108 research outputs found

    Developing a disturbance index and extreme land surface temperature in the western United States

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    Effect of Recent Curriculum Studies on the Content of Ninth Grade Algebra Textbooks

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    The specific problem of this thesis was to discover how much new material has been included in certain ninth grade algebra textbooks. The author hoped to find some of this material in every textbook and to show a relationship between the amount of new material in a text book and its date of publication

    A global comparison between station air temperatures and MODIS land surface temperatures reveals the cooling role of forests

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    Most global temperature analyses are based on station air temperatures. This study presents a global analysis of the relationship between remotely sensed annual maximum LST (LSTmax) from the Aqua/Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor and the corresponding site-based maximum air temperature (Tamax) for every World Meteorological Organization station on Earth. The relationship is analyzed for different land cover types. We observed a strong positive correlation between LSTmax and Tamax. As temperature increases, LSTmax increases faster than Tamax and captures additional information on the concentration of thermal energy at the Earth\u27s surface, and biophysical controls on surface temperature, such as surface roughness and transpirational cooling. For hot conditions and in nonforested cover types, LST is more closely coupled to the radiative and thermodynamic characteristics of the Earth than the air temperature (Tair). Barren areas, shrublands, grasslands, savannas, and croplands have LSTmax values between 10°C and 20°C hotter than the corresponding Tamax at higher temperatures. Forest cover types are the exception with a near 1:1 relationship between LSTmax and Tamax across the temperature range and 38°C as the approximate upper limit of LSTmax with the exception of subtropical deciduous forest types where LSTmax occurs after canopy senescence. The study shows a complex interaction between land cover and surface energy balances. This global, semiautomated annual analysis could provide a new, unique, monitoring metric for integrating land cover change and energy balance changes

    Satellite Finds Highest Land Skin Temperatures on Earth

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    The location of the hottest spot on Earth has undoubtedly been an interesting curiosity for centuries. Even with the advent of the instrumental temperature record around the year 1850, the location of the hottest spot on Earth has continued to be the subject of debate and controversy. In 1913, the weather station at Furnace Creek in Death Valley National Park, California, measured an air temperature of 56.7°C (134.1°F) and claimed the title of “hottest place on Earth.” Nine years later in El Azizia, Libya, an air temperature of 57.8°C (136°F) was recorded on land owned by an Italian farmer and the title of the “hottest place on Earth” moved from the United States to Libya. The 1922 air temperature measurement from El Azizia has never been surpassed. In reality, finding the hottest spot on Earth based on scattered site-based air temperature measurements is a limited approach due to the poor spatial coverage of the instruments where measurements are taken compared with Earth’s expansive barren deserts where the hottest conditions occur. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has approximately 11,119 weather stations on Earth’s land surface collecting surface temperature observations (ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/gsod/2010). When compared to the 144.68 million km2 of land surface, that’s one station every 13,012 km2. The Earth’s hot deserts, such as the Sahara, the Gobi, the Sonoran, and the Lut, are climatically harsh and so remote that access for routine measurements and maintenance of a weather station is impractical. The majority of Earth’s potentially hottest spots are simply not being directly measured by ground-based instruments. Satellites provide a continuous view of Earth’s surface, allowing equal observation of the most remote areas and the most accessible. However, satellites do not measure the near-surface air temperature; instead they measure the radiometric surface temperature, or skin temperature, a different physical parameter

    A forest vulnerability index based on drought and high temperatures

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    Increasing forest stress and tree mortality has been directly linked to combinations of drought and high temperatures. The climatic changes expected during the next decades – large increases in mean temperature, increased heat waves, and significant long-term regional drying in the western USA – will likely increase chronic forest stress and mortality. The aim of this research is to develop and apply a new forest vulnerability index (FVI) associated with drought and high temperatures across the Pacific Northwest region (PNW; Oregon and Washington) of the USA during the MODIS Aqua era (since 2003). Our technique incorporates the alterations to canopy water and energy exchange processes caused by drought and high temperatures with spatially continuous MODIS land surface temperature (LST) and evapotranspiration (ET), and with Parameter-elevation Relationships on Independent Slopes Model (PRISM) precipitation (P) data.With P and ET, we calculate a monthly water balance variable for each individual pixel normalized by forest type group (FTG), and then difference the water balance with the corresponding normalized monthly mean LST to calculate a monthly forest stress index (FSI). We then extract the pixel-specific (800-mresolution) statistically significant temporal trends of the FSI from 2003 to 2012 by month (April to October). The FVI is the slope of the monthly FSI across years, such that there is a FVI for each month. Statistically significant positive slopes indicate interannual increases in stress leading to expected forest vulnerability (positive FVI) for a given month. Positive FVI values were concentrated in the months of August and September, with peak vulnerability occurring at different times for different FTGs. Overall, increased vulnerability rates were the highest in drier FTGs such as Ponderosa Pine, Juniper, and Lodgepole Pine. Western Larch and Fir/Spruce/Mountain Hemlock groups occupy moister sites but also had relatively high proportion of positive FVI values. The Douglas-fir group had the second largest total area of increased vulnerability due to its large areal extent in the study area. Based on an analysis using imagery viewed in Google Earth, we confirm that areas with increased vulnerability are associated with greater amounts of stress and mortality. The FVI is a new way to conceptualize and monitor forest vulnerability based on first-order principles and has the potential to be generalized to other geographical areas

    A New Satellite-Based Methodology for Continental-Scale Disturbance Detection

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    The timing, location, and magnitude of major disturbance events are currently major uncertainties in the global carbon cycle. Accurate information on the location, spatial extent, and duration of disturbance at the continental scale is needed to evaluate the ecosystem impacts of land cover changes due to wildfire, insect epidemics, flooding, climate change, and human-triggered land use. This paper describes an algorithm developed to serve as an automated, economical, systematic disturbance detection index for global application using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)/Aqua Land Surface Temperature (LST) and Terra/MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) data from 2003 to 2004. The algorithm is based on the consistent radiometric relationship between LST and EVI computed on a pixel-by-pixel basis. We used annual maximum composite LST data to detect fundamental changes in land–surface energy partitioning, while avoiding the high natural variability associated with tracking LST at daily, weekly, or seasonal time frames. Verification of potential disturbance events from our algorithm was carried out by demonstration of close association with independently confirmed, well-documented historical wildfire events throughout the study domain. We also examined the response of the disturbance index to irrigation by comparing a heavily irrigated poplar tree farm to the adjacent semiarid vegetation. Anomalous disturbance results were further examined by association with precipitation variability across areas of the study domain known for large interannual vegetation variability. The results illustrate that our algorithm is capable of detecting the location and spatial extent of wildfire with precision, is sensitive to the incremental process of recovery of disturbed landscapes, and shows strong sensitivity to irrigation. Disturbance detection in areas with high interannual variability of precipitation will benefit from a multiyear data set to better separate natural variability from true disturbance

    Thermal Anomalies Detect Critical Global Land Surface Changes

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    Measurements that link surface conditions and climate can provide critical information on important biospheric changes occurring in the Earth system. As the direct driving force of energy and water fluxes at the surface–atmosphere interface, land surface temperature (LST) provides information on physical processes of land-cover change and energy-balance changes that air temperature cannot provide. Annual maximum LST (LSTmax) is especially powerful at minimizing synoptic and seasonal variability and highlighting changes associated with extreme climatic events and significant land-cover changes. The authors investigate whether maximum thermal anomalies from satellite observations could detect heat waves and droughts, a melting cryosphere, and disturbances in the tropical forest from 2003 to 2014. The 1-km2 LSTmax anomalies peaked in 2010 when 20% of the global land area experienced anomalies of greater than 1 standard deviation and over 4% of the global land area was subject to positive anomalies exceeding 2 standard deviations. Positive LSTmax anomalies display complex spatial patterns associated with heat waves and droughts across the global land area. The findings presented herein show that entire biomes are experiencing shifts in their LSTmax distributions driven by extreme climatic events and large-scale land surface changes, such as melting of ice sheets, severe droughts, and the incremental effects of forest loss in tropical forests. As climate warming and land-cover changes continue, it is likely that Earth’s maximum surface temperatures will experience greater and more frequent directional shifts, increasing the possibility that critical thresholds in Earth’s ecosystems and climate system will be surpassed, resulting in profound and irreversible changes

    Observations and assessment of forest carbon dynamics following disturbance in North America

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    Disturbance processes of various types substantially modify ecosystem carbon dynamics both temporally and spatially, and constitute a fundamental part of larger landscape-level dynamics. Forests typically lose carbon for several years to several decades following severe disturbance, but our understanding of the duration and dynamics of post-disturbance forest carbon fluxes remains limited. Here we capitalize on a recent North American Carbon Program disturbance synthesis to discuss techniques and future work needed to better understand carbon dynamics after forest disturbance. Specifically, this paper addresses three topics: (1) the history, spatial distribution, and characteristics of different types of disturbance (in particular fire, insects, and harvest) in North America; (2) the integrated measurements and experimental designs required to quantify forest carbon dynamics in the years and decades after disturbance, as presented in a series of case studies; and (3) a synthesis of the greatest uncertainties spanning these studies, as well as the utility of multiple types of observations (independent but mutually constraining data) in understanding their dynamics. The case studies—in the southeast U.S., central boreal Canada, U.S. Rocky Mountains, and Pacific Northwest—explore how different measurements can be used to constrain and understand carbon dynamics in regrowing forests, with the most important measurements summarized for each disturbance type. We identify disturbance severity and history as key but highly uncertain factors driving post-disturbance carbon source-sink dynamics across all disturbance types. We suggest that imaginative, integrative analyses using multiple lines of evidence, increased measurement capabilities, shared models and online data sets, and innovative numerical algorithms hold promise for improved understanding and prediction of carbon dynamics in disturbance-prone forests
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