B) and asymptomatic (C) patients. No significant difference existed between background and actual CD4AC (mean 836 vs 799 cells/µl, p>0.05, Mann-Whitney), and the CD4/CD8 ratio significantly increased in the group with hybrid exposure (0.92 vs 1.07, p<0.01, paired T-test).  Conclusion. Over 80% of tested HIV+ individuals have mounted a SARS-CoV-2 specific immune response. Immunization and hybrid exposure provide a durable and significantly stronger SARS-CoV-2-specific immune response as compared to mild/ asymptomatic infection, without affecting the long-term immune recovery

    Биологија на клетка

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    Биологијата на клетката е научна дисциплина која ја проучува клетката од различни аспекти, односно ја проучува нејзината форма, големина, структура, организација, нејзиниот развиток, физиологијата, интеракцијата со средината, животниот циклус, делбата и смрт. Современите сознанијата дека сите животни процеси се одвиваат на клеточно ниво, ја претставуваат и како наука на иднината. Тоа и овозможува значајно место и примена во многу други биолошки дисциплини, како што се физиологијата, генетиката, микробиологијата и др. За постигнатиот развиток големо значење имаат научните достигнувања од областа на хемијата и биохемијата. Биологијата на клетката, порано цитологијата (kytos = клетка, длабнатина, јама, празнина, λογία = наука) сé повеке се трансформира како интегрален дел на молекуларната биологија бидејки за многу прашања по однос на одделни клеточни системи и начинот на нивното дејствување одговорот сé повеке се бара на ниво на молекулите. Практикумот по Биологија на клетка е наменет за студентите од прв циклу кои го изучуваат истоимениот предмет на Факултетот по природни и технички науки

    Mediation by the proinflammatory cytokines interleukine-6 and -1ß

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    In der normalen Rattenleber werden Anaphylatoxin C5a-Rezeptoren (C5aR) ausschließlich von Nichtparenchymzellen - und zwar stark von Kupfferzellen und hepatischen Sternzellen, schwächer von sinusoidalen Endothelzellen - exprimiert, nicht jedoch von Hepatocyten. Es war bekannt, daß eine Infusion von LPS zu einer erhöhten C5aR-Expression in Lebern von Ratten und Mäusen führte. In diesen Studien wurde nicht geklärt, welcher Zelltyp vermehrt C5aR exprimiert. Daher wurde postuliert, daß der beobachtete Effekt - zumindest zum Teil - Resultat einer de novo- Expression von C5aR in Hepatocyten sein könnte. Tatsächlich löste eine in vivo-Behandlung von Ratten mit LPS, die eine Entzündungssituation simuliert, eine zeitabhängige Expression von C5aR-mRNA und -Protein in Hepatocyten aus. Zum Zeitpunkt der stärksten Protein-Expression - d.h. nach 8-10 h - waren die neu exrimierten C5a-Rezeptoren auch funktionell. RrC5a aktivierte in isolierten Hepatocyten aus LPS-behandelten Ratten im Unterschied zu Kontrolltieren direkt die Glykogen- Phosphorylase und setzte in perfundierten Lebern Prostanoid-unabhängig Glucose frei. Anders als bei Applikation in vivo- induzierte LPS in kultivierten Hepatocyten aus normaler Rattenleber keine C5aR; eine direkte Wirkung auf Hepatocyten wurde daher ausgeschlossen. Höchstgeeignete Kandidaten für die Rolle als Mediatoren der LPS-Wirkung auf Hepatocyten sind die proinflammatorischen Cytokine IL-6, IL-1ß und TNFα, die nach Aktivierung durch LPS aus zirkulierenden Monocyten/ Makrophagen aber auch aus Nichtparenchymzellen der Leber freigesetzt werden. Tatsächlich induzierte eine in vivo-Behandlung von Ratten mit IL-6 - ähnlich wie eine LPS-Behandlung, jedoch mit leicht unterschiedlicher Kinetik - eine zeitabhängigen C5aR-Rezeptor-Expression in Hepatocyten. Auch hier steigerte rrC5a direkt die Aktivität der hepatozellulären Glykogen-Phosphorylase in isolierten Zellen und Prostanoid-unabhängig die Glucose-Freisetzung in perfundierten Lebern. Anders als LPS iduzierte IL-6 auch in kultivierten Hepatocyten in vitro die Expression funktioneller C5aR. Die weiteren Cytokine IL-1ß und TNFα wurden wegen ihrer hohen Toxizität in vivo nur in in vitro-Experimenten eingesetzt: hier induzierte IL-1ß in vergleichbar starkem Maße wie IL-6 funktionelle C5a-Rezeptoren. Eine in vitro-Stimulation von Hepatocyten mit TNFα induzierte dagegen keine signifikanten Mengen C5aR-mRNA und -Protein. Die Resultate zeigen, daß Hepatocyten unter Entzündungsbedingungen funktionelle Anaphylatoxin-C5a-Rezeptoren de novo exprimieren. Möglicherweise wird dieser Effekt primär durch die aus Makrophagen wie Kupfferzellen sezernierten Entzündungsmediatoren IL-6 und IL-1ß vermittelt. Die de novo Expression von C5aR auf Hepatocyten hat entscheidende Konsequenzen für die Regulation hepatozellulärer Abwehrreaktionen wie der Freisetzung von Glucose als Energiequelle und Vorstufe für die Bildung reaktiver Sauerstoffintermediate: Sie wird unter Normalbedingungen indirekt durch Prostanoide aus Nichtparenchymzellen, unter Entzündungsbedingungen jedoch durch direkte Wirkung von C5a auf die Hepatocyten induziert. Diese Befunde unterstreichen die entscheidende Rolle von Anaphylatoxinen wie C5a für die Regulation nicht nur systemischer sondern auch hepatischer Abwehrreaktionen

    Applying appropriates methods for teaching cell biology

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    Cell biology is an important basic subject of modern life sciences, consisting of fundamental life activities of the cell at the microscopic, sub microscopic and molecular levels. The cell is the basic unit of living things, with all of the activities of life taking place in the cell and with is eases also due to abnormal changes of cells. With the current framework of teaching quality reform in higher education, this paper will review the current curriculum of a cell biology course and the ways in which it has been taught in the “Goce Delcev” University, Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences, Biology studies, Stip, R. Macedonia. Reasons for introducing new teaching methodologies to improve student-centred learning and self-directed learning will be discussed and three possible approaches which are considered more suitable for the large classes of first year students in cell biology will be considered: case study, team work and concept. The proposal will also make a case for the urgent development of an online student- centred learning environment, including possible activities that would be included in the course. A combination of multiple teaching approaches is necessary for changing students learning from surface learning to deep learning, passive learning to active learning, over-dependent learning to independent learning, and developing students in the ‘generic skills’ of a scientist and the skills for ‘lifelong’ learning including problem solving skills, communication skills, and cooperative skill