86 research outputs found

    Postmoderner Synkretismus am Beispiel von Prince und Madonna

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    The adult mammalian heart contains multiple cell types that work in unison under tightly regulated conditions to maintain homeostasis. Cardiac fibroblasts are a significant and unique population of non-muscle cells in the heart that have recently gained substantial interest in the cardiac biology community. To better understand this renaissance cell, it is essential to systematically survey what has been known in the literature about the cellular and molecular processes involved. We have built CARFMAP (http://visionet.erc.monash.edu.au/CARFMAP), an interactive cardiac fibroblast pathway map derived from the biomedical literature using a software-assisted manual data collection approach. CARFMAP is an information-rich interactive tool that enables cardiac biologists to explore the large body of literature in various creative ways. There is surprisingly little overlap between the cardiac fibroblast pathway map, a foreskin fibroblast pathway map, and a whole mouse organism signalling pathway map from the REACTOME database. Among the use cases of CARFMAP is a common task in our cardiac biology laboratory of identifying new genes that are (1) relevant to cardiac literature, and (2) differentially regulated in high-throughput assays. From the expression profiles of mouse cardiac and tail fibroblasts, we employed CARFMAP to characterise cardiac fibroblast pathways. Using CARFMAP in conjunction with transcriptomic data, we generated a stringent list of six genes that would not have been singled out using bioinformatics analyses alone. Experimental validation showed that five genes (Mmp3, Il6, Edn1, Pdgfc and Fgf10) are differentially regulated in the cardiac fibroblast. CARFMAP is a powerful tool for systems analyses of cardiac fibroblasts, facilitating systems-level cardiovascular research

    Dynamic Interstitial Cell Response during Myocardial Infarction Predicts Resilience to Rupture in Genetically Diverse Mice.

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    Cardiac ischemia leads to the loss of myocardial tissue and the activation of a repair process that culminates in the formation of a scar whose structural characteristics dictate propensity to favorable healing or detrimental cardiac wall rupture. To elucidate the cellular processes underlying scar formation, here we perform unbiased single-cell mRNA sequencing of interstitial cells isolated from infarcted mouse hearts carrying a genetic tracer that labels epicardial-derived cells. Sixteen interstitial cell clusters are revealed, five of which were of epicardial origin. Focusing on stromal cells, we define 11 sub-clusters, including diverse cell states of epicardial- and endocardial-derived fibroblasts. Comparing transcript profiles from post-infarction hearts in C57BL/6J and 129S1/SvImJ inbred mice, which displays a marked divergence in the frequency of cardiac rupture, uncovers an early increase in activated myofibroblasts, enhanced collagen deposition, and persistent acute phase response in 129S1/SvImJ mouse hearts, defining a crucial time window of pathological remodeling that predicts disease outcome

    Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity in Collaborative Cross (CC) Mice Recapitulates Individual Cardiotoxicity in Humans.

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    Anthracyclines cause progressive cardiotoxicity whose ultimate severity is individual to the patient. Genetic determinants contributing to this variation are difficult to study using current mouse models. Our objective was to determine whether a spectrum of anthracycline induced cardiac disease can be elicited across 10 Collaborative Cross mouse strains given the same dose of doxorubicin. Mice from ten distinct strains were given 5 mg/kg of doxorubicin intravenously once weekly for 5 weeks (total 25 mg/kg). Mice were killed at acute or chronic timepoints. Body weight was assessed weekly, followed by terminal complete blood count, pathology and a panel of biomarkers. Linear models were fit to assess effects of treatment, sex, and sex-by-treatment interactions for each timepoint. Impaired growth and cardiac pathology occurred across all strains. Severity of these varied by strain and sex, with greater severity in males. Cardiac troponin I and myosin light chain 3 demonstrated strain- and sex-specific elevations in the acute phase with subsequent decline despite ongoing progression of cardiac disease. Acute phase cardiac troponin I levels predicted the ultimate severity of cardiac pathology poorly, whereas myosin light chain 3 levels predicted the extent of chronic cardiac injury in males. Strain- and sex-dependent renal toxicity was evident. Regenerative anemia manifested during the acute period. We confirm that variable susceptibility to doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity observed in humans can be modeled in a panel of CC strains. In addition, we identified a potential predictive biomarker in males. CC strains provide reproducible models to explore mechanisms contributing to individual susceptibility in humans

    Variable outcomes of human heart attack recapitulated in genetically diverse mice.

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    Clinical variation in patient responses to myocardial infarction (MI) has been difficult to model in laboratory animals. To assess the genetic basis of variation in outcomes after heart attack, we characterized responses to acute MI in the Collaborative Cross (CC), a multi-parental panel of genetically diverse mouse strains. Striking differences in post-MI functional, morphological, and myocardial scar features were detected across 32 CC founder and recombinant inbred strains. Transcriptomic analyses revealed a plausible link between increased intrinsic cardiac oxidative phosphorylation levels and MI-induced heart failure. The emergence of significant quantitative trait loci for several post-MI traits indicates that utilizing CC strains is a valid approach for gene network discovery in cardiovascular disease, enabling more accurate clinical risk assessment and prediction

    Variable outcomes of human heart attack recapitulated in genetically diverse mice

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    Clinical variation in patient responses to myocardial infarction (MI) has been difficult to model in laboratory animals. To assess the genetic basis of variation in outcomes after heart attack, we characterized responses to acute MI in the Collaborative Cross (CC), a multi-parental panel of genetically diverse mouse strains. Striking differences in post-MI functional, morphological, and myocardial scar features were detected across 32 CC founder and recombinant inbred strains. Transcriptomic analyses revealed a plausible link between increased intrinsic cardiac oxidative phosphorylation levels and MI-induced heart failure. The emergence of significant quantitative trait loci for several post-MI traits indicates that utilizing CC strains is a valid approach for gene network discovery in cardiovascular disease, enabling more accurate clinical risk assessment and prediction

    Cross-Priming Dendritic Cells Exacerbate Immunopathology After Ischemic Tissue Damage in the Heart.

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    BACKGROUND: Ischemic heart disease is a leading cause of heart failure and despite advanced therapeutic options, morbidity and mortality rates remain high. Although acute inflammation in response to myocardial cell death has been extensively studied, subsequent adaptive immune activity and anti-heart autoimmunity may also contribute to the development of heart failure. After ischemic injury to the myocardium, dendritic cells (DC) respond to cardiomyocyte necrosis, present cardiac antigen to T cells, and potentially initiate a persistent autoimmune response against the heart. Cross-priming DC have the ability to activate both CD4 METHODS: We induced type 2 myocardial infarction-like ischemic injury in the heart by treatment with a single high dose of the Ξ²-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol. We characterized the DC population in the heart and mediastinal lymph nodes and analyzed long-term cardiac immunopathology and functional decline in wild type and RESULTS: A diverse DC population, including cross-priming DC, is present in the heart and activated after ischemic injury. CONCLUSION: Activation of cytotoxic CD

    Metformin intervention prevents cardiac dysfunction in a murine model of adult congenital heart disease.

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    OBJECTIVE: Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most frequent birth defect worldwide. The number of adult patients with CHD, now referred to as ACHD, is increasing with improved surgical and treatment interventions. However the mechanisms whereby ACHD predisposes patients to heart dysfunction are still unclear. ACHD is strongly associated with metabolic syndrome, but how ACHD interacts with poor modern lifestyle choices and other comorbidities, such as hypertension, obesity, and diabetes, is mostly unknown. METHODS: We used a newly characterized mouse genetic model of ACHD to investigate the consequences and the mechanisms associated with combined obesity and ACHD predisposition. Metformin intervention was used to further evaluate potential therapeutic amelioration of cardiac dysfunction in this model. RESULTS: ACHD mice placed under metabolic stress (high fat diet) displayed decreased left ventricular ejection fraction. Comprehensive physiological, biochemical, and molecular analysis showed that ACHD hearts exhibited early changes in energy metabolism with increased glucose dependence as main cardiac energy source. These changes preceded cardiac dysfunction mediated by exposure to high fat diet and were associated with increased disease severity. Restoration of metabolic balance by metformin administration prevented the development of heart dysfunction in ACHD predisposed mice. CONCLUSIONS: This study reveals that early metabolic impairment reinforces heart dysfunction in ACHD predisposed individuals and diet or pharmacological interventions can be used to modulate heart function and attenuate heart failure. Our study suggests that interactions between genetic and metabolic disturbances ultimately lead to the clinical presentation of heart failure in patients with ACHD. Early manipulation of energy metabolism may be an important avenue for intervention in ACHD patients to prevent or delay onset of heart failure and secondary comorbidities. These interactions raise the prospect for a translational reassessment of ACHD presentation in the clinic

    Single cell sequencing reveals endothelial plasticity with transient mesenchymal activation after myocardial infarction.

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    Endothelial cells play a critical role in the adaptation of tissues to injury. Tissue ischemia induced by infarction leads to profound changes in endothelial cell functions and can induce transition to a mesenchymal state. Here we explore the kinetics and individual cellular responses of endothelial cells after myocardial infarction by using single cell RNA sequencing. This study demonstrates a time dependent switch in endothelial cell proliferation and inflammation associated with transient changes in metabolic gene signatures. Trajectory analysis reveals that the majority of endothelial cells 3 to 7 days after myocardial infarction acquire a transient state, characterized by mesenchymal gene expression, which returns to baseline 14 days after injury. Lineage tracing, using the Cdh5-CreERT2;mT/mG mice followed by single cell RNA sequencing, confirms the transient mesenchymal transition and reveals additional hypoxic and inflammatory signatures of endothelial cells during early and late states after injury. These data suggest that endothelial cells undergo a transient mes-enchymal activation concomitant with a metabolic adaptation within the first days after myocardial infarction but do not acquire a long-term mesenchymal fate. This mesenchymal activation may facilitate endothelial cell migration and clonal expansion to regenerate the vascular network

    Complex SUMO-1 Regulation of Cardiac Transcription Factor Nkx2-5

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    Reversible post-translational protein modifications such as SUMOylation add complexity to cardiac transcriptional regulation. The homeodomain transcription factor Nkx2-5/Csx is essential for heart specification and morphogenesis. It has been previously suggested that SUMOylation of lysine 51 (K51) of Nkx2-5 is essential for its DNA binding and transcriptional activation. Here, we confirm that SUMOylation strongly enhances Nkx2-5 transcriptional activity and that residue K51 of Nkx2-5 is a SUMOylation target. However, in a range of cultured cell lines we find that a point mutation of K51 to arginine (K51R) does not affect Nkx2-5 activity or DNA binding, suggesting the existence of additional Nkx2-5 SUMOylated residues. Using biochemical assays, we demonstrate that Nkx2-5 is SUMOylated on at least one additional site, and this is the predominant site in cardiac cells. The second site is either non-canonical or a β€œshifting” site, as mutation of predicted consensus sites and indeed every individual lysine in the context of the K51R mutation failed to impair Nkx2-5 transcriptional synergism with SUMO, or its nuclear localization and DNA binding. We also observe SUMOylation of Nkx2-5 cofactors, which may be critical to Nkx2-5 regulation. Our data reveal highly complex regulatory mechanisms driven by SUMOylation to modulate Nkx2-5 activity
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